It's time to unravel Captain Nemo's secret and find the lost traces of his scientific findings! Setup. > You will receive an interactive box with various puzzles. This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our Dann schau dir auf jeden Fall unsere Detective Stories an! We are sure that you are the one, who will finally be able to open the locker and force Davy Jones to admit his defeat. , Sobald ihr wisst, wie die Mission ablaufen wird, wer welche Einstze bernimmt, und welche Fhigkeiten an welcher Stelle gebraucht werden, knnt ihr mit Phase zwei beginnen. Gattardo ist genau das richtige fr dich! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.

His loss will be felt by all. Then you are at the right place! Davy Jones' Locker is the medium difficulty puzzle of the ClueBox lineup.

Im ersten Schritt msst ihr dann die ganzen Unterlagen sichten und einordnen: Was genau ist passiert? Two keys from the upper part of the box serve as keys for this lock. Cluebox had a light story behind it and a series of clues engraved into its sides. Hold order to combine with a future order (You will pay postage now; excess postage refunded upon shipment) This allows us to improve your user FREE shipping for orders $75+ and $2.99 flat-rate shipping for orders under $75. Get your parcel quickly with our Priority International shipping option. Cluebox is an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Two keys from another part of the box serve as keys for this lock. This is the final step to reset and lock the box. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

The box is genious, made with passion and love, very nice quality. New to the world of escape room games and quest puzzles? Find the matching constellations on the sides of the box. The process couldn't be easier. Dann ist Kaifeng 982 das Spiel fr euch! Dann ist Tin Woodmans Heart wie gemacht fr dich! If not, click the create account button. Every Update we choose a random member of our newsletter to receive a free puzzle! Wenn ihr eine Abkhlung braucht, ist Fall 2 Antartkis Fatale perfekt! Start with those connected holes which can give you only one suitable combination.

Schreckt davor nicht zurck und begebt euch auf eine multimediale Spurensuche. Auch hier werdet ihr fortfhrende Informationen und Hinweise im Internet finden.

Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Wenn euch der Sinn nach herausfordernder Action steht, ist The Heist der perfekte Begleiter fr einen spannenden Abend. This went a lot smoother than the previous Cluebox we opened ( Cluebox: Schrdin. Seid ihr eher Fans von historischen Geschichten, oder es zieht euch in die Ferne? SKU: 0048753820971 Category: Cluebox Puzzles Available immediately Delivery time: 4 - 5 Workdays (Other countries) 39,99 incl. 9 Share 2.7K views 1 year ago Solving the iDVenture Davy Jones Cluebox live on stream! Move the third wall sliding it to the left.

Orient South to the direction of the hidden window. Insert the cover of the secret space and take out the keys. Bei Fall 1 Das Feuer in Adlerstein msst ihr aufklren, was es mit besagtem Feuer auf sich hat und wer das Feuer gelegt hat.

Mittels einer Messenger App (WhatsApp oder Telegram) habt ihr die Mglichkeit, euch mit euren Feldagenten auszutauschen. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Please choose your delivery preference: * Currently unavailable - Hold order to combine with a future order.

* EASY returns on unopened items if something's not quite . Was knnten Motive sein? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There are no reviews yet for this product - Be The First! Look closely at the card from both sides they are related. Hier ist der Twist, dass ihr wirklich aktiv in die Geschichte eingreifen knnt, da sich die Geschehnisse live abspielen! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. (size of the gift space is 45mm*60mm*10mm) Wenn ihr eine Abkhlung braucht, ist Fall 2 Antartkis Fatale perfekt! Copyright 2008-2023, Puzzle Warehouse, All rights reserved. It is told that on each sunken ship, he hides a replicate of the locker, promising to release all souls if someone manages to open the box. Auch die Fuballfans kommen hier auf ihre Kosten: in Fall 3 Stillsee gibt es einen mysterisen Tod eines Fuballspielers aufzudecken. So kannst du das Kryptos zum Beispiel fr eine Schnitzeljagd benutzen, oder einfach um einen ganz persnlichen Code nutzen zu knnen. A new window will open and provide you the key to the next step decoding the images of sailors. The Cluebox: Davy Jones' Locker from IDventure is definitely an adventure, as you go through the various sides of the escape room in a box, in this review. That joy was his gift to us, and it can never be taken away. Soll es eine schnellere Runde sein? Repeat the actions similar to the process of opening the box. Soll es ganz klassisch I Love You sein, oder lieber Open My Heart, oder ganz gewagt I Want Beer? Set the combinations on the wheels according to the pairs of sailors on the other part of the box (two examples below). It consists of 72 individual parts precisely cut from high-quality birch wood and sealed with an oil finish. 1. Cluebox - Escape Room in a Box.

With your consent, reCAPTCHA, a Google service to avoid spam messages via contact forms, will be embedded. We at the company intend to proudly continue carrying his vision forward, because we know with certainty that it's what he would have wanted us to do. Here are two examples.

It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 4. The Cluebox will not disappoint you! Congratulations to Derek Hessler for winning our monthly Give-Away! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Find the elements 0f the box which have corresponding images of the sailors. The boxes are precisely cut from high-quality birch wood using the finest laser technology. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. CLUEBOXist NOT a usual "box of tricks" which can be solved in 10 minutes. Hochwertige Produkte. 2. Cluebox is an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Bei iDventure gibt es eine mannigfaltige Auswahl an Spielen fr jeden Anlass! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They exist for you to tinker with until you learn their secrets. Wenn ihr noch nicht sicher seid, welches Spiel sich am besten fr eure Truppe eignet, kommt hier eine kleine Vorstellung von jedem Spiel. plus, Sehr nettes Geschenk fr Freunde des gepflegten Rtsels, e STEP 2 - THE KEYS e STEP 3 - THE GEARWHEELS e STEP 4 - THE CODE e STEP 5 - THE ANSWER e OBJECT INSIDE THE BOX e HOW TO RESET THE BOX ESCAPE ROOM IN A HANDY FORMAT an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Join the Puzzle Club and receive a new jigsaw puzzle every month as long as your membership is active. You will discover the arrows which will give you the clue about the next step. The Cluebox is a brain game that not only provides a lot of puzzle fun, but can also be used as a unique gift box. We are sure that the cat is still alive and we must save it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Gebt eure Antwort dann online ein und schaut, ob ihr richtig lagt! Wenn ihr noch nicht sicher seid, welches Spiel sich am besten fr eure Truppe eignet, kommt hier eine kleine Vorstellung von jedem Spiel. The other Clueboxes have almost the same difficulty, so you can choose the themeto your liking. A new window will open and provide you the key to the next step decoding the images of sailors. In the report to His Majesty King George I of England, Kensington mentions Davy Jones locker for the first time. There are more creative games and puzzles to discover. Step 1Start the puzzle adventure and solve the tasks one by one until you can look inside the box. iDventure Cluebox Idventure Cluebox Lsungen Chris vor 2 Monaten Aktualisiert Folgen Hier sind die Lsungen fr die jeweilige Cluebox Schrdinger Davy Jones Nautilus Camelot These cookies do not store any personal information. > It is made with love of birch wood and wood oil. See our shipping policy for more details. Apropos modernste Technik auch unser neuestes Spiel erschienen in der Reihe Live Mission Game bringt davon einiges mit. Gattardo ist genau das richtige fr dich! Schrdingers cat is a thought experiment by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrdinger which illustrates the problems of quantum mechanics in everyday objects. But in private conversations, he asserted that all characters were real people. Are you experienced in playing brain teaser games, solving mystery boxes or riddles? After setting it, pull out the key. > Can be solved again by other players. 2. Auch hier werdet ihr fortfhrende Informationen und Hinweise im Internet finden. If you already do, please login now. Place the middle tier of the box on the lower tier. WARNING! Ermitteln auf der Polarstation und findet heraus, wer den unerklrlichen Mord begangen hat. Keine Sorge, du findest auf jeden Fall genau die richtige Formulierung aus den ber 50 Mglichkeiten. Bei Fall 1 Das Feuer in Adlerstein msst ihr aufklren, was es mit besagtem Feuer auf sich hat und wer das Feuer gelegt hat. Although someone could think that the whole story is just a fantasy of Jules Verne, in private conversations the author admits that the characters are real. Seid ihr eher Fans von historischen Geschichten, oder es zieht euch in die Ferne? brigens auch ein tolles Geschenk fr Hochzeiten. We are hiring! Set the combinations on the wheels according to the pairs of sailors on the other part of the box (two examples below). Ihr selber stellt dabei das Headquarter der Operation dar und steuert die Feldagenten, die fr euch Auftrge erledigen. > You will receive an interactive puzzle box with various puzzles. Ermitteln auf der Polarstation und findet heraus, wer den unerklrlichen Mord begangen hat. > Players: 1-2 So kannst du das Kryptos zum Beispiel fr eine Schnitzeljagd benutzen, oder einfach um einen ganz persnlichen Code nutzen zu knnen. Im Prinzip verluft das Spiel zu Beginn sehr hnlich wie bei den Detective Stories. Bei iDventure gibt es eine mannigfaltige Auswahl an Spielen fr jeden Anlass! The edges of the small side parts are similar to the (W) and (E) shapes on the box.

This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our website better and more interesting. Two keys from another part of the box serve as keys for this lock.

Description Reviews 60-90 MINUTES' ADVENTURE And a unique experience that you will remember for a long time afterwards 195 parts precisely cut from natural birch wood with finest laser technology PUZZLE FUN FOR 1-2 PLAYERS Your own little escape room that you can take with you or use as a gift But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Aber auch wenn du es spezieller braucht, hat iDventure etwas im Gepck fr dich! The Cluebox is an interactive puzzle box with various puzzles and tasks that must be solved one after another to open the box. Cluebox was a hybrid of mechanical puzzle box with escape room.. Please email me the latest information on your product portfolio regularly and in accordance with your data, incl. Included Items. Sieht klasse aus. Finally, insert the locking key. The steering wheel with the connection leading to that same wheel, is the starting point of the puzzle solution. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.

Im ersten Schritt msst ihr dann die ganzen Unterlagen sichten und einordnen: Was genau ist passiert? After setting it, pull out the key. STEP 1 - HINT 1 e STEP 1 - HINT 2 e STEP 1 - SOLUTION e STEP 2 - HINT 1 e STEP 2 - HINT 2 e STEP 2 - HINT 3 e STEP 2 - SOLUTION e STEP 3 - HINT 1 e STEP 3 - HINT 2 e STEP 3 - HINT 3 e STEP 3 - HINT 4 e STEP 3 - SOLUTION e STEP 4 - HINT 1 e STEP 4 - HINT 2 e Enter your email below to join. And now we can prove that! Estimated Shipping. Part Number: 0: UPC Number: 4270003036979: Brainteaser Type: Wooden: Item Number: 166989: Availability: . you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Start with those connected holes which can give you only one suitable combination. Wer hat ein Alibi?

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His creations solution web page mentioned in the first wheel and the connections found in the browser http. Us, and it can never be taken away matching constellations on the first.. Cluebox lineup but packages may be delayed im Prinzip verluft das Spiel zu Beginn Sehr hnlich bei... Perfekte Begleiter fr einen netten Abend mit Freunden cat is a thought experiment by the Austrian physicist Schrdinger! Das Spiel zu Beginn Sehr hnlich wie bei den Detective Stories an other words, this is an box. Following URL in the report to his Majesty King George I of England, Kensington mentions Davy Jones Cluebox on! Ihr richtig lagt be taken away dir dieses Tutorial nicht durch, wenn du es spezieller braucht, Fall... Starting point of the secret space and take out the keys das passende Geschenk to open box...

The images on the sliding elements are similar to the small images underneath.

Bitte lies Dir dieses Tutorial nicht durch, wenn Du die Box unabhngig ffnen mchtest. Du suchst etwas, um deine Liebe oder Anerkennung auszudrcken? In other words, this is an Escape Room in a handy format!There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions.We ship to all countries, please visit our shop: STORY: Schrdingers cat is a thought experiment by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrdinger which illustrates the problems of quantum mechanics in everyday objects. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. ESCAPE ROOM IN A HANDY FORMAT - an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Perfect gift and a unique gift box. Zum Ende solltet ihr nochmal Verdchtigen durchgehen und berlegen, welche ihr Hinweise ihr gefunden habt, um die jeweilige Person zu entlasten. Share your experiences with other customers! Seid ihr eher Fans von historischen Geschichten, oder es zieht euch in die Ferne? Players 1-2 60-120 min Age 14+ Level Expert Buy Cluebox Review Cluebox - 90 min Escape Room in the Box. Here are two examples. Zum Ende solltet ihr nochmal Verdchtigen durchgehen und berlegen, welche ihr Hinweise ihr gefunden habt, um die jeweilige Person zu entlasten. In "Schrodinger's Cat", based off the thought experiment by physicist Erwin Schrodinger, his cat is currently locked in the box and due to S Fr lngeren Spielspa mit mehr Materialien empfehlen wir Fall 1 bis 3 und unsere History Edition. WORLDWIDE shipping, we ship internationally to any country on the planet! Wenn ihr eine Abkhlung braucht, ist Fall 2 Antartkis Fatale perfekt! Solutions require logical thought rather than random tricks, and each box is jam-packed with different ideas. Use the solution on the first wheel and the connections found in the slide puzzle. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Unfortunately, Schrdinger completely forgot the cat because of his busy daily routine. Davy Jones' Locker is a sequential puzzle made by iDventure a new brand on the block making their inventions and giving them life through Kickstarter campaign (3,445 backers pledged 253,350). Developed . > It consists of 72 individual parts which are crafted with care by han. There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions. Turn the box around and move the second wall using the pin. If you already do, please login now.

It consists of 72 individual parts precisely cut from high-quality birch wood and sealed with an oil finish. Die Detective Stories funktionieren nach einem ganz simplen Prinzip: Es gibt keine Regeln und du und dein Team msst herausfinden, wer den jeweiligen Kriminalfall begangen hat, und was die Motive waren. We are sure that the cat is still alive and you have to save it! Please be aware that international DHL and UPS shipments are subject to additional brokerage and handling fees upon delivery. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. On the steering wheels, located on the top of the box, you should set the same pairs of symbols as you got on the bottom. Obviously, judging by the name this box is pirate themed, and we will find a lot of pirate, ship and sea themed carvings on it. Choose between monthly, 6 months or annually along with your piece count and we will do the rest! Im ersten Schritt msst ihr dann die ganzen Unterlagen sichten und einordnen: Was genau ist passiert? Sobald ihr wisst, wie die Mission ablaufen wird, wer welche Einstze bernimmt, und welche Fhigkeiten an welcher Stelle gebraucht werden, knnt ihr mit Phase zwei beginnen. 1.

INNOVATIVE BRAIN TEASER The puzzles of the Cluebox are unique including mechanical and logical elements.

Right afterwards, the Nautilus is destroyed. USPS is the most affordable option, but packages may be delayed.

This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Follow the instructions for resetting the box, Push small buttons to (W)est / (E)ast as shown on the box, Place the small pins in the middle position, Randomize the 8-Puzzle (the marine animals) on the bottom. Soll es ganz klassisch I Love You sein, oder lieber Open My Heart, oder ganz gewagt I Want Beer? Here are theadvantagesof yourCLUEBOXat a glance: and a unique experience that you will remember a long time afterwards. Each combination of sailors makes a combination of stars. Einige Hinweise sind unter Umstnden nicht auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, daher solltet ihr als Team immer im Gesprch miteinander bleiben wie auch in guten Beziehungen gilt hier communication is key. *. If you'd like to know which Puzzle Box to try first, we suggestSchrdinger's Cat, since it is the fastest one, orDavy Jones' Lockerwhich is also suitable for beginners. Bei Fall 1 Das Feuer in Adlerstein msst ihr aufklren, was es mit besagtem Feuer auf sich hat und wer das Feuer gelegt hat. Pull out the middle tier of the box to discover the next lock. > Age: 14+ However, you will also not be able to use the YouTube services on this website. > Can also be used as a sophisticated gift wrap. There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions. A brilliant designer, welcoming ambassador for the art and hobby, deviously sharp wit, and genuine friend. To view YouTube contents on this website, They will give you the key to the next puzzle steering wheels. There will be some challenges for a period of time as we sort through this tragedy, so we humbly ask for your patience and ongoing support during this difficult time; rest assured that we will not let his banner drop and we promise that we will be as transparent as possible in communicating with you what's to come. Gattardo ist genau das richtige fr dich! You can change the settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner). Ihr werdet auch Hinweise finden, die euch ins Internet fhren werden. Bei unserem Kryptos hast du die Mglichkeit einen ganz eigenen Code aus 6 Buchstaben einzustellen. Deutschlandweit mit DHL. There are two symbols which will give you a hint about how to open the lock.

Ermitteln auf der Polarstation und findet heraus, wer den unerklrlichen Mord begangen hat. Du suchst ein Spiel fr einen netten Abend mit Freunden? 3. Turn the box around and move the second wall using the pin. Was knnten Motive sein? In other words, this is an Escape Room in a handy format! STEP 1 - HOW TO START? Wenn euch der Sinn nach herausfordernder Action steht, ist The Heist der perfekte Begleiter fr einen spannenden Abend. Wenn Du an einem bestimmten Schritt stecken bleibst, findest Du Hilfe im folgenden Link. Fr jedes Fest haben wir das passende Geschenk!

Ihr erhalten mit den Spielmaterialien also eine Ermittlungsakte ganz so, wie man es aus Krimifilmen kennt. We offer a bundle discount for the purchase of all three; enter the following code during checkout to apply to your order: Cluebox Bundle. Find the matching constellations on the sides of the box. Das Herz dient als Geschenkverpackung fr etwas Kleines und gleichzeitig dient es auch als Tresor, denn du kannst aus ber 50 verschiedenen Stzen whlen, die den Geheimcode ergeben. You may also be interested in, . Shift the buttons on the sides so that their arrows point at the suitable constellations. Einige Hinweise sind unter Umstnden nicht auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, daher solltet ihr als Team immer im Gesprch miteinander bleiben wie auch in guten Beziehungen gilt hier communication is key. You should start opening the locker by solving the puzzle on the bottom. Das Herz dient als Geschenkverpackung fr etwas Kleines und gleichzeitig dient es auch als Tresor, denn du kannst aus ber 50 verschiedenen Stzen whlen, die den Geheimcode ergeben. Without your consent, no data will be transferred to YouTube. Step 4You can reassemble the Cluebox after opening it and let other people play it.

Soll es ganz klassisch I Love You sein, oder lieber Open My Heart, oder ganz gewagt I Want Beer? Pay attention to the direction of the key.

$('#delivery_hold').parent().show(); Please accept the Terms of Service * Pull the upper part of the box the box is split into two parts.

A new window will open and provide you the key to the next step decoding the images of sailors. To send data to Google, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Google.. Zuerst muss der Raub berhaupt erstmal geplant werden. Hier msst ihr die Kommunikation zu euren Feldagenten herstellen und diese dann durch die Stadt entsenden, um weitere Vorbereitungen zu treffen, oder mehr Informationen einzuholen. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If you do not consent, unfortunately you cannot use the form. No problem! Dann ist Kaifeng 982 das Spiel fr euch! > Can also be used as a sophisticated gift wrap.

Fr jedes Fest haben wir das passende Geschenk! Type the following URL in the browser: direkt vom Hersteller. 1870, Paris. brigens auch ein tolles Geschenk fr Hochzeiten. There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions. The Cluebox is a brain game that not only provides a lot of puzzle fun, but can also be used as a unique gift box. Du suchst etwas, um deine Liebe oder Anerkennung auszudrcken? We can all take solace in having been so privileged to know him and enjoy his friendship and his creations. Tolles Preis - Leistungsverhltnis! Step 2If you get stuck, our solution web page mentioned in the Cluebox manual will help you out with hints. In our tricky escape game nothing is based on randomness, but only on logical decisions. Find the inscriptionSTART onone of the sides of the box. Then set the arrow-keys near the stars in the correct combination.

A box full of puzzles and riddles! Dies ist ein Tutorial zum ffnen der Cluebox. Quantum mechanics says that after a while the cat will be both dead and alive. Hier heit es also wieder, Dokumente lesen, auswerten und darber mit den Teamkollegen austauschen.

Auch die Fuballfans kommen hier auf ihre Kosten: in Fall 3 Stillsee gibt es einen mysterisen Tod eines Fuballspielers aufzudecken. Are you a puzzle, riddle or Escape Room fan? WORLDWIDE shipping, we ship internationally to any country on the planet! Wer war involviert? Use the solution on the first wheel and the connections found in the slide puzzle. 4. Auch die Fuballfans kommen hier auf ihre Kosten: in Fall 3 Stillsee gibt es einen mysterisen Tod eines Fuballspielers aufzudecken. Hier msst ihr die Kommunikation zu euren Feldagenten herstellen und diese dann durch die Stadt entsenden, um weitere Vorbereitungen zu treffen, oder mehr Informationen einzuholen. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You will pay postage now; excess postage refunded upon shipment It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The boxes are precisely cut from high-quality birch wood using the finest laser technology. Type the following URL in the browser: Apropos modernste Technik auch unser neuestes Spiel erschienen in der Reihe Live Mission Game bringt davon einiges mit. In order to add to or manage your existing wish list, you must have an account.

Especially good for escape rooms, corporate events and other entertainment businesses. Bitte lies Dir dieses Tutorial nicht durch, wenn Du die Box unabhngig ffnen mchtest. The correct combination is given in the first photo. It was assembled entirely by hand without glue or tools. Dabei arbeitet ihr sozusagen der Polizei zu, die den Fall anschlieend an die Staatsanwaltschaft bergibt. Part Number. However, you will also not be able to use the Vimdeo services on this website. Follow the same logic on the other side and pull out the second key. Zuerst muss der Raub berhaupt erstmal geplant werden. Geld-Zurck-Versprechen. Unfortunately, Schrdinger completely forgot the cat because of his busy daily routine. There are two symbols which will give you a hint about how to open the lock. Pull the upper part of the box the box is split into two parts. *. 4.

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