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If the dough resists when you're rolling it out, wrap it and put it back in the fridge to rest. Its important that NOTHING can fall onto the croissants while they in the fridge. The resources on this page are designed for you to learn at your own pace. But these babies are still fragile while hot, so let them cool down at least a little bit to allow the croissant structure to set. Massage butter until pliable, but not soft and oily. Since its a half recipe, what dimensions do you think I should roll the dough/butter beurrage? Spread about 2 Tbsp of almond filling on the bottom half of each croissant. Brush off excess flour on the work surface using a large pastry brush. They will rise and proof for the 1 hour at room temperature and continue to do so in the refrigerator for another hour. This means that the dough has been folded over and over again to create perfect buttery layers with air in between. Fold the corners of the dough over the butter so they meet in the middle. Use a soft bristle brush to lightly wash each . Making them at home doesnt have to be a daunting task. Brush off excess flour from the surface of the dough using a pastry brush. Peanut Butter Cups Preheat your oven to 400F. Thank you! To achieve all these gorgeous, flaky layers, we recommend sticking with the recipe as written. Cover loosely with plastic wrap, and let stand in a warm place until croissants have doubled in bulk and are very soft, 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/4 hours, depending on the temperature of room. (edited post: added 5 stars for the recipe!). Very well done! This recipe takes time and work, but its 100% worth it for delicious, homemade croissants. Right away. If you use the broiler I'd recommend standing by and checking every few seconds so they don't burn. Pro tip: Be gentle as you work with the dough. I am a very experienced (though amateur) home cook, with a moderate baking skill level. (-) Information is not currently available for this nutrient. While its crucial that both of these components need to be chilled, they do not HAVE to be at the same temperature. The ruler or measuring tape, besides your rolling pin, is the most crucial tool when making croissants. These Are the 10 Things Happy Couples Regularly Do Together, Experts Say. this is the best recipe online!! Cut the tip off of the square with the smaller cutter. Make and chill the butter block - 10 + 20 minutes. Butter a large bowl; set aside. So much respect! This recipe awesome! My first time making croissants, and I was sure it would be tough. Beat to make a smooth batter; set aside. We would try a milk wash instead of egg for a nice shiny top. I do like to use the cross method to wrap the butter up, I have found it doesn't leak through that way, I have tried so many ways. Hi Sally! The dough isnt extremely cold after only 30 minutes in the refrigerator, so it will be easy to roll out. Thats why I call making croissants a project. This is because the dough has been overworked and the gluten is springing back. Thats called LAMINATING. The honey caramelizes onto the bread. Day 1: Evening Mix the dry ingredients, then rub in the butter (use your hands) followed by the wet ingredients. Both components (butter and dough) need to be pliable for this recipe to work. Pour in yeast mixture and whisk until fully combined. Lightly flour your work surface, hands, dough and rolling pin to keep the dough from sticking. So the process is broken into two steps, where you first roll the dough out to about 1 cm in thickness. Add in some butter and incorporate it into the dough. Pastry brush (preferably one large, one small). I have never seen this before so I was just wondering if that is supposed to happen or if they dissolve. Ingredients (makes 8-9 croissants at around 90-100g each) For the pre-ferment: 62g strong white flour 62g water A pinch of yeast For the dough: 286g strong white flour 100g heritage variety flour. As with the simple egg white wash, combine the egg thoroughly with a pinch of salt before brushing it on to dough. Preheat your air fryer to 170C/338F. Hi Andrew, the dough can rest at that point for up to 12 hours in the refrigerator (see the end of step 13). Being French born. For best taste and texture, we recommend sticking with all-purpose flour. for about 30 minutes to let it soften slightly, before starting the lamination process. Repeat the preceding three steps to complete two more turns (make 2 marks for the second turn and 3 marks for the third turn); always start with a short side facing you and the seam on the right, rolling lengthwise before crosswise. Lets get right into it. If I had to name my favorite type of bread it would be croissants. Use your hand to gently tap the butter block on the detrempe to help seal it to the dough surface. It makes lamination possible. This is the dough that will be encasing the tourrage (butter block). Whole Egg Whisk the yolk and egg together to create a glaze that is shiny and darkly rich in color. Twice-baked croissants, two ways Makes 8 croissants | Adapted from Baked to Order Ingredients: For the simple syrup: 65g (1/3 c) granulated sugar 80g (1/3 c) water 1 Tbsp rum (optional) For the almond frangipane (makes enough for 8 croissants): 100g (7 Tbsp) unsalted butter, at room temperature 100g (1/2 c) granulated sugar 1/2 tsp kosher salt Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it on a floured work surface into a 10 by 15-inch and 1/4-inch thick rectangle. Shape into a ball, put in a lightly oiled bowl, cover and chill for at least 2 hrs. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. If the butter block was too cold when rolling out the dough, the butter can be too brittle and break through the surface of the dough. Buy croissants of any kind from your local grocery store. When baked, the butter melts and creates steam, which causes the glorious layers to spring up. I hope that helps! Roll it up to a crescent and bake for 15 to 20 minutes. This wasnt my first attempt making croissants but it was my only attempt that was successful. If you fail the first time, dont worry. Only issue is am not getting the oven temperature right and end up either burning them or not so done from the inside. water in a small bowl; brush onto croissants. Make sure you keep enough space between the croissants on the baking tray. (It doesnt have to fill the 7 x 10 inch square perfectly, just as closely as possible). Let it sit at room temperature to soften before the laminating process (step 7) OR reduce the chill time in step 6 down from 30 minutes to about 15. The yeast can be activated in the milk or water. I would only use AP flour or Bread flour. It can also happen if the butter was too soft and got absorbed by the dough. From chili and chicken cutlets to spaghetti and meatballs and sheet-pan salmon, consider this your ultimate guide to making a fast weeknight dinner. Gently press on the croissant to seal the tip at the bottom into the dough (take care not to squash the croissant!). Thank you! Follow our step-by-step croissantrecipe to make a classic baked good worthy of a French pastry shop. This dough is meant to be a lean dough. You may want a forever puppy if you are used to smaller animals. Repeat the rolling and folding twice. Cover the parchment paper encased dough well in plastic wrap, and place it in a quarter sheet pan. DO NOT place it in the fridge as the dough will keep proofing in the fridge and the yeast will remain active. Fold dough into thirds: Remove any excess flour with a pastry brush. I used regular old salted butter, added the 10% (14g) flour into it to absorb moisture, and I did it all in one half of a day. With step by step, detailed instructions to troubleshoot and to ensure you get the best, crisp, flaky croissants! Mix the warm water, sugar, salt and yeast in a bowl, and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, until it foams and bubbles. 6 Things to Always Clean Before Guests Come Over. Pro tip: If at any point during the rolling and folding process your butter softens, stop and put the dough back into the refrigerator. I would immediately keep the croissants in a cooler room and let it proof the rest of the time there and hopefully the remaining butter should still be enough. This will produce a very dark shine that can be a little difficult to spread evenly. Lightly flour top of dough, and roll into a 24- x 12-inch. I recommend using a silicone baking mat. Start by rolling out a thin piece of polymer clay, then cut a 1 square from it. I live in Indonesia and the weather is so hot here . Could I brush milk or butter on top in lieu of the egg wash? Our first two batches got burnt on the bottom, but having the third batch on an upper level and putting a second pan under it helped the croissants come out perfectly. Cover, and let rise until over tripled in volume, about 3 hours. Begin shaping croissants: Working with one triangle at a time and keeping remaining triangles covered with a clean kitchen towel, hold the two corners of the base, and stretch to lengthen it slightly. ** Nutrient information is not available for all ingredients. Here are our favorite recipes that use croissants. May not be a problem in the winter (especially here in Canada), but in the summer, its a nightmare. A marvellous recipe. This post may contain affiliate links. When the dough is pliable, remove the butter from the fridge. Again with the short side facing you, roll out the dough and do a single fold. . Fortunately, some specialty dog breeds are mixed to look like puppies throughout their entire livesand they are sure to melt your heart the second you lay your eyes on them. Once dark brown, remove the pan from the oven and let the croissants cool for 5 to 10 minutes or until cool enough to touch. Unfortunately theres not much you can do if the butter melts. Her kitchen-tested recipes and thorough step-by-step tutorials give readers the knowledge and confidence to bake from scratch. Roll the dough out to a thickness of 0.5 cm, with a width of about 9.5 10 inches. Before we start the dough, we need to prepare the butter for the laminating process. The second fold will be a single fold that will increase the layers to 25. Perhaps you'd prefer bangers and mash or a Guinness pie packed with beef? This dough is fantastic and easy to roll! The yeast was current. This recipe makes pretzels like Auntie Anne's pretzels. I called out the French prime minister on the need to create a "traditional" designation for artisanal croissants. Fold top half of dough over butter package, and pinch edges of dough to seal. Carefully apply a thin coating of egg wash to the croissants. Place the dough on a lightly floured. I love seeing what youve made! Make the triangles for the croissants about 1/2 wide on the base to get to the 1:12 scale. Also replaced egg wash with milk brushing as wanted to make it eggless. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. I place my croissants on a foil-lined pan far enough from each other that they are not touching. With the butter block at the beginning, I would aim to keep the same thickness of the butter block. Brush off excess flour again, and fold the other edge of the dough OVER the first fold. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for another 30 minutes (preferably 60 minutes). Grab the other 2 points, and stretch them out slightly as you roll it up. I made two batches at once, and they were delicious. Also, I actually only made three croissants. You can even use 50% AP Flour and 50% Bread flour too. Once your croissants look like they are a dark brown color, remove them from the oven and let them cool for several minutes. Readers have found this one especially helpful: I love baking, and I love cooking. To do this, youd need to mix the butter with 10% of flour in weight. Spread butter over the tops of however many croissants you want to make. If dough becomes too warm or elastic, chill in freezer, 15 minutes. Roll the butter into a rectangle of about 15 x 20cm (6x8inch.). Then use the rolling pin again to even out the thickness of the butter, and shape the butter into a smooth rectangle that is about 5 x 6.5 inches (half the size of the detrempe), while still on the parchment paper. Cut dough: Cut dough into two 30-by-8-inch rectangles (or four 15-by-8-inch rectangles). The temperature of the dough should still be around 40 50 F / 4 10 C. Make sure the dimensions are 7 x 10.5 inches. While the butter chills, start your dough. I try cool for 30 mins before each fold but the butter just squeezes through the dough and makes such a sticky mess . Wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Chill in freezer 15 minutes. Thanks to Magic. This makes the butter more brittle and break in the dough, rather than being pliable. However, there are many handy online calculators where you can plug in and customize your exact ingredients/brands. You can use a stand mixer or mix the ingredients by hand with a spatula. Perfect on the thanksgiving table. The next day I tried the pan au Chocolat, which was a little light on the chocolate, but the croissant was still very good. Fold the cold dough over the cold butter. Perfect! First, activate the yeast by dissolving it in the warm liquid and inverted sugar mixture, and let it come alive. To shape, roll dough out to a 20x5-inch rectangle. Im guessing i should keep the width same? I do not have step-by-step pictures of the lamination process because its time sensitive and the dough just became too warm as I tried to set up the shot. Place butter package on dough: The butter package should be cool but pliable; your finger should leave an indentation but the butter should still hold its shape. And yet, like any pet, puppies grow up and turn into dogs. Make sure to roll the butter out into the corners, but also keep the butter evenly thick. With a simple flour, salt, pepper or paprika (optional), mixed with a teaspoon of oil, a little baking powder or carbonated beverage like beer or sparkling water, you can make a sticky batter. Our family tradition here in New Zealand is to have croissants and glazed ham on christmas morning and this year i want to make my own croissants. Thanks so much for your effort, and for your willingness in sharing the knowledge! Sheeting the dough second stage. Mark 3.5 inch (9 cm) marks along one long edge. Martha Stewart is part of the Meredith Home Group. I believe I can now make croissants because my fear is is gone.Thank You ! Let shaped croissants rise until puffy and light. If you're doubling the recipe, simply make TWO portions of this recipe. 1 large parchment paper, enough to cover a 5 x 6.5 inch block (1st parchment paper for the butter block), 1 large parchment paper, about 14 x 10 inches, folded in half to form a 7 x 10 inch paper (2nd parchment paper for the dough). Mix until the dough forms. a true french croissant. I have used both and they both work well in this recipe. You don't need any fancy equipment! Whatever you do, be sure to bake a loaf of soda bread for the tableand end the meal on a sweet note with one of our dessert recipes just right for the holiday. Unfortunately, no. Last year, I was lucky enough to take a course on viennoiseries at Le Cordon Bleu, which immensely helped me perfect my croissants! Use your fingers to seal the butter inside. Add Salt, Butter, and Flour: Add the salt, butter, and flour in a stand-up mixer and mix with the dough hook attachment until combined. And I kept it on the mixer for longer than five minutes as instructed, even added more flour to try and bind it better, no hope. Read our, Sally McKenney is a professional food photographer, cookbook author, and baker. Make sure you only chill the butter for about 30 minutes. Place rolled-up croissants on parchment paper-lined baking sheets, spaced about 1.5 - 2 inches, cover with plastic and let rise at room temperature for about 2 hours. 93 Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes to Make Any Night of the Week. Place the dough back in the mixing bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Cut in half crosswise, and chill half while shaping the other half. I gave up after several failed attempts. Roll Out Your Croissant Dough. 6 Garden Ideas That Will Boost the Value of Your Home. Put bread flour, all-purpose flour, remaining 3 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons sugar, and the salt into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the dough hook; mix on low speed until combined. . I also was wondering, why does the dough need to be in the refrigerator for 4 hours? Thank you Zoe! If its been sitting in your cupboard for a while, be sure to check the expiration date. But I was thinking.the best part of a croissant is the crispy outside. Why you should try this recipe This is a very detailed, step by step recipe and troubleshooting guide. wanted to save my eggs since they are so expensive these days. Transfer to parchment-lined baking sheets, spacing croissants 2 inches apart. The ideal temperature should be 24 to 26.5 degrees Celsius (76 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit). Repeat process: Remove from refrigerator, and press the dough; it should be pliable but have some resistance. Fold in about 1/8th of the dough towards the middle (about 2 - 3 inches). Don't overcrowd, cook in batches if necessary. So the cuts help maintain the rectangle shape when you roll out the dough. You cannot beat a bit of elegant vienoisserie! the result is a beautiful shiny top! In a small bowl, stir the yolk and heavy cream until streak-free. I would still bake them because the croissants will still taste delicious even if they dont look perfect. Of course you are! Even though you may only have access to Walmart croissants or mass-produced croissants from your grocery store, you can make them taste delicious and fresh very easily. (new Image()).src = ''; cnxps.cmd.push(function () { cnxps({ playerId: "bd5526af-9c84-429a-baca-e1c4e1072ef9" }).render("7917806a0d7f4109a1cb2a4492c81a1a"); }); New to bread and pastry baking? Using a paring knife, make small cuts at the four corners of the folds to release the tension (4 cuts; please see pictures in the post). Although some sources recommend a 1:1 substitution. If this happens, wrap the dough and put it back in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to let the gluten relax. A double fold makes 4 layers of the dough. In the recipe, I talk about making cuts at the corners/edges of the folded dough to release the tension. Its not that hard. Transfer to buttered bowl, turning to coat. Place the croissants on a baking tray, and wrap it REALLY well with plastic wrap, without crushing the croissants. Cut into three 5x5-inch squares. During the final hour of fermentation preheat your oven to 180C (355F) fan on. My daughter is allergic to eggs. The recommendation here is to split this process into two parts. If the butter layer is too hard, it will crack and split under the dough. Third-fold then chill the dough - 60 minutes up to 48 hours. Remove dough, and remeasure: It should match original dimensions; if not, roll out again. Should I bother making croissants at home? This is because this recipe requires precision, for perfection. Im realizing now this question didnt get an answer when you left it!) Hi Amy! Make a well in the flour and pour in the liquid. Once your croissants are baked you could drizzle chocolate or butterscotch over them for sweet treats. The sizes of the dough and butter blocks have also been modified from the original recipe to suit the smaller batch size. 1 and 1/2 cups (360ml) plus 4 Tbsp butter for 4 cups (about 500g) typically makes a workable dough. Then on the opposite edge, make marks centered between the first set of marks. Puppies are irresistible. The perfect croissant is not stiff and lifeless. They are never crispy or fresh. Make the butter block / tourrage, shape into 5 x 6.5 inches (13 x 16.5 cm). Followed by the flour, and finally the salt. Hey Dini, Im so excited to make these croissants! Make sure the tip of the triangle is properly centered the whole way. Combine warm water, yeast, and 1 teaspoon sugar in a small bowl. Because it contains yeast, and it should rise at the temperature of 25 degrees [Celsius] not more, otherwise the butter will melt. Finish shaping croissants: Bend the two ends toward you to form a crescent shape (the ends should almost touch). Unlike most yeasted doughs that require warm liquid to activate the yeast, youre going to use cold milk. I was wondering how you know when the croissants are done proofing? Both were good. Using your fingers or a rolling pin, stretch the triangles to be about 8 inches long. I find that it is easiest to mix the softened butter in with the yeast, milk, sugar, and about half of the flour. Starting at the far end, fold rectangle in thirds as you would a business letter (this completes the first of 3 "turns"). Since we are making a small batch of croissants here, you can totally make the detrempe by hand. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 45 minutes. Preheat your oven to 400F. Regular butter from the supermarket has a lower fat content (about 11% or lower). Once your pastry has come together, don't then ruin it when rolling it out. Freeze croissants 10 minutes to set butter before baking. I took my frozen croissants out to thaw in the fridge overnight but left them on the counter overnight. As long as they are both cool and also pliable, they roll out easily while still maintaining separate layers. ), enclose the butter layer inside the dough, roll out the dough into another large rectangle, then fold it back together, roll out the dough again, fold it back together again, roll out the dough one more time, fold it back together, Start with dough, butter layer, dough = 3 layers, Roll it out and fold it into thirds = 9 layers, Roll that out and fold it into thirds = 27 layers, Roll that out one last time and fold it into thirds = 81 layers, Remove dough from the bowl and, with floured hands, work it into a ball. If, at any point, the dough becomes too soft or starts to shrink, wrap it and return it to the fridge for at least 30 minutes. If I have to make some changes for next time I make them it will be to lower the oven and reduce the butter a little. Each oven is different and varies due to brands and sizes of the oven too. If the croissants are getting burnt on the bottom while baking in the center of your oven, this is usually because the oven has stronger heating elements at the bottom. If it's too crumbly, add a little more water. Reserved. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases (at no cost to you) that will help support this website. Roll out the rested dough to about a 4 - 5 mm thickness. A kitchen scale is inexpensive (you can easily get one for less than $10 at supermarkets or on amazon), and it will last you a LONG time and make all of your baking experiences much simpler and smoother. This is the lamination process and will give you all those delicious layers! Today was day 3 and they came out perfect! I hope that helps! Place the shorter side of the . I also lightly mark the lines I have to cut through. It could be the luck of the Irish. Pro tip: Make sure the water and milk arent too hot. Roll up the triangles from the wide end. Sally has been featured on. It should rise into [a] humid atmosphere, to make sure it. Im making chicken salad sandwiches for a baby shower but am not looking to make them full sized. Keywords: croissants, homemade croissants. The recipe for French croissants that I am sharing here is an adaptation of the recipe I learned in that course. This can cause the butter to be pushed into the dough and result in bread-like croissants. Just bear in mind that if you do use instant yeast, it is more active than active dry yeast, and proofing times may be shorter. Our favorite recipe calls for three folds of the laminated dough into thirds, creating a whopping 27 layers. In a small bowl, beat together egg and 1 tablespoon water. Croissants taste best the same day theyre baked. If the butter softens too much, return the dough to the fridge or freezer. Dont make my mistake! Really good and easy to make. Repeat egg wash. Repeat with remaining triangles. To drink I got an iced pumpkin spice latte and the next day the tahini caramel iced latte. Wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes (60 minutes if the dough softened too much). Some butter leakage during the baking process is normal and expected, however if your baking croissants are sitting on pools of butter, your butter layer may have been too cold. You dont want to squash the layers you worked so hard to create! In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water. Once the dough is sheeted, its time to cut it. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone liner. I also discovered that I can bake it on the fourth day. The mini-sized ones are nice for a quick bite for breakfast or a side to spaghetti with meat sauce. After the second turn, wrap dough in plastic, and refrigerate 1 hour. Ill come back and rate this after I bake them in the morning. Firmly tap the dough to keep the shape. Croissants require the right temperature to proof and the rate of proofing can be controlled in a temperature controlled room, but it is harder in a regular home kitchen. I hope that helps! The results arent always 100%, but this trick does produce better results than with regular, cheaper butter. Avoid dragging the knife along the dough as you cut it, as this can distort the dough. Thank you. The very best instructional video I have ever viewed. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough. Make sure the edges are straight and even. Croissants require time, patience, and a lot of rolling. Stir with a spatula or spoon to mix it into a scraggly dough. Add all the ingredients except the butter to the mixing bowl with the bread hook attached, mix on slow speed for 3 minutes, and incorporate all the ingredients. After its chilled, we can peel it right off and place it on the dough to begin lamination. You can also do this in a stand mixer, with a dough hook. Make the dough: Stir yeast, water, and 1 teaspoon sugar in a bowl. Alexa is a writer who believes theres always room for ice cream. Love the recipe and the croissants taste great. Stir in milk, salt, sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup flour and melted butter. Roll each triangle lightly to elongate the point, and make it 7 inches long. Unplugged itself and everything. However, there is absolutely NO substitute for practice! FLAKEY HOMEMADE CROISSANTS (Beginner Friendly) Brian Lagerstrom 829K subscribers Subscribe 648K views 1 year ago Fresh, flakey croissants are the ultimate home bakers reward. I followed it exactly and they turned out perfect the first time! I was wondering if the egg wash is absolutely necessary. Once you have rolled up the base once, then you can roll up the croissant the rest of the way more easily. Resulting in 9 separate layers of alternating butter and dough (12 layers overall). You can also let them thaw out in the fridge as well (it might take 8 24 hours), and then proof at room temperature. While chef Ryan Pinheiro divulged that the London-based bakery suggests baking your croissants at 356 degrees Fahrenheit for 17 minutes, most recommend a temperature between roughly 356-392. Step 23. Such an amazing recipe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The butter rectangle is 710 inches, half the length of the dough and the same width, so it fits into the dough. The dough is completely not workable, idk if its all the fats from the butter and whole milk preventing gluten from forming efficiently or what. If you leave them out overnight, theres a chance they can overproof and collapse. Plus, if you give the baking tray a little shake, the croissants will wobble like jell-o. Bring the other end to meet the folded end. Enclose the butter in the dough. Gay-Lea has come out with a 84% fat content butter, which is what I used here. Learn how your comment data is processed. Characteristic 1. The honeycomb structure is a result of perfect lamination of butter and dough layers. My first time making croissants was many years ago. Homemade French Croissants (step by step recipe). On March 17, there's much to dofrom cooking corned beef and cabbage and donning your finest green attire to raising a glass in honor of Irish pride. You can also bake them at about 400F / 205C for about 7 minutes, and then reduce temp. Roll out further to 5 mm in thickness (width of 9.5 10 inches / 24 25 cm). Set aside for the yeast to activate for about 10 - 20 minutes. Making bread from scratch doesn't have to be hard. Also, if you use active dry yeast (as I have), you will be activating it first. I like to keep a width of about 9.5 - 10 inches (23 - 24 cm) and roll it out to a 4 - 5 mm thickness. But dont worry, even if you cant find European-style butter, you can certainly still make croissants with regular butter, though it might be harder. Use a clean ruler or measuring tape. Gently press the dough with a rolling pin along the length of it to make the dough and butter pliable. Hi Louise! Im 100% sure I weighed all the ingredients correctly. Could it be the yeast, by chance? Yeast feeds on inverted sugar much faster, and that is why a little of this is added to the yeast to help activate it. Authentic French croissants. The good news! In a small bowl, beat the butter and flour until combined. This can warm up the dough too much. To prevent the dough from sticking, make sure you lightly flour your work surface. Thank you so much! The usual rule of thumb is that you use about 25% less instant yeast (by weight), than active dry yeast.