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That doesn't make them monsters. He overslept and missed a class and was sleeping when I got home. Serious victim mentality with both of them. , What was the deadliest school shooting? Harris was born in Wichita, Kansas, but moved around frequently as a child due to his father's occupation in the United States Air Force, while Klebold was born and raised near Columbine. But even if you work with them to avoid their *own* pain, that's a start. "If a person was denying it, he would say, 'One of . People that want to pretend that the parents were just innocent distant bystanders who had no responsibility for anything that happened are repulsive. ". Dylans parents were hands-on parents who limited the intake of television and sugary cereals. It was obvious that the attack had been in the works for a long time, and the plan carefully thought out. Funny how things cycle.". In this case, the other shooter played a pivotal role in stoking Dylans rage and allowing him to break out of his own passivity and actually take steps toward the suicide he craved. We are not violent.I would never do a shooting even though I work in an office with a bunch of former jocks and homecoming queens that haven't changed since they left school and are still as awful now as they were then. Its hard to tell. R17, would you call yourself more of a Harris or more of a Klebold? Dylan Klebold was 17 when he and Harris,18, carried out their long-planned attack on the high school about 13 miles south of downtown Denver. . Byron Klebold is Dylan's older brother - photo of him at link. Just know I'm going to a better place. OSHKOSH, Wis. (WBAY) - A special event was held in Oshkosh Tuesday afternoon, where the mother Dylan Klebold, one of the two gunmen responsible for the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado . Firstly, like everyone else he didn't pick up on his mental health nor was Dylan apparently showing it to his 'best friend.'. 5 feet 6.5 inches tall, 135-140 pounds. We monitored what movies our boys could see, and put them to bed with stories and prayers and hugs (p. 61). it was probably dylan just being a snarky and sardonic person if the relationship had ever crumbled, or a classic father/son conflict. It didn't help matters any that our father was an abusive asshole. 6. Subject: Re: The Klebolds are DIVORCED Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:17 pm. Those kids were their responsibility legally. Gotta go. A few weeks ago, I reviewed Sue Klebold's memoir A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy, about her experience as the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the Columbine High School shooters.While I was able to share the manner by which she communicated her ideas and insights, I wasn't able to . The mother of Columbine killer Dylan Klebold says she thinks every day about the people her . However, there is credible, tangible, measurable, and repeatable evidence that there are some people, for whatever reason, have their brains wired differently. Posted 3 years ago However, most people know they are guilty as sin and should burn in hell with their son. Virginia Tech. COLUMBINE, pisode 3 : l'impact sur la socit, 3. Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold, poses for a portrait on Feb. 23, 2016. Brooks said the Klebolds agreed to the interview after an exchange of e-mails initiated by Tom Klebold, who was angered by Brooks April 24 column. They could still have been on the outskirts of the school. People need to understand this could have happened to them, he said. Sue Klebold Recalls What Her Son Dylan Was Like at Home: Part 2. May 15, 2004. You have no right to disrupt someone else's place of business. Theres to me a level of skepticism we have usually of course with the scraps of info we had, but also the slight weirdness/more to it/unreliability when it came down to this particular topic, Find it interesting Tom would say he was Dylans best friend. The Klebolds said their son was set off by the toxic culture of the school, where athletes were worshipped and bullying was tolerated. He was easy to raise, a pleasure to be with, a child who had always made us proud (Klebold, 2016, p. 61). VOTN needs to get a clue. Yes, it's the fifth anniversary of when you met your partner and you go out to dinner and somebody's child is relentlessly screaming throughout dinner that's fine. She's spent years excavating every detail of her family life, trying to understand what she could have done to prevent her son's violence. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 13 people on April 20, 1999, before taking their own lives. She went to Ohio State University where she dated Tom. We had to get up at 4:00 AM to be there by 6:00. Looking back on the textbooks suggested traits of school shooters, weve already seen above how Dylan does actually map onto many of them. His father claimed his body but the burial site is unknown. At the same time, the father must have believed that his son's future was still bright. His father was a geophysicist and a mother worked with the disabled . I read a lot of opinions on Eric and his dad Wayne. What I am saying is that the cause is something deeper and more primal than "society.". Just as the son's evil made people go back and re-evaluate his dad, discovering examples like the time Poppy sabotaged his opponent's sail boat the night before the race; one wonders if one should investigate more closely the dealings of the Harrises. He'd gone with a traditional black tuxedo, bow tie slightly askew. Denver area Jews, meanwhile, have expressed discomfort at the emphasis being paid to Klebold's alleged Jewishness. I mean, I purposefully avoided everything except a quick glance at the CNN and MSNBC frontpages, but they had stories about the anniversary pretty front and center. Harris also had sadistic tendencies, which propelled him to "seek vengeance.". In their first interview since the Columbine High School massacre, the parents of one of the killers said they feel no need be forgiven and didnt realize their son was beyond hope until after he was dead. The big trifecta of psychopathology. It is also true that environmental stimuli can make the difference between a kid with "problems" and a kid who becomes a "monster." His parents didnt yet know to monitor his internet usage. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were charged with theft, criminal mischief, and criminal trespassing for breaking into a van and . School shooters often show little attachment to their school. How they could live with themselves is beyond me. Dylan Klebold was suicidal for several years before Columbine. He didn't even say hi to Tom or ask how he was. Eric also said he had purposefully not been spending much time with his family so there wouldn't be much "bonding" leading up to April 20 since that would make it harder to do. That's the first thing. Weren't they in a small group of rebellious kids? His dad followed him around with a camcorder, capturing every move. R71, having seen Patti Lupone shit all over Gypsy, I can assure you, there's a Hell. The bombing was planned for April 19th, to coincide with the Oklahoma bombing, but for some reason, they were set back to the 20th. How are parents supposed to know everything that goes on in their children's minds? Sue Klebold broke down in tears as she remembered the funeral of her son Dylan. I read recently that neither set of parents ever spoke publicly or to the media. My mom and I have always thought that my brother is one "snap" away from ending up hurting someone and/or in jail. . Pais was a student at Miami Beach High School who was reportedly obsessed with the school shooting at Columbine, the high school where 13 people were shot and killed 20 years ago. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris had openly admired Adolf Hitler. I encourage you to study the footage and reach out to others in the comments. I still think it's easy to place blame on the parents within the context of what happened, but tons of kids are little miscreant assholes who commit petty shit like Eric & Dylan were doing. I couldn't do that to my family and I admit that I would never have the guts. "How do you teach someone to have emotions or empathy?". For happy, easy-to-raise, and successful kids like him, it was easy to fly under their parents radar precisely because they were the shiny pennies, hiding the terrible pain they were in from their parents as capably as they did everything else (p. 65). [quote]You have to ignore a whole lot of what is wrong with society to limit it to a bogus discussion about how some people have "brains wired differently." What have I raised? My own experience is that my gifted teacher dragged me out of sporting events because they weren't academic enough, encouraged my teachers to assign me extra work that the other kids didn't do, and basically didn't understand teenagers, high school, or what it was like to be ostracized at all. His parents were both born in Colorado but while he was working in the Air Force as a transport pilot, Wayne Harris held 11 . COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL massacre - WikiVidi Documentary. Though posthumous diagnosis isnt possible, that Dylan was seriously depressed is not up for debate (p. 160), and his behaviors might have also fit the criteria for other diagnoses such as avoidant personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and/or borderline personality disorder. Parents are not automatically responsible for the behavior of their teenage children. It may have hurt him. After the killing: How parents of attackers cope. The most undereducated, illiterate, ridiculous people become teachers. They were not the mainstream group. Sorry. So he called me and offered to go to the school in hopes of negotiating with Dylan. There are several theories but there is not one definition. As we ourselves have often concluded in class, it seems Sue also came to the understanding that the massacre was the culmination of a number of different factors for Dylan, none of which on their own would have created such an act. Who is "limiting" the discussion to the brain? IE 11 is not supported. 1/12 Tom is home from the hospital. Ridiculous. It's far more complicated than a matter of discipline. comes from the shittiest of shitty, lazy parent(s). So no, nothing in the gifted program could have helped this kid. I wanted a contribution to help us understand why it happened, so that it would never happen again. His parents didnt understand the full extent of it, but high school wasnt turning out to be a kind place for him. Focus on the mental. I wish the Harris and Klebold parents were rotting in prison right now as a lesson to parents that wash their hands of it and say "not my problem. Born: 4-9-1981. There are a lot more R&V followers out there than you would think. On a calendar entry dated the day of the attack, April 20, the time 11:10 is written across the top an approximate reference to when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold pulled out their weapons . I do find it odd that you'd characterise your 17 year old son as your 'best friend' anyway, you're his father. Jefferson County Public Schools officials have consistently denied that bullying was tolerated or that athletes received special treatment. Coni Sanders, whose father, Dave Sanders, a . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. But there isn't one thing. Sue had no idea it was a life-and-death situation. What kind of parent lets their kid have a swastika prominently displayed in their room (as just one of many, many signs that their offspring had problems)? I was just messing with you all a little bit in my other posts. No one could control him. As a reporter scribbled, Hooker reconsidered. Dylan's mother, Sue Klebold, confirmed to radio host Terry Gross on "Fresh Air" Tuesday that she is Jewish, and her now ex-husband, Dylan Klebold's father, is Lutheran, and said her son . She just took interest and responsibility for what I did as long as I was both underage and under her roof. In Cub Scouts, he was a bright, dedicated boy who worked hard for his badges. Hey, Sci-fi-tologist, fuck off with your anti-psychology bullshit. How can you not hear your child scream? When someone is in a store, that is not their own private property. You can't learn to feel if you don't. How often did they fix things up, was he emotionally available for Dylan? Hey mom, gotta go Tom isnt even included in the insincere goodbye. Dylan Klebold (Dylan Bennet Klebold) was born on 11 September, 1981 in Lakewood, Colorado, United States, is a 20th century American mass murderers. Maybe I'm just feeling too knowledgeable having been re-reading Steve Pinker's "How The Mind Works" recently.