Assume that water flowed through these valleys at some time. The commonly used contour interval is 20 feet for a 1:24,000 map scale. examine the unconformity shown in figure 1.10. what type of unconformity is this? Expert Answer. TAs names: _______________ _______________. The more closely spaced the contour (Z) creates a contour plot containing the isolines of matrix Z, where Z contains height values on the x - y plane. Once your points are plotted on the graph paper, you simply connect the dots. The selection of the contour interval is decided by the survey leader before the start of the mapping process depending upon the ground factors. Q: Refer to figure 23.5. Want to create or adapt books like this? (1 pt) Find Deadmans Lake (it is located close to Cheakamus River and south of Daisy Lake; refer to Figure 7-E8 which is a close up from the map area). How were you able to come to this conclusion? Overview section 7.3 provides background information on contour lines to prepare you for these exercises. BIOMEDICINE: Digestive System | Description o. What is the term for the geologic feature called Carter Lake? (a) Suggest what the 100S100 \mathrm{~S}100S and 130S130 \mathrm{~S}130S particles might represent, in light of current knowledge of protein synthesis. Zoom out and examine the area, what other type of boundary is nearby? A higher contour interval is used for a large area and small contour interval for small area. These circular patterns indicate hilltops, like in the diagram below (Figure 3.6). How far apart are North America and Mainland Asia in cm? Control of the body is accomplished by which of the following body systems? A topographic map may or may not include shaded relief to help visualize steep slopes. As an example, The contour interval is determined by the scale of the map and the degree of relief of the terrain being represented. USGS topographic maps also show many other kinds of geographic features including roads, railroads, rivers, streams, lakes, boundaries, place or feature names, mountains, and much more. The other side is covered with a layer of fiberglass 2.5cm2.5 \mathrm{~cm}2.5cm thick. Figure 4: Reading Contour Maps . Use the index contour just above the "m" in Temple Canyon for your initial spot. Determine the elevation at Point A and Point B in the Figure 9 map below. If you were to walk the path of a contour line in real life, you would remain at the same elevation the whole hike, never traveling up or down. A rounded contour indicates a flatter or wider drainage or spur. The given point, 537', therefore, must lie between the 520' and 540' contours (contours aand b). (1 pt) What is the ratio scale of this map? USask GEOL 121 Lab Final Exam Overview. The column and row indices of Z are the x and y coordinates in the plane, respectively. Write your estimates for the elevation at each waypoint next to the waypoint. Streams/Rivers Escarpments/Cliffs -- - . The contour interval (height difference from one contour line to the next) on the 500 mb height map shown above is 3 decameters (abbreviated as 3 dam) or 30 meters (abbreviated as 30 m). What happens when the lithosphere at point X is heated to 1500 C? Are streams in this area downcutting or laterally eroding? Q. The. Based on the drainage pattern type, does the bedrock underlying this area consist of rocks uniformly resistant to erosion or rocks alternating between resistant and non-resistant layers? What is the relief of the area in the map? What bearing would you need to walk to go to the Smithsonian from the monument? Lay a strip The river in this area has a rather particular pattern, what geologic process caused this? B. Construct flow lines emanating from each point " x " to illustrate the groundwater flow field on the map. The highest point on a topographic map is marked as 345m. Where do the S wave velocities abruptly change? In Figure 9.4, what is the elevation of the highest point on Farrow Mountain? with the elevation of the contour it represents. What is the approximate map relief? The older unconformity is a Nonconformity, while the younger is a Disconformity. Examine the path of the river that feeds into and flows out of Quail Lake. (measure the distance across the Pacific at 40 degrees north latitude- basically measure between Northern California and North Korea)? with the labeled contour lines at the bottom of the profile paper and project Location A is higher. Definition of Contour: A contour or a contour line may be defined as the line of intersection of a level surface with the surface of ground. pressing down on the middle mouse wheel and moving the mouse forward and Legal. slope percent = rise/run 100. 1 What is the contour interval on this map? If you were standing at the washington monument what direction would you need to walk to get to the U.S. capitol building? Vertical What type of plate tectonic boundary is present? Write your answer in feet. (2 pts) What is the relief on this map? They are marked with short, straight lines inside the circle. f. Is the elevation of waypoint C > or < waypoint B? Trees growing in denser stands experience more competition for essential resources, which can make them more vulnerable to disturbances. It is important for the farmer or irrigator to identify the slopes on the land. The Grand Canyon is an extraordinarily steep area. (5 pts) The following topographic map (Map 7-E3) is from a coastal area and features an interesting geological hazard in addition to the ocean. The even spacing indicates the hill has a uniform slope. One side of a copper block 5cm5 \mathrm{~cm}5cm thick is maintained at 250C250^{\circ} \mathrm{C}250C. In which stage of the cycle of stream erosion is this area? Measure the distance using the bar scale between the pole 1400 and 1700 (locations C and F). General As you can see contour lines with 10 m interval. Once your contour lines are drawn, you will notice that you had to draw some lines closer together in some areas and wider apart in other areasand that you may have even enclosed an area by drawing a contour line in a circular pattern. Stream A slope is the rise or fall of the land surface. Search for the "Washington Monument" and zoom into 3000 feet eye altitude. it shows natural features such as rivers and lakes. Q-What is the contour interval for the topographic map shown below?Ans-Contour interval is the vertical distance between two adjacent contour lines on . The contour interval is stated on every topographic map and is usually At the point where 2 contour lines would cross would have 2 different elevations which is impossible. e. Place the paper What is the contour interval on a map based on? Adjacent means next to. On large-scale maps with a lot of topographical detail, the contour interval is usually smaller, while on small-scale maps with less detail, the contour interval is larger. Orbiting spacecraft contain internal gyroscopes that are used to control their orientation. (2 pts) What is the ratio scale used on this map? 1. the boundary follows the course of the river at the time it was drawn, the river has since moved. Figure 2 is based on a more complicated landscape that I contoured using a dark pen at a 10 m contour interval and using a lighter pen at a 5 m contour interval. Sharp contour points indicate pointed ridges. The shaded areas indicate the 95% confidence intervals. What factors control the course of this river? contour lines represent steep slopes, conversely, contour lines that are spaced How old is the burial site? Contour interval calculator - A contour interval in surveying is the vertical distance or the difference in the elevation between the two contour lines in a. . Refining interval counts to include these produced Figure 7 and - Table 8, below. Join TheConstructor to ask questions, answer questions, write articles, and connect with other people. Measure the horizontal map distance between points A and B to get the vertical ground distance. The run is 1000 feet and the rise in elevation is 120 feet. 3. A high relief. Contour lines are used to show elevation on a topographic map. in Figure 9.4, what is the elevation of the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and Maine Route 6 in Topsfield? If the relief is high (bigger change) you will need a bigger contour interval. What type of drainage pattern is present in this area? exaggeration: If the map has 40-foot contour intervals, then Point A is located at 3,000 feet, and Point B is located at 2,840 feet. Why? To illustrate what these hills look like in profile (or, how they would look if you saw them while standing on the ground and looking at them from a distance), you can draw what is known as a topographic profile. Convergent (Continent-Ocean or Ocean-Ocean). A mountaineer is planning an expedition. scale on profile paper by labeling the horizontal lines corresponding to the lines enclose smaller and smaller areas. Please use Occams razor as you answer the questions: use the simplest explanation rather than the most complicated explanation to answer the question. Contour line art is a method of drawing where you draw only the outline of an object, without any shading. The contour line is a line which defines the outline of an object. Likewise the "40" contour connects depths of 40 ft below sea level and so on. If the counter interval is 10 feet, which hill (a,b,c) when viewed from the base is 40 feet tall? Forests across much of the United States are becoming denser. Lines or isolines on a map that connect points with the same elevation. D 009 -800 N O a) 10 b) 20 D -600 -800 N a) 10 Ob) 20 c) 40 d) 50 Which point (A,B,C, D) has an elevation of 344 feet? The Wadati-Benioff zone is associated with which type of plate boundary? For small scale maps covering a wide area of varying terrain, For rough topographical map meant for initial assessment only, If a detailed map is to be prepared for execution work, If the ground has large variation in levels, for instance, hills and ponds, No measurement or scaling is required since the contour levels are indicated on the contour lines, The distance must be measured on the map and converted to actual distance by multiplying with the scale of the map, In a given map the contour interval is a constant, The horizontal equivalent varies with slope. Contour lines which means that every place between the marked 6800 foot line and the next What is the relief between the surface of East Musquash Lake and the intersection between U.S. Route 1 and Maine Route 6 in Topsfield? Generally, there are various contour intervals for the various maps. long-term time-average of sea level). So contour interval = 790 m-780 m=10 m. For further query, add a comment. What is Contour Interval? A contour interval is the vertical distance or difference in elevation between contour lines. If the numbers associated with the contour lines are decreasing, there is a decrease in elevation. How fast was the Pacific plate moving from 7.2 million years ago to 4.7 million years ago between the formation of Kauai and Nihoa in cm/year? You can figure out the elevation of All Rights Reserved. on the paper the exact place where each contour, stream and hill top crosses This is a graded activity, please submit it to your TA at the end of the lab. For a relief map the contour interval is frequently persistent. The image to the left shows a perspective view of a river mouth at the head of a valley between a steep cliff (to the left) and a smoother slope (to the right). Notice the tick marks pointing toward lower elevation. The peak is normally considered to be located at half the interval distance. In Figure 9.4, what is the elevation of the highest point on Hunt Ridge (keep in mind step #4 from the first question)? You can find out exactly how steep the Was Carter Lake cut off before or after the state boundary between Nebraska and Iowa was drawn? (5 pts) Construct a topographic profile for the map inFigure 7-E6 from position A to A on the graph paper provided in Figure 7-E6 below. Refer to the figure below and assume contour interval of 10 feet. A thumbnail version of the map is shown in Figure 7-E10, a larger copy is provided at the back of this lab manual, and your TA will provide you with a full-scale version of the map in lab. Essentially a topographic profile is a side image of a topographic map, but the image is only a representation of the area shown on the line on the topographic map (line A-B on Figure 3.6). Which of the following places represent a Wadati-Benioff zone? This plate boundary isn't as simple as the previous examples, meaning another nearby plate boundary directly influences it. A thumbnail version of the map is shown in Figure 7-E7,a larger copy is provided at the back of this lab manual, and your TA will provide you with a full-scale version of the map in lab. Using the speed you calculated in the previous question (and ignoring possible changes in sea level), when will the Big Island of Hawaii sink below the surface of the ocean? Mark Figure 7-E9 with a line to indicate the distance you used in your calculation. S waves cant travel through liquids and this depth is where the liquid outer core exists. What is the gradient? (2 pts) How would the gradient change if you measured from the peak of Guard Mountain (on the east side of the lake, across from Mount Price) to Garibaldi Lake? Refer to the figure below. Contour lines b. What type of process is going on at this location? Given that San Francisco is located on the North American Plate and Los Angles is located on the Pacific Plate, are these two cities getting closer together or farther apart over time? Practice Questions on Geological Structures, 7. Therefore, if you print it out in black and white please refer back to the electronic copy to avoid confusion. 31W. Refer to Problem 14.1 for guidance. (1 pt) What is the longitude along the eastern edge of this rectangle? What type of stream drainage pattern is present on this map? Explain why. backward or by clicking on the arrows above and below the eye in the upper Figure 3. In the given figure contour interval is 50 feet. Take that distance and divide it by the speed you calculated in question 3 to estimate when the next supercontinent will form. Your contour lines will generally fall between the GPS points on your map, so you will need to estimate many of the contour line positions. which of the above geologic events is fifth in the sequence. These circular patterns indicate hilltops, like in the diagram below (Figure 3.6). In this case, to find out the intermediate points elevation, contour intervals are used. Vertical Complete this map by adding in contour lines using a contour interval of 100 m. Draw the contour lines so that they are continuous: they will either continue to the edge of the map or form an enclosed circle. as sinkholes, underlying soluble rock was dissolved and area collapsed. In what direction was the main river flowing? The difference between two adjacent contours is called the contour interval, which is 10 ft for the Figure 2-2 example. the "V" points to the area of higher elevation or upstream. If you were standing in the middle on the intermost contour line hill "c", your elevation would be. 3. A topographic profile along the A - A' line is shown correctly in: What is the longitude for the northwest corner of the map? How far did the pole move in meters in one year during this time period? In Figure 1.9, which of the following geologic structures is. Lakes/Ponds. Vertical exaggeration is the effect that is created when the horizontal and What direction is the North American plate moving in comparison to the Pacific Plate at this location? What approximate discharge would be associated with a 50 year recurrence interval? Select a countryland IslandsAfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelauBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBonaire, Saint Eustatius and SabaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Virgin IslandsBruneiBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCambodiaCameroonCanadaCape VerdeCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombiaComorosCongo (Brazzaville)Congo (Kinshasa)Cook IslandsCosta RicaCroatiaCubaCuraaoCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFalkland IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFinlandFranceFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabonGambiaGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGibraltarGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHaitiHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHondurasHong KongHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIranIraqIsle of ManIsraelItalyIvory CoastJamaicaJapanJerseyJordanKazakhstanKenyaKiribatiKuwaitKyrgyzstanLaosLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMacao S.A.R., ChinaMacedoniaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritiusMayotteMexicoMicronesiaMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmarNamibiaNauruNepalNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNorfolk IslandNorth KoreaNorwayOmanPakistanPalestinian TerritoryPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPitcairnPolandPortugalQatarRepublic of IrelandReunionRomaniaRussiaRwandaSo Tom and PrncipeSaint BarthlemySaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin (Dutch part)Saint Martin (French part)Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSan MarinoSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSeychellesSierra LeoneSingaporeSlovakiaSloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth Georgia/Sandwich IslandsSouth KoreaSouth SudanSpainSri LankaSudanSurinameSvalbard and Jan MayenSwazilandSwedenSwitzerlandSyriaTaiwanTajikistanTanzaniaThailandTimor-LesteTogoTokelauTongaTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom (UK)United States (US)UruguayUzbekistanVanuatuVaticanVenezuelaVietnamWallis and FutunaWestern SaharaWestern SamoaYemenZambiaZimbabwe, By registering, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy .*. 1 ft = 24,000 ft, and 24,000 ft x (\(\frac{1\;km}{3280\;ft}\)) = 7.32 km. Contours make it possible to show the height and shape of mountains, the depths of the ocean bottom, and the steepness of slopes. Measure in centimeters the distance (Map Length) between the two points you recorded in the previous question. Upon adding divalent ions, she could regain 70S70 S70S particles, but never 1005 or 1305 particles. A profile may be constructed The speed the islands are sinking can be estimated by measuring the difference in elevation between two islands and dividing by the difference in their ages (this method assumes the islands were a similar size when they were active). . shows the surface features, or topography of Earth or a certain area. Point D is marked at 10,000 elevation and the next label is marked as 10,500 elevation. Large contour interval is to be used if the time available for the survey work is less. 18. It is thought to have formed by the runoff of either precipitation or groundwater. (1 pt) If someone decided to climb Mount Price, what would be the easiest and safest route to take? Determine the height of Mount Price. Description. Terms and conditions apply. Note: This lab is in colour. Please give your answer in grams/milliliter. Join now! Are the rocks likely tilted and folded or horizontal? For small contour interval, the money required will also more as the field and office work will be more. If the numbers associated with specific contour lines are increasing, the elevation of the terrain is also increasing. 2. (10 pts) Imagine you are a geologist working for the Geological Survey of Canada. Use the appropriate conversion factor to convert the horizontal map distance to horizontal ground distance. Comparable to figure 8 D-F in ref. Contour lines do not cross each other, divide or split. Contour Lines: Contour lines are used to determine elevations and are lines on a map that are produced from connecting points of equal elevation (elevation refers to height in feet, or meters, above sea level). Transcribed image text: Answer: B. What type of bedrock is present in this area? It is determined as follows: Let's take an example of two contour lines which are labelled. What is the dc collector resistance? A contour interval is a vertical distance or the difference in the elevation between the two contour lines in a topographical map. Which one travels faster? tops of peaks, and some are marked with xs with numbers next to them. 200 feet. It is a plane section of the three-dimensional graph of the function f parallel to the-plane. How far have the snake fossils moved apart since they were originally deposited? There are fossils such as Glossopteris and Lystrosaurus that are found in rocks in South America and Africa that indicate they were part of Pangaea approximately 200 million years ago. Use the topographic map (Fig. Write your answer in feet. Step 2. If the river on this map is 1.93 miles long, what is the gradient for this river? At 500 degrees Celsius, rocks will be buried to about _______ km depth. do not cross each other, divide or split. 7. A low relief. The contour interval is 20 meters ( Figure 10-2 ), thus each one of the intermediate contour lines crossed to get to point (a) adds 20 meters to the 500-meter index contour line. Step-by-step explanation. interval. Contour lines that are close together show what type of slope? Why is mass so important to a stars life? Note: the maps used in this lab are in colour and the colours have significance in terms of the symbols and patterns used on the maps it is best to print this lab in colour and from a pdf version. Describe how you decided on an estimated elevation for points A and E. c. Is the elevation of waypoint A > (greater than) or < (less than) waypoint E? During the flood event of 9/23/2009, the discharge measured at this gaging station was 21,200 cfs. located below the scale. Would the recurrence interval for this flood plot at: Is it possible that a flood with a similar discharge to that of the event from 9/23/2009 could happen again in the next 20 years? On which date did a flood event have a recurrence interval of 0.5? Indicators themselves are weak acids or weak bases. "Contour" actually means "outline" in French, which is where the name comes from. Figure out math tasks Determine Contour Interval and Contour Line Values. View the full answer. What Is Contour Interval? What is the contour interval of the Figure 9 map (shown at the bottom of the page)? If the user enters 3.14 in response to the following programming statement, what will be stored in value? An incredible app, hundreds of features for every kind of math, and the best part is that it shows u what to do on each step and it explains each step, and, very little ads. 2. a landform it is necessary to construct a topographic profile or cross-section The circled points indicate days that were at least partially spent at the study side; red circles indicate days with frequent sampling . 10,500-10000=500 feet Between these two contour lines if we count, there are 10 counter lines. 11. (3 pts) Based on the scale chosen for you for the topography (vertical axis), calculate the amount of vertical exaggeration on the topographic profile you constructed for question 4. Using the surrounding contour lines, what is the approximate elevation of Deadmans Lake? In which direction does it flow? Sharp contour points indicate pointed ridges. On our map, point "P" lies between 3000 feet and 4000 feet contours . Locate Little Sinking Creek in the southern portion of the map, north of Hwy. contour lines, the steeper the slope. below cuts the mountain at equal intervals of elevation. the archeologist determines that there is 16.7% of the parent isotope remaining in the cloth sample. Hint: draw a simple map or a rough cross-section sketch to help illustrate your logic. If the numbers associated with specific contour lines are increasing, the elevation of the terrain is also increasing. Constructing a topographic map by drawing in contours can be easily done if a person remembers the following rules regarding contour lines: As you draw a contour line on a map you will notice that the elevations on one side of your line will be lower elevations, and elevations on the other side of your line will be higher elevations. example. Why is this so? What is the tolerance for compression test results of concrete, according to the standards? fcontour (f) plots the contour lines of the function z = f (x,y) for constant levels of z over the default interval [-5 5] for x and y. fcontour (f,xyinterval) plots over the specified interval. Set up the cancellation table so all units will cancel, except the desired unit, feet. Log in to TheConstructor to ask questions, answer peoples questions, write articles & connect with other people. Widely separated contour lines indicate a gentle slope. Considering the size of the area to be mapped, contour intervals are assumed. The overview section 7.4.2 provides useful background to help you answer questions 4 & 5. Figure 6.13 | Coastal area topographic map. What type of plate tectonic boundary is at this exact location? You are tasked with creating your own coastal topographic map, so you hike around a coastal area with a GPS receiver (Global Positioning System) and every so often you record your position along with the elevation in metres at that point, which results in the map below (Map 7-E5). Explain why. Would you expect the gradient of the Missouri River in Nebraska to be greater or less than the gradient that you calculated for the Grape River in Colorado? What would cause two separate samples of pure water to have slightly different pH\mathrm{pH}pH values? a stream or river and dividing the distance (in miles) into the vertical difference How does the direction of motion of the Pacific Plate during the last 1.1 million years differ from direction of movement between 4.7 and 7.2 million years ago?