The department shall endeavor to refrain from assigning employees mandatory overtime on the employee's regular day off (RDO) or any pre-approved time off. Unit 17 employees wishing to change shifts within a facility or program, if employed in twenty-four (24) hour facility, shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. to COVID-19. When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. All approved bid request forms must be completed and submitted, in accordance with the "Bidding" provision below, no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 1, or 4:00 p.m. on the following Monday if the date falls on the weekend. Nepotism: No bid shall be denied based solely on personal relationships. Classification studies initiated by this Article shall be administered pursuant to Bargaining Unit 20's MOU, Article 14.1 (Classification Changes). An employee may be temporarily removed from the bid assignment pending a personnel/EEO investigation, but will be assigned to substantially similar start/stop time and RDO if possible. of proper notice to our Union about the system. The employee(s) exchanging hours of work shall waive consideration for any additional compensation (e.g., overtime, holiday credit/pay, shift differential) which the employee would not have otherwise received. telework as a retention and morale booster for CDPH. Management may deny a bid which is submitted by an employee who is on limited duty status if it is determined that the duties of the posted position are in conflict with the work limitation(s) described by the employee's physician. If a specific position was indicated for the voluntary request, and was changed or no longer needed, the nursing supervisor will make all reasonable attempts to notify the affected BU 20 CNA. include: Our Union team met again with the Employment Development required separation of duties for Driver Safety Hearing Officers Our team continued to pressure Before an employee is required to work mandatory overtime, every reasonable effort will be made to find an acceptable volunteer within the program where the employee works. and DMV employees across the state. "Standby" is defined as the express and absolute requirement that an employee be available during specified off-duty hours to receive communication regarding a requirement to return to work and be fit and able to return to work, if required. "Employees." department representatives at the CDTFA/BOE headquarters building Employees' workweeks and/or work shifts shall not be permanently changed by the State without adequate prior notice. Both parties agree and understand that a different type of overtime payment (cash or CTO) may be provided to employees at different times and may even be different for employees in the same or similar situations. Training will be on State time and at State expense. Approximately half of our members are employed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and another 9,000 work for the municipal, county, and private employers across the state. An employee may donate one (1) accrued day of sick leave between September 1 and September 15 of each fiscal year, provided that the employee retains a minimum of twenty (20) accrued days of sick leave after donating. Each shall appoint their own co-chair. Any full-time CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employee, will be permitted to use available, approved Education Leave credits pursuant to section 8.28.3 Education Leave of this MOU. Effective July 1, 2020, no SEIU Local 1000 represented employee shall make less than $15/hour as a result of the implementation of PLP 2020. Dispatcher Clerk (CalTrans) classification study. There shall be ninety percent (90%) of all of the DA qualifying positions allotted according to seniority at each California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) facility that provides dental care. The department head or designee shall initiate any disciplinary action as specified in this article by written notice of disciplinary action served in person or served by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the employee's last known address as listed in the employee's official personnel file. Recognizing the professional status of Unit 3 teachers and librarians, any portion of a performance evaluation concerning professional practice shall be prepared, whenever possible, by a credentialed supervisor or administrator. EDD regarding their plan to reopen the public counters for Such contributions are being made by the employer in lieu of employee contributions. the bonus structure for its field sales representatives in Unit 1 On Monday, September 26, 2022, our Union met with the Department Failure on the part of the employee to submit a request form by 4 p.m. on November 1, shall result in a no preference indicated (NPI) for the employee. Acceptable credits will be limited to new semester (or equivalent quarter) credits earned in an accredited college or university, or California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) approved program, including credits for continuing education courses if provded on an official transcript from an accredited college or university. Last-chance agreements shall include a provision which requires an employee's evaluation by a substance abuse professional as referenced in 49 CFR 382.605 and follow-up testing after returning to duty. Our Read more IL: D163 Park Forest 10/1/17 - 9/15/20. The term "retirement system" shall mean the STRS as made applicable to the State of California under the provisions of the State Teachers' Retirement Law (California Education Code section 22000, et seq.) DJJ Stipend UpdateMay 4, 2022. The academic calendar for exempt staff in the classification of Teacher Specialist shall be one hundred ninety-four (194) workdays. Article 22, Article 23, etc. fight for living wages and economic security. BU 20 LNVs shall be assigned voluntary overtime by BU 20 departmental seniority, on a rotational basis. within their departments. A PI employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on bereavement leave. This The Union and the department shall examine the contracts based on the purpose of this section, the terms of the contracts, all applicable laws, Federal mandates and court decisions/orders. (CDE). Employees must assume the assignment within sixty (60) days of the posting of the bid results. each full quarter during the fiscal year 2016/2017. When an employee has two (2) or more bids pending and the employee accepts an offer as the result of one of the bids, the employee shall immediately withdraw all outstanding bids. Transfers: Employees holding bid assignments shall not, except in cases of emergency or as otherwise provided for in this section be involuntarily transferred to another assignment. If work-related issues arise at America's Job Center of California between State employees and operators or supervisors of other partners, the operator or other supervisor shall refer such issues to the State employees' civil service supervisor. Training programs for new employees shall be pre-defined programs of classroom and on-the-job training. 19-21. Serious offenses include but are not limited to workplace violence, acts that result in personal injury, acts that result in significant property damage, etc. The JLMTF shall meet every other month to determine the triggers that necessitate the use of MOT outside of emergencies, and develop a toolkit to help the different facilities as the facilities reduce mandatory overtime. precedent for all future cases. An employee who has an adverse personnel action with an effective date within twelve (12) calendar months which relates to the employee's job performance will be precluded from participation in the bid process. Where operational considerations permit, departments shall consider implementing telework opportunities as a recruitment and retention strategy. classification is integrated into the Medical Classification Upon request of the employee, a meeting will be held with the Director or designee prior to the final decision regarding the employee's ability to bid. (NOTE: this list, which is attached to this packet, does not list specific classes, as not all classes within a subject area may be considered job related. Receiving or accepting money or any other consideration from anyone other than the State for the performance of the employee's duties as a State officer or employee. Employees who fail to adhere to the agreed upon conditions of the exchange shall be denied subsequent requests to exchange days off. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, no person shall be deemed to be appointed or to have been awarded tenure because notice is not given or received by the time or in the manner prescribed in this section. Total in-class seniority may be used to break ties between equally qualified individuals. The notice will include the employee's name and seniority score. Written request for appeal will be addressed to the QRP (via Employee Relations Officer) within twenty (20) calendar days of notice of ineligibility. Must be permanently assigned to and work at the institution; eligible employees may participate only in the employee's institution's P&B process. For purposes of this section, a classification is at a "higher level" if the maximum salary of the highest salary range (excluding alternate range criteria other than deep class criteria) is any amount more than the maximum salary of the highest range of the class in which the employee holds an appointment. Eligible employees may bid for posted positions by submitting a form specified on the notice inviting bids as specified by the hiring department (appointing authority). Directors (or their designee) shall therefore meet with the Union for this purpose, if requested by the Union. For the purpose of this provision "seniority" is defined as one point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. Industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21 subject to social security shall contribute eight and one half percent (8.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of five hundred thirteen dollars ($513) for retirement. Only courses with a grade of "C" or better, or the numerical equivalent of a "C" or better, are accepted in fulfillment of college unit requirements. Unit 4 includes program assistants, program/tax technicians, key Contested Seniority Scores: An employee who participates in the continuous post and bid process who believes that the employee's seniority score is computed in error shall submit the employee's complaint to the appropriate Local Labor Relations Office within ten (10) calendar days of the seniority scores being published. An original physician's verification describing the nature of the illness or injury and the estimated duration of the illness or injury must be attached to the application. You can view our contract here. No more than twenty percent (20%) of the EPR/DIPR in any branch of EDD shall be PI. One (1) academic year of outside service will be considered one (1) year of State credit. three months and ended the week frustrated by a continued lack of DSS has already begun the process for Ties in Seniority: If two (2) or more employees with the same amount of classification seniority bid on the same position, ties shall be broken as follows: Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CSC; DDS; DSH; and CalVet): Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CDCR; and CCHCS): Employee Eligibility for Post and Bid (CDCR-DJJ): Method and Implementation (Excludes DGS): Announcement of Eligible Posts: Vacant posts shall be announced or advertised the first Monday of each month and remain on display for no less than ten (10) calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays. The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the source of attendance reporting. DJJ/CEA will clearly delineate if the assignment is half day or full day. Full-time service as a pre-tenured employee at one special school in one or more classes of employees for three (3) successive school terms or fiscal year, as applicable; and commencement of service upon reappointment for full-time service at that school for the next school term or fiscal year, as applicable. Payment for authorized overtime may be by cash payment or compensating time off (CTO), at the discretion of the State. In the event the Director of the Department of Finance elects to restore, at their sole discretion, some or all of the various pay items that have been suspended or reduced by operation of this Side Letter, the State shall provide notice to the Union and shall meet and confer with the Union upon request regarding the impact of that determination. It contains hundreds of articles that regulate virtually every aspect of the work we do for the state. The holidays to which this compensation applies are the third Monday in January, the third Monday in February, March 31, November 11, the day after Thanksgiving. the provisions of Article 21.4. information about how this monitoring process will work. When an employee has requested to use PLP 2020, and the request is denied on two separate, consecutive occasions, the employee's third request for PLP 2020 shall be approved subject to severe operational considerations that make granting the request a health or safety risk. The PI employees must either meet the requirements of Rule 277, or have reinstatement rights to a permanent position, to be eligible to participate in the post and bid process. Employees who have been absolved of wrongdoing as stated above, shall be accorded one successful bid so long as the bid is exercised within three (3) months of the decision absolving the employee. Salaries, the General Salary Increase of 2.5% shall become effective on July 1, 2022. If these occur, the employee shall have the right to bid again. These include, but are not limited to, increasing the installment period from ninety-six (96) months (8 years) to one hundred forty-four (144) months (12 years), and allowing employees to purchase partial amounts of service. amazing.. The improved quarter factors also apply to past service that is credited under the State Safety retirement category. When Job Steward Lonnie Tony Owens attended a Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC) meeting last year, he came prepared to present management with the concerns of his CalPERS coworkers in the Information Technology Services Branch (ITSB). If changes to this schedule are necessary or employees are reassigned to a regular academic schedule, the Department shall provide the employees forty-five (45) days written notice of said change. If the employee suffers a financial loss from the cancellation of vacation/annual leave, holiday time off or CTO time approved in writing, the employee may submit a California Victim Compensation Board claim for nonrefundable expenditures which can be verified. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be . Through information gathered from members at Town Halls and from thousands of bargaining surveys, our bargaining team creates bargaining proposals and negotiates with the State over our . stewards and hundreds more who heard the call at listening specifically in terms of information security. The arbitrator's decision regarding out-of-class and misallocation grievances shall be final and binding on the parties. An updated seniority roster and a listing of all available assignments open for bid shall be posted no later than April 1st every year. Miscellaneous members subject to social security shall contribute eight and one half percent (8.50%) of pensionable compensation in excess of five hundred thirteen dollars ($513) for retirement. When determining seniority for a specific position, the seniority will be calculated up to the last day of the pay period prior to the final filing date of the JOB. The departments shall continue existing practices of disseminating education and training information. Job Stewards, had a Meet and Confer with the California State Contained in this section are the provisions for the "24 Month P&B Process" which allows employees to bid twenty-four (24) month assignments and the "Interim Vacancy Bidding Process" which addresses vacancies that occur while the twenty-four (24) month assignments are in effect. Effective within thirty (30) days of ratification of this Agreement by both parties, the CDE shall establish a Family Crisis Leave Bank for Bargaining Unit 3 employees at the State Special Schools and Diagnostic Centers. comments and concerns of rank-and-file workers now in his charge. If the employee does not enroll in a Second Tier Retirement Plan within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of initial eligibility, the employee shall remain enrolled in the First Tier plan, as provided under CalPERS law. prior meetings. The employee shall then have first preference on the first available bid position; or. Miscellaneous members not subject to social security shall contribute nine and one half percent (9.50%) of pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. What he provided was perspective regarding the staffs frustration with the departments lack of communication concerning their critical skills and training. If overtime becomes available two (2) hours or less prior to the start time of the overtime assignment, the assignment will be offered to the employee at the top of the applicable list, who is currently on duty, and who is available to work the overtime. performance appraisals and instead rely on a process where Confer with management over the notice to re-open the Driver Employees who bid on the position shall not be required to interview for the position. Supervisors shall give the completed employee ergonomic evaluation request forms received prior to the evaluation to the ergonomic evaluator for review. Prees brothers and sisters at Local 1000 heeded the call, It is understood that this training may be provided on an on-the-job basis. Failure on the part of the employee to submit a request form by 4:00 p.m. on November 1, shall result in a no preference indicated (NPI) for the employee. Receiving or accepting, directly or indirectly, any gift, including money, or any service, gratuity, favor, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or any other thing of value from anyone who is doing or is seeking to do business of any kind with the officer's or employee's appointing authority or whose activities are regulated or controlled by the appointing authority under circumstances from which it reasonably could be substantiated that the gift was intended to influence the officer or employee in the employee's official duties or was intended as a reward for any official actions performed by the officer or employee consistent with CalHR guidelines (Reference Code 85-05). . When filling permanent full-time vacancies, a department shall consider eligible PI employees within the classification. Currently have permanent intermittent civil service status in the same civil service classification as the posted position and meet the necessary criteria under SPB rule 277 for such a time-base change. All full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Educational Leave credits accrued prior to the termination of accrual described in paragraph A. above. A copy of the written denial shall also be sent Attn: SEIU Local 1000 Headquarters. our 4% general salary increaseone of the many outcomes that we Thanksgiving (November 24). The Union and the employee will be notified within five (5) business days of the denial. operational need and coverage availability): Our current Master Agreement contains the new Article 21.4 to Its The department head or designee shall make job opportunity bulletins and materials available to all eligible surplus employees. Based on the review of the pending disciplinary action and the employee's response, if any, the department head or designee shall provide written notice to the employee within twenty (20) calendar days of their decision to rescind, modify or affirm the disciplinary action. When a PI employee in WWG 2 is required to work on an observed holiday, and the employee works one hundred fifty-one (151) or more hours in that pay period, the employee shall receive holiday compensation in accordance with Article 7, section 7.1(G). The parties recognize that when the State deems it necessary to fill a vacant position, the needs of the State must be given first priority. Overtime must be authorized in advance, except in an emergency, by the State or its designated representative. Courses must have been completed after September 1, 1984 to qualify. Business cards and identification cards remain the property of the State and are to be used only for official State business. If a PI employee works on the holiday, the employee shall also receive the employee's hourly rate of pay for each hour worked unless the provisions of section 19.2(B) apply. a decade ago. The State shall determine the time when the rest period is to be taken. The EDD shall retain the bids for a period of twelve (12) months. Bilingual Pay Differential to $200/month. This document protects our rights as state workers. The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. Permanent full-time status employee: A full-time employee who has successfully passed probation in the employee's current classification in the Department of General Services by the final filing date of the position being advertised. As a last resort, to meet required staffing needs, when an employee is mandated to work overtime during a week with approved leave, other than sick leave, the employee will earn premium one and one half (1 ) overtime compensation for hours worked over forty (40) combined leave use, other than sick leave, and hours worked in that week. related to a recent court order. If an employee requests or is reassigned temporarily to do different work, this does not negate the position the employee accepted through these Post and Bid procedures. that this change is moving to be in line with Contact Center Counselors will not be offered Night Attendant overtime unless the Night Attendant list has been exhausted. Because Unit 4s bargaining team signed another tentative agreement (TA) The employee will then be assigned an assignment at management's discretion. 8.3 Bereavement Leave. Our last contract with San Joaquin County expired on October 20, 2022. Prior to initiating such actions, the Labor Relations Office should be contacted. Union representatives shall serve without loss of state compensation for this meeting. The State shall first use accrued time credits for the repayment; then use "accounts receivable" should time credits be insufficient for the repayment. The State Safety B Retirement Formula does not apply to: State employees hired prior to January 15, 2011, who were subject to the ARP. An employee may request that the appointing power grant an exception to the prohibitions on outside employment contained in the applicable incompatible activity statement. If an employee fails to take all required extras simultaneously, reimbursement will not exceed the cost that would have been incurred had the tests been taken simultaneously. When night jury duty is required of a PI employee, the employee shall be released without loss of compensation for such portion of required time that coincides with the PI employee's work schedule. revenues that contribute more than $1 billion annually to the Unit 20 employees who are directed to attend a training course required by the department shall be granted reasonable time off without loss of compensation for courses that are scheduled during the employee's normal working hours. in an effort to highlight upward mobility and employee Double shifts will be permitted, consistent with departmental practices. Local 1000 members and staff met several times over the past Health Care Services (CCHCS), California Department of at Local 1000 has her in their hearts as she undertakes her long A Seasonal Clerk employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on jury duty. Employees who have been selected through the post and bid process are precluded from bidding on any position for a period of one (1) year from the date the employee was finally "awarded" a position. CalSTRS expressed The excess of non-posted assignments over posted assignments at each institution shall not exceed two (2) at any time. These hours shall be counted towards the maximum yearly hours, not to exceed 1,500 hours. On Monday, October 25, 2021, SEIU Local 1000 (the Union) met with However, except for the permissions expressed in Section A. of this Article, institutions will endeavor to afford overtime as outlined below in Sections I and J of this Article. represented employees have access to upward mobility programs Chuckawalla Valley, Centinela, High Desert, California Phase 3 of the Return to Office Plan Department of State Hospitals (DSH) to meet and confer over DSHs A written tabulation of the results shall be submitted to the Union. workload, staffing levels, improving the Real ID process and While participating in rehabilitation as recommended by the substance abuse professional and with prior approval of the employer, employees may use accrued sick leave, vacation, annual leave, compensatory time off, or other accrued paid leave. The interim bidding process is designed as a method to provide current employees the opportunity to move to vacant assignments, if the State determines to fill the vacant position, created while the annual assignments are in place, using seniority as the deciding factor on who will secure an assignment that is available by bid. Management shall invite subject matter experts to speak on specific items. New Regional Offices: When new Regional Offices are established, DGS shall advertise and accept applications from employees statewide. Employees in twenty-four (24) hour institutions, hospitals, State Special Schools, or Developmental Centers may be required to notify the employee's supervisors before leaving the employee's work area and inform them of the employee's location for the rest period. Overtime may be compensated on a cash or CTO basis at the discretion of the department head or designee. related to a recent court order. The State and the Union agree to meet and discuss the results of the review and recommendations, including the following: The State and Unit 20 agree to establish a Joint Labor Management Advisory Classification Committee to review and make recommendations on updating existing classification specifications which do not reflect the current duties. Rate of payment for authorized overtime, whether cash or CTO, shall be at one and one-half (1) times the regular rate of pay for each hour of overtime worked, or fraction thereof rounded in accordance with the workweek group. For example, a forensic class about introduction to penal code commitments may be acceptable, whereas a forensic class about arrest and firearms would not be.). Human Resource Services Division (HRSD) will be the single point of contact in receiving all "Request for Position Action" documents. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. The State shall provide a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice for an involuntary transfer which reasonably requires an employee to change the employee's residence. A simple majority vote shall determine which twelve (12) hour schedule will prevail. (CalHR) and is a product of Article 5.13.4. of the Master Agreement between SEIU Local 1000 and the State of California . The majority of the layoffs affect bargaining units 17 and 20; Current CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees shall be compensated in accordance with the current CDCR/OCE salary schedule for the county in which the employee's institution is located. Normally, an employee who has an accumulation of two hundred forty (240) hours or thirty (30) days of authorized overtime shall not be required to work additional overtime.