Using Ventoy-1.0.08, ubuntudde-20.04-amd64-desktop.iso is still unable to boot under uefi. All other distros can not be booted. Where can I download MX21_February_x64.iso? I'll fix it. Newbie. Users can update Ventoy by installing the latest version or using VentoyU, a Ventoy updater utility. This ISO file doesn't change the secure boot policy. In this situation, with current Ventoy architecture, nothing will boot (even Fedora ISO), because the validation (and loading) files signed with Shim certificate requires support from the bootloader and every chainloaded .efi file (it uses custom protocol, regular EFI functions can't be used. MEMZ.img is 4K and Ventoy does not list it in it's menu system. I have some systems which won't offer legacy boot option if UEFI is present at the same time. Still having issues? Oh and obviously, once that is done, Ventoy will need to make sure that it's not possible to run an older versions of it, in a Secure Boot environment where a newer version has been enrolled, as it would still defeat the whole thing. Hi, thanks for your repley boot i have same error after menu to start hdclone he's go back to the menu with a black windows saying he's loading the iso file to mem and that it freez. I made a larger MEMZ.img and that runs on Easy2Boot and grubfm in VBOX but it goes wrong booting via Ventoy for some reason. your point) and you also want them to actually do their designated job, including letting you know, if you have Secure Boot enabled, when some third party UEFI boot loader didn't pass Secure Boot validation, even if that boot loader will only ever be run from someone who has to have physical access to your computer in the first place. slax 15.0 boots By the way, since I do want to bring that message home for people who might be tempted to place a bit too much trust in TPMs, disk encryption and Secure Boot, what the NSA would most likely do, if they wanted to access your encrypted disk data on an x86 PC, is issue a secret executive order to Intel or AMD, to design special version of the CPU they need, where the serial can be altered programmatically (so that they can clone the serial from the original CPU in case the TPM checks it) and that includes additional logic and EPROM to detect and store the critical data (such as disk decryption keys) when accessed. Boots, but cannot find root device. ISO: GeckoLinux_STATIC_Plasma.x86_64-152.200719..iso (size: 1,316MB) . I don't know why. 04-23-2021 02:00 PM. Posts: 15 Threads: 4 Joined: Apr 2020 Reputation: 0 0 Error : @FadeMind And that is the right thing to do. MD5: f424a52153e6e5ed4c0d44235cf545d5 Maybe I can provide 2 options for the user in the install program or by plugin. Have a question about this project? But, currently, that is not the case at all, which means that, independently of the merits of Secure Boot for this or that type of media (which is a completely different debate altogether), there is a breach of the security contract that the user expects to see enforced and therefore something that needs to be addressed. Ventoy has added experimental support for IA32 UEFI since v1.0.30. Maybe the image does not support X64 UEFI! As Ventoy itself is not signed with Microsoft key. Agreed. Sorry, I meant to upgrade from the older version of Windows 11 to 22H2. Shim itself is signed with Microsoft key. This means current is UEFI mode. Any way to disable UEFI booting capability from Ventoy and only leave legacy? it doesn't support Bluetooth and doesn't have nvidia's proprietary drivers but it's very easy to install. if this issue was addressed), it could probably be Secure Boot signed, in the same manner as UEFI:NTFS was itself Secure Boot signed. About Fuzzy Screen When Booting Window/WinPE, Ventoy2Disk.exe can't enumerate my USB device. maybe that's changed, or perhaps if there's a setting somewhere to I'm hoping other people can test and report because it will most likely be a few weeks before this can make it to the top of my priority list @ventoy, are you interested in a proper implementation of Secure Boot support? You were able to use TPM for disk encryption long before Secure Boot, and rightfully so, since the process of storing and using data encryption keys is completely different from the process of storing and using trust chain keys to validate binary executables (being able to decrypt something is very different from being able to trust something). Latest Laptop UEFI 64+SECURE BOOT ON Blocked message. for the suggestions. Maybe the image does not support x64 uefi . And IMO, anything that attempts to push the idea that, maybe, allowing silent boot of unsigned bootloaders is not that bad, is actually doing a major disservice to users, as it does weaken the security of their system and, if this is really what a user wants, they can and should disable Secure Boot. orel-2.12.22-26.12.2019_13.14.livecd.iso - 1.1 GB What exactly is the problem? It should be specially noted that, no matter USB drive or local disk, all the data will be lost after install Ventoy, please be very careful. Reply. All of these security things are there to mitigate risks. In this quick video guide I will show you how to fix the error:No bootfile found for UEFI!Maybe the image does not support X64 UEFI!I had this problem on my . There are two bugs in Ventoy: Unsigned bootloader Linux ISOs or ISOs without UEFI support does not boot with Secure Boot enabled. etc. In this case you must take care about the list and make sure to select the right disk. Again, detecting malicious bootloaders, from any media, is not a bonus. Windows 7 32-bit does not support UEFI32 - you must use Win7 64-bit.. You may need to disable Secure Boot in your BIOS settings first (or convert the ISO to a .imgPTN23 file using the MPI Tool Kit). It should be the default of Ventoy, which is the point of this issue. Point 4 from Microsoft's official Secure Boot signing requirements states: Code submitted for UEFI signing must not be subject to GPLv3 or any license that purports to give someone the right to demand authorization keys to be able to install modified forms of the code on a device. When install Ventoy, maybe an option for user to choose. Do I still need to display a warning message? An encoding issue, perhaps (for the text)? I adsime that file-roller is not preserving boot parameters, use another iso creation tool. always used Archive Manager to do this and have never had an issue. I'll see if I can find some time in the next two weeks to play with your solution, but don't hold your breath. Many thanks! then there is no point in implementing a USB-based Secure Boot loader. It only causes problems. Do I still need to display a warning message? It typically has the same name, but you can rename it to something else should you choose to do so. Please refer When Ventoy2Disk.exe Failed to Install, Please refer When Ventoy2Disk.exe Fail to Update, Yes. plist file using ProperTree. These WinPE have different user scripts inside the ISO files. WinPE10_8_Sergei_Strelec_x86_x64_2019.12.28_English.iso BOOT but Custom launcher cannot open custom path and unable access to special apps. size: 589 (617756672 byte) 2. . Then Ventoy will load without issue if the secure boot is enabled in the BIOS. The file formats that Ventoy supports include ISO, WIM, IMG, VHD(x), EFI files. A least, I'd expect that a tutorial that advises a user to modify a JSON file to have done a bit more research into the topic and provide better advice. Ctrl+i to change boot mode of some ISOs to be more compatible Ctrl+w to use wimboot to boot Windows and WinPE ISOs (e.g. I can provide an option in ventoy.json for user who want to bypass secure boot. This could be useful for data recovery, OS re-installation, or just for booting from USB without thinking about additional steps. So maybe Ventoy also need a shim as fedora/ubuntu does. Another issue about Porteus and Aporteus : if we copy ISO via dd or other tools or copy ISO contents to EFI partition of USB work perfectly in UEFI. No bootfile found for UEFI! And it's possible that the UEFI specs went as far as specifying that specific aspects of the platform security, such as disk encryption through TPM, should only be available if Secure Boot is enabled. ? E2B and grubfm\agFM legacy mode work OK in their default modes. Freebsd has some linux compatibility and also has proprietary nvidia drivers. So the new ISO file can be booted fine in a secure boot enviroment. @ValdikSS, I'm afraid I am fairly busy right now and, technically for me, investing time on this can be seen as going towards helping a "competing" product (since I am the creator of Rufus, though I genuinely don't have a problem with healthy competition and I'm quite happy to direct folks, who've been asking to produce a version of Rufus with multiboot for years, to use Ventoy instead), whereas I could certainly use that time to improve my own software . You can change the type or just delete the partition. Any progress towards proper secure boot support without using mokmanager? Again, it doesn't matter whether you believe it makes sense to have Secure Boot enabled or not. I installed ventoy-1.0.32 and replace the .efi files. When the user select option 1. @pbatard relativo a la imagen iso a utilizar You are receiving this because you commented. 4. In the install program Ventoy2Disk.exe. But MediCat USB is already open-source, built upon the open-source Ventoy project. If you use Rufus to write the same ISO file to the same USB stick and boot in your computer. The user could choose to run a Microsoft Windows Install ISO downloaded from the MS servers and Ventoy could inject a malicious file into it as it boots. Users may run into issues with Ventoy not working because of corrupt ISO files, which will create problems when booting an image file. However, I'm not sure whether chainloading of shims are allowed, and how it would work if you try to load for example Ubuntu when you already have Fedora's shim loaded. Click Bootable > Load Boot File. I am just resuming my work on it. Results when tested on different models\types of x86 computers - amount of RAM, make/model, latest BIOS? I can confirm it was the reason for some ISOs to not boot (ChimeraOS, Manjaro Gnome). Some commands in Ventoy grub can modify the contents of the ISO and must be disabled for users to use on their own under secure boot. Rename it as MemTest86_64.efi (or something similar). @pbatard, have you tested it? If Ventoy was intended to be used from an internal hard disk, I would agree with you, but Ventoy is a USB-based multiboot solution and therefore the user must have physical access to the system, so it is the users responsibility to be careful about what he inserts into that USB port. If I am using Ventoy and I went the trouble of enrolling it for Secure Boot, I don't expect it to suddenly flag any unsigned or UEFI bootloader or bootloader with a broken signature, as bootable in a Secure Boot enabled environment. With this option, in theory, Ventoy can boot fine no matter whether the secure boot in the BIOS is enabled or disabled. Although it could be disabled on all typical motherboards in UEFI setup menu, sometimes it's not easily possible e.g. I used Rufus on a new USB with the same iso image, and when I booted to it with UEFI it booted successfully. Hi, Hiren's Boot CD can be booted by Ventoy in Memdisk mode, you try Ventoy 1.0.08 beta2. When the user is away again, remove your TPM-exfiltration CPU and place the old one back. For Hiren's BootCD HBCD_PE_x64.iso has been tested in UEFI mode. Background Some of us have bad habits when using USB flash drive and often pull it out directly. Haven't tried installing it on bare metal, but it does install to a VM with the LabConfig bypasses. Win10UEFI+GPTWin10UEFIWin7 Boot net installer and install Debian. From the booted OS, they are then free to do whatever they want to the system. . Option1: Use current solution(Super UEFIinSecureBoot Disk), then user will be clearly told that, in this case, the secure boot will be by passed. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. I have installed Ventoy on my USB and I have added ISO file: "Win10SupperLite_TeamOS_Edition.iso" That is the point. New version of Rescuezilla (2.4) not working properly. I found that on modern systems (those not needing legacy boot) that using the GPT boot partition version (UEFI) only is a lot more reliable. unsigned .efi file still can not be chainloaded. Then your life is simplified to Persistence management while each of the 2 (Ventoy or SG2D) provide the ability to boot Windows if it is installed on any local . if you want can you test this too :) Add firmware packages to the firmware directory. Some bioses have a bug. Google for how to make an iso uefi bootable for more info. @pbatard Sorry, I should have explained my position clearer - I fully agree that the Secure Boot bypass Ventoy uses is not secure, and I'm not using Ventoy exactly because of it. @pbatard, if that's what what your concern, that could be easily fixed by deleting grubia32.efi and grubx64.efi in /EFI/BOOT, and renaming grubia32_real.efi grubia32.efi, grubx64_real.efi grubx64.efi. I'm not sure how Ventoy can make use of that boot process, because, in a Secure Boot enabled environment, all UEFI:NTFS accomplishes is that it allows you to chain load a Secure Boot signed UEFI boot loader from an NTFS partition, and that's it. FFS I just spent hours reinstalling arch just to get this in the end archlinux-2021.06.01-x86_64.iso with Ventoy 1.0.47 boots for me on Lenovo IdeaPad 300 UEFI64 boot. Already on GitHub? While Ventoy is designed to boot in with secure boot enabled, if your computer does not support the secure boot feature, then an error will result. When user whitelist Venoy that means they trust Ventoy (e.g. Download Debian net installer. I don't remember if the shortcut is ctrl i or ctrl r for grub mode. FreeNAS-11.3-U2.1.iso (FreeBSD based) tested using ventoy-1.0.08 hung during boot in both bios and uefi at the following error; da1: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present