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To do so, you must present a vaccination certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian. While youre out, your dog cannot be left tied to a rope or cable outside. She texted me today saying that she moved and she can take the dogs back. A month after having him and getting him properly vetted the owners decide to show up. Shame the laws don't discuss these issues in the broader or, more specific sense. This means that the owner of a dog that bites someone is immediately liable to the bitten individual, no matter the previous or current circumstances. I'm sure your name is on all vet bills that have been paid for the dog, etc. PLEASE SEE BELOW! (I am a combat veteran.) In that case, you can lawfully take the property and keep it, because it is technically unowned at that point. I also am disabled and don't work so I am home and believe me the day he moves out I am not going anywhere. If you have someone that can hold on to him for you - someone the ex possibly doesn't know or can go get from them - I would do that just to be on the safe side. If not, them I think they have a right to ownership if they can prove it is theirs, From his words above - "Determination of the ownership of an animal, just like ownership of any property, depends on the evidence that a person can provide demonstrating a claim to ownership" if the person has no proof - like pics, vet records or any single thing then I wouldn't believe them, they could've just seen the cat in your window and remembered from the complex and now that you've taken the time to tame etc now they want it?? Determination of the ownership of an animal, just like ownership of any property, depends on the evidence that a person can provide demonstrating a claim to ownership. SECTION 1 . Chapter 7. A young child in the family attaches to, loves and cares for the animal, even though their parent covers cost of food, vet care, etc. Maricopa, AZ adopted the Pinal County animal ordinance. As such, the application of the law may differ from one locale to another. If it were me and they had nothing to prove the cat was theirs I'd tell them to go ahead and call the police but that is me. Title 17. Left behind dog doo is literally how other dogs (and people) can contract hookworms and . What do I do? The neighbors believe his family moved and left him behind. I do not want to give either of them back to her. My daughter just received a phone call wanting the cat back. If youre a loving dog owner and borderline-obsessed with your pet, impounding is likely the last thing on your mind. There is no legal adoption process for a dog like there is for a child. 2334 Pinal County Animal Care and Control warns Maricopa dog owners to leash up or face a warning and possible citation. The other person may choose to file a lawsuit, and then you may want to get an attorney. However after reading your posts It sounds like I might have some legal legs to stand on, so to speak. This is NOT true. On August 29, 1978, San Fransisco enacted its first pooper scoper ordinance. Eventually she got to a point she had to find a new home for her and I knew right away she would be a great fit in our home. This page provides tips and other helpful information and resources to people who are disturbed or negatively affected by barking dogs. Nic, do you know the name of the rescue?? The government may sell, transfer, or kill the animal at their discretion. We are hopeful that Maricopa County will truly address our concerns and work hard to hire the best candidates they can find. 12. Microsoft Word - CHAPTER 6 - ANIMALS The intent was never to keep the dog, just help out. Pet owners shall also have a suitable container or instrument for the picking and removal of their dogs feces. My high school daughter was asked to take care of a kitten while her friends house was being worked on. to the fullest extent permitted by law, municipal code corporation disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties' rights, and fitness for particular purpose. Is this a case of abandonment? When we first got the dog we had to ween her from people food and soft canned food only to eventually to kibble and doggie vitamins. In order to take advantage of this law, the individual using a service dog must sign a written statement. In a pet-friendly state like Arizona, youd be surprised to learn that we have some of the strictest animal laws in the country. My 9 yo son is very attached to this creature and I am not sure how to handle it nor what my rights are. Determination of the ownership of an animal, just like ownership of any property, depends on the evidence that a person can provide demonstrating a claim to ownership. My question is what can legally be done to get the name of the said client from the person that picked my dog up in the first place. Try mediation; mediation with a trained neutral mediator has proven to be very effective in resolving barking dog issues in Phoenix. MCACC even uses the 6 day law AGAINST their own New Hope partners in order to charge the intake fee for owner surrender. REGULATION 1. She has regristration for them. The law covers all unincorporated areas in Maricopa County, the Town of Queen Creek and all other municipalities within Maricopa County, with the exception of Fountain Hills and Native American reservations. People food and canned dog food only is what she was eating for 2 years and definitely not getting the nutrition she needed. any person keeping an animal other than livestock for more than six consecutive days. The original owners want the dog back Bites Security Clearances and Background Checks, The so-called "6-day Rule" and ownership of an animal in Arizona, Arizona Revised Statutes section 11-1001(10). If you do pick up after your dog while walking in the woods, please do not toss bagged poop into the woods. I sent an email but the email address was not valid. Though you know your dogs behaviors and training, the rest of the public is unaware of their tendencies, and they may view your dog as a vicious animal. Doesnt clarify anything. But for outdoor dogs, the situation can turn tragic quickly if they're not properly cared for. Maricopa County Animal Control applies this rule as animal ownership. ? Being the person having possession of the dog, you have a responsibility (legal and moral) to get the dog treated if he is very sick. If a person finds an animal and does little or nothing to find the owners, then that person might have to give the animal back even after the usual time period for abandonment passes. Chris Please turn on JavaScript and try again. SMH. We had a friend abandon two dogs with us following an eviction a month ago. Special Plates Popular Title: Dog Laws "It's kind of disgusting . Most offenses have a maximum time after the event within which legal proceedings can be initiated. I called and reported them and the post through offer up plus filed a police report. She searched for the owners for a few weeks with no success. I am thinking of taking Bear to a friend's house and leaving him there until my ex is gone. Hi Mckenzie, If the pet is sick and/or spreading disease, a county is within its power to humanely euthanize the animal. I apologize for the extraneous post but accidentally I subscribed to comments and am still interested in following. We want to adopt dog and are worried that when owner is released he will come take custody of the dog. I'd like to think that rather than think the owner just doesn't care. I have paid for vet bills grooming bills her food for over a year and I still have her to this day. Anyone who signs a false statement is guilty of a petty offense and will be charged a maximum fine of $50. He is the sweetest boy. My ex-boyfriend bought me a dog off of Craigslist last September. Answer: Yes. What if the owner is neglectful? The Seattle Pooper Scooper Law doesnt allow pet owners to do that. Consequences for an owner of a dog that has bitten a person varies depending on if the dog was already deemed aggressive. 13-1208 dictates that the owner or individual responsible for an aggressive dog must take reasonable care to prohibit the dog from escaping the owners property or enclosed area. I Want To. The ironic part is that I previously told him that if we were to break up, that that he would have visitation rights and could take her for a day or two and now I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. Animal Laws and Statutes: 3-1311 - Dogs killing or chasing livestock; liability of owner; classification (Page 1) 11-1001 - Definitions (Page 1) 11-1002 - Powers and duties of the state veterinarian and the Arizona department of agriculture (Page 2) 11-1003 - Powers and duties of department of health services (Page 2) I have been sitting for has been abandoned. Dog bite law in Arizona is taken very seriously. To report suspected livestock cruelty, contact the Department's Dispatch at (623) 445-0281 or your local law enforcement since any law enforcement officer can respond to livestock cruelty complaints. Is a barking dog a problem in your neighborhood? What should she do? Now out of nowhere this person knocks on the door and said she saw her cat in our window and she wants her back or she'll call the police. Arizona Revised Statute 11-1012 contains the state's central leash law. I've listed him in several online forums, yet nobody has claimed him. searched the area, within 3 miles for weeks for evidence of his possible demise, culverts, rooftops, coyote dens (not safe place to go), placed trail cams for predator evidence without luck. Being a lawyer means often correcting the legal misconceptions of others. They were concerned for her well being and invited me to come and take her while he was at work. I have an appointment with the vet City of Phoenix Ordinance No. Send Request Enjoy the benefits of a clean yard today by using the dog waste removal services of Got Poop AZ. Typical evidence includes vet records & bills, photographs of you with the animal, registration/licensing records, microchip registration records, and even testimony of your family. His owner isn't refusing to get him, just continues to tell me he's working on a solution. We love the stray we found 2 months ago. Hi All, Chris (the owner of the website and the author of the original post) here. I was just recently told by the county that because I agreed to care for the dog, and the dog hasn't been abandoned since the owner keeps telling me he's making arrangements, I'm responsible for him. His roommates contacted me telling me that he is never home to watch her, she is no longer potty trained, and he pawns her off on family members to watch - which is most of the time just dropping her off at his parents house. There was not an emphasis on keeping pets with their families, and the euthanasia rates during the time the ordinances were written and amended was at or above 50%. When taking him outside, we now have to put him on a leash. My aunt has been paying for the groomers, shots and all other expenses. A first offense could be fined at up to $100, a fourth and subsequent violation could be fined at up to $750. 8-15. I'm afraid he's going to get picked up by someone or run over before finding him. Good luck! General. When she went to see how he was he immediately jumped her and he sought security. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Dog owners moving to Tucson and other cities like Phoenix and Scottsdale should be aware of the area pet laws in order to avoid fines. The Vet called and tried to contact the owner to no avail. Then they took the kitten back for a short time. When I told Steve my ex he had to move he announced Bear was going with him. I was advised to consult an attorney. I entered an agreement with someone for a horse that was bred that I would pay the stud fee and care for the Mare while she is pregnant and for the 4 months after the foal is born. We have made several attempts to get her to arrange to pick them up with no success. Licensing fees do vary by county, but most counties offer a discounted rate for dogs who have been spayed or neutered or to owners 65 years of age and older. Cat rescues need to contact to confirm the release of pet from the owner. I would love to adopt her legally but don't know the process. 11-1008 says that all dogs over 3 months of age must be licensed with the county. Litigation California does not have a statewide law about dog poop. Bringing a new pet into your home is a very exciting time, but its important to not forget about Arizona vaccination requirements. That makes me feel a lot better. B. Intergovernmental Operations. 2012-01-26T17:01:54-07:00 If you feel safe doing so, provide your contact information so the owner can respond to your concerns. So obviously she could get them back but her kids are cruel to the dogs and I don't want her to have them, I was wanting to ask a question. Good luck! The owner put up flyers, canvassed the neighborhood, posted on various sites. 40 of the citys health code, dog owners are required to remove or clean up any feces left by their dog and dispose of it into a proper dog poop disposal container. What can I do? Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Accidents, No dog can be licensed unless it is vaccinated for rabies, A licensed veterinarian must complete the vaccination. The owner was just telling me last week that he's upset that she wasn't a teacup dog (what they thought she was) and we think they just let her out because they didn't want her. To answer the several recent questions along the lines of, "I have had a dog in my possession for X days/weeks/months, and have made efforts to contact the original owner -- what can I do? The completion of 14 enormous barns 560 feet long, 82 feet wide, 30 feet tall that year and the arrival of millions of hens brought the stinging stench of chicken poop and dead birds to . if yes, then the other person or office should have that documentation showing the cat is theirs. The dog has started running off. My ex husband has been renting a room from me for years. Ive been watching my friends tortoises for a week now. What to do about a pet owner that stated they needed foster care for two weeks to a month. Me after a month. It became such a controversial topic that led to landing on the cover of the New York Times during Lindsay's administration. Licensing your dog in Maricopa County is the law. That I have to give him back. She has been with us for several months now. AZ cities cleaned include Phoenix Tucson Chandler Scottsdale Tempe Mesa Paradise Peoria +! Hi Nic & John, Thank you so much B. In June 2017 an imported, born in Mexico microchipped chiuaua was left behind in AZ by the owner as a pending divorce court case was requiring her presence in England to be finalised. Instead, you can raise abandonment as a defense if they sue you for her. Chris. I am so glad I found your blog - thank you for doing this. How long before we have the legal right to find an animal a forever loving home?