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He picks up on his partners energy very easy and negative feelings influence him over time. A deep desire within you is to be accepted, however this manifests. You can have a tendency to play the victim looking for a knight in shining armor. This can make you a bit of a bleeding heart and you want to help everyone that you meet. At the end of the day, the Venus in Pisces man wants someone he can be sure of. It can be tough to understand a Venus in Pisces when they dont completely understand themselves, but at the end of the day, they just want tofeel understood and want a deep, spiritual connection. I personally know quite a few people with Venus in Pisces who work in scientific fields but still have a vibrant creative streak and appreciate the arts in some manner. You come alive in a warm, nurturing, and mutually respectful relationship. Until theyre hit with the hard realities, they might focus on their dreams or pleasures more than on earning an income. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. You may be very passive or even a little detached, but this is only because youre invested in your own daydream. When you are born with Mars in Pisces you are a natural empath and very good at understanding other people. You can expect women born under Mars in Pisces are natural caregivers without falling into mother roles. He wants a lover who will complete him and show obvious signs of love and affection without asking for anything in return. They may also be intrigued by moody or unpredictable people. He will want to learn to express anger in a healthy and constructive way by asking for what he needs instead of just hoping he gets it. This man will have an easier time connecting sexually when he feels emotionally connected, but he may be physically unable to engage sexually after an argument. Men with Mars in Pisces may or may not be very competitive. Sometimes you can be outgoing and bubbly, while other times youre moody and withdrawn. While the position of Mars in our natal chart affects us on an individual level, the planets continual transit through the signs impacts us all as it influences our fiery energies. For a Venus in Pisces person, love is a mystical experience. He tends to get in very deep very quickly with a new partner. Over time, the Mars in Pisces woman will learn how to discern whats real and to use her gut feelings in relationships. Sometimes, this can mean that the Mars in Pisces woman is attracted to musicians, artists, or spiritually-inclined people, or she may just be captivated by those who have a deep and tortured energy, regardless of their job. People may want to be on their side and fight with them, but they push people away by holding tight to the victim role and not allowing anyone to help them. You have very high expectations for a relationship. She has a dramatic flair and can be involved in really emotional fights if she feels hurt or wounded. You may also be drawn to the occult, to gothic time periods, or to learning more about whats out there. You like the big questions as well as anything mysterious or mystical. Her anger can be unnerving, because it's just so unexpected. You probably prefer morning sex in the shower over long evenings in the bedroom. Women worry about their path toward self destruction and men admire their unwavering commitment to their beliefs and their cause. The classic Mars in Pisces woman is attracted to partners with soft, sensitive energy. Often, these folks are nostalgic for another age or time period. Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. Most importantly, if his partner doesnt fulfill his expectations and desires, he might seek solace in the arms of another. Sex with them should always be a beautiful, otherworldly, romantic, love making experience. Men born under Mars in Pisces probably seem a bit like your favorite teacher in high school. He intuitively notices how his departure would deepen his partners wounds even more, but the negative aura exuding also makes him become disinterested over time. Over time, your extreme emotions will start to feel depressing, which is when you will want to figure them out instead of just acting on them. This means that you can be the perfect lover for a variety of different people, no matter how contrary they are in their inclinations. They have a highly romantic nature. Ideally, she will end up with someone who is also a bit responsible and steady. People born under Mars in Pisces dont like conflict and will rarely engage in outright confrontation. This simplicity interplays with the more fundamental qualities of a Pisces Mars personality, which are all about fulfilling ones desires. She loves all things posh, including manners, dressing style, speaking . Men born under this combination are great friends to have. or even just have a really soft energy. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. True love isnt the romantic love at first sight that Venus in Pisces tend to fall into. Once the Mars in Pisces woman feels an emotionally connection, she is hooked. She wants to feel that the other person is energetically all in right away. Mars in Pisces people are compassionate and sensitive. They will harm themselves before they harm someone else. They will go to the depths for someone they are interested in. It may be very unclear what it is they are trying to achieve because they sometimes get so lost in the drama of it all. The Venus in Pisces man can have difficulty with boundaries. While you have grand ideas, your mood might shift before youre able to make much progress. With Mars in Pisces, you probably wont step on anyone to make it to the top. Fortunately, because you have left your mark on so many peoples lives, you tend to have an army of people behind you willing to help you out. They will create something beautiful for them, nurture them, take care of them. She has an air of mystery around her. Pisces is all about the first date butterflies. You want to live in your fantasies, but this is much easier to do when you first meet someone than it is in a long-term relationship. They possess such extreme emotions they may suffer from mood swings. And Pisces is a water sign that feels everything, to the point of being empathic and often psychic. Jeremy, compassionate, a bit strange to let him in my relationships with you are both are the scorpio, i found trying to let you. Most likely, he will slowly get closer to someone he likes and try to build an emotional connection until they begin to reciprocate his feelings. And because of the conflicting nature of the Pisces, he may have two personalities that he'll display according to the situation and the people around him. Its important to learn about both Venus and Mars. The goal is for people with Mars in Pisces to figure out a balance between living in a fantasy world (which they always need to some extent) and seeing reality. You find it more difficult than most to share your partner, requiring loyalty from them, although you are also a very understanding person and generally quite forgiving. Learn More. With Mars in Pisces, you probably love the rush of dopamine you get when you first meet someone. You gained valuable skills during this journey which you desire to use to heal the people around you. ), but many of them are likely to show up. Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. They are likely to have emotional outbursts that are unrelated to the root cause of the issue simply because they have build up so much anger, like a pressure-cooker. You gravitate towards the needy or the underdogs because imbalance intrigues you. The Venus in Pisces man is a highly emotional individual, sensitive, and affectionate with his partner. Im a straight woman, but I find that sometimes the vibes from my Mars show up in myself when Im flirting. It will next retrograde through Pisces in 2035. They are full of time, energy, and empathy for other people, and you never want to let them down. Its hard for you to just do it unless youre in the right emotional space. You dont like conflict, you tend to use guilt rather than confrontation to get your own way. He likes partners who are fragile, delicate, gentle, and sensitive. He is adaptable, calm, and nurturing. You may tell little white lies when you first meet someone, but this is because you want them to like you. The meaning of Mars in each sign: Mars in Aries: People with Mars in this sign tend to have strong impulses, are stimulated by conquest and constant challenges. If you have Venus in Pisces, you take pleasure in anything creative and expressive. When you are born under Mars in Pisces, you are motivated by seeing other people happy and successful. The Mars in Pisces man. As a Venus in Pisces individual your life experiences spiritual and physical alike can take on an overwhelming presence. They are so deeply committed to this dream they are good at getting other people to rally to their side. Those with Venus in Pisces usually havesomething that feels gentle and dreamy about their looks. If the Mars in Pisces man isnt mentally healthy, he can wreak a lot of havoc on his partners emotional and mental well-beings. They have a strong anti-confidence. You want to figure out how to express your feelings in a healthy way instead of building them up and becoming passive aggressive. This is because you help people understand what they are feeling rather than trying to tell them what they should do. Youre loyal when youre feeling romantic. His feelings are honest and pure. Pisces woman dating a cancer man. Seeing other people succeed and find what they are looking for brings you intense joy. Just be honest, straightforward, and be sensitive above all else. Pisces Mars Man Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. What Drives You: Mars in Pisces in the natal chart will influence the native to be driven towards liminal spaces meaning the places between the worlds. Sexually, youre turned on by romance, secrecy, privacy, and emotional power imbalances. but you need someone who is willing to play along with your games, fantasies, and mood swings in return. This is typically a misplaced effort to get control of his own emotions because theyre simply so vast. They are always day dreaming, imagining, worrying. With Mars in Pisces, you might sometimes be unsure about what you want. Those that see the world in a different, slightly more colored light, the ones who know that the world is filled with unsolved mysteries and enigmas. It can be difficult for a Venus in Pisces woman to pin down exactlywhat it is that she desires. With Mars in Pisces, youre often moody, so your drive is completely tied to your frame of mind and changes quite a bit. He will never criticize or make you feel bad when you made a mistake, but he should also learn to let go of the emotional pressure from time to time. You have no clear baseline. Lastly, a man who is ultra-comfortable with his sexuality will display many more of his Venus qualities, while a man who struggles with his sexuality probably wont own these Venusian qualities, so he will instead look for them in a female partner. These women dont usually make the first move. Here are the most common qualities with the Venus in Pisces placement. They are vey emotional and there is always a bit of a storm in their hearts. Alternatively with Mars in Pisces, you suppress your anger and get lost in your fantasies to cope. When you are born under Mars in Pisces, you are a naturally empathetic person. They just need to ride them out before they can reset and move on. Sometimes you are so busy giving that you forget to prioritize what you need for yourself. Since carers take time to pick a younger man is more likely to find an achiever in an older woman. They will show what is exactly in their heart. He has many mood swings, so the initial meeting will depend on where in his mood cycle he is. Your high level of empathy means that it is easy for you to see and understand things from the perspective of others. You tend to underestimate the quality of your work and can be a bit shy about sharing it with other people. This woman is usually very sensitive. An individual with Mars in Pisces also has a kindhearted, sympathetic side that not many are lucky enough to experience. Hes a dreamer, and he will only get involved in something when it has some chance of success, when the idea at its base is revolutionary, innovative, even a little idealistic. The Mars in Pisces person is artistic, selfless, and kind. In our view crisis is taken to mean any situation or event which is causing significant change and feelings of being overwhelmed. She might like her partner to be a bit dominant sexually while remaining emotionally attached; its hard for the Venus in Pisces woman to have good sex without feeling emotionally involved and loved. Capricorn As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. When they like someone, they fall completely in love, head over heals. They can be very self involved thinking their personal drama is the most important thing in the world. You have a natural attraction to the vibration of spiritual objects tending to fill your life with anything that gives you a sense of enlightenment. Venus in Pisces has the tendency to conform into whatever they think others want. These people prefer to live in more imaginative realms where they can find meaning in life. He may also have a fear of his partner leaving him once he has opened up. The Mars in Pisces drive is always tied to emotion. This can be really painful for him and can damage his mental state. As well as being very good at reading other people, you tend to need to be around other people. . It is easy for you not only to see things from other peoples perspectives, but truly understand their perspectives. He tends dive in headfirst, but at some point, the mystery will disappear as he gets to know who his partner really is. These guys will definitely shy away from anyone who is too aggressive or angry; they prefer their partners gentle. You also sense that there is a lot more going on under the surface than you can see. Her needs are ever-changing and its hard for her to discern what she wants versus what her partner wants. The Mars in Pisces woman has a tendency to be a bit of a love addict. Men born under this combination are great friends to have. The typical Venus in Pisces man prefers feminine women. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer.