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According to the IUCN, this can make it hard for otters to meet their high metabolic needs, leading to malnutrition or starvation.. Unlike the common otter, sea otter's feet are webbed. The underfur is the layer closest to the body, and this fur functions to insulate their body and keep warm in very cold conditions. Some seals have fur, but they are not considered true seals. Not to worry, friends. Yet, if the two creatures are closer in size, then you will need to rely on other methods of differentiating them. They feed on fish, shellfish, penguins, and other marine creatures. Another interesting tidbit about penguins is that 15,000 years ago, they were actually able to tolerate a warming climate. Still, these two mammals are very different from one another. Thank you for visiting! Both are good swimmers but when we compare the two, the seals win because of their streamlined bodies and flippers that enable them to move in water fast. The North American River otter is classified as Least Concern meaning they have safe population stability as of today. The species are either aquatic or semi-aquatic depending on the species. Many of, Crocodiles are among the most terrifying animals of all time. The sea otter we know is quite a bit larger in stature than the average river otter, the largest adults weighing up to 100lbs, heavier even than the largest river otter, the Giant otter (Pteroneura brasiliensis). Giant Otters have a smaller lifespan in the wild at about 10 years. In the U.S. the dwarf seahorse, one-inch-long seahorse, found in seagrass beds in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean, is threatened with extinction due to decline of seagrass and lingering pollution from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. St. Patty's is coming Whats the difference between sea otters and river otters? Male sea otters compete with one another for mates. They have dense fur that enables them to keep warm. They are also known as fin-footed mammals. are about 33 species in this family. Rather than being deviant, the behaviors were a regular part of penguin life, triggered by males associating a rather flexible interpretation of a females mating posture with receptiveness. Found in both saltwater and freshwater, a river otter lounges around riverbanks and swims with its belly down, keeping the majority of its body submerged below the water. hold hands with other otters so they dont drift apart, Watch Five Giant River Otters Face-Off Against a Huge Jaguar, Watch a Group of Massive River Otters Defeat a Crocodile in Vicious Battle, Weight: 10lbs-99lbs Length: 2ft-6ft, Blubber deposits under the skin keep true seals warm, -Dense fur that has two layers, guard hairs, and insulating underfur, Spend equal amounts of time on land and in the water, Spend the vast majority of their time in the water. While both species enjoy the company of many otters, sea otters form powerful partnerships with their chosen mate. This isnt where their social behavioral differences end, however. The Asian small-clawed otter is "slimmer" and smaller, with smooth fur and a face that looks like it is smiling. Seals primarily eat fish, while otters eat a variety of items including fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and small mammals. Inside pregnant sand tiger sharks, for example, the first embryo to grow large enough rapidly devours all the other unborn sharks in its shared womb. Ribbon Seals have a maximum lifespan of about 30 years, but they likely live about 20 years. (36kg) and over 5 ft. (1.5M) in length.. We bring people, science and policy together to champion innovative solutions and fight for a sustainable ocean. Your best bet for differentiating these animals is to look for their ears, flippers, tails, size, and fur. Still, the attempts to mate with seals requires an explanation. Additionally, sea otters spend the vast majority of their lives in the water, while river otters spend most of theirs on land, venturing into the water for tasks like hunting for food and traveling. If you look closely at river otters, youll notice that they have short, coarse fur made up of two layers: one for keeping them warm, and another waterproof one outside of that. But if theres any marine vertebrate that wins the title of the squickiest, its dolphins. Otters have long bodies and short legs, while seals have shorter bodies and longer flippers. In this article, we will address all of these differences in detail, including their physicality and social behavior. Protect the Arctic from Future Oil Spills. These carnivorous mammals inhabit fresh and saltwater rivers. But no, the strange sea otter attacks on baby seals are a reality and have even made their way into the technical literature. They have webbed feet, water-repellent fur to keep them dry and warm, and nostrils and ears that close in the water. Daily activities focus on feeding and grooming, interspersed with rest periods. In addition, sea otters tend to live in small to large familial groups, but river otters, especially males, are more territorial, and while they will be social, they prefer solitary lives or in small family groups. There are 13 species of otters in the world, with 12 of those species requiring access to freshwater and only one species residing in the ocean. Algae vs Seaweed: What is the Difference? However, seals split their time on land and in the water almost evenly. For as cute as they are while intertwining paws at an aquarium, frolicking among the wafting fronds of California kelp forests, or smashing sea urchins open with stones, some sea otters have developed the disturbing habit of humping and drowning baby seals. Although both seals and otters come in various sizes due to their many species, seals are almost always larger than otters. 5 Honest Difference Between Mouse Poop and Rat Poop with Similarities, 10 Difference Between Dog and Fox (With Table), 5 Difference Between Bed Bugs and Scabies with Similarities, 15 Differences Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell, https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/what-uc-santa-cruz-learning-about-otters, 7 Difference between Lice and Ticks (With Table), 9 Difference between Leopard and Snow Leopard (With Table), 10 Difference between Hippopotamus and Rhinoceros (With Table), 5 Difference between Farm-Raised and Wild Salmon (With Table), 7 Difference between Earthworm and Leech (With Table). While sea otters and river otters share many differences, they do share a major similarity - the threats they face in the wild. At Georgia Aquarium, guests can see our southern sea otters in ourCold Water Questgallery and our Asian small-clawed otters in ourSouthern Company River Scoutgallery. They display sexual dimorphism. This inner layer keeps them warm, and the outer layer keeps them waterproof. Sea otters arent only heftier than river otterstheir fur is also quite distinguishable. 2022 Georgia Aquarium 225 Baker Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Aquarium is a nonprofit committed to inspiring awareness and preservation of our ocean and aquatic animals worldwide. The Caribbean monk seal was declared extinct in 2008. Conversely, river otters mate with multiple partners during the course of their lives. Did You Know. However, when you add seals that arent true seals to the mix, the presence of ears can be a confounding factor. The Caribbean monk seal was declared. Seals are larger than otters on average, and the largest members of the species make otters look positively tiny. Who will win? The former can reach up to 5.6 mph (9 kph) underwater, while the latter, in North America, has a maximum speed of 8.7 mph (14 kph). Male river otters are extremely territorial, while sea otters form more friendships and bonds with one another overall. In other species, post-hatching battles begin almost immediately. Theyre both known for spending a lot of time in the water, something that is unusual for mammals that dont spend their entire lives in water. River otters, despite their name, can be found in fresh and salt water. Female otters in the California region can weigh up to 60 pounds, while males can weigh up to 90 pounds. When I'm not working, I enjoy playing video games, reading, and writing for fun. The sea otter is the "fluffiest" among these three animals. Sea otters must groom regularly to help maintain the insulation. 2. They are also known as fin-footed mammals. They are also captured for the exotic pet trade in some countries and several species are still trapped and killed for their fur. In what promises to be two close matches, Sea Otter will face off against Penguin, and ThinkProgress office-favorite Sea Horse will battle the severely endangered North Atlantic Right. Two out of those three species are now in decline. The largest sea otters can weigh up to one hundred pounds, but river otters are much smaller. Learn more. Georgia Aquarium, along with other zoos and aquariums, work tirelessly to educate and inspire guests, while providing our otters the best veterinary and nutritional care. Youll have a very simple time determining if you are looking at an otter from a true seal with one or two of those factors. Though they may look similar, there are distinct differences between the two. This only gets creepier given the recent suggestion that dolphins actually have names that they call one another. Some river otters can be found in wetlands and lakes. Please try again Some local populations, such as Gray seals in the Baltic Sea, are endangered. Conversely, sea otters only give birth to one pup and care for them until they are between eight and twelve months old. Unlike most other otter species, fish are not an important part of their diet. For if such awful displays occurred in nature, what might that say about our own actions? Shocking behavior isnt the sole province of marine mammals. Their diet is composed of meat and protein such as fish, octopuses, lobsters, salmon, eel, mackerel, and squid. Ocean Conservancy is working with you to protect the ocean from todays greatest global challenges. The Asian small-clawed otter's tail is long, with a sharp end. If a male cant find a mate because of his youth or inability to chase off competitors, Harris and co-authors suggest, he might search for a female surrogate that may take the form of a young otter or, as in their study, seal pups. This is especially problematic in Monterey Bay, where there are more male sea otters than females. True seals use blubber deposits under their skin to keep themselves warm when theyre in the water, which is quite often. nurse unit manager interview questions and answers australia. Sea otters are slow swimmers, while their river-living counterparts are rather agile. And baby Magellanic penguins in Argentina are dying at an unprecedented rate due to heavy rains, strong storms and heat. Another significant difference is the number of offspring these creatures have. The maximum lifespan for male Nothern Elephant Seal is age 14; for females it is to age 20. Our mission at Wildlife Informer is to share free information and pictures of wildlife with our readers. All of this is only the barest catalog of common and widespread phenomena in nature that we often shy away from examining, as we have great difficulty divorcing our own sense of morality from a wilderness that does not and cannot share our values. Asian Small-Clawed Otters have a classification of Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List while Sea and Giant Otters are listed as Endangered as of today.