"[188][189][190], On February 26, 2020, Paul's wife purchased between $1,000 and $15,000 worth of stock in Gilead Sciences, a pharmaceutical company that produces an antiviral drug used to treat COVID-19, before the threat from the coronavirus was fully understood by the public; his disclosure of this transaction came 16 months after the legal deadline set forth in the Stock Act, a law that combats insider trading. [93], In February, Paul was one of two Republicans to vote against extending three key provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act (roving wiretaps, searches of business records, and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves" individuals not linked to terrorist groups). [134] After a week of almost daily news reports of new allegations of plagiarism, Paul said that he was being held to an "unfair standard", but would restructure his office in order to prevent mistakes in the future, if that would be what it would take "to make people leave me the hell alone. Rand started his last presidential campaign on a aircraft carrier.. he's a hypocrite just like the lot of em just likes to give lip service to fiscal responsibility and liberty. [140], Paul played a leading role in blocking a treaty with Switzerland that would enable the IRS to conduct tax evasion probes, arguing that the treaty would infringe upon Americans' privacy. Rand Paul as VP for either eliminates the need for a libertarian nominee or third-party candidate," the adviser said. [241][242][243] In 2009, his position was to ban abortion under all circumstances. WebBack in the 2016 cycle, at least five of the 17 major Republicans served in the Senate at one point, including Sens. While there are a lot of choices, the early betting is on a Capitol Hill firebrand uniquely poised to bring in the libertarian wing of the GOP, which could provide a bump of 3% to 4% of the vote. [103] On August 3, Paul voted against a bill that would raise the debt ceiling. He has often cited his involvement with KTU as the foundation of his involvement with state politics. [214], During the 2014 election, Paul launched a social media campaign titled "Hillary's Losers" which was meant to highlight many of the Democratic candidates that lost their bids for the U.S. Senate despite endorsements from Hillary Clinton. [141] Paul received the 2014 Distinguished Service Award from the Center for the National Interest (formally called the Nixon Center) for his public policy work. "[274][275] In January 2020 he criticized the U.S. airstrike on Baghdad International Airport which killed high-level Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. [18], The Wall Street Journal reported in 2010 that, although Paul had told a Kentucky television audience as recently as September 2009 that KTU published ratings each year on state legislators' tax positions and that "we've done that for about 15 years", the group had stopped issuing its ratings and report cards after 2002 and had been legally dissolved by the state in 2000 after failing to file registration documents. Your Privacy". Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, a potential 2024 Republican presidential contender, argues that "its time to stop election fraud" in a mailer sent by the Protect Constitution. [151], During a press briefing on May 6, 2016, President Obama called on Paul to stop "blocking the implementation of tax treaties that have been pending for years", arguing that they assisted law enforcement in off shore investigations into tax evasion. ", Alex Murdaugh trial: Murderer sentenced to consecutive life sentences after being found guilty, Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist. [303][304], On May 28, 2021, Paul voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the 2021 United States Capitol attack. [357], Paul supports repealing the Affordable Care Act[358] and opposes universal healthcare, having once equated it to slavery. [283] Paul has also stated that President Biden provoked Russia by advocating for Ukraine's entrance into NATO. In a phone interview with Breitbart News on July 19, 2013, Paul said, "I basically say he is bailing them out over my dead body because we don't have any money in Washington." WebAnswer (1 of 17): This is not about democrats and Republicans. Press Secretary Jay Carney read Holder's letter, indicating president Obama's support, "The president has not and would not use drone strikes against American citizens on American soil"[116] Press Paul answered that he was "quite happy" with the response. Paul describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement. Both bills failed to pass the Senate. Within a day of his announcement, Paul raised $1 million. [329][330], Paul has not definitively accepted the scientific consensus on climate change, which has found that global warming is real, progressing, and primarily caused by humans. Randal Howard Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Kentucky since 2011. "[176] Later, on April 2, Paul golfed with Trump and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia, where they discussed a variety of topics, including healthcare. He recreated the board in 2005, but it was again dissolved in 2011. [100][101] During the debt ceiling crisis, the Senator stated that he would only support raising the debt ceiling if a balanced budget amendment was enacted. [44], In February 2014, Paul joined the Tea Party-affiliated conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks in filing a class-action lawsuit charging that the federal government's bulk collection of Americans' phone records metadata is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. In an interview with the Daily News, Paul Senator. [31][32][33] Board members were Paul, his wife, and his father-in-law. Rand Paul for President 2024 is a great design for conservative, liberal and even non-political friends, family members who respect the integrity of Kentucky Senator [184], On July 17, 2019, Paul blocked Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's motion for unanimous consent on a bill renewing the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund along with Utah Senator Mike Lee. [350], At Senate hearings in May and July 2021, Paul debated Anthony Fauci on the origin of COVID-19, gaining media attention for his concerns about the risks of lab work. [31] The NBO was not accepted as an accrediting entity by organizations such as the American Board of Medical Specialties, and its certification was considered invalid by many hospitals and insurance companies. [19] In his teenage years, Paul studied the Austrian economists that his father respected, as well as the writings of Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand. [155][156] On March 16, Senator John McCain (Rep) accused Paul of being an agent of Vladimir Putin after Paul objected to adding Montenegro to NATO. 2011. Paul has said pollution emissions are subject to "onerous regulation. [112] He ceded to several Republican senators and Democratic senator, Ron Wyden, who generally also questioned drone usage. [165], Paul confirmed in an October 2017 interview he would not vote for the Republican budget in the Senate unless billions in spending were removed from the plan: "If leadership is unwilling to compromise with somebody who is concerned about the debt, then they deserve to lose. [17] That same year, Paul attended the 1976 Republican National Convention, where his father headed Ronald Reagan's Texas delegation. [67] A second "moneybomb" was held on September 23, 2009, to counter a D.C. fundraiser being held for primary opponent Trey Grayson, by 23 Republican United States Senators. [142][143], In response to reports that the CIA infiltrated the computers of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Paul called for the firing of CIA Director John O. [62], On July 28, 2009, Bunning announced that he would not run for reelection in the face of insufficient fundraising. Rand Paul 2024. [192], In September 2020, Paul was the lone Republican to vote against the COVID-19 aid package introduced by Senator Mitch McConnell, joining the Democrats who unanimously voted against it. [37], Paul spoke on his father's behalf when his father was campaigning for office,[42] including throughout the elder Paul's run in the 2008 presidential election, during which Rand campaigned door-to-door in New Hampshire[43] and spoke in Boston at a fundraising rally for his father on the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He suspended his campaign in February 2016, after finishing in fifth place out of 12 Republican candidates at the Iowa caucuses . [53] Paul was included in Time magazine's world's 100 most influential people, for 2013 and 2014. [119] The filibuster was attempted on April 11, 2013, but was dismissed by cloture, in a 6831 vote. [282], On May 12, 2022, Paul stopped a vote on a $40 billion spending bill for aid to Ukraine during the 2022 Russian invasion, objecting that it would be the second spending bill for this purpose, and is 3 times larger than the first. 2024 U.S. Presidential Election (Moderators: Likely Voter, GeorgiaModerate, KoopaDaQuick) Will Rand Paul run? [378][379] Paul received bipartisan criticism from his Senate colleagues after it was discovered that he attended Senate lunches and used the Senate gym while awaiting his test results; he defended his actions because he had no symptoms of the illness and believed it was "highly unlikely" he was sick. [338] His remarks generated controversy by suggesting that states should not require parents to vaccinate their children, because parents should have the freedom to make that decision for their children. This was in response to two alleged terrorists who came to the United States through a refugee program and were receiving welfare benefits when they were arrested in 2011 in Paul's hometown of Bowling Green. [153] On June 6, Paul spoke of introducing legislation to cease Selective Service, three days after the death of Muhammad Ali, after whom he intended to name the legislation in tribute. [197] In the subsequent second impeachment trial of Trump, which sought to convict him on charges of incitement of insurrection, Paul questioned the constitutionality of it due to Trump having left office by the time it reached the Senate, as well as defending him against the charges, "I want Democrats to raise their hands if they have ever given a speech that says 'take back,' 'fight for your country,' who hasn't used the words fight figuratively? [108], In June 2012, Paul endorsed Mitt Romney after it became apparent that he would be the Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election. "[184] As of June 2020, according to FiveThirtyEight, Paul had voted with President Trump's position on congressional issues 70% of the time, the second lowest among all Republican senators. Paul held the floor for 12 hours and 52 minutes. It was recently argued that Beshear would be an And, because of this, Rand doesn't "[11][12], The Paul family moved to Lake Jackson, Texas in 1968,[13] where he was raised[14][15] and where his father began a medical practice and for a period of time was the only obstetrician in Brazoria County. The Republican Party Red Logo Sticker. "[262] Paul then supported airstrikes against ISIS, but questioned the constitutionality of Obama's unilateral actions without a clear congressional mandate. [58] Paul's father said, "Should Senator Bunning decide not to run, I think Rand would make a great U.S. [111], On March 67, 2013, Paul engaged in a filibuster to delay voting on the nomination of John O. Brennan as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. "[166], In February 2018, Republican senators introduced an immigration framework akin to that proposed by President Trump and with his support that called for $25 billion being provided for border security in exchange for a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants brought into the US illegally. The average voter generally is emotional, has short term memory loss, and is easily swayed by charisma and heavy proposals. [301] Paul said that he thought lynching should be "universally condemned", but wanted an amendment to clarify that the causation of non-fatal injuries would not be considered lynching. [80][81], Paul's campaign got off to a rough start after his comments on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stirred controversy. [50] Paul's representatives denied the charge, and Fein issued a statement saying that Mattie Fein had not been authorized to speak for him on the matter and that he had in fact been paid for his work on the lawsuit. [122] Paul's endorsement was seen as a major win for McConnell in avoiding a challenge in the Republican primary. [191] Paul's office stated that the disclosure form was filled up on time, but by mistake was not submitted. Prosecutors felt the downward departure from their request for a 21-month sentence was too great, but the judge said Boucher's eight years in the military, being forced to sell his home to pay a $580,000 judgment assessed by the state court against him in the civil case brought by Paul, and his completed community service mitigated against any additional prison time. [21] He regularly contributed to The Baylor Lariat student newspaper. [254][255], Unlike his more stridently "non-interventionist" father, Paul concedes a role for American armed forces abroad, including permanent foreign military bases. [346] Paul said New York's high fatality rate showed that mitigation efforts were insufficient.