[23] His visit to the United States gained him many friends in Congress after he spoke openly against Soviet influence in the Middle East, returning with a $50million aid package. [72] King Hussein had changed his line of succession a total of four times: "From his brother Muhammad, to his infant son Abdullah, to his second brother Hassan, and again to his then-grown-up son Abdullah. [23], Hazza' Majali was appointed by Hussein to form a government; it consisted of loyalists who had persuaded Hussein to launch an offensive against the Iraqi government to restore the Hashemite monarchy. He died on February 7, 1999, Amman, Jordan. Jordan appeared to have blocked the ICIJ website on Sunday, hours before the Pandora papers launched. [29] The incident drew fierce local criticism of Hussein amid feelings he had been betrayed by the Israelis; Hussein also suspected that Israel had changed its attitude towards Jordan and had intended to escalate matters in order to capture the West Bank. [48] In 1978 Hussein went to Baghdad for the first time since 1958; there, he met Iraqi politician Saddam Hussein. [98] In a 1999 interview Henry Kissinger described being flown by Hussein, saying that "he was a daring pilot, and he would be zooming along at treetop level, and my wife, in order to be politely insistent would say, 'You know I didn't know helicopters could fly so low.' "[32] In a meeting with American officials, Hussein, sometimes with tears in his eyes, said: "The growing split between the East Bank and the West Bank has ruined my dreams," and, "There is near despair in the army and the army no longer has confidence in me. [88], Hussein established the Al-Amal medical center in 1997, a clinic specializing in cancer treatment in Jordan. [15] A 3,000-man Syrian force started moving south towards the Jordanian border in support of what they perceived as a coup attempt, but turned around after the army units showed their loyalty to the King. [51], On 9 December 1987 an Israeli truck driver ran over four Palestinians in a Gaza refugee camp, sparking unrest that spread to violent demonstrations in the West Bank. By Sue Surkes 11 January 2018, 1:49 am. The country had few natural resources, and a large Palestinian refugee population as a result of the 1948 ArabIsraeli War. [31] Jordanians believed that after this incident, Israel would march on the West Bank whether or not Jordan joined the war. Hussein, a constitutional monarch, started his rule with what was termed a "liberal experiment", allowing in 1956 the formation of the only democratically elected government in Jordan's history. [85] In 1980, an Israeli intelligence report described Hussein to be as "a man trapped on a bridge burning at both ends, with crocodiles in the river beneath him. [61] But Western pundits viewed Hussein's actions as impulsive and emotional, claiming that he could have dampened Jordanian public support for Iraq through better leadership. [51] On 8 November 1987 Jordan hosted an Arab League summit; Hussein enjoyed good relations with rival Arab blocs, and he acted as conciliatory intermediate. [6] Hussein was also shot, but the bullet was deflected by a medal on his uniform that his grandfather had given him. [55] In 1986 a new electoral law was passed, which allowed the reintroduction of parliamentary elections to proceed smoothly. [2], Hussein's grandfather, King Abdullah I, the founder of modern Jordan, did not see in his two sons Talal and Nayef potential for kingship, and therefore he focused his efforts on the upbringing of his grandson Hussein. [10] The local unrest, periodically fueled by propaganda transmitted from Egyptian radios, was only calmed after the King appointed a new prime minister who promised not to enter the Baghdad Pact. [20] Jordan reacted by arresting 40 suspected army officers, and Hussein called in Iraqi army chief of staff Rafiq Aref to brief him on the exposed plot. According to Biography, Hussein's interest in politics began when he was young. [64] Due to the close relationship forged with Rabin during the negotiations of the treaty, Hussein was invited to give a speech during Rabin's funeral in Jerusalem. [87] The moves impeded Jordan's path towards democracy that had started in 1956 and resumed in 1989. Paperback. Crown Prince Hussein's fiance was raised in the Kingdom. [60] After informing the American president George H. W. Bush of his intention to travel to Baghdad to contain the situation,[60] Hussein travelled to Baghdad on 3 August for a meeting with Saddam; at the meeting, the latter announced his intention to withdraw Iraqi troops from Kuwait only if Arab governments refrained from issuing statements of condemnation, and no foreign troops were involved. As a member of the Hashemite dynasty, the royal family of Jordan since 1921, Hussein was a 40th-generation direct descendant of Muhammad. Hussein's demise was "a single bullet away," mused Ben-Gurion, after one of many plots in Amman was foiled. [82] The King's funeral was held in the Raghadan Palace. [50] A year and a half later, a renewed effort by Hussein to jump start the peace process culminated in the establishment of a JordanPLO accord that sought a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an unprecedented milestone for the PLO and a Jordanian diplomatic victory. [10], The teenaged king inherited the throne not only of Jordan, but also of the West Bank, captured by Jordan during the 1948 ArabIsraeli War and annexed in 1950. [32] President Nasser of Egypt denounced Hussein as an "imperialist lackey. [63] The Bush administration were still angry at Hussein for the Gulf War events but realized they needed Jordan's participation in any peace process. [22] American troops landed in both Lebanon and Jordan as a show of support for pro-Western regimes in the region against the Nasserist tide. [55] Hussein relented to the demands by dismissing Al-Rifai, and appointed Zaid ibn Shaker to form a new government. Another plot was uncovered after a large number of cats were found dead in the royal palace; it emerged that the cook had been trying poisons to use against the king. The move exposes a. "[13] On 29 October 1956, the Suez Crisis erupted in Egypt, as Britain, France, and Israel launched a military offensive to seize control of the canal. Hussein was born in Amman on 14 November 1935 to Crown Prince Talal and Princess Zein al-Sharaf. [97], Hussein was a trained pilot, flying both airplanes and helicopters as a hobby. [14] Nabulsi's government was forced to resign on 10 April. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford. Hussein, who survived dozens of assassination attempts and plots to overthrow him, was the region's longest-reigning leader. [56] On 16 April 1989 the government increased prices of gasoline, licensing fees, alcoholic beverages, and cigarettes, between 15% to 50%, in a bid to increase revenues in accordance with an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Hussein I of Jordan. [25] He was later pardoned and released after Hussein received a plea from the cook's daughter. [34] The Egyptian army commander in Cairo transmitted to General Riad that the Israeli strike had failed, and that Israel's Air Force was almost wiped out. [67] Hussein called American President Clinton and requested his intervention, threatening to annul the treaty if Israel did not provide the antidote. [51] He helped mobilize Arab support for Iraq against Iran, and for Jordan's peace efforts, and helped to end the decade-long Arab boycott of Egypt a boycott that began after it unilaterally signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979. [9] On 20 July 1951, 15-year-old Prince Hussein travelled to Jerusalem to perform Friday prayers at the Masjid Al-Aqsa with his grandfather. We will update Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan's Height, weight, Body Measurements, Eye Color, Hair Color, Shoe & Dress size soon as possible. Queen Noor of Jordan is a queen dowager of Jordan. [63] He called on extremists on both the right and left of the political spectrum to end their opposition to the peace negotiations, denounced what he saw as the Gulf countries' undemocratic nature, and called on Saddam to introduce democracy to Iraq. human. [37] The next day, a force from Syria with PLO markings started advancing towards Irbid, which the fedayeen declared a "liberated" city. With a reign that long, it seemed almost inevitable that Hussein made more than a few enemies. [85] His 58 secret meetings held with Israeli representatives since 1963 culminated in the signing of the IsraelJordan peace treaty in 1994, which he considered to be his "crowning achievement. [85] He was able to gain his country considerable political weight on a global scale despite its limited potential. Hussein was born in Amman as the eldest child of Talal bin Abdullah and Zein al-Sharaf bint Jamil. [57], Despite the fact that the protests were triggered by a troubling economic situation, the crowds' demands became political. Birthday: November 14, 1935 ( Scorpio) Born In: Amman, Jordan 22 9 Emperors & Kings #131 Historical Personalities #135 Quick Facts Also Known As: Hussein bin Talal, Hussein bin Talal bin Abdullah bin Hussein Died At Age: 63 Family: Spouse/Ex-: Alia Baha ed din Touqan, Antoinette Avril Gardiner, Lisa Halaby father: King Talal bin Abdullah [34] Hussein was not there, the CIA station chief in Amman Jack O'Connell relayed a message threatening the Israelis, and the attempts stopped. [55] The last parliamentary election had taken place in 1967, just before Jordan lost the West Bank, and when the parliament's tenure ended in 1971, no elections could be held due to the fact that the West Bank was under Israeli occupation, but the West Bank's status became irrelevant after Jordan's disengagement in 1988. [75] Doctors advised him to rest and stay in England for a few weeks, as he was still too fragile to travel. At first, Israeli leaders were dismissive of his inexperience and gave short odds for his longevity. [37] Hussein saw this as the last straw, and ordered the army to move. [4] Hussein claimed to be an agnatic descendant of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and her husband Ali, the fourth caliph, since Hussein belonged to the Hashemite family, which had ruled Mecca for over 700 years until its 1925 conquest by the House of Saud and has ruled Jordan since 1921. [26] During the summit Nasser also attempted to convince Hussein to purchase Soviet weapons, but the Americans provided Hussein with tanks and jets instead, with the understanding that they would not be used in the West Bank at Israel's request. Timothy served a prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter and died in 2003.[100]. Under his leadership, Jordan weathered all the crises, revolutions, violence and. It is the courage to meet the adversary, his attitudes and arguments, the courage to face hardships, the courage to bury senseless illusions, the courage to surmount impeding obstacles, the courage to engage in a dialogue to tear down the walls of fear and suspicion. BIOGRAPHY Born in Amman on June 28, 1994, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was named in honor of his grandfather; His Late Majesty King Hussein bin Talal, the founder of modern Jordan. [45] The relationship between Jordan and the United States deteriorated when Jordan refused to join the Camp David Accords. At the time of his passing, he was the longest serving executive head of state in the world. [72], In October 1998 Bill Clinton invited Hussein, during his stay at the clinic for chemotherapy treatment, to attend the Wye Plantation talks after a stalemate was reached between the Israeli and Palestinian delegations. RIYADH: Jordan's royal court on Wednesday announced the engagement of the country's Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah to Saudi national Rajwa Khaled bin Musaed bin Saif bin Abdulaziz Al-Saif.. [71] Hussein gained the respect of the Mayo Clinic staff for his warmth and kindness; on one occasion, a janitor cried uncontrollably after Hussein prepared a birthday party for her in his suite. King Hussein with son and heir Abdullah. [26] The PLO started to demand that the Jordanian government legalize their activities, including the setting up of Palestinian armed units to fight Israel; the requests were denied. [61] Jordan dispatched an armored division to its borders with Iraq, and Hussein's eldest son Abdullah was in charge of a Cobra helicopter squadron. [44], Egypt and Syria launched the Yom Kippur War against Israel in the Sinai and in the Golan Heights on 6 October 1973 without Hussein's knowledge. [60], On 6 August American troops arrived at the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian border, Saddam's conditions were ignored, and Hussein's role as mediator was undermined. [70] However, the crackdown led the opposition groups in Jordan to boycott the 1997 parliamentary elections. Foreign policy In his new role, Abdullah continued to follow many of his father's policies. [63] The conference set a framework for negotiations, and PLO representatives offered to accept a Palestinian state under a confederation with Jordan. [13] Nabulsi's policies frequently clashed with that of King Hussein's, including on how to deal with the Eisenhower Doctrine. [60] On Hussein's way back from Baghdad, Egypt issued a condemnation of the Iraqi invasion. Height in Feet: 5 3 . "[64], Jordan's signing of a peace treaty with Israel, and other issues, were met with disdain by Syria's president Hafez Al-Assad. [67] Furious, Hussein met with an Israeli delegate who attempted to explain the situation; the King said in a speech about the incident that he felt that somebody "had spat in his face. Maybe others could, others who were distant, who were not equally aware or involved. [20] It also emerged in Jordan that the UAR was planning to overthrow both Hashemite monarchies in July 1958. [60] Saddam's invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 led six months later to international intervention to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait in what became known as the Gulf War. [13] The King had requested Nabulsi, as prime minister, to crack down on the Communist Party and the media it controlled. Famlia e primeiros anos de vida. Tribute to the Memory of His Majesty King Hussein Ibn Talal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. [26] In the talks, Hussein highlighted his commitment to a peaceful resolution to the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. [51] After reaching an agreement between Hussein and Peres on establishing an international peace conference, Shamir and the rest of the ministers in his cabinet rejected the proposal. . Famous Prince Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan was born on June 28, 1994 in Amman. [67] On 9 March 1997 Hussein sent Netanyahu a three-page letter expressing his disappointment. His Majesty King Abdullah on Thursday laid the foundation stone for the King Hussein Cancer Centre's (KHCC) King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein Building She attended Syracuse University. [67] The King lambasted Netanyahu, with the letter's opening sentence stating: "My distress is genuine and deep over the accumulating tragic actions which you have initiated at the head of the Government of Israel, making peace the worthiest objective of my life appear more and more like a distant elusive mirage. He is an actor, known for West Wing Week (2010), 20 heures le journal (1981) and Menschen und Mchte (1963). [49] The PLO was to be expelled from Lebanon, and Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Defense minister, suggested they be moved to Jordan where the monarchy would be toppled and Jordan would serve as an "alternative Palestinian homeland. [63] Hussein was referred to the Mayo Clinic in the United States after having urological problems; he had his left kidney removed after tests showed his ureter contained precancerous cells. [23] News of the arrest of the conspiring officers in Jordan coincided with Hussein's visit to the US. Because Hussein was only 16 years old at the time, a Regency Council was created to govern him until he reached the age of majority. In the picture shared with their 6.2 million followers, William could be seen chatting to Crown Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah II as he left the plane. Every aspect of life was interrelated and interlinked in some way or another. [88] By 1999 90% of Jordanians had been born during Hussein's reign. [20] UAR-inspired conspiracies started to emerge against the Hashemite federation. She is exactly two months older than Prince Hussein, who was born on June 28, 1994. "[27] The Palestinian nationalist organization Fatah started organizing cross-border attacks against Israel in January 1965, often drawing Israeli reprisals on Jordan. [79] On Tuesday 2 February, the king received a bone marrow transplant, which failed. [13] Hussein was also supportive of the moves. [64], On 4 November 1995 the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist, who aimed to undermine Rabin's peace efforts with the Palestinians. "[52] US Secretary of State George P. Shultz set up a peace process that became known as the Schulz Initiative. . [13] The parliamentary election held on 21 October 1956 saw the National Socialist Party emerge as the largest party, winning 12 seats out of 40 in the House of Representatives. The King renounced Jordan's ties to the West Bank in 1988 after the Palestine Liberation Organization was recognized internationally as the sole representative of the Palestinians. [65] In Israel, Shimon Peres of the leftist Labor Party and Benjamin Netanyahu of the right-wing Likud party, were competing for the post of prime minister. [2], From an affair with the American Jewish actress Susan Cabot Hussein had an alleged illegitimate son, Timothy. [64] Jordan's relations with the United States greatly improved: $700million worth of Jordan's debt was forgiven by the United States Congress, and Bill Clinton's administration authorized a substantial flow of aid to Jordan. [85] British aid in the early 1950s, American aid from 1957 onwards, Gulf aid in the 1960s and 1970s, Arab League and Iraqi aid in the early 1980s, and, after formalizing peace with Israel, American aid in the 1990s. Documents made . [10] Mulki's liberal policies, including freedom of the press, led to unrest as opposition groups started a propaganda campaign against the monarchy. Disagreements between the monarchy and the leftist government culminated in March 1957 when Nabulsi provided Hussein with a list of senior officers in the military he wanted to dismiss; Hussein initially heeded the recommendations. "[50], Jordan started a crackdown on the PLO by closing their offices in Amman after the Israeli minister of defense, Yitzhak Rabin, requested it from Hussein in a secret meeting.