Camels carried goods from Inner Asia or further west across large desserts. (b) Connect: What is actually creating the smell? The technology of the bridge is impressive. In general, the capital attracts the greatest variety of goods and has the best craftsmen. Make this into cakes and bake. It has a high global . The Tangut people had a large kingdom called Western Xia (1038-1227) in the northwest that controlled access to the strategic Gansu land corridor, a huge long valley, that permitted travel and trade on the Silk Road.The Tangut people had been a part of the Tang Empire, but they formed a large kingdom of their own when the Tang Empire disintegrated. Hangzhou is about 170 kilometers (105 miles) from Shanghai. The excerpted text is from pages 179-180, 182, and 190-191 of this online text./], In each of the squares is held a market three days in the week, frequented by 40,000 or 50,000 persons, who bring thither for sale every possible necessary of life, so that there is always an ample supply of every kind of meat and game, as of roebuck, red-deer, fallow-deer, hares, rabbits, partridges, pheasants, francolins, quails, fowls, capons, and of ducks and geese an infinite quantity; for so many are bred on the Lake that for a Venice groat of silver you can have a couple of geese and two couple of ducks. As jade was scarce, miniature carvings made of smallest available pieces as thin as fingertips exhibited marvelous form and innate essence. For example, in 328 CE, Huili, a Buddhist monk from the Indian Subcontinent established the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, and, late in 330 CE, Fajing Temple. PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google . Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit. Hangzhou: Population: 64.568 million (4.57 %) [8 th] comparison table: Area: 102,000 km 2 [39,382 mile 2] (1.06 %) [25 th] GDP: th] Neighbors: Shanghai Jiangsu Jiangxi Anhui Fujian: Others or just click on the map: Ancient town of Xitang, Zhejiang. Song Dynasty silver chopsticks, cup and spoon, Jacqueline M. Newman wrote in Food in History: Reliance on rice increased during the Song Dynasty. Photographs of worms were taken using an optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ci, Japan) with a Canon EOS 850D camera (Canon Inc., Japan), and were analyzed using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, USA) by selecting a region of interest. /, Those markets make a daily display of every kind of vegetables and fruits; and among the latter there are in particular certain pears of enormous size, weighing as much as ten pounds apiece, and the pulp of which is white and fragrant like a confection; besides peaches in their season both yellow and white, of every delicate flavour. Views of women from the lower classes are quite rare, and this example shows sensitivity towards description of physical imperfections and maintains a sense of dignity in its treatment of the women's expressions. /=\, Womens roles in imperial China varied with age, generational status, the bearing of sons, and with class. They are here to show how recipes were written then, not to cook them. Hangzhou One of China's most enduringly popular holiday spots, Hngzhu's () dreamy West Lake panoramas and fabulously green hills can easily tempt you into long sojourns. United Nations population projections are also included through the year 2035. It is one of the most important tourist cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritage. Pour it over the shrimp. The bridge pictured in the scroll is an elaborate wooden bridge that spans the river and offers room for peddlers to show their wares to the pedestrians crossing from one side of the river to the other. This serves also as a defence to the city, and the earth dug from it has been thrown inwards, forming a kind of mound enclosing the city. /, cart repair in the Qingming Festival market, According to Marco Polo: In this part are the ten principal markets, though besides these there are a vast number of others in the different parts of the town. 'Imitation' dishes became popular not just for Buddhist guests but for everyone who wanted to enjoy them. That seemed to be left to the knowledge or imagination of each individual cook. What keeps the bridge up is a series of interlocking horizontal and cantilevered beams. [ Secrets of Lost Empires: China Bridge a 2000 PBS program documented the effort by a NOVA-assembled crew of scholars and timber framers to design and build a Chinese bridge known only from an ancient painting [the Beijing qingming scroll]., According to the National Palace Museum, Taipei: The Southern Song enjoyed great economic prosperity. SONG DYNASTY CULTURE: TEA-HOUSE THEATER, POETRY AND CHEAP BOOKS; Hangzhou Transport Subway Airport Changsha Huanghua International Airport 26.1 km Ningbo 131.3 km Hangzhou Nearby [Source: National Palace Museum, Taipei \=/ ]. The metro area population of Hangzhou in 2020 was 7,642,000, a 2.74% increase from 2019. Suzhou population in 2020 stood at 12.748262 million, 15.04 percent of the province's total, making Suzhou the only city in Jiangsu Province with a population of more than 10 million, according to the data from the seventh national census in Jiangsu Province released yesterday. According to some historical records, Hangzhou had a population of over 2 million at that time. Hangzhou and Shenzhen are two major Chinese cities in terms of economy, population and transportation. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 2022 Population. According to the census data, the city's permanent population over the past 10 years has grown 37.19 percent from 8.70 million to 11.94 million, with an annual average growth rate of 3. . Caravanserai along the Silk Roads in the North of the Indian Subcontinent, The Exchange of Silk, Cotton and Woollen Goods, and their Association with Different Modes of Living along the Silk Roads, The Evolving Role of Merchants along the Land Routes of the Silk Roads, Traditional Strategy Games along the Silk Roads - Chess, The Butuan Archaeological Sites and the Role of the Philippines in the Maritime Silk Roads, The Exchange of Spices along the Silk Roads, The Maritime Silk Roads and the Diffusion of Islam in the Korean Peninsula, The Exchange of Technical Knowledge used to Craft Silk Roads Goods, Silk Roads exchange and the Development of the Medical Sciences, Silk Roads Exchanges in Chinese Gastronomy, Mathematical Sciences along the Silk Roads, The Role of Women in Central Asian Nomadic Society, Ancient Trading Centres in the Malay Peninsula, UNESCO applies a zero tolerance policy against all forms of harassment, Building peace in the minds of men and women, In addition, porcelain and tea were also exported from Hangzhou along the maritime Silk Roads. This book is in the public domain and can be read online at Project Gutenberg. Hangzhou has grown by 66,541 in the last year, which represents a 0.69% annual change. The document excerpted below, by an unknown author, describes the Southern Song capital of Hangzhou a city of between seven and eight square miles in 1235: Markets: During the morning hours, markets extend from Tranquility Gate of the palace all the way out to the north and south sides of the New Boulevard. ***, One can get a mental taste of foods then looking at the first two recipes below. Recommended Restaurants: Lou Wai Lou Restaurant: 30 Gushan Road, Solitary Hill, Hangzhou. If the Guangzhou Agglomeration were a country, it would be the 23rd most populous in the world, following the United Kingdom and France! The metro area population of Guangzhou, Guangdong in 2022 was 13,965,000, a 2.42% increase from 2021. In 2019, the city's GDP reached 222.85 billion US dollars, with a permanent population of 10.36 million. The edge of the lotus leaves curl up slightly, and the veins are finely carved out in intaglio. The profile examines Hangzhou's urban economy evolution with a focus on its non-state sectors, development zones, and tourism industry. Messer Marco Polo said that he once beheld at that city 15,000 vessels at one time. It is believed that Hangzhou was the largest city in the world from 1180 to 1315 and from 1348 to 1358. The South, with its many rivers and waterways, had an advantage in this respect, but northern cities, too, were served by water transport, often canals. It was described by Italian traveler Marco Polo as the finest and most luxurious city in the world. A text written in 1235 mentions the West Lake Poetry Club, the Buddhist Tea Society, the Physical Fitness Club, the Anglers Club, the Occult Club, the Young Girls Chorus, the Exotic Foods Club, the Plants and Fruits Club, the Antique Collectors Club, the Horse-Lovers Club, and the Refined Music Society. 2) Pickled Shrimp: Use large shrimp and remove their tails and tiny legs. Unlike previous capitals, such as the Tang dynastys Changan, the Song capitals did not have walled wards. Luxury Splurge. First and foremost, then, [the city of Kinsay is] so great that it hath an hundred miles of compass. For if you stay too long in the cottage in the fields, your house will become dilapidated as a result of neglect. Both capitals are thought to have had about a million residents. At such times, Hangzhou is always crowded with Chinese people. Foreign trade reached its peak during the Southern Song Dynasty, a time during which sericulture and silk production technology in Hangzhou made great progress with twill, brocade, satin, cut silk, yarn, and cotton products also manufactured in the city. Other foods did, as well. The first stage, from 1949 to 1957, is a period when the lake-city combined urban form was finalized in Hangzhou. People from all walks of life are depicted: peddlers, jugglers, actors, paupers begging, monks asking for alms, fortune tellers and seers, doctors, innkeepers, teachers, millers, metalworkers, carpenters, masons, and official scholars from all ranks. By 1100, the population reached 100 million. Women and children in particular became a focus for several academy artists who specialized in these genres. Implant the optical fiber (FOC-W-1.25-200-.37-3.0, Inper, Hangzhou, China) above DR for 0.05 mm (AP 4.55 mm, ML 0.44 m, DV 2.75 mm, 10right) (Figures 2J-2L). This proliferation of the printed word increased scholarship and readership. [Source: Jacqueline M. Newman, Food in History Fall Volume: 2008 Issue: 15(3) page(s): 20 and 21 ***]. The Chinese dynasty that China regained its unity under. The great world cities in the year 1000 were Constantinople, Bagdad, Cordoba in Spain, Angkor Wat in Indochina, Tolln in Mexico, and Changngan and Kaifeng in China. In 2018, the city's resident population was 9.8 million with an estimation of 4 million floating population (Municipality of Hangzhou, 2019). The Grand Canal linked the North to the Yangzi River region. They are the finest and largest baths in the world; large enough for 100 persons to bathe togetherAt the opposite side the city is shut in by a channel, perhaps 40 miles in length, very wide, and full of water derived from the river aforesaid, which was made by the ancient kings of the country in order to relieve the river when flooding its banks. Among the 338,000 new residents, the net inflow population accounted for more than 300,000, suggesting . Song Confucian teachers argued against widows remarrying, and footbinding began in Song times. Increase in culture due to the fulfilled need of shelter/food In Hangzhou poetry and literature flourished, some of the most significant literary works came from the poets, Lu Yu and Xin Qiji. Another jade brush wash vessel with a lotus leaf theme that is unearthed from the Southern Song ancestral grave of Shi Sheng in Quzhou. It was also based on the earlier and broader Mahayana form. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Zhejiang province as well. This it is that brings so much trade to the city we are speaking of; for on the waters of that river merchandize is perpetually coming and going, from and to the various parts of the world, enriching the city, and bringing a great revenue to the Great Kaan. It was once very famous, but for a very short time. The metro area population of Hangzhou in 2021 was 7,846,000, a 2.67% increase from 2020. Mountains divide warm . Compared with the data in the sixth national census conducted ten . In 2021, around 101.7 million people were living in Shandong province in China. Marco Polo described Hangzhou, capital of the Southern Song as "the greatest city which may be found in this world." A set of practices that required non-Chinese authorities to acknowledge Chinese superiority and their own subordinate place in a Chinese-centered world order. The Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City found here, named for its discovery . Text Sources: Robert Eno, Indiana University /+/ ; Asia for Educators, Columbia University ; University of Washingtons Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization, /=\; National Palace Museum, Taipei ; Library of Congress; New York Times; Washington Post; Los Angeles Times; China National Tourist Office (CNTO); Xinhua;; China Daily; Japan News; Times of London; National Geographic; The New Yorker; Time; Newsweek; Reuters; Associated Press; Lonely Planet Guides; Comptons Encyclopedia; Smithsonian magazine; The Guardian; Yomiuri Shimbun; AFP; Wikipedia; BBC. The present pagoda has doors on four sides, but people can approach the pagoda only by the steps on the north side. *** [Images: Kaifeng, pagode de fer (Kaifeng Iron Pagoda), Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation: World Art Treasures Slide Library, has many detailed images of the Kaifeng Iron Pagoda., Rainbow bridges, such as the one that occupies the dramatic center of the Beijing Qingming scroll, are so called because of the way in which the bridge arches, resembling a rainbow. Hangzhou Office Admin Office Suite 1201 , Sino Ocean, No. Song cities, centers of government and commerce, were among the largest cities of the worldBuddhism flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties along with religious Daoism and a revival of Confucian thinking (referred to as Neo-Confucianism). Zhejiang province looks both north to the Yangzi and south-east to the sea. According to the last Official Census of 2010, the urban population of Hangzhou was 5.8 million people. SONG DYNASTY (960-1279) ECONOMICS AND AGRICULTURE; And let no man marvel that there are so many bridges, for you see the whole city stands as it were in the water and surrounded by water, so that a great many bridges are required to give free passage about it. 179 Daguan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310000, China. Hangzhou officials have . The birth of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty re-emphasized by centrality of the family in Confucian teaching. [5] 4 Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China; 5 . When it comes to population, Hangzhou is China's eleventh-largest city, ahead of Shenyang and Suzhou. \=/. . Hundreds of pedestrians jostle each other on the streets, camels carry merchandise in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and restaurants do a thriving business. She wrote poetry in a new form that had become popular at the time, with irregular lines that were inspired by musical lyrics. According to Columbia Universitys Asia for Educators: In Confucian teaching, the family is the most basic unit of society. Seal the jar with mud. Furthermore, according to local histories, during the first half of the Tang dynasty (618-690 CE), there were merchants from Persia, Egypt, and other regions along the Silk Roads, exchanging jewellery inHangzhou's famous Jewellery Lane. [Source: On Farming (Nongshu) by Chen Pu (Chen Fu), 1076-1154, translated by Clara Yu from Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, edited by Patricia Buckley Ebrey, 2nd ed. Legend has it that thousand-year-old turtles would stand on lotus leaves, and therefore symbolize longevity of life. The Song and Yuan periods are considered by many the high point of painting in China. For example, the number of autopsies conducted between 1990 and 1999 in Hangzhou (population 6 million), was only 102, which translates into an average of only 10 per year. Good Websites and Sources on the Song Dynasty: Asia for Educators, Columbia University, Primary Sources with DBQs, ; Wikipedia Wikipedia ; ; Tang Dynasty: Wikipedia ; Google Book: Chinas Golden Age: Everday Life in the Tang Dynasty by Charles Benn; Chinese History: Chinese Text Project ; 3) Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization ; Chaos Group of University of Maryland ; 2) WWW VL: History China ; 3) Wikipedia article on the History of China Wikipedia 388), The capital of Song China, which became the most commercialized city in the world. Body size. A Southern Song lady's vanity cases, wardrobe, and jewelry spoke of ultimate fashion and fine workmanship. It is a famous city in history and culture and also an important national tourist city with the beautiful scenery. Choose the best health insurance cover. In a span of 10 years, hospitals in Hangzhou have had only between 1 and 3 autopsies, or even less. When the ninth month has come, transform the vegetable garden into a harvest processing area. Of the more than 490,000 pieces that were discovered on the Cirebon, Chinese porcelain accounted for 75% (~367,000 pieces), with 300,000 of those celadon pieces coming from the Yue Kiln. In addition, porcelain and tea were also exported from Hangzhou along the maritime Silk Roads. A Sui dynasty emperor who reigned under reunified China from 581-604 and supported the foreign religion of Buddhism. Then there are the shambles where the larger animals are slaughtered, such as calves, beeves, kids, and lambs, the flesh of which is eaten by the rich and the great dignitaries. 1127 - Song Dynasty capital relocated to Hongzhou from Kaifeng after the Jingkang Incident of the Jin-Song wars. But the most remarkable are the women who manage a household after their husbands have died leaving them with young children. Some cities such as Hangzhou and Kaifeng set up special areas for the sale and distribution of these and other foods. Often painters portrayed upper class subjects larger than their servants. 1195) offers advice for family heads. These vessels are usually placed by the ink stone and are a necessary piece of desk stationery. Neither grapes nor wine are produced there, but very good raisins are brought from abroad, and wine likewise. Changzhou's 2023 population is now estimated at 4,728,989. Perishable foods were wrapped in lotus leaves for shipment; these were often the 'bags' used to carry them home from the marketplace. Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee Acting Mayor of Hangzhou. Therefore a layer of white foam would often float to the surface of the tea, which would have suited well the black glaze of this tea bowl. What might have happened if the Allies had made liberating the Jcws a priority early in the war? The variety of available dishes they offered, and one such boasted 100-Flavors Soup, Milk-steamed Lamb, Oven-strewn Hare, etc. (Strayer pp. There was another of one hundred fifty-pages titled Records of the Corrigible Studio. Along the walls, mulberry trees can be planted for the breeding of silkworms. Nicholas D. Kristof wrote in the New York Times: An ancient 17-foot painted scroll, now in the Palace Museum in Beijing, shows the bustle and prosperity of ancient Kaifeng. They were now able to eat three meals a day, and large numbers of people did. Black glaze on tea bowls set off the white tea particularly well, and for this reason these tea bowls became extremely popular during the Song Dynasty. Here we find pearl, jade, talismans exotic plants and fruits, seasonal catches from the sea, wild game all the rarities of the world seem to be gathered here. Download Historical Data Save as Image From: To: Zoom: (Strayer pg. Significance: Led an uprising against Chinese occupation in 39 C.E. Even among those whose husbands have died and whose sons are young, there are occasionally women able to raise and educate their sons, keep the affection of all their relatives, manage the family business, and even prosper. Kaifeng did have an external wall, but its population spilled beyond it. (Strayer, pp. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. The Venetian merchant Marco Polo supposedly visited Hangzhou in the late 13th century. This so-called lake-city combined urban form started in the late Qing Dynasty, when the city wall was destroyed and a series of initial modernization efforts were implemented, such as the New Market Plan, West Lake Ring Road, and West Lake Expo (Fu 2016). One of China's biggest cities, Hangzhou is around 6,505 mi (16,847 km) large. According to Columbia Universitys Asia for Educators: The quickening of the economy in Song times fueled the growth of cities. These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. Among the list of large Chinese cities here, Changzhou is probably the one you're least likely to have heard of (so far). The abacus and the compass were in common use. IMI Hong Kong . Also growing in popularity, though less so, was red and black rices; these were grown locally. hangzhou population 2022what do the colors mean on a golf course Equipping the Believer with a Theological Foundation . +, The right section is the rural area of the city. Some of these eateries offered entertainment such as sing-song girls, poetry readings, and other delights. From comparisons of the ceramic products found on the Intan, Cirebon and Belitung shipwrecks, it is clear that after the 10th century CE, the porcelain produced by the Yue Kiln (Northern Zhejiang) surpassed others to become the most important mainstream ware. Hangzhou Urban Area Population History. 6. Phone: +44 (0) 1235 861 483 Either large banquets or family gatherings were served in fine table services of gold and silver with exquisite carvings and elaborate motifs. When wives themselves can read and do arithmetic, and those they entrust with their affairs have some sense of fairness and duty with regard to food, clothing, and support, then things will usually work out all right. Hangzhou's business district by the Qiantang River. Open a bank account. 391), A phonetic alphabet developed in Korea in the fifteenth century that would consist of 25 letters; 14 consonants and 11 vowels (Strayer pg. Population density-wise Hangzhou is a fairly small city; it has population of about 8 million in over 16,000 sq. It depended on a combination of commercialization, urbanization, and industrialization that has led some authorities to compare this period in Chinese history with the development of early modern Europe six centuries later. [Source: Philip D. Curtin, In Cross-Cultural Trade in World History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)]. Known as the House of Silk, the city was one of theseven ancient capitals of China with silk fabrics uncovered in the region dating back 4,700 years to the Neolithic Liangzhu culture (3400-2250 BC). Just imagine: as the literati fill this vessel with water, the two turtles would appear as if swimming in the water, playing amongst the lotus leaves; when the brush is washed in the vessel, the ink would flow between the lotus leaves, the black ink perfectly counter-balancing the delicate, green-white jade leaves, adding to the natural interest of the piece. (New York: The Free Press, 1993), 188-191 ]. Significance: When Buddhism was changed it was mixed with Daoism beliefs like turning dharma to dao and Confucianism beliefs like the Buddhist term morality to the Confucian term filial submission and obedience. However, while they were popular, these fermented meat, fish, and vegetable pastes and sauces were used with whole or pieces of chicken, fish, and other animal foods. ***, Jacqueline M. Newman wrote in Food in History:Many anecdotal food canons were published during the Song Dynasty; so were a few recipe books. The Song is often seen as a time when the status of women declined. As the main hue is reddish brown, the pagoda looks like iron from afar and has thus been called the Iron Pagoda for hundreds of years. Over the next three centuries, with the expansion of rice cultivation in central and south China, the countrys food supply steadily grew, allowing its population to grow as well. So also parallel to this great street, but at the back of the market places, there runs a very large canal, on the bank of which towards the squares are built great houses of stone, in which the merchants from India and other foreign parts store their wares, to be handy for the markets. Patricia Buckley Ebrey of the University of Washington wrote: In Song times, domestic life became an increasingly frequent subject not only for poetry and drama but for paintings as well. The cities trade activities were especially prosperous during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 CE), when Hangzhou became an important hub and port along the growing Silk Roads. Hangzhou The capital of Song China, which became the most commercialized city in the world. City Internationalization: Foreign Trade and Investment Book: Family and Property in Sung China: Yuan Tsais Precepts for Social Life translated by Patricia Buckley Ebrey (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984). Double-cropping came into fashion and rice use was able to increase. A one hundred-plus page volume was titled Basic Needs of Rustic Living. 394) The natives, however, do not much are about wine, being used to that kind of their own made from rice and spices. Everyone should respect and obey his or her parents and put the interests of the family before personal interests. Districts and Counties. 1140-ca. Hangzhou (; a-tsei in Wu, Hngzhu in Mandarin) is in Zhejiang Province, China. Two sisters from Vietnam who were daughters of a local leader that was deposed by the Chinese. The profile analyzes Hangzhou's population changes from 1949 to 2013. To combat fire in the city, the government stationed 2,000 soldiers at 14 fire stations within the city and more outside it. [Source: Asia for Educators, Columbia University, Consultants Patricia Ebrey and Conrad Schirokauer ], According to Youguo Temple Iron Pagoda in Kaifeng of Henan Province is also known as the Iron Pagoda in Kaifeng. Think back to Dickinson's poem: What "extremities" can you think of is which hope keeps people warm? 2) Chinas population, we know, is huge, and tends to explode; its first explosion occurred in the Song. \=/, The spaces separated by the eight sides of the cup also depict in turn the examination results notice, the messenger, climbing the long ladder, climbing the cinnamon branches, and riding a horse across town all scenes from the song. The doors, windows, pillars, brackets, bracket supports, pent roofs and balconies on the pagoda's exterior are all modeled after wooden ones and pieced together from twenty-eight standard brick components. Its population probably already exceeded that of all of Europe, as it has in more recent centuries. (The population of London at the time was around 15,000). [Source: Jacqueline M. Newman, Food in History Fall Volume: 2008 Issue: 15(3) page(s): 20 and 21 ***]. Today the town's population is around 10% of that. AP World History - Period 3 (600 C.E. Add three ounces salt for each pound of shrimp and first dissolve it in good wine. Hangzhou's 2023 population is now estimated at 9,675,019. 1235, from Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, edited by Patricia Buckley Ebrey, 2nd ed. (a) What do the men believe is creating the awful smell? Water dish vessels are used by the literati to hold water for dampening or washing of writing brushes. Last year these made up 34% of all property investment in China, compared with 26% a decade ago. Where the great bridge crosses the river is the center and main focus of the scroll. SONG DYNASTY CERAMICS Although they were expected to learn to be filial, they were also indulged. [Source: Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa, Book Second, Part III, Chapter LXXVI: Description of the Great City of Kinsay, Which Is the Capital of the Whole Country of Manzi and Book Second, Part III, Chapter LXXVII: Further Particulars Concerning the Great City of Kinsay, in The Book of Ser Marco Polo: The Venetian Concerning Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, translated and edited by Colonel Sir Henry Yule, Volume 2 (London: John Murray, 1903). Restaurants, more and more, used all parts of the pig, lamb, sheep, cows, and goats. The Song government not only distributed alms, but operated public clinics, old age homes, and paupers graveyards. Hangzhou became a distribution centre for many types of wares, with merchants from Fujian and Guangdong importing exotic goods to the city including spices from South East Asia. [Source: Wikipedia +], The countryside and the densely populated city are the two main sections in the picture, with the river meandering through the entire length. On the 1st, 5th, and 9th day of adulthood, the worms of the vehicle or sample group were picked and placed on blank NGM plates. It seems indeed more like a Sea than a River. It is one of the most important tourist cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritage.