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While pothos comes with thick and glossy leaves, a philodendron has a matte finish with elongated tips. It can reach up to 3 feet and is easier to grow than other Alocasias. You always want to choose a new pot that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter to allow room for growth. A moss pole or plant support are the best things for this. 3. Philodendron sagittifolium Synonyms: Philodendron tanyphyllum, Philodendron sanguineum, Philodendron lancigerum, Philodendron tuxtlanum, Philodendron lancigerum, Philodendron daemonum, Philodendron ghiesbrechtii Formerly incorrectly identified on this site as Create your account and enjoy a new shopping experience. | Top Tips to save Your Devils Ivy, Causes of Philodendron Birkin Brown Spots? In this article, we look at the many different alocasia varieties to help you decide which one to add to your plant collection! There are even more differences that we will get into in a while. This color combination gives the plant a stunning appearance with large pointed leaves of different shades growing together. This plant reminds you of the Calathea varieties with its dark green foliage and contrasting bright reddish-purple underside. It has oval-shaped, split leaves that look similar to those of a . 15 - 25cm Philodendron Scandens Pothos 12cm Pot House Plant. Both overwatering and over-fertilizing can damage the plant quickly. This Alocasia is said to bring good fortune to its owners, which explains why this plant is commonly referred to as Buddhas hand. This Philodendron cultivar is an upright, non-climbing, plant that can reach an upright height of 2 ft. (60 cm). The frydek Alocasia is a rare plant that is medium sized compared to other Alocasias, growing around 1-2 feet tall. New leaves grow as sunny-yellow leaves that gradually darken as they age. The clumping plant doesnt grow long trailing vines. If you live in temperate climates, you can only grow this plant indoors. The largest Alocasia is the Alocasia macrorrhiza, more commonly called the giant taro. Alocasia tubers are smaller, thin, and plain without prominent stripes or eyes. I earn a commission if you make a purchase through my referral links. Be sure to keep a wet pebble tray close by or group plants close together next to a humidifier. It has a sturdy tree-like stem that holds up its exotic-looking leaves. It got its name from the funny-shaped leaves that are wide and rounded with a skinny tail at the end pointing toward the ground. Although not the easiest Alocasia to grow indoors, once you understand its requirements, youll manage to keep this plant happy even indoors. Plants will occasionally, albeit rarely when grown indoors, produce insignificant purple spathes. Watch the leaves of your Philodendron carefully as they will let you know when they need more or less light, water or moisture. If new leaves emerge pale, that is an indication that your plant needs more calcium and magnesium, so try to find a fertiliser that includes these. But dont feed them in winter as this can lead to an accumulation of salt and ultimately damage their foliage. The leaves can grow to be several inches in length or just a few centimeters, adding some variety to the plant. The odd shape and texture make it popular among those that love an unusual tropical plant. This Alocasia plant and all others can be fed with half-strength fertilizer every few weeks in the spring. A pothos (top photo) has leaves with a thicker, waxy feel and slightly raised/bumpy texture to the leaves. Therefore, while the Selloum has gone for size, the Philodendron Xanadu has gone for beauty. Hardiness Zone: 9+. Alocasias in the wild grow under the canopies of tall trees. Many of the 480 species of Philodendron plants are popular houseplants thanks to their large, green leaves. This plant has uniquely shaped foliage, where the tips narrow to a string size and the base remains round in shape, representing the outline of a stingray. The ideal location for Alocasia 'Polly' and Alocasia amazonica is actually a greenhouse where humidity and temperature can be controlled. 2. This Alocasia variety can be recognized for its funky, striped, purple, and green stem. Last on the list is a royal-looking type of Alocasia known as the Yucatan Princess. The Alocasia macrorrhizos, not to be confused with the Alocasia macrorrhiza, is an exotic-looking plant that brings an aura of simplicity and sophistication to your garden. Philodendron Prince of Orange gets its name from its orange-colored new leaves. The bold markings and large stature of the elephant ear plant varieties are sure to do just that. Alocasia develops both tubers and rhizomes. Despite growing considerably tall and large, they dont require much soil space to flourish as their roots dont grow very deep. The Alocasia cuprea is a native of humid areas, Borneo in particular. Tim Anderson who ran Palm Hammock was one place I had bought it from as well as Mr . It is rare to find this variety of Philodendron in garden centers or even online. These large-leafed Philodendrons grow well in hanging baskets or as a climbing plant. It enjoys high humidity and well-draining soil. Colocasia tubers are also known as taro and are used for food in Hawaii. What is the difference between Alocasia amazonica and Alocasia Polly? This is a water water-loving plant species and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The plant can grow quite large, especially in height, so it thrives in outdoor gardens with plenty of space. Alocasias grows from a corm, while a Giant Philodendron has a regular root system. Instead, the stiff burgundy stems grow large leaves that give this Philodendron a bushy, shrub-like appearance. From the unique silver dragon Alocasia to the gigantic but beginner-friendly taro Alocasia. Is an Alocasia a philodendron? While both Monstera and Philodendron belong the the Araceae family, they are two different plant species. The corm of colocasia has a less rounded shape. The Alocasia longiloba can be identified by its large and dark grey-green leaves with bold white veining. The lacy tree Philodendron also has deeply lobed leaves that are large, shiny, and waxy. It grows up to 14 in (36 cm) in total. One of the best examples of an upright, non-climbing, indoor type of Philodendron is the Xanadu cultivar. Its hard not to be mesmerized by this striking variety of Alocasia. Whether youre already obsessed with this perennial family, or if you want to incorporate one into your plant collection, check out these twenty-five stunning varieties of Alocasia! It forms folds and crests on its sides. Heartleaf Philodendron ( Philodendron Hederaceum) The trailing vines of this adorable Philodendron grace windowsills and hanging baskets across the world. Keeping your African Violet's blooms going indoors can be a challenge if you aren't setting yourself up for success. There are many varieties of plants to choose from to spruce up your home or patio area. The plant has large pointy leaves but still has an air of delicacy due to its thin, wispy stems and spacious appearance. This plant is considered a mini alocasia; it only grows to about one foot in height. These cultivars are called cream splash Philodendron and are difficult to find, even online. Because they love humidity, green heartleaf Philodendron are excellent plants for bathrooms. The flowers are small and white and surrounded by a light green spathe. An Alocasias leaves point upwards, while the Colocasias leaves point downwards. Humidity: philodendron likes high humidity, between 60 and 80%!Mist spray it regularly or use a saucer as a "water tank" to keep humidity high. Dont keep this variety in full sun. The Philodendron Birkin is a stunning variegated type of philodendron with leathery dark glossy leaves. The fluorescent green foliage can brighten up any shaded corner of a room. Besides keeping the soil moist, regular misting and keeping a close eye for spider mites and mealybugs, this plant is suitable for most level gardeners. With Helpful Tips. Philodendrons have thin and clustered aerial roots; on the other hand, pothos has solitary aerial roots. The blushing Philodendron is a cultivar from the same species as the Pink Princess plant. Some types of vining plants in the Philodendron family are the variegated Philodendron Brasil, pink princess and the green heartleaf Philodendron. These plants grow from tubers instead of seeds and are best known for their large heart, arrow or ear-shaped leaves that have been known to grow up to three feet long. This is because the plant is native to Thailand, where it is believed to bring great fortune. The undersides of the leaves are maroon. All three of these tropical Aroids also prefer to stay dry when dormant (or as I like to say, they like to sleep in a dry bed . Bunting Numerous Plants Claim the Common Name! The large heart-shaped leaves on this crawling variety of Philodendron are a deep green color with pinkish margins, and pale green, white, or pinkish veins. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron . The silvery leaves of the plant look like dragon scales with primary and secondary veins in dark green. Welcome to Plant House Aesthetic! However, it is small compared with other Alocasia varieties, so dont expect it to grow more than two feet in height. The leaves can be so dark that theyre almost black, featuring orange and red accents along the stem. Alocasia and colocasia do not grow from seeds; instead, they grow from a small tuber or bulb. Alocasias like a lot of feeding, and larger plants will require more feed. Alocasia melo has a striking appearance with its deep dark oval leaves with a distinct point at the end of each one. . If so, you'll need to follow specific steps to make sure you don't harm your pothos plant in the process. AKA macrorrhiza has a very clean "v" between the lobes and odora is more of a soft "u". Its brightly-colored leaves contrast with the pinkish-green stems to create an unusual hanging basket houseplant. While Alocasia is a tropical and distinct variety of plants that will give your yard or indoor collection an exotic edge, these plants are so simple to take care of. While if youre looking for a challenge with a big reward, the silver dragon or black velvet Alocasias are perfect for you. If leaf texture is what youre most intrigued by in a foliage plant, the Alocasia Melo does not disappoint its rugged texture is made even more interesting by the visible primary and secondary veins on the leaf, creating a beautiful and intricate pattern. That being said, there are certainly some differences between the two genera as well. The Malaysian monster is a pretty small and slow-growing plant. Like other rare varieties of Alocasia, the leaves are thick and sort of puffy, making them look inflated and unrealistic, but theyre all natural. Simply place the desired cutting in the medium. The main difference between the two plants is in the leaf characteristics. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi Im Donna-Kay and I am a recovering ex-serial plant killer and cat mama. There are botanical differences between the two, but one way to tell them apart is that Colocasia has leaves with the tips pointing down and most Alocasia have leaves pointing up. Water should easily drain out the pots drainage holes. The pointed, oval leaves flare upward, so they make little bowls that catch the rain and direct it to the soil and roots. Keep the thermostat above 60F (15C) and this shouldn't happen. is that "philodendron" is any of several climbing plants, of the genus Philodendron, native to America and the West Indies that are often grown as house plants and "alocasia" is any of several tropical Asian plants, of the genus Alocasia, having heart- or arrowhead-shaped leaves. The reginula species has been given the nickname of queen or Alocasia black velvet. If you choose to purchase using these links, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Similar to the black velvet Alocasia, but like youve put the inverted filter over it. The name makes many think it grows rapidly and is quite large, but this isnt usually the case. What is the difference between Hiring and Mercenary? 3. The Philodendron will grow in low-light environments, but the vibrancy of its leaves may fade. As its name suggests, the Alocasia nebula has silvery leaves that look artificial to many. Philodendron Birkin has heart-shaped leaves with delicate creamy-white pinstripes. They are an incredibly vibrant green contrasted by pale cream-colored veins on each leaf. The leaves can reach 6-feet in length and 4-feet wide. You can also use a self-watering pot or a watering globe if you have a busy life and not enough time to maintain your plant. Depending on your interior dcor, you can choose between a hanging (vining) Philodendron or an upright Philodendron variety. Adapting your environment to these conditions can always be done, and ultimately shouldnt deter you from trying to bring either of these fantastic plants into your home. Alocasia 'Bambino' has deep green, arrowhead leaves with silvery green veins and purple undersides. Some rare types of Philodendron Brasil have yellow, green, and creamy-white variegation. This variety appreciates high humidity, so make sure you keep the air around moist if you keep it indoors. Stop fertilizing during fall and winter when growth slows down. The leaves are also velvety in texture and dont reflect light, making them appear darker than they are. Its a tall-growing variety (4-6.5 feet) that needs filtered or bright, indirect light. Some of the leaves infected with the Dasheen Mosaic Virus can even be distorted. Thinking of growing anthurium crystallinum but aren't quite sure where to start? The ideal temperature range for Tiger Alocasia is between 64F and 82F (18C - 28C). But it can also make for a beautiful indoor plant. Feed your Philodendron in the spring and again in mid summer with a liquid house plant fertilizer. However, because Anthuriums grow in the moss and leaf litter of tree branches in their native environments, they prefer something more akin to an orchid mix. The exquisitely detailed leaves range in size from 4 to 6-inches. The length of a heart-shaped leaf ranges between 5 to 7cm. Alocasia varieties need shade to full sunlight depending on the variety. This is the swollen base of the stem, enclosed by small dry leaves that protect it. The leaf patterns on this Alocasia are eerily similar to that of the Dragon Scale, however, the Silver Dragon has silvery green leaves with green primary veins. They also bloom anthurium-like flowers of no more than three at a time. The leaves can reach a length of 2 feet and a width of 1 foot. The plant features green, glossy leaves and enjoys bright, indirect light and evenly moist soil. The veins on the leaves are pronounced and typically a dark shade of green that gives the leaves the appearance of depth and texture. Location. Under certain conditions, the leaves can be a grayish-blue color, which is stunning in your garden of green. Fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots, either in rings or in a central cluster. Philodendron Florida Ghost Propagation. The stems are thin and long, but they support large dark green leaves you would expect to encounter in the jungle. The Philodendron Pink Princess is a beautiful indoor plant with green and pink variegated leaves. If you want something starkly different from the other light green plants in your garden, the Polly Plant is a beautiful addition thats easy to find. The rare type of variegation changes from leaf to leaf and can even change color. Whilst the leaves are most commonly green they can come in red, pink or variegated colours, and have a bumpy or coarse texture. After all, there are so many types of Alocasia plants to choose from that a bit of hesitation is understandable. With careful watering, some hybrids can be grown successfully in potting soil by treating them similarly to philodendrons, letting the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Alocasia plants are known for boasting leaves with stunning veining patterns and large sizes. But the stem is the enticing part of this Alocasia, as it is a soft shade of beige spotted and striped with dark brown, making it look exotic and beautiful. The leaves of this Alocasia are velvety, with silvery white veins and medium to dark green leaves. The plants I have originated from two places. Their stems develop a somewhat old look, with aerial roots hanging downward . Cut a 5-inch portion of the stem of an existing plant, making sure the cutting contains at least one leaf and a node. The Xanadu features smooth leaves and possesses a silk-like reflective surface while also having symmetrical lobes up to 16 inches (40 cm) long and 12 inches (30 cm) wide. This guide will help you to choose which of these plants is best for you and provide you with some care tips and tricks for each. Their arrowhead-shape and fan-like folded leaves can help identify this Alocasia. Many of the leaves are green, but many will also take on a lustrous silvery-gray color. The ideal temperature range for growing the Birkin plant is between 60F and 75F (18C 24C). The thick woody stems seem to arch in different directions, giving the plant a unique appearance. This species of Philodendron is related to the heartleaf plant and has leaves of a similar shape. Mature leaves on macrorrhizos have no leaf tissue between the "ears" (where the petiole joins the blade) while odora/calidora have leaf tissue between the "ears". The leaves are very glossy and leather-like, like many Alocasia varieties. Alocasias are typically grown for their prominent, elephant ear-like appearance. HYBRID SUMMARY: Originally known as Alocasia x amazonica, this hybrid name was never validly registered and has been confirmed to be of horticultural origin. The color isnt quite black but usually very dark green. The plant typically grows fast and to a large size, so make sure you give it plenty of space to flourish. . Contents hide Both plants are jewel alocasia, yet even compared to the Melo, the Maharani is shorter. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, care, and progress of Alocasia plants. Since the portodora can grow to 4-5 feet, it is best for full-partially sunny areas in the outdoors or on a patio. What's the difference between anthurium and Alocasia? However, many houseplant varieties have heart-shaped leaves that are much smaller. Difference between alocasia sanderiana and amazonica difference between alocasia sanderiana and amazonica. The Pink Princess hybrid is a type of Philodendron plant with green and pink variegated leaves. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens): This well-known philodendron has 2- to 4-inch dark green, heart-shaped leaves. It has moderate watering requirements, disliking overwatering but also chronic underwatering. The Naugahyde type of Philodendron is also called the pigskin plant due to its thick leathery leaves. In this article and corresponding video, gardening expert Logan Hailey teaches you how to repot your pothos plant in 5 easy steps! The plant grows best in shaded areas or partial shade. The philodendron has smaller leaves, which are split rather than fenestrated. The plant grows best in bright, indirect light and tends to suffer when placed in a dark spot or if exposed to strong direct light. The erect spadix is covered in small white flowers, enclosed in a spathe shaped like a boat, similar to lily plants. Philodendron species are notable for their large, leathery leaves, which can be oval, pointed or heart-shaped. Philodendron Grazielae has long trailing vines that are suitable for hanging basket or climbing up a moss pole. Many varieties are plants that are suitable for low-light conditions where there is high humidityfor example, in bathrooms. The plant can grow to a massive fifteen feet under the right tropical conditions, but you can expect it to be around three feet in your home garden. philodendron, (genus Philodendron), approximately 450 species of stout-stemmed climbing herbs of the family Araceae, native to tropical America. The leaf has a thick and almost puffy appearance as if its a blow-up plant. Feed your plant with a well-balanced liquid houseplant fertiliser. They are more arrow-shaped or heart-shaped; while Colocasia has matte green leaves and the leaves are more or less round in shape. HGTV has a good overview of caring for Calycanthus floridus. Philodendron gloriosum is easy to care for and the green velvety leaves are just stunning. Sometimes the green leaves can be so huge that they need some support. Both the stem and the leaves are the same color, making for a beautiful homogenous look. Plus chic renter friendly DIYs inspo. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1 Alocasia Variegated Variegata White Green Plant Elephant Ear (No ship HI, CA) at the best online prices at eBay! This plant can grow up to 8-feet wide and over 15-feet tall! Alocasia's cataphylls stay on the stem, while a Giant Philodendron's cataphylls dry and fall off. For more information on how tocare for your Philodendron plants, please read our full guide. Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight. Water Quality: Pure water is generally more ideal because most Aroids are epiphytes and will be adapted to rain water (pH of 5.5-6) which naturally has a low mineral content.However, from my own experience, alkaline tap water can work - provided you take action to make it more hospitable and lower the pH.