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You have to really think about what your platform is, not where you volunteer or serve. Now that she is a pageant titleholder, she . To prepare for a pageant, you must have a wardrobe selected, a talent practiced, be mentally prepared to answer your on-stage questions and on top of . Pageant Planet, Inc This is why being passionate is absolutely necessary. Are you educating people about the history of the Red Cross? As long as you stay true to who you are as a person and have your platform take center stage, you will write an amazing essay! Best for sleep: Calm. Catwalking in front of thousands of people wearing four-inch heels and a bikini does . VISIT www. Or, you could put an ad in a local college newspaper that you are available to practice conversational Spanish with others. Best for eating disorders: Recovery Record. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Best Buddies and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America are always on the lookout for people to come hang out with their clients. One of the most well known non-profit organizations in the world is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. Teresas passion to combat eating disorders stems from a friend who struggled with bulimia. 5. Other times the pageant that you are competing in asks you to raise a certain amount of money on behalf of the pageants charity. Cheslies obviously enamored the judges at Miss USA, and she consistently demonstrates that todays pageant queen can be a titleholder who is relevant and relatable, while still being a whole bunch of fun! 5 O clock! Yes, you could always make money by walking the dogs in your neighborhood, but lets think outside-the-box and try combining some of your talents and see what comes up. After spending years covering the fallout of abuse and neglect as an Emmy nominated TV journalist for CBS, CNN, and Fox, she took a step back from broadcasting and researched ways to use her skills on behalf of abused and neglected children. Home; My Story; Courses. It truly is endless! The term "bullying" used to conjure images of a boisterous kid pushing down a weaker peer on the playground. Not only did Kelsi want to bring awareness to a range of mental disorders, but she is very passionate about dispelling the stigmas around mental health and also specifically wanted to speak to how often they affect young Black women. The pageant accepts that a simple beauty pageant may not be able to remove hate and violence totally, but they are determined to decrease negativity by promoting peace, love and understanding. And at first glance, this year's winner - Sophia Ng - has all the hallmarks of a typical pageant queen. Lily has dedicated over 400 volunteer hours serving her community through the non-profit that she created. You can have t-shirts made, along with stickers, custom made pens, buttons, bumper stickers and wrist bands. When pageant girls hear that they should be promoting their platform in some way, often times they get very anxious about the idea because they think that it means that they have to do something that is uncomfortable for them, or out of their area of experience or expertise. Get out some paper and a pen and find a nice, quiet place where you can reflect without interruption. Once you have the proper tone and diction down, your essay will write itself! If you grew up in foster care, are a parent to an adopted child or just feel inspired to help in that area, then check out an organization that is tied to foster care, adoption or some other form of. The reality is that trying to find a way to tell your personal story as it relates to your platform is the most powerful way that you can motivate people to not only support your cause, but also donate their money to it. Now, that weve got that cleared up. Meet contestant #4 Tarnia Eugene from the cultural and dynamic community of Grand Bay! You could even come up with your own service project and write your own story book about being read to as a child. There are people out there who are petite and always have to have their pants, dresses and skirts hemmed and they would love to pay you to do it for them. Creating a platform with actual activities that you would like to accomplish can be the most difficult part of planning. I do this because of a strong sense of citizenship and desire to serve my community. Also, by notifying all of the people on your networking brainstorming form that you are available for appearances and to volunteer, you just might get recruited to do things by people that you dont even know! But, we suggest that if you do adopt this subject as your pageant platform, that you really think through what you want to do with it, and make sure that you have a solid connection to the topic. Creating a platform gives you a voice to advocate for the change you want to see for others who have faced the same ailments you have seen take hold of someones life. The best essays are written when it feels like the contestant is actually speaking to the judge in a polite manner with her personality all on the table; just like in an interview. Writing a pageant platform may seem like a tremendous amount of work, but the next section covers exactly how you want to write your platform essay and what you can include to differentiate your essay from the next! And, many of those titleholders decided to combine their love of the arts with education. Currently, Rachel is the international spokesperson for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) at the University of South Florida and was recently elected to their executive board of directors. After winning Miss Universe, Nel-Peters used her title to expand the Unbreakable platform internationally. If that is the case, then make sure that you think through how exactly you want to assist them. You can help to facilitate a class, volunteer to tutor a child who needs help with their homework, teach a skill that you know or just show up on the weekends and play hoop! You want to be able to speak about your platform for days on end to as many people as possible and not risk exhaustion because you love your platform just that much. Why not create your own brand of healthy dog or cat treats in your kitchen? Mayelin De La Cruz Gutierrez, Miss Grand New Jersey 2019, says this about platforms, A platform is ideal for a contestant to have because you can learn so much from what they support and what they choose to advocate for., Need more information on what a pageant platform is and what it should mean to you? However, this is the first time a trans woman has been among Puerto Rico's local competitors and shows promising resistance, as basic human rights for trans folks are threatened by lawmakers around . MADD had expanded to some 320 chapters and 600,000 volunteers and donors nationwide by 1985, and by 2000, the 20th anniversary of MADDs foundingalcohol-related fatalities had dropped some 40 percent over two decades, and states with the toughest drunk-driving laws were beginning to treat alcohol-related fatalities as murder. Pageants have always attracted young ladies who have substantial talent and who are also interested in education. Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd. (The word, H.E.A.R.T.S. stands for Helping, Encouraging, Achieving, Reading, Teaching, and Supporting.). Choose a full-length gown with a full skirt to keep little princess looking sweet and youthful. The recent death of Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst has prompted local beauty queens to speak out about mental health struggles and the weight of the crown. You have to know who you are, what your values are and what it is that you want to change in this world. This can be very useful if your platform is related to anything in their realm of interests. Youre restricting yourself from being able to achieve the absolute best without a pageant platform. But, that didnt stop this queen. How do you get ideas for a pageant platform? Welcome to the Pageant Platform Podcast! 2. Platform: Access to health and wellness care for global underprivileged communities. Each Year U.S. United hosts events supporting . Even if you all three volunteer your time at your local Red Cross, I bet that what you do, how you do it and what you really care about is very individual to each of you. Mrs. International 2017 Melissa Pocza, advocated for abused children through her own program, Broken Little Voices, which raises awareness of child abuse issues through a free APP that provides support and resources for child abuse survivors. If you are really good, you could sell your services doing hair and makeup for proms and dances, or you could even teach young pre-teens how to do their own hair and makeup for a fee. Rachel has won the titles of: Miss Largos Outstanding Teen in 2014, Miss Florida Collegiate in 2015, Miss Florida International in 2016 and Miss Southeast International 2017. Do you find yourself helping them on a day to day, hour to hour basis in fighting their situation? What have you done for fun in your free time? The best way to think about and brand your platform, by the way, is to identify your platform by a sentence or statement. You want to be able to set yourself apart, and show that you are an individual.That way you can really personalize it in a way that makes it unique and attention getting. Or, is it your mission to ensure that no animal should ever be abandoned by their owners? She gave up her belongings but was able to survive the attack unharmed by using techniques she'd learned at a self-defense course three months earlier. Thats just what Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd did. You know for a fact that this gown is the one that you want, and you know it was meant for you. It's no secret that pageant girls love to give back. . If you just want to help kids, you can get involved in all kinds of service organizations or missions that are making a difference in the lives of children worldwide. This is also called, finding your niche. I have struggled with Bipolar Disorder most of my. As most of us know, Cheslie is an attorney specializing in complex civil litigation, which gives her a unique ability to inspire, mentor and empower the women that she is helping. Take this into consideration if you decide that not having a platform is your best option. Even if you are not the greatest writer, when you begin to write speeches about your work, the passion towards solving your platform goal will have the ink flowing out of your pen faster than you can say butt glue! Research all the local city and county websites to look for upcoming events, then call or email whoever is in charge and ask if you can help out or participate in any way. And, she even received a personal thank you letter from the President of the United States! What we mean when we talk about drilling down your platform is that you may have a great platform concept, but you are feeling like its not quite right. Sadly, we are hearing more and more about the increase in depression, anxiety and mental health disorders in the world. Lauren serves as the official Massachusetts advocate for both the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (Meda). You also run the risk of feeling resentful and insincere, and that is one of the worst combinations of emotions that any pageant girl can have. The second paragraph of your essay should be the how. The first step in behavior change is to become educated about the need to change our behaviors. Miss Universe 2019 contestants volunteering at the Children's Hospital of Atlanta. Children are so deserving of our help and attention because they are often victims of situations and circumstances that they cannot control. They provide prevention and care services to men, women and families that are living with, or affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City. She has inspired hundreds of students who have taken her message back to their own communities to evoke change in the negative attitudes about seeking mental health services, and how to help a loved one who is showing signs of depression. folder_open . Select the top 10 things that you enjoy doing the most that you are also good at, and that do not require a huge investment of time or money on your part. Therefore, if you want to do well in that type of a pageant, then youd better be pretty adept at your talent. What we mean by leveled up or up leveled, is that your platform can be easily implemented on a larger scale. In fact, there are entire pageant systems established around the idea of ending the war on violence, such as, Miss Grand International. No problem! What kind of work have you done, or what tasks do you most enjoy at your job? Bed ridden for months, the psychological toll of a shattered dream and recovering body led to an eventual downward depressive spiral. While beauty pageants play a role in women's empowerment by giving them a platform to establish themselves and make them feel more powerful in society, they also have inevitable backlashes. Most of the candidates who participate in the organization also enjoy getting involved with the annual fund raisers associated with the CMN, such as Dairy Queens Miracle Treat Day campaign and Free Pancake Day at IHOP. Lets start out by talking about, The foundation of networking. You could help so many people and make money at the same time. And, as a survivor of the disease, she is committed to trying to raise awareness of the debilitating nature of eating disorders, and to spread the message to young girls that "Self-confidence is the single most important thing in the key to happiness. It would not take much to set up the interview space, ask a whole bunch of random interview questions and film it all for each contestant. . The vast media coverage and candid admissions of harassment and assault by countless celebrities has created an open environment to discuss issues that were off limits previously. It gives us a platform to voice our opinions and choices, and makes us strong and independent, that we are today.". Notable Achievements: Miss Voluptuous Ohio Title Holder 2022-2023. The way pageant platforms are implemented can take on many shapes and forms, but its all up to you on how you want your year as a contestant or a titleholder to be. It is 5 o clock in the morning! Draw a circle. But, every single day, she is there. Right in all the things you care about. Therefore, you are more likely to work hard in your cause, not only because you do not want to let your family member down, but also because you have seen them struggle throughout their life. Its time for another brainstorming session, so get out your pen and paper and lets get down to business! You would be surprised at how willing most people are to help you achieve your goals. Photo: PBS. "Cheslie changed my life," Slawson, 26, tells PEOPLE . However, there has been a general downward trend over the last decade. 10900. My pageant has a pageant platform essay. The Perfect Pageant Platform Outline consists of 5 questions. A platform does not have to be widely known or super popular to have that kind of presence; it just has to have enough people involved and have a global network in place. But, now, thankfully, the secrecy surrounding these issues has been lifted, and victims of assault are taking back their power and inviting other survivors to do the same. And its a skill that you can become very accomplished at, even if it is a bit out of your comfort zone initially. Ker's exposure to pageants began at the age of 10, through a mentorship program known as the Fleur de Lis . Mrs. International 2017 Melissa Pocza at the "Broken Little Voices Child Advocacy Center. It does not exist just to give you something to do with your free time on the weekends. With the recent deaths of beloved pageant competitors, many within the community are reeling and wanting to shed light on the larger, global mental health crisis.. Jennifer Lloyd, who is well . Everything from how they look to what theyve accomplished is judged against someone else, and that isnt healthy.. It takes a tender heart to want to make a difference in the lives of little ones. AID FOR AIDS International is a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean. Covering your bases like this will not only help you to seal the deal with your judges, but it will help to make an impact with others should you decide to post your speech online. As written in Psychology Today, issues with self-identity after a child retires from the pageant scene in her teens such as eating disorders, depression, and mental health issues are not uncommon, proving the effect of these contests on a girl's self-esteem and how their behavior towards physical appearance becomes borderline obsessive (Matina .