Seriously, scared me. She and I know the marriage was no longer a marriage and to carry on would be a sham. This is one of the most common reasons people leave a relationship. She is 39 and I am 50. You will probably find things thaT you might enjoy to do that you could not do before. I think youre right. Nothing has meaning. Marriage is a covenant and is not based on feelings. He gave her money and bought her a car to keep her, but in the end, that didn't work. I did everything I could and I was under the impression that things were improving as the passion from her appeared to return. I cant trust anything that comes out of his mouth, such a loser!!!! Not knowing how to express their feelings safely, they may, in turn, leave as a means of avoidance. My husband of 6 years packed his clothing and left after telling me that we do not have future together after I did not find a career job and was in a car accident. Few years back as a woman in her mid-40s she had an affair with and 18 year old from the church and declared in a violent rage it was my fault for not making her happy Yikes! I am blessed to have a wonderful circle of friends and family to support me .. My wife of 10 years went on a weekend trip with our daughter. Had to move out of my house as his business is next door. Tried a lawyer, she sank me for thousands without ever doing a thing and I just wont take that road again. Then we play/claim victim. He sent me a long message to me apologising . I stopped for a quart of ice cream on my way home from work today, ugh. Why are you so hurt and feel this way? It will all Fall into Place . My organs were beginning to shut down, and I wound up at the hospital. "It's going decently well. Best advice is to not waste your time trying to figure him out or wait from the call because it is true that life is passing you bye while youre waiting for him to prove that he respects you. Love yourself first before you love others. I took a job overseas to help the financial situation of my home. Its been a year and i havent moved on and i try so hard.ive had therapy. 5. I hate myself and have become a hermit. This has been like going through the pain of a 100 deaths. His excuse is he doesnt want the government involved. Its up to you whether you can see them through. Im beyond hurt that she didnt talk to me beforehand about any issues, knowing I would have listened and helped to the best of my ability. With Elizabeth Vargas, PMDD Quiz: Do I Have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. My original post would have sounded very similar to yours here. Help is available, and we wish you the best of luck in your search. She gets outraged and calls me every name in the book and thats that. Hope youre finding a healthy way to pass the time and keep it great for you. I cant believe that she will come back from this business trip with her husband and we would be able to continue on as we have and still have the relationship that we both have known to be so strong. I noticed subtle differences in her towards me, emotionally. 3. I dont want to go on with life feeling like I do. She tried to abduct our son from daycare and it only didnt happen because my daycare worker knew of my wifes history and that Im more of the primary caregiver because of her instability. Living is not living unless you are truly living, being respected and happy. I believe it is due to her sickness as we were two peas in a pod for the last 19 years. By commenting you acknowledge acceptance of'sTerms and Conditions of Use. Could it be me? Its just an observation but she seems to have also removed all responsibility from her life its scary. Knowing myself and how hard I have worked to be where I am in life, being raised in a lovely family, and overcoming another abusive relationships before I knew it was time for me to leave that relationship soon after our 6th anniversary. So, i had to ask my family for money. April 22, 2022, 1:05 am. Theyre also communities where you can help other members solve their problems. I received deployment orders to head to Africa for a rapid response unit to help combat the Ebola virus and contain it by building ETU facilities. Ive been with my wife over 12 years married over 2. He said there was no one else and now he is back in his country parading around with someone else whom I have heard he plans to marry. How to cope: Try not to take too much of a righteous or moral stance. My wife and i have been married for 4 years and together for 5. Its all about him, not me or my children at all. I dont think he loves me anymore. My ex left me the day after Christmas. I agree. Then there is the one thats left out. He insisted he had never acted on it, but that it turned him on. Another helpful tip we have for you is to read self-help books. I was a stay Hm dad for 3 years and I think it caused the divorce. We have always gotten along great,In every way,always had fun together.The good times outnumber the bad. How to cope: If this is the reason for your divorce or breakup, you probably had a good go of it. Last Thursday in anger I took his remaining clothes to his home only to find another woman there preparing him dinner. After 27 years of marriage, four kids, two grands, my husband packed up. Its been five weeks and he put our house up for sale. Cant stop crying and hate being alone for even 1 hour. As a result I decided to leave it as is and work on me, my kids and try to keep my lovely baby growing inside me as healthy and happy as possible. I need me time. I dont know what to do. Now, he took us yesterday to a amusement park and it started off fun, but, we had a discussion saying that he would take the kids to the waterpark area and i asked how long would they be there? In fact they will sleep more soundly knowing we are eating out our hearts and crying ourselves to sleepover them My husband would withhold from me in many ways, not just lack of communication. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made some days in the past? Anyway, I told him to just ask his mom to.borrow 20 dollars we just had to make it to that Thursday that waa payday, but he got so mad at me and moved the tv and some of his other things out immediately and told me he was leaving me because he was worth more than I gave him credit for. Im surprised falling out of love is listed as one of the reasons. Anyone who vetted someone over their mental health status wouldnt be worth staying with. Why pretend you want to save our family? She mightve been young and had settled down with kids at a young age and wanted an escape, but with that Guy it wont Last and if it does she wont be Happy. In fact I think I hate him more now than I did then. Ghosting doesnt always mean the offending party is being intentional. Said that after work we will eat and discuss plans for his exit. 5. While he may have chosen to leave because he felt unhappy, unfulfilled, or whatever else, you mustn't start believing that you're somehow responsible for his choices. This was a choice she made and didnt care about you or your feelings or your child for that matter. It makes it easier to reach this point again. And some families have one parent. You could argue that all long-term relationships lose their spark, but falling out of love usually is code for Im done here. While there are cases in which couples fall back in love, most often its hard to renew this emotional connection. I didnt need someone to be whole. If he can just walk no strings attached then I dont want him back. Actually, we were both unhappy and I had also wanted out of the relationship for a while. Believe, shell want you back. I was abandoned by my wife of 10 years this last April after I discovered her sexual affairs with several men. 1. He had freedom to hang with his friends and even was lucky enough to have a swinger lifestyle and a socially bi wife that had tons of fun with him in our adult fun life style. I hope she stays safe from this very dangerous man. I need some feed back on how to deal with this.Please help me.Give me some Ideas. And the person I subsequently dealt with was someone else." Telling her son and . I have no idea what she is doing or who she is with, it is wrenching my heart, we have been married 25 years and have a 24yr old son together. He needs space to find himself. When your partner is depressed it may be very difficult to get clarity on this. I havent overcome anything yet. For me, it was a kind of deadness. Research from 2018 suggests low emotional intelligence may contribute to the likelihood someone may abandon a relationship without warning. Now I can begin to say, after roughly four months, that things are feeling better within me, but many things must be done with in our own for our own to fully heal. After finally loosing respect for him I no longer feel the pain. If you would like to consult with a mental health professional, please feel free to return to our homepage,, and enter your zip code into the search field to find therapists in your area. Moffa, now 76, had been married 52 years, and . I begged begged prayed prayed prayed and became closer to god than I ever had been in my life.. my wife slept in a coma state almost ever day for over a year. Because of his looks people often say he's punching or ask him how he pulled me because I am a low profile runway model and I'd say I'm pretty conventionally attractive. But as soon as the girls are home. I am just wondering something just seems very off. Love has to be tough this is one reason no matter what you must not take her back . Hope this helps. All 3 girls are Daddys girls. Im having a hard time knowing how to move on! we were so in love and always affectionate when he was home.I am just also so devestated for my son he said he isnt gonna see him anymore he doesnt wanna drag it out but my he always loved my son so much and my son doesnt even remember life without him so he is very sad. Its not a soap opera where the wife has to feed a mans ego and blow him every night.. Anyways thanks for your comment Im angry;-/ but I need to be a good role model snd keep it together. He is a best-selling author and shares valuable marriage advice on his extremely popular YouTube channel. Though I miss him and would love for him to be at home with us, he refuses to get psychological help Therefore, I believe its better hes gone. But now it's been only two weeks since he left and . Marriage values need to be seriously overhauled in this country or lets just start raising our kids to be cheaters and narcissists because thats what everybodys becoming anyway. Just type online discussion forums into any search engine and youll find plenty of forums that can help you get through this. Yes Im sorry I misunderstood. If your husband tries to make you happy in any way, big or small (and in my experience, he will), do your best to receive the gesture and convey your pleasure at his efforts. the first time they ever met face to face was at the at first sight in her words.the way I found out, I was on my way to work and got a text message. Dont punish him for this though, because he hasnt done anything wrong. Her behaviour to me changed and she became distant, rude and put me on the back burner. How can he just forget about his family? He obviously had no intentions of returning. I ate a chocolate mousse cake not that long ago! I am a naturally sarcastic person I know Id feel better getting my stuff together lol. He will go the same thing to someone else- no worries. Rather than an excess of painful emotion, it was the lack of pain, the lack of feeling, that was the . I have yet to get the call to come sign them. Congrats!! Hi Nathan. With a few self-care tips and a whole lot of. Carrie and Al are actively seeking help and support. He would pick on me for everything in front of the kids. Two weeks after I left shes out dancing and posting pictures on Facebook and instagram while I worry about my kids well being shes out having fun. He is on disability because of multiple chemical sensitivity. This often happens when one partner is keener to end a relationship than the other. Shes trying to re-connect with him, I see that, Im not blind. I need some advice and to help here with my own feelings. Im SO GLAD I am off that (not so) Merry go round come roller coaster rides through dark depressive rides in and out of sadness. And worst of all, my spirit is broken. We have more information about what to do in a crisis at He often jokes about leaving his wife. Any advice? Hi my name is Matt. The morning came and he started screaming at me. It appears the more you try, the more you are rejected. We are now 10 months after the filing and he has left again, stating he is trying to get his head straight. Please help I feel like Im drowning and dont know how to protect my kids from the pain they will feel, I feel horrible for you, this is going to be a very hard time but youre going to have to focus on the kids. I swear up and down that I wont go back with her but I know that her not taking her meds had a lot to do with us separating. I have had to monitor her medication intake and times for years to ensure her safety (on her request). All those things Ive overlooked for years are very obvious now. I feel so antisocial and can barely muster the will to concentrate on a movie. We argued becuase he drink to much and he doesnt see it. I found a job making less money but I manage. He wanted to book a holiday for me and my daughter( not his child bit they have become so close she shes him and loves him like s dad) and stay in the house with us pretend everything was fine and tell my daughter before we went away that we were splitting up and he would be gone when we got back,!! Just for leaving someone that i wasnt happy with. If one person leaves and isnt willing to work on it, thats one thing. Then a notable lack of interest. He has three kids I have two. Followed by admitting adultery in a surprising amount of detail (think she was proud). What felt worse is that he left after he found out that I was pregnant with his second child. Over those years the contempt, spite, and hate the false sense that everyone but her was living a great life constantly grasping at some new external source of happiness but never satisfied. I must also add that I am an incredibly honest person and I have never been afraid to tell people exactly what I think Not looking for any comments just felt a need to write that lot down. Ive always tried to change to be more what she wanted, but nope. . The strategies Brad reveals are extremely powerful and might make the difference between a happy marriage and an unhappy divorce. I could never disapline them. His battlefield far out weighs ours! Only single guy in my group. We went from 4 to 2 overnight in the household. I just cant believe how active this board appears with people who are going through this. She didnt admit the affair part until this week. Unfortunately many people become dissatisfied in marriages even when there are no problems. It's called anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure or interest in anything. Its the circle of life. much love, Gina. Im saying this because professional coaches at Relationship Hero helped me not only once but twice to get through a difficult time in my love life. Throughout this ordeal I have been understanding, not dramatic at all, calm and have not said much when he tries to engage me in a fight. Apostle Paul said we humans face the test of times because we are like animals. I was born with mine. :). Her husband left her too because he has another woman. He will probably wake up in a few years and regret this selfish act and damaging decision. My oldest (6 at the time) came downstairs crying and gagging, I continually asked what was wrong and as she caught her breath she explained mommy was kissing another man and he was sleeping in my bed. Same situation, married 18 years, 2 girls.not sure if she had somebody else, but I have a feeling,,,wont talk to me at all. We looked at the rings on Friday in my favorite shop went in tried on a ring I had seen months before , on the evening we had family and friends over. He now comes home one day a week and a little on the weekends. He made me feel like it was me, I realized later it was not and can not believe I spent so much time allowing him to make me feel this way. Thats quite a story. Next thing I knew, he was upstairs in our house while I was downstairs. We stayed in contact each time she moved, she slept over here or I slept over there. I know how you feel. She asked me to move out by text saying she wanted bigger and better. Its very painful its been only 2 months after we live together for over 4 years and we have a 2 years old. Lost 6 kg. Nathan, thats terrible she left you & your kids. I dont get it for you either. When I asked about it he began to av suspicious so I attempted to go look. This is the second time I have been dumped under the same situations. I have no clue what to do with my time now. They all go to the same school and population is 800 so no escape. I have been divorced for 9 months. But I have someone to thank for the life I currently have. By the time I left, I hardly knew who I was anymore. I knew my wife was no longer this person that I longed for. The ability to do what they want and when they want.