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In addition, Germany remained cut off by the blockade from oversea supplies, such as copper from Chile, nickel from Canada, tin and rubber from the East Indies, manganese from India, tungsten from China, industrial diamonds from South Africa and cotton from Brazil. The difficulty of stopping the blockade runners became known as the "Bordeaux Problem", and eventually the British decided that a different, more espionage based approach was needed. Germany had also forced ethnic Germans out of the country, and raped, and starved many of the German citizens. Evidence that at least part of Germany's attack was with illegal floating mines came when a British freighter was sunk at anchor off an east coast port, when two mines came together and exploded off Zeebrugge, and when a large whale was found near four German mines on the Belgian coast with a huge hole in its belly. Because of its close financial ties with Germany, Allied representatives were especially keen to achieve Swiss co-operation. To patrol the Mediterranean and the Red Sea access to the Indian Ocean, Britain would work together with the French, whose own navy was the world's fourth largest, and comprised a good number of modern, powerful vessels with others nearing completion. At night the port authorities used signal lights to warn a skipper he must halt, and the flag had to stay raised until the ship was passed. [11][12], At the beginning of the occupation, the Allies dismantled the remnants of German industries. The decision was made to take away any military capabilities from Germany and divide the country into four zones of Allied occupation. An erroneous announcement was made stating that travel would be allowed outside of the wall and that the policy was to immediately go into effect. [citation needed] Though during the war she doubled her exports of bully beef to the US and to Britain, with whom she had a history of close ties, the government was openly pro-Nazi, particularly after the June 1943 military coup d'tat, and even conspired to overthrow other Latin American governments and replace them with fascist regimes. [59], For the Nazis, the capture of the Russian landmass, one-sixth of the Earth's land surface or 8,000,000 square miles (21,000,000km2), not only provided the Lebensraum they demanded, but also provided the answer to all their raw material problems. The ECSC created a common market to co-ordinate the supply of critical commodities to get the wheels of European commerce moving again. Ukraine was a major industrial region. Even in the normally plentiful Balkan region there were now food shortages caused by an extremely hard winter in the east and flooding of the lower Danube which devastated the agricultural plains and prevented the planting of crops. A factor aggravating inflation was low productivity, caused in part by a lack of coal. By 1917 this had almost swung the war the way of the Central Powers. The neutral commerce which Churchill found most perplexing was the Swedish iron ore trade. Although the Ministry resisted calls that the embargo be extended to some neutral countries, it was later extended to cover the whole of metropolitan France, including Algeria, Tunisia and French Morocco.[42]. On 24 August 1939, a week before the invasion of Poland which started the war, Germany announced rationing of food, coal, textiles and soap, and Shirer noted that it was this action above all which made the German people wake up to the reality that war was imminent. The Allied powers did not want Germany to have to possibility of waging another war. [86] Some 300,000 documents relating to the history of the programme, including plant diagrams, patent descriptions, detailed reports on which catalysts and additives worked best, and monthly reports from the 25 oil from coal plants had fallen into American hands at the end of the war. The Germans tended to prefer to sink the ships themselves rather than allow the Allies to capture them, even at risk to those aboard. Only the sites at Leuna and Polotz were still producing any oil, and though in December limited production restarted, further raids quickly put them out of action for good. But only 10% of bombs fell close enough to their targets to be called hits, and heavily bombed installations often had to be bombed again to knock them out. They had already lost 23 ships, with many more attacked and dozens of sailors killed, while Sweden, Germany's main provider of iron ore, had lost 19 ships, Denmark 9, and Belgium 3. But following subsequent discussions with Reichsbank Vice President Emil Puhl, the Swiss later reneged on this agreement, and through the remainder of 1945 showed an unwillingness to embrace the Allied proposals to turn German assets in Switzerland towards the benefit of ravaged Europe and stateless victims of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes. Dutch industry was by now also under complete German control. Germany began by targeting the Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish pulp boats, sinking several before Sweden shut down its pulp industry and threatened to stop sending Germany iron ore unless the attacks ceased. America meanwhile, had been under severe depression in 1938, with vast industrial resources lying idle and 20% of the population unemployed. The paradox with this argument as the neutral countries were quick to point out was that Germany was benefiting from the very same maritime activity they were trying so hard to destroy. In October 1943 the USAAF attacked Ploieti again, but according to German records total loss of petroleum to the end of 1943 had not exceeded 150,000 tons. In early February 1941 the main exporting Plata nations (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia) held a conference in Montevideo to discuss ways of improving trade between themselves and the rest of the continent. 27 chapters | To bridge the gap during the first crucial weeks while the auxiliary anti-submarine craft were prepared, aircraft carriers were used to escort the numerous unprotected craft approaching British shores. Despite the effects of her blockade, there was no debate about America's resolve to feed Britain herself, and she was able to, with record harvests. Spain agreed to reduce the German exports in May 1944, although the Allies discovered that she continued making clandestine shipments, transporting more than 800 tons of tungsten through to July 1944 and not finally ending the trade until the closing of the Franco-Spanish border in August 1944. Although the Germans had been able to find numerous ways of beating the blockade, shortages were now so severe that on 30 March 1940, when he was gearing up for his renewed Blitzkrieg in the west, Hitler ordered that delivery of goods in payment to Russia should take priority even over those to his own armed forces. At last, using every plane available including trainee crews, the RAF raided Cologne on 30/31 May 1942 with over 1,000 bombers; although over half the city was destroyed and it was seen as a success, the city made a surprising recovery. Using his contacts and position, as well as bribes and secret deals he established his own vast industrial empire, the Hermann Gring Works, to make steel from low-grade German iron ore, swallowing up small Ruhr companies and making himself immensely rich in the process. However the collection of around 200 works, which includes medieval sculptures and masterpieces by Czanne, Renoir and van Gogh has been mired in controversy since the war because of the unclear provenance of some pieces, leading to the return of 13 paintings to the former French-Jewish owners or their families. At the start of the war Germany's transport system, comprising modern autobahns, excellent railways and a complex network of interlinking canals and rivers was among the best in the world. Beginning immediately after the German surrender and continuing for the next two years, the United States pursued a vigorous program to harvest all technological and scientific know-how, as well as all patents in Germany. More disaster followed on 17 April during a daylight "precision" raid on the MAN diesel engine factory in Augsburg. The Blockade of Germany (19391945), also known as the Economic War, involved operations carried out during World War II by the British Empire and by France in order to restrict the supplies of minerals, fuel, metals, food and textiles needed by Nazi Germany and later by Fascist Italy in order to sustain their war efforts. Both East and West Germans wanted their country to be reunified, and after East Germany held its first free elections in March of 1990, a joint East-West Bundestag passed several laws during the summer of 1990 preparing to reunify Germany. The MEW continued to receive requests for a partial relaxation of the blockade, often in the belief it would make no appreciable difference to the effect on the enemy, but the pleas were steadfastly refused. While World War II was certainly a geopolitical event, some of its underlying causes have been revealed to be economic. Hoover said that his information indicated that the Belgian ration was already down to 960 calories less than half the amount necessary to sustain life and that many children were already so weak they could no longer attend school, but the British disputed this. The average German worker worked for 10 hours a day 6 days a week; but although he may have had enough money to buy them, most items were not available, and shops displayed goods in their windows accompanied by a sign saying 'Not For Sale'[18][33], Such was the belief in the supreme strength of the Royal Navy that some thought that the blockade might now be so effective in restricting Germany's ability to fight that Hitler would be forced to come to the negotiation table.[34]. According to Under-Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Switzerland was the last country to fully commit to the aims of Safehaven. We were victims of Nazi frightfulness He commented; At present their plight is lamentable and will become much worse. Turkey still maintained its good relations with the US and Britain despite the trade, which the economic warfare agencies sought to minimize. Interest on loans taken out to the pay the debt will be settled on. If this war is long continued, there is but one implacable end the greatest famine in history. Churchill now embraced Soviet Union as an ally and agreed to send arms to make up the shortfall while Soviet industry reorganised itself for the fight. Even so, by early October the Allies were growing increasingly confident at the effectiveness of their blockade and the apparent success of the recently introduced convoy system. Market Garden was a disaster and did not achieve its main objective, while its few territorial gains actually stretched the supply lines even further. What you may not know, however, is that only a quarter century ago you might have asked a follow up question: 'Which Germany?' Former president Herbert Hoover, who had done much to alleviate the hunger of European children during World War I, wrote:[33]. [6] The Royal Navy war plans, delivered to the fleet in January 1939 set out three critical elements of a future war at sea. To determine who would be in charge of the areas of occupation, the region was divided into four military zones controlled by the Big Three. Many fertile regions such as the Vexin, the Beauce, and the Brie suffered seriously from drought. Under the Dutch-German treaty made in The Hague on 8 April 1960, West Germany agreed to pay to The Netherlands the sum of 280 million German marks in compensation for the return. The French claimed that of 30 U-boats sent out in Germany's first major offensive against Allied shipping, a third had been destroyed, and Churchill declared that Britain had seized 150,000 more tons of contraband than was lost by torpedoing. Portugal also allowed Germany generous credit terms, partly because after the fall of France the presence of a direct land route enabled Germany to threaten Portugal with invasion if she curtailed critical exports. In 1950, the dismantling of West German heavy industry ends. [53] Under the plan, the Germans agreed to supply 1m bushels (1 US bushel = 8 US gallons, about 27kg for wheat) of bread grains each month, and the committee was to provide 20,000 tons of fats, soup stock and children's food. Greece was a signatory of the London Agreement on German External Debts in 1953. On August 1, the Big Three signed the Potsdam agreement. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which was founded in 1863 in Geneva, did a great deal of invaluable humanitarian work, particularly in the worst-affected occupied territories, for example Greece. In November 1943 Albert Speer declared that without its Turkish chromium imports, Germany's armaments manufacture would come to a halt within 10 months, and Allied threats to subject Turkey to the same economic warfare measures used against other neutrals eventually persuaded her to cease the exports to Germany by April 1944. Berlin was located in Soviet-controlled territory, but it was decided that Berlin needed to be divided. After the fall of France Hitler, intending to invade Russia the following year, declared that the trade need continue only until the spring of 1941, after which the Nazis intended to take all they needed.[8]. At the beginning of the war, Germany possessed 60 U-boats, but was building new vessels quickly and would have over 140 by the summer of 1940. Indeed, due to Germany's willingness to fight until the very last man and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin's insistence on Germany's unconditional surrender, the Allies had fought their way through the German heartland, wreaking devastation along the way. Griechische Reparationsforderungen an Deutschland vor dem Hintergrund der Schuldenkrise", "Spiegel: 278 . Britons were pleased as it showed Britain was able to hit back, and the next day Berliners were reported to be stunned and disillusioned; Gring, who had said it would never happen, was ridiculed by both sides. Despite the Allied sympathy with Switzerland's position, some individuals and companies actively supported the Nazi cause for financial or ideological reasons. This was the first direct action between Germany and America of World War II. Other blockade runners were known to be arriving at the French port of Bordeaux, 70 miles inside the Gironde Estuary on the Atlantic coast. The canal, built largely by French capital, at that time came under British jurisdiction as a result of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936. During this time, Germany was held accountable for the Allied occupations expenses, amounting to over several billion dollars. 9,000 factories and 60,000 commercial enterprises were taken over for exploitation, and 80% of the 1942 harvest was sent to Germany. They declare that the united Germany, too, will abide by these commitments. During the war Britain lost many of its lucrative export markets and now confronted an annual balance of payments deficit of 1.2billion. Turkey eventually ended trade with Germany and declared war on her in February 1945. ", Despite past enmity between the two nations, Turkey quickly responded, chartering the SSKurtulus and, after receiving permission from the British, the ship sailed from Istanbul to Piraeus on 6 October with wheat, maize, vegetables, dried fruits and medicines. German reparations were to be classified into two categories: A (all forms of German reparations except those included in Category B) and B (industrial and capital equipment, merchant ships, and inland water transports).[3][4][2]. [8] Germany lacked the natural resources Soviet Union had in abundance, whereas Soviet Union was at that time still a relatively backward country in want of the latest technology. The second period began after the rapid Axis occupation of the majority of the European landmass (Scandinavia, Benelux, France and the Balkans) in 19401941, resulting in Axis control of major centres of industry and agriculture. At the allotted moment the resistance seized the port, keeping the Germans out until the Allies arrived, and Belgium was liberated in less than a week, although the port of Antwerp itself was not fully operational and capable of landing large cargoes until after the Battle of the Scheldt in late November. Tanya graduated from Concord University with a Bachelor's degree in Education and a certification in Social Studies 5-12. Most of the econmy in the post war years was geared towards physical rebuilding. [44] On September 14, 2022, the Sejm passed (418 for, 4 against, 15 abstentions) a resolution stating that: "The Polish state has never renounced its claims against the German state; the Sejm of the Republic of Poland calls on the German government to assume political, historical, legal, and financial responsibility for all the effects caused by the unleashing of World War II. Please SUPPORT my work on Patreon: Visit my 2ND CHANNEL: Facebook: Twitter: https://b. Overview of the reconstruction of Germany, Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, Journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. In some cases, as with the crucial Swedish iron ore trade, it was done openly, but elsewhere, neutrals secretly acted as a conduit for supplies of materials that would otherwise be confiscated if sent directly to Germany. [18] Germany produced 85% of its own food and UK 91%- Still, even after rationing, food portions were sufficient even for hard labour workers. The British Supreme War Council met in London on 28 March to discuss ways to intensify the blockade. Housewives soon spent hours standing in line for supplies; shopkeepers sometimes opened otherwise non-perishable goods such as tinned sardines in front of customers when they were bought to prevent hoarding. Poland, the country most harshly treated, had suffered the confiscation of all state properties, all central stocks of textiles, food and livestock. At the start of the war a large proportion of the German merchant fleet was at sea, and around 30% sought shelter in neutral harbours where they could not be attacked, such as in Spain, Mexico, South America, the United States, Portuguese East Africa and Japan[citation needed]. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Harris was known for his sharp tongue and lack of remorse for the German civilians being killed by the raids; one of his subordinates said of him. Virtually all Dutch and Belgian ships not captured by the Germans joined the British merchant fleet, which together with the tonnage contributed by Norway and Denmark added about one-third to Britain's merchant marine, giving them a large surplus of vessels. However, it was no longer possible to entertain at home unless the guests brought their own food and though restaurants and cafes still traded they were now very expensive and crowded. This was still not enough, and eventually international pressure forced Britain to lift its blockade for the first time. In fact, Germany produced large volumes of very high quality coal in the Saar region, but much of it was now being used to produce synthetic rubber, oil and gas. [citation needed] Despite their declared neutrality, the politically unstable Balkan nations found themselves in an uncomfortable position, surrounded by Germany to the North, Italy to the West and Soviet Union to the East, with little room to refuse German veiled threats that, unless they continued to supply what was requested, they would suffer the same fate as Poland. If the early hopes were exaggerated, we must not attenuate the actual achievements. [57] Although America did not enter the war for another nine months, she could no longer claim to be completely neutral and Hitler immediately ordered U-boats to attack US vessels. [73] A Norwegian smelting works was also destroyed by British and Norwegian commandos on 21 November 1943. So, in 1948, under the leadership of Stalin, they carried out a blockade of West Berlin with the intention of starving the western powers. The Pacific half of World War II, which began with Japan's attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, ended almost four years later when Japan surrendered to American-led Allies on September 2, 1945.