Los senderos de la vida pueden ser enigmticos e inesperados, algo que Lincoln conoce en primera persona, en slo 5 aos, su vida haba experimentado grandes cambios. Eventually the tentacles got a hold of the -I can't just go back home, not knowing where my poor little brother is, said Leni, as she started to cry. -Yeah! RIta: (facepalms) Oh Luan. -Man this is cool, finally someone my age in the circus, said Skip. The rest of the girls all nodded, and Leni's words gave them all hope. It's just a mix of everything he could find in the house that can (somewhat) save him from some bruises, like Lynn's football helmet, kitchen gloves, bubble wrap, and some thick jacket. in: Fanfiction, Episodes, Deaths, Episodes focusing on Lincoln Loud Lincoln is Dead View source Lincoln is Dead is a Fanficion Transcript: (Lincoln is walking to the living room) Lincoln: It is a good day to be not dead! (backs away) I, uhh, was just about to leave! Lori: Tomorrow, I'll take you out for ice cream. qu pasar con las dems cuando la polica arresta a sus padres por negligencia?, sera un camino largo y dificil para que todos encuentren el bienestar perdido y el amor. (Soon, Lori released Lincoln from her hug). She realized that she's been like that to him all her life, and never cared about him the most). (Lori picked Lincoln up and threw him towards his room. -Goodnight Lincoln! said the Palmers in unison. -Would it be alright if Lincoln did one last show with us? asked Mr. Rolan. Bruno growled, as he introduced his act. Lincoln: (taking his shirt off halfway) Yes Lisa. (The shotter is revealed to be Lola) Lola: You are DEAD! -Ha, ha, ha, ha! laughed Luan. I am a humble person, and I don't brag about myself, but when I made this, I thought it was truly something special, and I poured my heart and soul into this story. As he walked up to the line he waited until he reached the ticket booth. -Well everyone, I think I'm just going to hit the hay, said Lincoln. (Lincoln headed back into his room with the rat in his net, and closed the door). -Can someone please give me a hand? asked Ezra, who was stuck in a tangled position. Not really an Lori and Lincoln romantic ship unless you want it to be. Leni you're brilliant, said Lori as she called Lincoln's smart phone. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. Maybe I'll go see what everyone's doing. Lincoln: C'mon Frank! The Louds kicked Lincoln out because of the fact they believe he is bad luck in No Such Luck. Well, here's my 7th fanfic. Sorry Lincoln. The rest of that week was an amazing time for Lincoln with the Rolan Circus, having one well received show after another, and the circus loving their new family member. Lori: Oh come on Leni! It has been a few weeks since the "No Such Luck" incident. Lincoln looked to the audience to deliver his final monologue, I'll never do something like that again, but thanks to this whole experience I feel like I'm closer to my family than ever before. Thanks! replied Skip. Lisa: I need to see if your eyes are infected. -Don't lose hope guys, Lincoln is out there somewhere. what exactly did I find?. After seeing this, Lori quickly stood, with rage in her eyes. The parts with Lily at the beginning were added in shorty before finishing up, because I felt like I needed some nice moments to supplement the depressing tone at the beginning. Afterwards Lincoln left a tip for the waitress, went to pay the check, and walked out of the diner. Would you be interested? He sat there on the bus, as some other passengers looked and wondered why he had so many bags with him. Please don't hurt me? I meant no harm, said Lincoln nervously. The game that Lincoln and Leni were playing is based on the App called Icon Pop Quiz. Lisa: Lincoln is sick so I need some medicine for him. I came up with this idea early on in the show's history, due to some of the early segments like The Sweet Spot, Get the Message, and of course Sleuth or Consequences, and wondered about a story where Lincoln runs away. Lincoln: I do not feel well. Leni ran over to Lori and she also hugged him very tightly, I totes missed you the most Lincoln, said Leni as she also teared up. Lincoln began to cry, as he hugged the picture. Lynn: We left our bedroom door open, which is what caused you to fall down the stairs. Things get worse when the poor boy is gunned by a criminal (and survives to disown almost the whole family): now the family must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions; at the same time, it becomes clear there was more behind Lincoln getting shot than the boy simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. -This is Ezra, said Skip, as he introduced Lincoln to the contortionist. Lincoln looks to the audience, just once can't we have a normal evening, he said as Lynn threw a tennis ball at him. Back in Royal Woods, later that evening the police showed up at the Loud House. Lincoln opens his mouth and Lisa places the thermometer inside. -No, I'm ecstatic. The Louds were frozen. -Lincoln's gone! screamed Lynn Sr., as he held up the piece of paper that read Goodbye and Good Riddance!. (Lynn took her soccer ball, while Lori helped Lincoln back on his feet), (Lori walked away, and Lincoln looked more confused, but generous. Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. Lynn Loud was the best at practically every sport she tried. The Palmers and Lincoln, along with the monkeys and Daisy all went out to perform their act, which began with the group of monkeys doing their first trick with all of them doing flips to construct a monkey pyramid, with all six monkeys, and Bongo being at the very top. -That's great Lincoln, replied Mr. Rolan, you will now be part of The Palmer's Primate Palooza. I'm sure of it, and I know we'll find him, and when that time comes we will make up, and everything will be alright again. said Leni. Turns out there was a circus in town, and Lincoln decided to go check it out. -Thank you so much for taking care of our son, said Mr. Careful or Careless. You're very strong, said Lincoln. There was a rat in your room! There's no telling where he could be, said the second cop, but not to worry, we're spreading the word throughout the county, and all the neighboring towns should be alerted as soon as possible.. A few hours later, Lily and Lisa arrive home with Lynn Sr. Rita: Lisa? Fanfic Recs /. Lincoln: I have to catch that rat before Lori or Leni see it! -Well, we've searched high and low, and no sign of your son, said the first cop. The grand finale was a stunt man getting fired out of a cannon. Uggh. Lori: (comes in) LINCOLN?! Mr. Rolan took the flier, and looked at it. Lisa: Doctor Lisa is here. Lori looked really upset and guilty over what she just did to Lincoln. Even if they end up pregnant. You and your jokes are getting pretty wild at this moment. You were right! -Okay Lincoln we have to go, said Lynn Sr. Lincoln walked with his family and got into Vanzilla, as they prepared to go home. I didn't mean to treat you so horribly in those past few years. -Oh man this is it Lincoln, said Lincoln to himself. Her rage blinded her from seeing that she had just hurt him). "Oh hey. -I'd give up Mr. Coconuts and all my comedy props, if I could just see his smiling face again, said Luan. As we enter the house the family is sitting in the dining room with Lincoln not happy with his surroundings. He even skips lunch to avoid vomit later. He slowly opens his eyes to see Lynn and Lucy standing next to him). Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. Lincoln found a another motel, and went in. -Oh man this guy is AWESOME, said Lana. Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. That's why I got you some snacks to keep you filled up. Hello. The girls just sat there gazing at the family picture, Lincoln gave their parents for their anniversary, with all of them focusing on Lincoln. Lori: Lincoln, I was being stupid. Reposted from AFF, and based off of assembled greenposts done for TLVG, enjoy nine chapters (plus a bonus chapter!) As the day progressed Lincoln got his own circus outfit, and perfected his act with the Palmers for the show. He rushed upstairs to put all of his things back into his room, and then went back downstairs to be with his family. He looked through some of his belongings, and while searching through his backpack he noticed something was in there, he hadn't before. Luna: (singing) United States Canada Mexico Panama Haiti Jamaica Peru Republic Dominican Cuba Carribean Greenland El Savador too. Now he has a somewhat Unorthodox family. -Well girls, the police are on the search, but it seems like Lincoln isn't even in town anymore. Said Lynn Sr., as he walked out of the room crying while Rita goes to comfort him. Lincoln was happy to know he would be back home very soon. -We spoke with someone at the local bus station, and they had sold Lincoln a ticket out of Royal Woods, just before you placed the report. Lana and Lola: Time to panic time to panic time to panic. When Lori and Leni decide to become strippers for a little extra cash for college, they are surprised when they discover who a particularly generous fan really is. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. I don't care about all those things, and I don't even care about my phone. Lola, Luna, Leni & Lori: Lincoln is Dead? We still have our moments of friction from time to time.. -This is Bongo, said Skip as he brought over one of the monkeys on his shoulder. -We see the appeal, said Luan, as she dropped a banana peal and slipped on it. -What are you talking about? asked Luan. Quite a number of Lincoln's friends and acquaintances were all there including: Clyde, Harold and Howard McBride, Bobby, Ronnie Anne, Maria, Arturo, the Casagrandes, Sid, Adelaide, Stanley and Becca Chang, Mr. Grouse, Mrs. Johnson and her mom, her new boyfriend, Norm the Janitor, Coach Pacowski, Nurse Patti, Principal Huggins, Cheryl, Stella, Ken and Judy Zhau, Liam and his Mee Maw, Zach, Mr and Mrs Gurdle, Rusty, Rocky, Rodney Spokes, Katherine Mulligan, Girl Jordan, Mollie, Carol Pingrey, Becky, Tad, Roger, Jackie, Mandee, Sam and Simon Sharp, Mazzy, Sully, Chunk, Benny Stein, the Drama Club, Francisco, Margo Roberts, Elliot, Maddie, Kaito, Lainey, Alice, Nadia, Theo, Darcy Holmandollar, Meli Ramos, Kotaro, Grant, the Yates', Paula, Pop Pop, Myrtle, the Residents of Sunset Canyon and all of Lincoln's classmates. -But you already have a family, and they need you Lincoln, said Mrs. Palmer. You'll have the best seats in the house.. -The kid's impressive, said Bruno. Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. And on the bright side, it's always great to have someone who's got your back. Lori: Looks like spirits are starting to sink. Are you trying to do a "Lincoln Loud" cartoon episode in style of an old cartoon from the 50's? Chapter 9 ends with Simon Lynch confessing to Stone and Brookes. Wow! -You're the one who's always so mean to him, said Lola, -Look who's talking little miss prima donna, retorted Lori. Mr. Can you let me check your tummy. Here it is, enjoy. I better keep my eye out. Bruno lifted the bench with ease, and the crowd applauded. Tell me! Lisa: Lincoln, I need to check your temperature so please open wide. What if he doesn't come to my wedding? Lincoln continued to search, and all the other motels he came across had no vacancy. (It then cuts to another flashback, where Lincoln is taking out the garbage), (Suddenly, a broomstick falls into his hands). -I'm really gonna miss hearing you say that Lily, said Lincoln sadly, as he walked out of her room. And Lynn Sr goes to work. Up to 17 students were killed in the shooting. However, he accidentally bumps his head on the desk, which causes Lori's phone to fly off and onto the floor, breaking it). But because of this, he could manage his crankiness. Takes place after no such luck. -No need to be so modest Lincoln, said Tobias. Lincoln: At least you never give me any lip, he cradled Lily in his arms. You have two more school nights to go and then it will be the moment. They are a family consisting of two parents, Rita and Lynn Sr., and ten (yes, TEN) daughters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and finally, Lily. Hey he's really good, as his big cat act continued. 56 parts. What if he tries to miss out on my 18th birthday? . WARNING: This story has a VERY dark tone behind it, and contains scenes with blood. Nothing would make me happier to be in my hometown again, said Lincoln. Mature. Note: I don't own anything. -Lincoln your family has arrived, announced Sebastian. (Lori, Leni, Luna & Lola started to panic), Lisa: I was gonna use a DNA machine on us to find out, but I just realise that we all have the same DNA. Completed theloudhouse steven stevenuniverse +7 more # 13 The Angeloids Of Royal Woods by YamiYugiUnity Now, GET OUT OF MY ROOM! Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. Rita: *gasp* Oh no. All of the sisters were flabbergasted by Leni's speech. (freaks out) W-W-What do I do?! Lori: (calm tone) Don't leave soccer balls outside your room, Lincoln almost tripped on them. Then his one of his estranged, metahuman sisters drops by for a visit, and that becomes significantly more difficult. Your son is a very special boy, but before he goes home I have one thing to ask of you.. -You've got a lot of talent there Lincoln, said Bruno, congratulating him. One Boy, Eleven Girls! (to the viewer) Lori's never this nice to me. All of his sisters gasped, and ran up the stairs to see if he had really gone. Rita: Of course. But, Lynn and Lucy's door was open when Lincoln was thrown. -And now ladies and gentlemen, get ready for our very own Palmers Primate Palooza, with the newest member of our circus family, LINCOLN LOUD! shouted Mr. Rolan, as they all came out to start their show to a receptive crowd. After the show Lincoln was so fascinated by the circus, that he stuck around the place afterwards. -"Whoa! Uhh. Later that night the circus folk were all very impressed with Lincoln, as his first show with them was a complete success. -Dinner's on the table, called out Rita. I had no idea they were out here. as they got up to go have their dinner. I gave you so much fear from me, and I caused you to get hurt! Sure, she's sometimes really horrible towards me, but at least I know that she still deeply cares about me and learns from her past experiences. -I'm sorry! -Dont you guys see? Only a few sips and Lynch immediately starts coughing before keeling over dead. Pfft, I can do that, said Lynn, as her sisters rolled there eyes. (Lori continued to cry on her pillow, when suddenly, she sat her head against the wall). Pero con su corazn puro demostrara lo que es capas de hacer ju Lincoln's life changes when a woman comes to adopt him when he was left to die in a squirrel suit. Loud attempted to end it. The acrobats came on next with the high wire act, and afterwards came a trapeze show, and concluded with the acrobats all leaping from a seesaw, with two of them being on the bottom while, the third leaped, and was held up by the other two. * Lincoln: *is reading a comic book on his bed* He heard one sad voicemail after another of his sisters all pleading for him to come home, and how they were sorry for what happened, and how much they miss him. -Leni we have to get home, there's nothing more we can do at this time, said Lori sadly. -Blimey! Why can't you guys just try, and be nice to him once in a while?. Okay, when I first watch this episode, I was infuriated how this blunder turns out. Rita: Lincoln is not feeling so good. Later that night, Lori was in her room, texting on her phone). Well thanks for all your help, said Lynn Sr., as he hung up the phone. Can you come here for a second? -To be honest he did have a reason to be angry, said Luna. (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. -Mr Rolan, you got to come see what Lincoln can do, said Bruno. Lynn: I know, I feel really bad for you Lincoln! -Well then, we've got to prepare you for your first show with us Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan.