As soon as I saw the deranged deatheater, I wanted to cry out in despair. The very idea of being in the room as Bellatrix sent chills up my spine. It was 2 meters long by 2 meters deep and 3 meters tall. long one-shot. When she was supposed to give an answer, her sobs grew in volume as panic seized her even more. 208 guests STOP! Bellatrix shouted and Hermiones breath stopped as she realised she was at the brink of life and death. She wanted to scream, but she felt hot lips brush against her neck, whispering: A single word and youll get it. Before Hermione could react, the pressure on her stomach disappeared and someone pressed on her forehead and tilted her head back until it rested on Bellatrixs shoulder. Setting: Canon-divergent, Final Battle AU, Written For: @malfoybellamy [ I am so sorry this took approx. He has a wrong idea about the prefect. Draco yelled and Bellatrix held down his head, making him watch as the knife made contact with his Dark Mark. Hermione couldnt see her, just her black boots stroding past her limp form on the floor. "Drop them, or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!" This happened after Bellatrix had finished torturing Hermione. A new set of tears rolled down her cheeks as she wasnt able to figure out anything. Deathly Hallows pt.1 film version. Bellatrix didnt give her any more time and still continued in the low, whispering voice: What else did you and your friends by that time, Hermione started freaking out, because she just realized, what exactly was going on. Their past relationship looms large in the interrogation room. Bellatrix left her hair on Hermione. I stayed committed and am so happy that I did. Cmo es que pasamos de odiarnos a entablar una conversacin decente? It only resulted in Bellatrix squeezing her jaw with more force, causing Hermione to whimper involuntarily. Hermione started feeling tears rolling down her cheeks as the terror within her reached the red alert. xo,, The Ministry takes action against the remaining prejudice in the wizarding society and asks Hermione for help. from hogwarts to st. mungos and azkaban to the ministry, theres a little bit of everything here. Their eyes both wander to the same bushy haired bookworm and their therapist suggests having a third is not a bad idea. The pressure on her chest disappeared, too, and her hips were granted a little bit of freedom. i really love this idea. Power? Los odia a todos y a cada uno de ellos, pero no puede negar que hay cierta ventaja en estar en el mismo saln que muchas familias de sangre pura de Gran Bretaa. Emptiness It isnt Rons hand She tried to find the red haired young man, but got hoisted up by her stomach. I tried to get out of Narcissa's grasp as Bellatrix stalked towards me. set years after the war. Thanks in advance!! That was something I missed in the books/movie. Well well well, look who we have here. She moved the blade towards Hermiones throat again, the girl gasping and backing away. 279k words, 48 chapters, complete. What will happen to Hermione? hmm pregnancy!dramione isnt really my cup of tea but here are a few i loved! draco and . Please, as a couple more sobs escaped, she found herself out of breath. In the early hours of the morning, Draco dwells on thoughts of his relationship with his aunt Bellatrix, and what will become of them during the impending war. I've read a lot of Hermione/Bellatrix torture stories, but most of them just turned strange at some point and I stopped enjoying them. Its Harry Potter! She whispered in a childish voice. Tell the truth you filthy mudblood. Hermiones throat was dry from screaming and constant sobbing. Hell she just intends to make it out of Hogwarts alive. All of that had to have such an effect on her that we never get to see because everything really picks up from that point. Dracos mate it Hermione. I had never known pain up until this moment. Hermione Evans has grown used to the hustle and bustle of life at Hogwarts. Without warning, Bellatrix pointed her wand at my shaking figure and yelled "CRUCIO!!!" When Hermione keeps being rescued by an oddly familiar stranger and discovers a new author she feels she knows through the pages, she doesnt know if she is losing herself more or if she is finally found. "S s someone gave i i it to us." Or, Hermione Nott, a pureblood Ravenclaw, becomes a candidate for the future wife of her best friend, Draco Malfoy. Narcissa then found the perfect little young woman to please her. Her eyes found Dracos. "I'm going to have a conversation with you muddy! It took a few moments for Hermione to realise what it meant. copy!" The room will provide them with some food and most thinks they need. I had also heard of how Bellatrix had tortured many people mercilessly which lead me to believe that the woman who now stood before me was truly heartless. All Im asking of you is to give it a try, he paused, tapping his fingers on his knee, and then added as an afterthought, Who knows, you might get even more than you bargain for. Mi madre me ha dicho que discutimos con quienes nos sentimos reflejados seal y tom un trapo para ayudarlo con el trabajo. As soon as the snatchers had caught us, I knew that we were all in trouble. linkffn(8310754), Hermione deals with the ramifications of her scar in the year following the final battle, Site: [][140603615741208:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 4 | Words: 21,280 | Reviews: 59 | Favs: 260 | Follows: 64 | Updated: 7/15/2012 | Published: 7/11/2012 | Status: Complete | id: 8310754 | Language: English | Genre: Angst/Drama | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G. | Download: [EPUB][140603615741208:epub] or [MOBI][140603615741208:mobi] [140603615741208:site]: [140603615741208:epub]: [140603615741208:mobi]:, FanfictionBot1.4.0 | [[Usage][1]] | [[Changelog][2]] | [[Issues][3]] | [[GitHub][4]] | [[Contact][5]] [1]: "How to use the bot" [2]: "What changed until now" [3]: "Bugs? No matter what Hermione needed, she would provide it and if that included having a sweet baby girl, eager to help cook some treats, shed be happy. AU where a less insane Bellatrix takes it upon herself to raise Harry Potter as his new mother. He has a wrong idea about the prefect. It wasnt over. This young daughter born to the House of Black, would soon grow up to be the greatest of them all. And of the dark secrets they kept, hidden from all. It must have been because she wasn't getting enough fluids in her body. Then she felt a blade on her throat. Bellatrix ordered Draco to pick up the wands. If nothing else, it would give her some time to recover, because she already felt like giving up. In the next second, however, she heard the unbelievable. Narcissa Black however knows full well what has to be done to save her, her son, and both of her sisters. Black family is good and fighting Voldemort. Draco Malfoy turns himself in after a very successful career as a Death Eater, then enlists Harry and Hermione to help him in a scheme to bring down the Dark Lord. Dumbledore didn't believe that she would ever come back to the light, even for all his faith in Snape. Hermione Granger is the first Muggleborn Slytherin has no idea what is in store for her. ]. Again, thank you! He yanks it round and stares at himself. My apologies. Hermione was wondering if thinking like this was normal or not. No, I thought. And then it was over. A split second after, Hermione felt like someone poured a barrel of petrol on her and then set her on fire. He tried to swallow as he stared back at her, but found he couldn't. He realised that his hands were shaking too. Neville jumps out of bed, stumbles slightly, and launches himself across the room to where the full length mirror, rarely used, stands by the wall. Whilst Voldemort establishes his new regime, the relationship between the brightest witches of their ages shifts into something unexpected. Draco feeling down, thankfully his aunt is here to distract him from his worries. Andromeda, well she gets roped into the misadventures by a combination of both Severus and Hermione. But, with friends like hers, a calm year was completely out of the questionORHermione Evans returns for her second year, gains a crush, solves a mystery and tries to make sure her friends pass their end of year exams. I'm very interested in seeing fictions where she goes to that dark place and fights her way back. It felt impossible. " Think, Cissy! What is most realistic Dramione fic you read that was set during hogwarts? Hermione started to panic and attempted to wiggle her way out from under the older witch's body. Bellatrix Black finds herself in the hands of the Fates one night and needs to determine what path she must take to secure her own future. Hunting down Hermione Granger. Please consider turning it on! Hermione Granger. Two years before the birth of Sirius Black a little girl was welcomed into the Black family. Draco's stunning spell hit Bellatrix squarely on the shoulder, and she collapsed to the floor in an undignified heap. When Hermiones career at the Ministry comes to an end, she opens a store on Diagon Alley that sells magical artifacts. Bellatrix drew her face close to hers. This happened a lot. Bellatrix Lestrange. I'm quite clumsy and although I've reviewed this story a number of times, some mistakes might remain. Some wounds are ripped open, many tears are shed, a couple amends are made and a forbidden relationship blooms between them. Voldemort's tyranny is over. When her sisters are killed by Voldemort, Bellatrix sends Hermione back in time to stop Andromeda from ever marrying Ted Tonks and joining the light. However, when it came to moving on, she couldn't find a man that could satisfy her needs. I shall post the new chapter tomorrow, only because of you, then :) also, I had an account on, but my e-mail address got deleted, so I lost the access. This is a companion piece of the Shades of Grey series which takes place between parts three and four. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black didn't plead. good thing he has Neville to cuddle him and Hermione to fix it all. A shiver wracked her body, she whipped her body around, her breath ragged as she kept her head down, watching her feet pick up speed. This can be over soon if youll tell me where did you get that sword. Hermione winced at that sudden pain running through her scalp. ***silencio by akashathekitty: THIS SHIT MADE ME CRY. Ron has stopped screaming her name midway through the torture. I stumbled on a werewolf type HP mix that drew me in again so quick and now, back on the Dramione ship - sailing full speed. Here are 5 Dramione fics that will make you sob like a baby: Read #1 (its ongoing) and 10/10 addicted. I havet stopped reading HP fan fiction, I merely have been broadening my horizons. Oh good! Captulos Cortos:Draco y Harry han sido rivales, desde que Draco rechaz su mano en el primer ao, a pesar de estar en el mismo grupo: Las serpientes.Pero un acercamiento durante una fiesta, cambiar la vida de ambos para siempre.,,,,,, But she could tell something was off. hp aesthetics: draco malfoy + hermione granger asromeo montague + juliet capulet. She was glad she would lose herself for a while. I grunted at the pain as I didn't want to show her that I was in pain. Bellatrix takes Hermione into her house after the Light looses the Battle of Hogwarts. dumbledore instructs hermione to keep an eye out for draco. Hermiones eyes started swimming in tears and she couldnt even make out the scarlet cuts. 3. Post-war, not epilogue compliant. She caught her breath and heard a clicking noise of high heels behind her, getting closer. Bella smiled. Language: English Words: 14,012 Chapters: 17 /17 53 Kudos: 646 Bookmarks: 54 Hits: 30028 Bellatrix Black Lestrange Emmeline Vance Charity Burbage Magical Petunia Evans Dursley Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Unreliable Narrator Other Additional Tags to Be Added Morally Grey Characters Petunia Evans Dursley-centric Angst with a Happy Ending Petunia Evans has never been the favorite sister I felt the bile rise in my throat when I saw Bellatrix Lestrange waiting at the gates. Bellatrix was supporting Hermione, who seemed to be unconscious, and was holding her short silver knife to Hermione's throat. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange. everyone is talking about this fic and for good reason! Porque todo lo que sucede en Slytherin, queda en Slytherin.Serie de historias con parejas GLPor favor leer las etiquetas/ No quiero quejas. Work Search: At the start of the sixth year at Hogwarts, Dumbledore is found dead in his office. It was replaced for a split second by a look of recognition. Narcissa Malfoy didn't beg. Bellatrix grinned menacingly: Oh, how sweet. Hermione's Wand is an one-shot in which she still struggled with nightmares months after, but eventually decided to keep Bellatrix's wand as her trophy. But if it was adventure she wanted, it was adventure she was going to get. A collection of 'toujours pur' drabbles; further explanation inside. Please consider turning it on! "I know you broke into my vault Gringotts!" If so, I am so excited to read more and hope that you will post that next chapter soon! Bellatrix spilled the location about Hufflepuff's cup. (involves sexual trauma and recovery, but no scenes of sexual violence are depicted). What she does know is that if she stays on the path she is on now, her 'Lord' doesn't have what she expected in store. The way Bellatrix looked at me reminded me of how a predator looks at its prey seconds before killing it. Actualizaciones espordicasNo hago ships a pedido. left kudos on this work! I know the Mudblood scar is movie only but it doesn't matter to me one way or the other if that's included. Suddenly, her ears got pierced by a womans screech. You know what that means. She couldnt even hear Bellatrix say the incantation and her body was in terrible pain again. It was obvious Bellatrix has shifted. those eyes of course she knew that look. The Weasel boy is the only one that Greyback has caught whose blood is pure! Headmistress McGonagall had already mourned her once favourite student. 1. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Draco screamed loudly as Bellatrix's knife carved into Draco's skin. Consider yourself lucky, goblin. Hermione started feeling really uncomfortable just lying there. What she didnt want was a nice view at her wounded arm from this angle. PLEASE! she immediately scolded herself for begging. He has decided he is more Black than Malfoy.Or, Draco is a fire lily and Bella is his water. But we can find that out easily, that was Lucius Malfoy. Add this story to your Library to get notified about new parts! Everyone that ships dramione should read this at least once. Unfortunately, younger Bellatrix takes an interest in the new 'pureblood' and makes everything harder. Greyback, youll lead the lover boy into the cellar. Greyback snarled and walked over to the couple and ripped Ron apart, leaving deep gashes in both their palms. Bellatrix marched slowly over to her. Andromeda, well she gets roped into the misadventures by a combination of both Severus and Hermione. _A.U sin Voldemort_Epoca moderna_Transfobia_Cambio de Sexo_Omegaverse, _Parejas Principales:Draco Malfoy (Alfa) x Harriet Potter (Alfa)Lucius Malfoy (Omega) x Sirius Black (Alfa), _Parejas Secundarias y/o menciones:Regulus Black (Omega) x Remus Lupin (Alfa)Narcissa Black (Alfa) x Charlie Weasley (Omega)Lily Evans (Alfa) x James Potter (Omega)Tom Riddle (Omega) x Myrtle Warren (Beta)Amelia Bones (Alfa) x Bellatrix Black (Omega)Gellert Grindelwald (Omega) x Albus Dumbledore (Alfa). fanfiction bellatrixlestrange fanfic +16 more # 16 Harry Potter Females x Female read. Bellatrix shook with such rage, that even Lucius cowered before her. A few months into the Lestrange's Azkaban sentence, Amelia receives a letter from Bellatrix. I got really into this fic because I love Nietzsche and kept thinking to myself, I relate to this. sudden and suffocating, that immediately blankets the battlefield. I said DROP THEM! An immediate clatter followed and Hermione felt relieved. the sparrow was unsettlingly still. The dark witch grabbed her by her bushy hair and drew her face up close to hers. And- Bellatrix might like her, just a little bit, not that she would admit that to anyone. dwindling. Money? She grabbed her jaw roughly, tilted her head back so violently Hermione thought she was going to snap her neck and the blade dug deeper. take FROM MY VAULT? The dark witch grew impatient and screamed her last words as well as squeezing the girls hips more tightly together to keep her in place. Inspired by Adam Mickiewiczs ballad by the same name. #hermionegranger Hermione and Draco are alone on Valentine's Day, and someone has spiked the butterbeer with a love potion. That was bloody brilliant! She looked in their direction one last time, as if in goodbye. I started to feel sick to my stomach as I was dragged to Malfoy Manor. She twisted her head a little. Not knowing exactly, what was happening, was probably the worst and Bellatrix knew it. Lucius came and took her and held her while standing up. "Draco can't imagine any more. Her voice in any form was like a spike running through her stomach. Until her flowers show up on an unexpected person's arm.