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I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. Knowing that I have received rights over all my exterior goods by the promulgation of the Natural Law by the Divine Author, I deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, all of my exterior goods, past, present and future; I relinquish into thy hands, my Heavenly Mother, all rights over my exterior goods, including my health, finances, relationships, possessions, property, my job and my earthly success and I retain for myself no right of disposing the goods that come to me but leave to thee the entire and full right of disposing of all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God in time and in eternity. Thanks pastor. See section at the end of this document entitled Potential Deliverance Prayers for the Afflicted Person to Recite for some of these prayers, e.g. I confess and renounce all of my own sins. [This prayer is especially appropriate for anyone with a demonic or evil tattoo, a tattoo that was cursed or has a connection to the demonic, or any tattoo that is resulting in evil effects.]. Heal the divisions in our family; may those family members who are estranged from each other be reconciled in forgiveness and love. Kyrie eleison. Please help me to recognize their evil intentions. In doing this, you will discover that the Little Psalter is a prayer of adoration and reparation, and it is for this that I have given it to you and ask you to make it known I give you this prayer for My own glory, so outraged and spurned by souls grown cold in sin, but I also give it to you for your own consolation after so much bitter suffering, and for the consolation of a great number of souls with whom I share My Passion, those who make up for what is lacking in My sufferings, in their own flesh, for the sake of My Body, the Church., The Little Psalter of the Most Holy Face of Jesus, + Hear, O Lord Jesus, the prayers of Thy servant. I renounce the claim that the death of Jesus Christ was a "dire calamity," and also the deliberate mockery and twisting of the Christian doctrine of the Atonement. Father in Heaven, please rebuke these evil spirits and their effects and cast them away from me so that I may continue to do Your Will and fulfill the mission You have for us to Your Greater Glory. I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. I ask that any demons within this vicinity or any that should try to enter here be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind; that You would strip them of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that You would bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each other in any way. Prayer Against Retaliation (pg. (Sprinkle all present with Holy Water. O most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, help me, with our Holy Lady, the Virgin Mother of God and with all the Saints throughout the ages. and anything else that pertains to the oppression. I renounce the secret passwords, PHAAL/PHARASH-KOL and all they mean. It is You who descended into Hades and opened its tombs and set free those held prisoner in it, calling them to Yourself; before You the gatekeepers of Hades shuddered when they saw You and, hiding themselves, vanished in the anguish of Hades. Lord, forgive us our sins. I've also written a prayer for writerswhich really, is all of us who are aware that words have a certain power and that we were designed to receive truth and goodness and beauty through them, whether in an email, a . (From the Greek-Orthodox Ritual)Kyrie eleison. I renounce and forsake the oaths taken and the curses involved in the York Rite Degrees of Masonry. You are the salvation of those who turn to You. I to the virtue of Christ's birth with His baptism, to the virtue of His crucifixion with His burial, to the virtue of His resurrection with His ascension, to the virtue of His coming to the Judgment of Doom. I ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins I have confessed and renounced. Deacons are ordained clerics and can pray In Persona Ecclesiae (in the person of the Church). O Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your sheep, deliver me not to the revolt of the serpent and leave me not to the will of Satan, for the seed of corruption is in me. In place of the Hail Marys (on the small beads):Jesus, have mercy on me! I renounce all agreements that I have made with Satan . If you were once a member of a Masonic organization or are a descendant of someone who was, it is recommended that you pray these prayers. (8) Symbolically remove the ball and chain from the ankles. In place of the Our Fathers (on the large beads):If Jesus makes me free, I will be free indeed. Anyone who has hurt me (us), I (we) now forgive. Lord Jesus Christ let your Precious Blood flowing from Thy wounded Heart cover me, my cogitative power, memory, imagination, common sense power, sensitive appetites, my sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, (and any part of your body they are affecting) driving the demons to the foot of thy Cross where they may be judged by Thee. I have seen churches destroyed, families torn apart, intercessors and their family members extremely ill, finances and properties stolen, and even death occur when this is not done. walls, doors, cabinets, windows, beds, chairs, tables, etc.). In the name of Jesus, be at peace. I renounce all the fears which held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They do not pray In Persona Christi, as do priests. Lord, have mercy on us, for we have put our trust in You. Rise up like a man of war Father, and defend your people. Copy this and put on your mirror, in your car, in your Bible, in your prayer journal, and share it with others. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, St. Joseph, St. Nicholas, St. Dominic, andNN. So be subject to God. Lord Jesus, thank You for sharing with us Your wonderful ministry of healing and deliverance. Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the precious blood of Your Son come upon us right now. I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. Pray it for groups of priests, and pray it for [the priests of] entire nations. Pray that the strongholds spoken of by John will be bound: "the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does" ( 1 John 2:16, NIV). I renounce the Hoodwink blindfold and its effects on spirit, emotions and eyes, including all confusion, fear of the dark, fear of the light, and fear of sudden noises. (Thrice). (Jn. Receive, O good and pious Virgin, this little offering of what little is, in honor of, and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to thy maternity; in homage to the power which both of you have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored thee. +O Lord, rebuke the Devil! By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. I renounce and rebuke Satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family. O divine Mother, send Thy holy angels to defend me and drive far away from me the cruel enemy. (Thrice) In the Name of Jesus, begone. 5. This can also be referred to as a counter attack. I am having a lot of problems where my kids are concerned. Grant me peaceful and undisturbed sleep. O Almighty Eternal God, look upon the face of Thy Christ, and for the love of Him who is the Eternal High Priest, have pity on Thy priests. For to+You belong all glory, honor, adoration and majesty together with Your beginningless+Father and all-holy, good and life-giving+Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. But it's in there. God, hear my voice. will be free indeed. Fr. I renounce the vows taken on a human skull, the crossed swords, and the curse and death wish of Judas, of having the head cut off and placed on top of a church spire. Amen. All. I receive God's unction and power upon my tongue, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Divine Father, sweet hope of our souls, may You be known, honored, and loved by all men! LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, CONNECT, BLESS MINISTRY Prayers Available On Web Site:Playlist of all Daily Prophetic Utterances Given: https://ww. IN.a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before. That's true but the subsequent legislation restricts the use of that prayer. Amen. Fr Gabriel Amorth -The Devil is Afraid of Me, I ask Jesus to bind in the Most Precious Blood any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, voodoo, or any other demonic bondages sent againstN.ormyself, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions; I ask Him to bind them all and break them in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. 15-17. I will not fear evil because You are with me, my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Where there is envy and malice, give us an abundance of goodness, endurance, victory, and chastity. Amen. Another Form :I bind in the Blood of Jesus all of your hooks, lines and tentacles, your roots, attachments and attenuations and I command you in the Name of Jesus to remove them now completely and entirely: In the Name of Jesus, remove them now. St. Michael, surround us with your shield, so that no evil spirit may take revenge on us. Only help me, my Lord and God, I humbly pray to You with tears. Prayer Against Retaliation April 26, 2022 Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy, pours Thy Precious Blood over N. So that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against him (her). God the Father, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and my Savior, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, my soul, my mind, my emotions and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins. To those who serve and are merciful to us, grant forgiveness of sins. (3x), With the sword of our Lady: Ecce ancilla Domini. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Then, under the protection of Your authority may we sing in gratitude, The Lord is my salvation; whom should I fear? In the name of the Father, the Son, Remedy Against the Spirt of Darkness and the Forces of Hate and Fear. Purify us and wash us clean with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads down to the very soles of our feet. Amen. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, St. Nicholas, St. Dominic,NN. I renounce the three infamous assassins of their grand master, law, property and religion, and the greed and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate and control the rest of mankind. (Ps 4:7). I beg Thee, in Thy Mercy, to reclaim those which I may have ceded control over to the demons. Christ with him/her. Lead all souls to Heaven, and help especially those who are most in need of Your Mercy. Thank you, God the Father, for Thy mercy, Thy forgiveness and Thy love, in the name of Jesus Christ. On the terrible Day of Judgment, deliver me from eternal punishment and make me an heir to Your Sons glory, through the grace and the love for mankind of Your Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ), +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, POTENTIAL DELIVERANCE PRAYERS FOR THE AFFLICTED PERSON TO RECITE (see section IV), I bind in the Most Precious Blood of Jesus any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, voodoo, or any other demonic bondages sent againstme, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions; I bind them all and break them in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. Have mercy on us. That You humble the enemies of holy Church. IMPRIMA TUR Remember, O most compassionate God, that they are but weak and frail human beings. And Lord Jesus, please send your holy angels to minister to us and our families and to guard and protect us from all sickness, harm, and accidents and guard us on a safe trip home, and grant us a peaceful nights rest. I renounce the effects these or other objects of Masonry, including the compass and the square, have had on me or my family, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You are being pursued by enemies like Saul, Goliath. Jesus, Son of the Most High, I ask this in Thy Glorious and Most Holy Name. Visit those who are sick and grant them health and strength. For Breaking the Wall Built up Around the Heart: In order to break a wall that has a demonic cause, sometimes all that is necessary is to bind the wall that surrounds the heart in the Blood of Jesus, and/or break it three times in these or similar words: I bind this wall that is around N.s heart in the Blood of Jesus and I break it in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This deliverance prayer session may be used for people or places (e.g. You are the salvation of those who turn to You. 439-452). Remove them, sending them directly to the foot of Thy Cross. Last Name. Jesus, Son of the Most High, I ask this in Your Glorious and Most Holy Name. Let this blood penetrate the very marrow of our bones to cleanse us from any entanglement from whatever evil spirits we have come in contact with during the course of our intercession. Christ to Mary, surround me with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over me. You who in glory ascended into heaven to Your Father, sitting on the right of majesty upon the throne of glory. After each prayer, the deacon will say a witness prayer, such as: In the name of Jesus Christ, I witness your rejection of these demons/evil spirits, and I ask God to cast them out. Genesis 4:15 Verse Concepts So the Lord said to him, "Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold." Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the precious blood of Your Son come upon us right now. (LogOut/ Pray with precision, faith, and authority to silence and subdue the influence of any evil spirit that devours the understanding of the Word of God. If it is metal break it in half if possible or other damage it with a hammer perhaps. Ask the person to stop manifesting and come back to consciousness. I believe in a Threeness, with confession of a Oneness in the Creator of the Universe. I renounce every evil spirit associated with Masonry and Witchcraft and all other sins, and I command in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Satan and every evil spirit to be bound and to leave me now, touching or harming no-one, and go to the place appointed for you by the Lord Jesus, never to return to me or my family. I also renounce the usurping of the marriage covenant by the removal of the wedding ring. We beseech You to make powerless, banish, and drive out every diabolic power, presence, and machination; every evil influence, malefice, or evil eye and all evil actions aimed against Your servant[persons] and in this place ..[places] where there is envy and malice, give us an abundance of goodness, endurance, victory and charity. The afflicted person may want to make a short consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, such as: My Queen and my Mother, I give myself entirely to you; and to show my devotion to you, I consecrate to you this day and every day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my whole being without reserve. We ask You this through the intercession of our most blessed, glorious Lady, Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God, of the most splendid archangels, and all your saints. Still the commotions of our flesh, and calm all earthly and worldly feelings within us. And pray it for the souls in Purgatory that they may be so purified as to gaze upon My Face in glory. Glory be to the+Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. That is why every intercessor needs to know the enemy. I (We) ask these things with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed Archangels Sts. To Him and to his eternal Father and to His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, we send up glory, honor and adoration, now and always and forever and ever. (May the Holy Cross be my light, the dragon will never be my guide.) My Father, I ask this in the name of Jesus Your Son! If the individual manifests to the extent that a demonic presence and voice comes forward, then that person should be referred to an exorcist. ignorance or thoughtlessness, through anger or unawareness, for fear of being considered different or of being criticized. Be silent for a moment, and lay aside all earthly cares. [Note: Spouses have divine authority over their own bodies, their spouses and their children who are minors. In the Name of the Father+and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Pray for me, O Immaculate Virgin Mary Mother of God, Saints Joseph, Nicholas, Dominic, Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and Sts. I ask that any demons within this vicinity or any that should try to enter here be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind; that Thou would strip them of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that Thou would bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each other in any way. And you, Jesus, open Your Heart and place in it my own, and, together with Mary's, offer it to our Divine Father! 2) The prayers in this section are typically phrased to be used for praying over oneself. If any evil spirit has been introduced into my generational line as a result of a curse or malefice done by someone outside my family, I ask You to give me the grace to forgive them wholeheartedly and I ask You, Jesus to break the curse or malefice, if it is still in place. May God keep at bay and vanquish every evil power, every poison or malice invoked against us by corrupt and envious people. A Deliverance Prayer Session Led by a Deacon. Enlighten my soul with the love of Your Cross. Receive, O Blessed Virgin, this little offering of my servitude, in honor of and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to your maternity; in homage to the power which both of you have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored you. James 4:7 AMP. In the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, I renounce and break the curses involved in the idolatry, blasphemy, secrecy and deception of Freemasonry at every level, and I appropriate the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse all the consequences of these from my life. Amen. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you. In "Downloads". +O Lord, rebuke Satan! Prayer of Saint Antiochus to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Come let us worship Christ, our King and our God, and bow down before Him. If it can be burned, then burn it. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Thank you, God the Father, for Thy mercy, Thy forgiveness and Thy love, in the name of Jesus Christ. By God's grace, no demon dares approach while you are near, so we beg of you, always be near to us! I (we) also ask that You be with the person who gave me (us) these materials and free them from any bondage. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered; and let those who hate Him flee before His Presence. As you pray these prayer points in Jesus name, you will be cancelling every legal right that the enemy has against you and every satanic agreement that you have made, consciously and unconsciously. Amen. Satan is extremely jealous and will kill if he can because of that. You fled through the night to avoid the devil's wicked designs; now with the power of God, smite the demons as they flee from you! That You help Your Church to serve You in security and freedom. Use exorcised oil if possible), I consecrate myself to our Lord Jesus Christ through the Immaculate hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. I renounce the ancient pagan teaching and symbolism of the Third Tracing Board used in the ritual. Strengthen me in this Spirit, that I may never lose Him, never sadden Him, and never allow Him to become weaker in me. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against Thee, and others made in Thy image. (Thrice, if necessary. Amen. We ask You this through the intercession of our most blessed, glorious Lady, Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God, of the most splendid archangels, and all your saints. O Mother of mercy, grant me the grace to obtain the true Wisdom of God; and for that end receive me among those whom you love and teach, whom you lead, nourish and protect as your children. Lord, forgive us our sins. Praying after a victorious event is usually the time we need to pray the most. Struggle alongside the Christians. You who said to the sea, be silent, be still and instantly it was calmed at Your command. Amen. Amen. O Lord, grant me Your unworthy servant (handmaid), Your salvation on my bed. Grant special protection, we pray, for children, fathers, families and the dying. God, Holy Mighty One. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish; and as wax melts before the fire, so let the demons perish before the presence of those who love God and who sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross and say in gladness: Hail, most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, for You drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on You and who went down to Hell and trampled on the power of the devil, and gave us You, His venerable Cross, for driving away all enemies. We beg You to hear us. You who shall come again with glory upon the clouds of heaven with Your holy angels to judge the living and the dead. Deacons should not underestimate their ministry and the power of the Church praying. In the name of Jesus Christ leave them now. Wherefore, good Mother, as I am your own, keep me, guard me, as your precious possession. Lord Jesus Christ, Incarnate Son of God the Father, Thou who has chosen to enter into human history by being carried in the womb of Thy Blessed Mother Mary, grant I beseech Thee, that any demons that may have been introduced into my generational line by any one of my ancestors may be blocked from passing to the subsequent generations. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, St. Nicholas, and St. Dominic. Lord Jesus, may Your most Precious Blood be upon me. Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around, and ourselves and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. Accept this prayer from my impure lips, and, with the power of Your Maternity, beg Your Son, my Lord and my God, to open for me the depths of His loving kindness, forgive my countless sins, convert me to true repentance, and make me faithful to His commands. And drive him from this servant(handmaid)of GodN., from his(her)mind, from his(her)soul, from his(her)heart, from his(her)reins, from his(her)senses, from all his(her)members, that he(she)might become whole and sound and free, knowing You, O God, his(her)own Master and Creator of all things, You who gather together those who have gone astray and who gives them the seal of salvation through the rebirth and restoration of divine Baptism, so that he (she) may be counted worthy of Your immaculate, heavenly and awesome Mysteries and be united to Your true fold, dwelling in a place of pasture and nourished on the waters of repose, guided pastorally and safely by the staff of the+Cross unto the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.