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3. But, in contrast with this cruel selfishness, "the Christians, in the abundance of their brotherly love," as their Bishop Dionysius says, "did not spare themselves, but mutually attending each other, they would visit the sick without fear, and ministering to each other for the sake of Christ, cheerfully gave up their lives with them. How Jesus sacrificed all and identified Himself with it! That verse leaves no room to dodge its implications: If I love the world or the things in the world, Gods love is not in me! Hebrews, Expository Sermons - From The Executable Outlines Series by Mark A. Copeland - Hundreds of free sermon outlines and Bible study materials available for online browsing and downloading. Hebrews 13:1-25. Let me first briefly remind you, as the truth upon which my whole explanation of this text is built, that man is not meant either for solitude or independence. He therefore giveth this general advice, "Let-all your things be done in love" (1 Corinthians 16:14).6. Hebrews 3:7-19. 11). read more, Scripture: Sometimes we think that love should be spontaneous and effortless. If you focus on the doctrine without application, it leads to spiritual pride. The great evangelist, George Whitefield, was a committed Calvinist. It is a good habit always to look at texts in their connection. - W.J. His splendid contributions to VariousThe World's Great Sermons, Volume IThe Action of Jesus Christ in the Souls of Men. From the beginning of the world He was, as God, the first cause of the existence of souls. 5). Unity in sentiment.2. This world s hatred of saints should the more stir us up to love them. What a world of suffering we live in! V. WHY JESUS CHRIST IS THE PERFECT VOICE OF GOD. Why should we dispute, when there is no possibility of convincing? The world most hateth saints, and that, in this very respect, because they are saints. 5. Nowhere is there a more attractive picture of genuine piety than in " the fellowship of the saints.". He made men think. Simple, isnt it? It is only by the exercise of that love, which is the substratum of union, that one can resemble God, and become imbued with the spirit of heaven.(W. (1.) (1.) * * Preached at the house of one made a widow by her husband's desertion; who left her in straitened circumstances to provide for a young family. Our writers and readers come from numerous and varied backgrounds, and the resources we provide are used in . A Brief Word On Getting Over Ourselves. The fountain from which it flows continues, and so also should the stream that flows from it. A stronger incitation and enforcement thereunto cannot be given.4. Principally, the loss of a concernment in the foundation of it, which is an interest in gratuitous adoption, and the participation of the same spirit, the same new nature and life. It will not be hindered from doing the good it should do.5. As apprehension of God's love to us works love in us to God (1 John 4:19), so others' apprehension of our love to them will make them love us. --On Other Letters Ascribed to Athanasius. Encourage, Motivate, Meet - Hebrews 3:12-13, 10:24-25 (Small groups) Growing in Faith Series (Click here for a PDF of all the sermon outlines for the series.) He has a sick body, and he is not able to work as hard as I am. First of all, then, I have to speak this morning of THE COVENANT mentioned in the text; and I observe that we can readily discover at first sight what the covenant is not. He replied, in a tone of unaffected humility, that as he could scarcely hope to enjoy so elevated a rank as they, in a future world, he knew not why he should despise them in the present. Homer W. Hodge We come to the request of Paul made to the Church at Ephesus, found in the latter part of Ephes. LET me read to you the verse that comes before our text. JESUS THE BETTER WAY: HE IMPARTS A BETTER LIFE HEBREWS 13:1-25 Big Idea: A Superior Christ Imparts a Superior Life INTRO So we come to the conclusion of our walk through Hebrews. "Of old hast Thou laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Thy hands. But let me mention three things: Jesus Christ is our example of what Gods love looks like in human life. Never!Hence, let us learn, my brethren, the extreme value of searching the Scriptures. They Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 60: 1914Never! The Lord's Burden. The importance of maintaining this affection is manifest from many Divine utterances (John 13:34, 35; John 15:12, 17; 1 John 3:11, 14-18; 1 John 4:7, 8, 11, 20, 21). November 10, 2002 As Psalms 118:6 demonstrates, God is our helper, so we need fear no human action or institution (13:6). Gouge.1. That is not inspired Scripture, of course! A. A due sense of the weight or moment of this duty, from the especial institution and command of Christ.3. But angels are not our guide, nor our god. 2. The promulgation of the law, enjoining it on man in innocence as a duty, was due to God's necessary dominion over the creatures of his power. xiii. The duty of Covenanting is founded on the law of nature; but it also stands among the arrangements of Divine mercy made from everlasting. Hebrews 13:1-3. Challenging a local church to be committed to God. Fellowship originally broken by sin. Constant watchfulness against all those vicious habits of mind, in self-love, or love of the world, which are apt to impair it.7. Love hath a strong operation on others. But there must be a reception of the Lord Jesus; in all His offices of Prophet, Priest, and King, and a desire to submit to the guidance of His Word, and to be led by the gracious direction of His Spirit, as a foundation for that brotherly love in which we are commanded to live. Whitcomb. Hebrews 3:7 to 4:13. A stronger incitation and enforcement thereunto cannot be given.4. With the same inspired truth before us we differ, honestly, in our opinions as to the meaning or extent of that truth. --Hebrews 13:8. My wife needs to hear this one! xiii. Conviction 6; Cross 2; Cults 3; Depression 1; Discipline 1; Evangelism 7; Faith 34; Faithfulness 3; Fear of Man 1; Forgiveness 11; Friendship 3; God's Glory 3; God's Kingdom 5; God's Love 13; God's Righteousness 1; God's Sovereignty . Never! Union of feeling.3. Hebrews 3:1-6: Download: 1/25/2015 : My Life Is the Lord's: Pastor Schmitzer: Deuteronomy 32:39: Download: B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth The Doctrine of Arbitrary Scriptural Accommodation Considered. Various admonitions as to love;4. to honest life;5. to avoid covetousness;7. to regard God's preachers;9. to take heed of strange doctrines;10. to confess Christ;16. to give alms;17. to obey governors;18. to pray for the apostles.20. and you will see that you have room to grow in loving people (not mankind!). A. Fellowship with Him is the highest ideal of life. xiii. Then listen to God's Word and take courage: "I will never leave you nor forsake you" ( Hebrews 13:5 ). If you dont focus on it and work at it, it easily flows away. It is a good habit always to look at texts in their connection. When my children were young, I was pleased when they would show love for one another. ii. That this affection was imperiled is also implied. Let Marriage Be Held in Honor Thinking Biblically About So-Called Same-Sex Marriage. 5). There is a far greater chance that he will come to embrace the truth that I love if he knows that I love him. If He had checked with me first, I would have told Him to save only those who agree with me! Some of the most difficult Christians that I have been around know theology and Greek. Union is promotive of happiness.7. Let brotherly love continue. Speaker: Angus Fursdon-Welsh Series: Stand alone Scripture: Genesis 22:1-19, Genesis 12:1-3, Hebrews 11:8, Genesis 15:6, Hebrews 6:13-14, Hebrews 11:17-19, 2 Timothy 2:13 Feed Browse Upload Library More Brotherly love is one of the fairest and most glorious flowers in the Christian garden. (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) He therefore giveth this general advice, "Let-all your things be done in love" (1 Corinthians 16:14).6. Nothing less than the death of Christ was the close of the Old. Union is promotive of happiness.7. Jesus loved the scribes and Pharisees when He called them a brood of vipers and warned them about hell (Matt. Again, THERE IS THE PURPOSE FORMED BY EACH LOVER OF THE SAVIOUR THAT BROTHERLY LOVE SHALL CONTINUE. Fervent prayer for supplies of grace enabling us thereunto, with sundry others of a like nature. It is the foundation whereon all duties that have relation to the brethren are erected.2. Abounding of lusts in the hearts of men. The sun itself must soon grow dim with age; the folding up of the worn-out, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Please don't forget to subscribe share with your family and friends!!! To be a Christian means that God has performed a supernatural work of grace in your heart that the Bible describes as the new birth. 1. We can apply verse 3 to the need to help those who are suffering for any reason. 11:31. 25:35-40). THE HELP OF RELIGION. The apostle so far commends love in this kind, as he maketh all things unsavoury and unprofitable without it (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Love for fellow Christians is consistently mentioned in the Bible as proof of one's faith (John 15:12; 1 John 4:20). Read full chapter. 299 (4)). p. 1287). And if we judge not this duty of such importance as to be constant in the use of these means for the maintenance of it, it will not continue. The Help of Religion. A. From the beginning of the world He was, as God, the first cause of the existence of souls. 1. p. 1293 (Latin, ib. I have held to the doctrines that are labeled Calvinism since my college days, long before I ever read a page of Calvins writings. C. It is wrong, I think, to lay hold of small portions of God's Word, and take them out of their connection as you might pluck feathers from a bird; it is an injury to the Word; and, sometimes, a passage of Scripture loses much of its beauty, its true teaching, and its real meaning, by being taken from the Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 40: 1894, The Blood of the Everlasting CovenantI. First of all, then, I have to speak this morning of THE COVENANT mentioned in the text; and I observe that we can readily discover at first sight what the covenant is not. OBSERVE the way in which the apostles were accustomed to incite believers in Christ to the performance of their duties. Love is the vitalising principle of truth and experience and duty. But the grand instrument for the removal of all impediments to our charity, from within or from without, is intercessory prayer. Nothing less than the death of Christ was the close of the Old. The Help of Religion. (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) or, Who shall descend into the deep?' xiii. xiii. "But the Righteousness which is of Faith speaketh on this wise,--Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into Heaven?' The apostle so far commends love in this kind, as he maketh all things unsavoury and unprofitable without it (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Unity in sentiment.2. 21). A. And if we judge not this duty of such importance as to be constant in the use of these means for the maintenance of it, it will not continue. "Jesus Christ yesterday, to-day, and for ever" (Heb. An endeavour to grow and thrive in the principle of it, or the power of adopting grace.2. The little courtesies of Christian as well as polite society are tendered with suitable delicacy, and " little deeds of kindness" are kept busily at work receiving and reciprocating true brotherly love. Helping Each Other Endure to the End. But what saith it? The new hope for today - "a promise remains of entering God's rest" - for those who follow Christ into heaven (Hebrews 4:1-10). the danger of unbelief (Hebrews 3:7-4:13), the danger of spiritual immaturity (Hebrews 5:11-6:20), the .