Beatrix meansshe who brings happiness; blessed. Alina meansbright, beautiful and pronounced as a-LEE-na. Sabina is an ancient Roman tribal name. Tibor meanssacred place and pronounced asTEE-BOHR. Cristina means a Christian and pronounced as kree-STEE-na. Madalina - Romanian. ne who is good looking or little poet. Mihaela is a feminine variation of Mihal which means who is like God?. Dumitra means fromDemeter and pronounced as doo-MEET-ra. Constantin meanssteadfast and pronounced as kon-stan-TEEN. Pronounced as, he who cares about peace or he who is very precious and pronounced as, Filip means lover of horses and pronounced as, Gustav means staff of the Goths and pronounced as, to shine from happiness and pronounced as, hour, time or timekeeper and pronounced as, Ilie means the Lord is my God and pronounced as, Ioan is a Romanian variation of John which means God is gracious. Pronounced asah-legs-AHN-dray-nah. Beatrix is the name of the currentQueen of The Nethelands, she has been ruling since 1980. Sebastian the surname of a famous saint; translates to "venerable". Pronounced astee-BEHR-yo. Muller is a last name for people who work in mills. Robert was the name of three kings of Scotland, including Robert the Bruce, who freed Scotland from English rule. Sometimes, such combinations can also signify ethnic or country origin. All that matters is that you like the name and are happy to know that your child will be happy with it for life. Dracul means dragon and pronounced asDRAH-kool. Trains in Romania: The Good, the Bad and The Ugly, Best Cities to Live in Romania in 2023, Based on Safety, Infrastructure, Air Quality and More, Romanian Superstitions List: From Evil Eye to Breaking Glasses & More, 25 Amazing Traditional Romanian Foods You Must Try. 43. Pronounced asAR-toor. Marioara means awished child and pronounced as ma-REE-wa-rah. Shimeka means a beautiful princess and pronounced approximately as SHEE-meh-ka. Pronounced asda-nee-EH-la. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Florin means a flower and pronounced as FLO-reen. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Lidia is a Romanian variation of Lydia which means woman from Lydia. Martin meanswarlike and pronounced as MAHR-teen. My decidedly NOT Romanian name, James, is interesting when used here, even though everyone knows James Bond and James Brown (THE James Brown, not me). 47. A name in Romanian tradition consists of a given name (prenume) and a family name (surname) (nume or nume de familie). Felicia means lucky and pronounced as feh-LEE-chee-a. Pronounced askah-MEHL-yaorka-MEH-lee-a. Mihas is a variation of Mihaita which means who is like God. Domitian means tamed. Pronounced asTAHN-ya. Pronounced as e-O-sehb-yo. No matter what your reasons are you can be just curious, too I have below a large list of Romanian names for girls and boys with their meanings too, so read on. Antonia was borne by several prominent women in ancient Rome, including the mother of Emperor Claudius. Beatrix is the name of the currentQueen of The Nethelands, she has been ruling since 1980. Vadoma: Vadoma is probably the Romany feminine form of the Russian name Vadim. Anca is possibly a variation of Ana which means grace. I like a few of these names, like Alina and Calin :-). Toma means date palm, palm tree and pronounced as TO-ma. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. Bogdan Bogdan is composed of Slavic words bogu, 'god' and dan, 'given,' which means 'god-given' or 'gift of God.' 10. Another interesting practice among Romanian naming conventions is the addition of ancestral Romanian suffixes such as -escu, -eanu, -anu, -an, -aru, and -atu to name a few. Pronounced approximately as, onsecrated to God and pronounced approximately as, Tania is a diminutive vairation of Tatiana which means from the house of Tatius. 103. Several last names are derived from famous people, their sons, and occupations. Cristi is a diminutive variation of Cristian which means disciple of Christ. Ladinas means Warrior Chief and pronounced as LA-dee-nahs. Virginia means a virgin and pronounced as veer-JEEN-ya. Dragomir Neculai means victory of the people and pronounced approximately as NEH-koo-lai-ch. Tristan is a dragon-slaying hero of Celtic legend, whose story was incorporated into Malorys Le Morte dArthur, in which Tristan is one of the Knights of the Round Table. Your email address will not be published. Uta means man who prospers in battles and pronounced as u-TAH. Floarea is a surname meaning "flower". Laura means bay laurel and pronounced as LOW-ra (Romanian) or LAWR-ah (English). Pronounced asNEE-koo. Piper means pipe or flute player and pronounced as PEE-pehr (Romanian) or PIE-pahr (English). Stanislav means "to become glorious". Dumitru Romanian form of Demetrius; derived from the name of the Greek goddess Demeter. Romans cultures still excite us until now, and even we still can find Roman heritages like building until today. Felix meanshappy, fortunate and pronounced as FEH-leeks. Romanian love songs Which is the best or most famous Romanian love song? Please read my, Comprehensive List Of Traditional And Modern Romanian Names To Choose From, Adi is a diminutive variation of either Adrian or Adolf, Adrian means man of Adria while Adolf means noble wolf. Sorina means a sun-like woman and pronounced asso-REE-na. Agrapina is a spelling variation of Agripina which means agirl who is born feet first. Check out our comprehensive list of cute baby names. Romanians use as well the English love names such as honey, bunny, baby, babe, sweetie. We hope this helps with your search but if you want more inspiration why not look at Lebanese last names or Vietnamese last names, right here on Kidadl. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. Estera means star or berry and pronounced as EHS-teh-ra. Pronounced asa-leh-KSAN-droo. Let us all know by sharing your thoughts below! Ylenia means light or plant and pronounced approximately asee-LEHN-ya. Dumitru is a Roman variation of Dmitri which meansfollower ofDemeter. Aurora meansdawn and pronounced as aw-RO-rah. Barbaneagra. Mickey. 25. Alexandra is a feminine variation of Alexander which means mans defender. FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Flavia meansgolden, blond and pronounced asFLAHV-ya. Why Are Romanians Frowned Upon in Europe? Valeria means strength, health and pronounced as va-LEHR-ya. Romania is a romantic and magical country in Eastern Europe and is home to nearly twenty million people. (Similar to Iancu.). Stefania is a variation of Stefana which means crown. Pronounced askor-NEHL-ya. Cute Girl Cat Names If you just brought home your kitten, give her an adorable name. Fane was used as a nickname in the Middle Ages for someone with a cheerful disposition. 9. 270+ Cat Names That Start with W: A Fun and Furry List Names For Kitten! I dont really know why, but one of the reasons could be the fact that parents want their children to have unique names (when I was in school, we had three Oana, three Ioana and no less than four Mihai in our class). Have a look at our list of 100 beautiful Romanian girls names for ideas and inspiration. Ghenadie means noble, and generous and pronounced as JEH-na-dee-eh. Iolanda means violet flower and pronounced as yo-LAN-da. Teodor is a spelling variation of Theodor which meansgift of God. Pronounced asPEH-troo. Either way, Romanian names sound unique for foreigners, drawing inspiration from all regions you have names with Latin roots, Russian roots, German roots and so on. (Similar to Agrapina.). 4. Lacrima means tear, rip up and pronounced as LAHK-ree-ma. 67. Willa means one who is firm and resolute and pronounced as wee-lah. Pronounced asLEE-dya. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. Costin is a diminutive variation of Constantin which means steadfast. Cazacu is a lesser-known Roman last name referring to someone from along the river Cazacu. Traditional Romanian names come from various sources. Pronounced as, Martina means warlike or lady and pronounced as, Mihaela is a feminine variation of Mihal which means who is like God?. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. Stela means star and pronounced as STEH-la. I know a few Arianas but I wouldnt consider those a Romanian name. Silviu means forest, woods and pronounced asSEEL-vyo. Carol is a Romanian variation of Carolus which meanshacking with a weapon or settlement of free men. So, lets dive in! Vyorell is a spelling variation of Vyorel which means resembling the bluebell. Pronounced as yo-NEHL-a. Dragomir meanshe who cares about peace or he who is very precious and pronounced as drah-GO-meer. Ancua f Romanian Diminutive of Anca. Barbaneagra is a unique Romanian surname meaning "black beard". 15. Adam is a biblical name, he was the first man God had created. Pronounced asSEEL-vya. Adela means noble and pronounced as a-DEH-la. 63. Beniamin is a Roman variation of Benjamin which meansson of the right hand. Skender means defender of mankind and pronounced asSKEHN-Der. Eusebiu is a Romanian variation of Eusebius which means pious. Tatum means one who brings joy and pronounced as TAH-toom. Elica means God is my salvation and pronounced as eh-LEE-ka. Petrica is a Romanian variation of Peter which means rock. Yes, that is a name that still exists in Romania. Munteanu meaning "from the mountains". Horatiu means hour, time or timekeeper and pronounced as ho-RAH-tchoo or ho-RAH-tyo. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Pronounced as, Mirela meanspeace, world and pronounced as, Modesta means moderate or modesty and pronounced approximately as, Nadia is a diminutive variation of Nadezhda which means hope. Radutu means ahappy man and pronounced asRAH-doo-too. Botezatu Botezatu means 'baptized.' 11. 120 Cat Names Beginning With Letter V For Your Cute Kitten, 140 Complete Cat Names Begin With Letter U For Your Kitten, 140 Cat Names That Start With Letter R For Your Feline Friend, 90+ Cat Names Beginning With The Letter Q For You Cute Kitten, Venus (goddess of love, beauty and fertility), Diana (goddess of hunting and witchcraft), Lupa (the she-wolf that raised Romulus and Remus), Romulus & Remus (the founders of Rome, raised by a she-wolf). Loredana means laurel grove and pronounced as lo-reh-DA-na. Mihaita means who is like God? and pronounced as mee-HAY-tah. Anghel means Angel and pronounced as AN-gehl. Emilian means rival and pronounced as e-MEEL-yahn. It is attributed only to men. Rzvan it means "bringer of good news". 8. Pronounced as loo-EE-za. Vali is a diminutive variation of Valeriu which means to be healthy, to be strong. I believe this is a diminutive of another name. Nicolae - Romansh. Luiza is a spelling variation of Louisa which meansrenowned warrior. 14. Maricara means sea of bitterness or rebelliousness. Oncea its meaning could be "a pioneer". Serban means someone from Serbia and pronounced as SHER-bahn. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Miron meansfragrant, an aromatic shrub, myrrh and pronounced as mee-ROHN. Constanta meanssteadfastness and pronounced askon-STAHN-ta. Goofy. Isabella meanspledged to God and pronounced as ee-SA-beh-la. Pronounced asTEH-o-dohr. volcanic iceland epic trip Meet our Local Insider Hanna Monica meansadvisor and pronounced as mo-NEE-ka. This year's most popular baby names that scored within the top 10 for carts include: Chloe, Zoe, Sophie, Molly, and Phoebe! (Similar to Carrol.). Pronounced asun-DREI. Gabriella is a spelling variation of Gabriela which means God is my strength. 76. Pronounced ase-MAHN-weh-la. Pronounced asMAH-tei. Cici means born at day break and pronounced asCHEE-CHEE(Romanian) orSEE-see(English). For us, it was a bit difficult to pick up a Romanian name because either my wife or I knew somebody with a particular name that we didnt like, which made it all more difficult, hahaha. Delias name is based on that of the Greek island of Delos, which in Greek myth was the home of Apollo and Artemis. was full romany. The name means "sapphire". Pronounced asso-REEN-a. The word means 'god-given' or ' gift of God .'. Top 100 romanian girl Names in 2020-2021 - Best collection of unique, cute and modern most popular top 100 romanian girl Names with meaning and etymology. 96. Irini means peaceful and pronounced as ee-REE-na. (Similar to Florin.). Disney. Pompiliu means display, solemn procession and pronounced as POM-peel-yo. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 53. Cities in bold are county capitals. Delia means born on the island of Delos and pronounced as DEH-lee-a (Romanian) or DEE-lee-ah(English). Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. If you want to honor your Romanian heritage, if you are married with a Romanian or simply because you like how these names sound, go ahead and choose the one you like the most. My wifes name, Arina, isnt on the list either. thus feel free to choose the pet name that suits your situation best. Lucia meanslight and pronounced as LOO-chya or loo-CHEE-a. You can get more ideas on popular Roman cat names. Albescu a Romanian surname that means "white". Vlad means to rule and pronounced as VLAHD. Andrei - Slavic. Pronounced asahw-GOOS-teen. 75 Romanian Names (& Meanings) To Inspire Your Baby Name Search, 75 Romanian Names (& Meanings) to Inspire Your Baby Name Search. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. creative tips and more. Costic is a variation of Constantin which means steadfast. These surnames could be for a character in your fictional fantasy story set in Romania, or maybe you're looking for the meaning and history of your own Romanian name. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. There are so many that we've only picked and chose a few ones for you to enjoy listening to. Pronounced asa-leh-KSAN-dra (Romanian) oral-ig-ZAN-drah(English). Albu Ardelean Balan Barca Bora Brad Coman Cosma Costea Crisan Crudo Dan Dobrin Dorian Dragos Dumitru 91. 29. Benedikte isa Romanian variation of Benedict whichmeans Blessed. Pronounced approximately asso-REE-neh. And with such a long list above, I am sure you wont have any problems finding an appropriate name for your daughter or son. 14. Pronounced as, Sanda is a spelling variation of Sandra which means defending men. Emil is a diminutive variation of Emilian which means rival. #7 - Ukrainian Levkoy By Alena Ivanchuk [ GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3. Isabella has a long history as a royal and classic name. Luminia means "light" or "faint light". Vanda means warrior or wish; desire and pronounced as VAHN-da. Finding a Job in Romania as a Foreigner / Expat: How Difficult Is It. Pronounced asVAH-lee. Emanuela is a feminine variation of Emanuel which meansGod is with us. Flavia is an ancient Roman clan name. Marilena means star of the sea and pronounced as ma-REE-leh-na. Gavril is a variation of Gabriel which means God is my strength. Nicoleta means title winner of the nation and pronounced as nee-ko-LEH-ta. Adriana meanswoman ofAdria and pronounced as A-dree-yah-na. Razvan bringer of good news and pronounced asRAHZ-vahn. Ileana means bright one, hazelnut or the juniper tree and pronounced asee-LYA-na. Wisdom. Severin is an ancient Roman family name borne by several early saints. Serafim meansfiery and pronounced as SEH-raa-feem. Courageous warrior. Nicolae also Niculaie, it is the Romanian form of Nicholas; it means "victory of the people". Cojocaru is a surname that means "sheepskin". For the major cities, average elevation is also given. Nandru means ardent for peace and pronounced asNAHN-droo. Cezar is a variation of Caesar which means long-haired. Pronounced as, Serafina means ardent and pronounced as, beautiful princess and pronounced approximately as, Silvia is a diminutive variation of Silviana which means woman of the woods. 105 Romanian Baby Boy Names With Meanings. Xenia is aname of aChristiansaint and a city in Ohio. Zamfir is an occupational surname for jewelers. 69. Aldea it is a topographic surname meaning "village". Alexandreina is a feminine variation of Alexander which means mans defender. Pronounced asMAHR-yuws. Lacramioara means lily of the valley and pronounced as LAHK-ra-MYO-ra. 3. Net, (Latin origin) means "superior". The following list will further showcase the influence of tradition on Romanian last names and meanings. Bucur The Romanian name Bucureti comes from a person named Bucur. 87. Barbaneagra Carol was the name of two Romanian kings. Chirilov it could mean "a thousand" or "a unit". Carrol is a spelling variation of Carol which meanshacking with a weapon or settlement of free men. Derived from the flower name Crin (Lilly), Crin and Crina are two examples of these types of Romanian names. Simu is a diminutive of Simion which means to listen or God has heard. Sorinah is a variation of Soreana which means strict or stern. Pronounced asa-leehn. Flora means flower, blossom and pronounced as FLO-ra. Andrei Meaning: Romanian iteration of the name Andrew. The variants of Filip include Philip, Felipe, Filipe, Philip and Philippe. Baby Boy Names Alexandru - Romansh. Demetra is a diminutive variation of Demetria, thegoddess of fertility. Clara meansbright, clear and pronounced as KLAA-rah. This is the Romanian version of the name Andrea, and it means 'manly and strong.'. Ana is a spelling variation of Anna which means grace. Balan Meaning: Blonde; a town in Romania. How Much Money Do International Students in Romania Need per Month? Irina is a Russian ballet-inflected classic, one of the Three Sisters in the Chekhov play. I wrote about that as well, so youre covered! Eder is a short surname that means "handsome". Soriniya is a spelling variation of Sorinia which means a sun-like woman. Zerenity means calm and pronounced aszeh-reh-NEE-tee. Traditional Romanian Girl Names Adelina (Noble woman) Adina (also noble) Adriana (Latin name, meaning "by the Adriatic Sea") Alina (noble) Ana Ana-Maria Anca (the gratious one) Andreea (warrior) Andra Antonia (female form of the Latin word Antonius, meaning "he was lost") Bianca (white) Lavinia, in Roman Legend, was the daughter of King Latinus, the wife of Aeneas, and the ancestor of the Roman people. Diana is the Latin name for the Roman goddess associated with the moon, virginity, and hunting. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. Nectaria is a name derived from "nectar". Other Cat Names Related to Roman Language and History. Adelina meansnoble, nobility and pronounced as a-DEH-lee-na. Pronounced asA-na. Nelu means Yahweh is gracious and pronounced as NEH-loo. 3. Luca is a last name derived from Luke. 27. In Romania, it is used to create surnames. Virgil meansstaff bearer and pronounced as VEER-jihl. Octavian means eight and pronounced as awk-TAHV-yahn. Bogdana is a feminine variation of Bogdan which means given by God. Adrian was the name of several saints and six popes, including the only English pope, Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pope, Adrian VI. dickey betts wife paulette; famous poems about mental illness; difference between white and black horehound; lafco san joaquin county. Pronounced asfee-O-ra. 32. Daisy. Radu means happy; willing and pronounced asRAH-doo. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Ozana is a river in Moldova. 44. Pronounced asAHN-ton(Romanian) orAN-tahn(English). 22. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Follow us or one of our many popular group boards: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Sandu is a surname that is short for Alexander. Tulamama is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and Pronounced as, woman who listens or God has heard and pronounced as, Sorine is a variation of Sorina which means a sun-like woman. The name comes from that of an ancient Sabine king, Titus Tatius, who ruled Rome with Romulus. 94. So, if you're tired of people suggesting you name your black kitten midnight, take a look at this myriad of typical and atypical names perfect for your playful panther. Liviu means aman who envies others or bluish; lead-colored and pronounced asLEEV-yo. Manly. Florin was an old coin which now survives in video games. Pronounced approximately as ra-DOO-ta. Madalina is a Romanian variation of Magdalene which meanswoman fromMagdala or high tower. Funar is a common occupational surname given to ropemakers. A Complete List of Romanian Last Names and Meanings L. Elizabeth Forry Updated: May 4, 2022 Learn the meaning and origin of Romanian last names and discover the most common last names in Romania by browsing our list of Romanian surnames from A-Z. That is all that counts. Related: 50 Wonderful Roman Mythology Names For Your Baby 11. Iulian means ayouthful man and pronounced as yool-YAHN. Alexandru is a Romanian variation of Alexander which means defender of men. Tigru: Romanian Tiikeri: Finnish Tigress: French (feminine) Tygr: Czech Tora: Japanese Vyaghra: Sanskrit (pronounced like the little blue pill) Yolbars: Uzbek Names for Tabby Cats From Tiger Habitats These names from tiger habitats make cute names for their smaller, striped cousins. Pronounced aske-ZAH-ra. Paul means small or humble and pronounced as PAH-ool or PAHWL. Xenia means hospitable. (Similar to Isabella and Eliza. Petrescu Another form of Petre or Peter. Tiberiu is a Romanian variation of Tiberius which meansof the Tiber. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Pronounced asva-LEHN-tee-na. We chose a non-Romanian name for our child and we thought were a minority, but the one we chose (Eric) is actually extremely popular among kids nowadays and there are tons of Erics out there. Olga was the name of one of the Chekhovs Three Sisters, the name of the saint who was instrumental in spreading Christianity in Russia. Pronounced askos-MEE-na. Stanislav means strength; firmness; fame. Lavinia is from an ancient place named Lavinium. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pronounced asNA-dee-a. (Similar to Petre.) April 6, 2020, 9:25 pmupdated March 24, 2021, 5:22 am. Haha, good picks in terms of Romanian names! Mihail is a spelling variation of Mihal which means who is like God?. Like you say though, its important to like the name. While the during the past 10 years or so, as I already said in the intro, the trend here in Romania was to move a bit away from the traditional Romanian names in search for uniqueness (but still failing to achieve that), I see that lately people are going back to traditional Romanian names once more. Emily Walker Nicu is a diminutive variation of Neculai which means victory of the people. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Dragomira means she who cares about peace or she who is very precious and pronounced as DRAA-go-mee-ra. Eugen meanswellborn, noble and pronounced as e-O-jehn. Baciu Meaning: Shepard. Albu is a Romanian name meaning "white". Darius meanskingly or possess well and pronounced as DAHR-yuws (Romanian) or dah-RIE-ahs (English). Corina meansmaiden and pronounced as ko-REE-na. Marina was an epithet of Venus, and there was more than one saint of that name. Boian means soldier, warrior or battle and pronounced asBO-yan. Flavius means golden or yellow haired and pronounced as FLAHV-yows. Ihrin means peace and pronounced approximately as ee-REEHN. This is usually added to fathers and mothers names to carry the lineage forward and keep the ancestral surnames strong. Pronounced asmee-ha-YEH-la. Victor is one of the earliest Christian names, borne (as Vittorio) by several saints and popes, symbolizing Christs victory over death. Meanings and Pronunciations Included. 62. Fumuriu (Romanian meaning "smoky") Habeen (Somali meaning "night . Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers and spring. an Elite CafeMedia Family & Parenting Publisher.Copyright 2020 - TulaMama. Matheiu is a Romanian variation of Matthew which meansgift of God. These names for black kittens are the perfect match for your new kitty! I have a photo of a relative (whom I believe was my grandfathers sister, born circa 1890), and on the back of the photo is her name Nua. Sorinia is a variation of Sorina which means a sun-like woman. Alin is a Romanian masculine variation of Alina which meansbright, beautiful. Victorious people. There are some tips about Romanian naming conventions. 100 Top Romanian Girls' Names You'll Love | Kidadl At Home Show All Free Coloring Pages Free Dot to Dot Printables Free Printable Stencils Funnies Trivia Birthdays Books Creative, Arts & Crafts Discover & Learn Family Humor Food & Cookery Garden & Outdoors Roman means citizen of Rome and pronounced as ro-MAHN. Antonia meanspriceless one and pronounced as an-TOHN-ya. Mirela meanspeace, world and pronounced asmee-REH-la. Adrian means man of Adria and pronounced as a-dree-AN (Romanian) or AY-dree-ahn (English). Sorine is a variation of Sorina which means a sun-like woman. Pronounced as, God shall add (another son) and pronounced as, descended from Jupiter or youthful, downy and pronounced as, man who envies others or bluish; lead-colored and pronounced as, light or born at daybreak and pronounced as, Marius is from a Roman family name related to Mars, the god of war. Pronounced asman-WEH-la. Isabela is a spelling variation of Isabella which means pledged to God. Neculcuea could be a form of Nicholas. Andreea - Romansh. Romania is also a country with much natural beauty so, of course, it would influence its names. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Ive always liked the name Jade for a girl. The quickest way to distinguish a girls Romanian surname and a boys Romanian surname is to check their ending. God and goddess names for cats are also on the rise, with Athena, Artemis, and Juno ranking higher than ever in girl cat names. 2. 7. Minodora means gift and pronounced as mee-NO-do-ra. Mircea - Slavic. You can read more about the Romanian culture here. Paula meanssmall and pronounced as PAW-lah. Peace. Dela means manly and brave and pronounced as DEH-Laa-. Antanasia means immortal and pronounced approximately as an-TAH-nas-ya. For example, if a man is named Ion, his son can be named Ionescu (Ion + escu). Pronounced asgab-ree-EH-la. 10. Raduta is a feminine variation of Radut which means happy. Its definitely on our list of baby names! Natalia means the Lords birthday and pronounced as na-TAHL-ya. Miruna means peace and pronounced as mee-ROO-na. (Similar to Mihal.). 1. David, Alexandru, and Stefan were also among the most popular names for boys in Romania last year while in the girls' case parents also chose names such as Elena, Ioana, Andreea, and Sofia.. We have a couple of friends with this name. Severina is a feminine variation of Severin which meansstern, serious. Pronounced as, woman from Judea and pronounced approximately as, Iuliana means youthful and pronounced as, Joya means joy and pronounced approximately as, Laura means bay laurel and pronounced as, Lavinia is from an ancient place named Lavinium. 42. Like Dick! Ilie means the Lord is my God and pronounced asee-LEE-yeh. she who brings happiness; blessed.