In "Family Feud", the Winchesters contact Rowena for help with finding her grandson, Gavin MacLeod who had been displaced to the present years before by Abaddon. Sam and Dean believe her and Dean goes off to find Castiel while Lily stays with Sam and convinces him of the threat Ishim poses to Dean. He thanks Rufus for his help, and moves on to the next memory. After Hydeker fed on the life force of Asher, the son of a local motel owner, Sam went through newspaper records to discover how far back the shtriga attacks went and identified Hydeker as the culprit through a picture from 1893 of Hydeker standing around one of his victim's bed with a bunch of other doctors. The Shadow accepts the deal, but warns that it will come to collect when Castiel is truly happy. For the rest of season 9, Josie remains the Knight of Hell's vessel. Come here. In Hell, as Belphegor and Castiel recover Lilith's Crook, Ardat attacks, knowing Belphegor's true intentions and intending to stop him at all costs. In "Family Feud," Crowley explains to Lucifer that his demons found Nick's body a few years before and Crowley had it repaired and upgraded so that it could serve as the perfect vessel and perfect prison for the archangel who was sent into Nick when Crowley perverted Rowena's spell to send him back to the Cage. Sam, Dean and Castiel, who are alerted to his situation when Mrs. Tran calls them for help, arrive and rescue Kevin and get half of the tablet, but Crowley gets the other half and Kevin loses a finger, though Castiel is able to regrow it. Castiel returns and possesses Claire to vanquish the demons. Sam tries to explain that they just want to help her, but Dagon comes and takes her away again. Lucifer uses this to turn the situation on Crowley and apparently kills him in front of Drexel and the other demons. The most common and weakest of their species are the black-eyed demons. Frank and Dean travel to the area and disguise themselves as phone company workers. In "Back and to the Future," possessing the corpse of Lucifer's Nephilim son Jack, Belphegor presents himself as an ally to the Winchesters. The fourth Prince of Hell, Asmodeus was the weakest of Lucifer's creations and was hinted to be the youngest of the yellow-eyed demons. In "The Thing", Arthur discovers that Asmodeus has been injecting himself with Gabriel's grace to power up. Sam apologizes for not being able to save Nick or his victims, who will haunt Nick for the rest of his life. Amy killed her mother to protect Sam, with whom she had grown close. However, Dean and Claire are left behind as they don't want Claire getting hurt and the Mark of Cain's influence on Dean is getting worse. The man turned the most popular boy in Alex's high school named Henry (portrayed by Jedidiah Goodacre), who pretended to be her boyfriend, to help him destroy Alex's life before killing her. As Michael hoped, the suicide bombing devastates Jack from his inability to protect the people he cares about. During the scuffle that follows, Mick manages to draw Justin's live blood before killing him with a silver bullet, allowing the Winchesters to create the cure. In season 9's "Devil May Care," Josie's charred body is retrieved by a demon working for Abaddon. Drexel later visits Lucifer in his cell and magically examines him, determining that Lucifer's vessel is sound and that the repairs and improvements to it are holding. Like all other members of his family, Eldon has received surgical enhancements including a second heart and more muscles in his legs, making him physically powerful and hard to stop. Brian eventually identifies their professor as the werewolf who bit Michael and the professor confesses that after years of surviving on animals, he gave into his instincts and killed someone. By the time Jesse arrives, the Bisaan are already dead, but he is allowed to be the one to burn the eggs to ensure the cycle will never repeat itself again. A year later in "The Werther Project", Sam learned of Magnus' connection to the Werther Box while searching for the codex inside. She and the others assist the brothers in defeating a Djinn. Nick later bashes Arty's head in with a hammer, the same way his family was murdered. Unknown to Claire, as she sits down to a dinner, a rift from The Bad Place opens and brings Kaia's killer to the Winchesters world. Taking on the form of Castiel himself but with a more sinister voice, the Shadow explains that it and the Empty predate everything and that not even God has power in its realm. Brady continued with his vessel's name to stay undercover but later revealed himself in season 5 episode 20. After the angels fall, Kevin is left trapped in the bunker as it locks down and he panics, nearly shooting Dean with a crossbow when he arrives. And I didn't know what I would have done if I didn't have you cause I was so scared. She tells Sam and Dean to call her if they ever need her help again. In season 7's "There Will Be Blood," the Winchesters come into conflict with vampires once again while going after the Alpha Vampire for his blood. However, Kaia and Claire Novak arrive through the rift and rescue the Winchesters. In an attempt to get some money, he picked the pocket of a member of the British Men of Letters and accidentally stole a cursed coin. He was born from a relationship between John and a woman named Kate Milligan, while John was on a hunt. In "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo", it is revealed that Dick Roman took Frank's hard drive, which he gives to the IT expert Charlie to hack. Vampires are Supernatural's most common monsters, appearing in every season except season 4. While Abraxas is distracted, Nick approaches from behind and kills Abraxas with an angel blade. He also expresses his pride in John, confident that he was a good man based on what he saw in Sam and Dean. Becky agrees to edit Chuck's newest story and provides critique that essentially acts as meta references for both the episode and the show itself. Later, Simmons frees Crowley from his cage, claiming that there are still demons who support Crowley and wish him to take back Hell, convincing the broken Crowley to fight back. Brady introduced Sam to his girlfriend Jess and killed her later on Azazel's orders. When told that they need to locate and burn the costumes, Donna offers to deal with that with Doug. Zachariah takes Adam to the Green Room where he reveals that Adam's resurrection was actually a trap to get Dean to say yes, using Dean's weakness for his family against him. When Sam and Dean enter Frank's house, he is waiting in the dark with a shotgun. It is revealed in "Home" that Mary has been acting as a guardian spirit of the Winchesters' old home in Lawrence, Kansas. The Winchesters briefly trap Ramiel in Holy Fire and he demands the return of the Colt. Dean burns his body in a Hunter's Funeral afterwards and is devastated by and blames himself for Kevin's death. She tells Jody about it and they break into Len's room where Donna finds a clue about the location of the vampire's nest. Jack and Kaia's efforts open a rift, destroying the attacking angels in the process, but sends the Winchesters to The Bad Place, Jack to Apocalypse World and an unconscious Kaia to a nearby roadside. Both Walt and Roy return in season 12's "Who We Are" as two of the hunters called in to help deal with the British Men of Letters situation by Jody Mills. In season 2's "Bloodlust," Sam and Dean encounter a nest of vegetarian vampires that feed only on animals and consist of Lenore (portrayed by Amber Benson), Eli (portrayed by Ty Olsson), Conrad, and Christina Flanagan (portrayed by Janeane Carltone). Dean eventually discovers that the true wraith is the nurse who admitted them to the mental hospital, having taken the chance to infect them at the time. High-ranking, Barthamus implies that he took over Crowley's old King of the Crossroads position after Crowley became the King of Hell. Arthur's continuing impertinence and defiance enrage Asmodeus who brutally beats him. The latter is summoned by Dean in an attempt to rescue a man from a demonic pact previously made. After much debating, Amara traps her brother in the Winchesters' bunker, having previously agreed to help them defeat him. A case he worked during his year spent hunting with Sam is seen in the episode, "Unforgiven", during which Samuel was shown to be disturbed at soulless-Sam's actions, using one of their current allies as bait to trap a monster. rufus and aretha supernaturalbclp assessment centre. The Darkness is confused by his statement, telling Dean that she does not know Death and he does not know her. In First Born, while looking for the First Blade to kill Abaddon, Dean and Crowley tracked down Cain and asked for the First Blade. Despite being female (or in a female host), Dagon is still referred to as a Prince of Hell rather than a Princess. Unable to take it anymore, Charlie asks Castiel to let her go cool off for a while and slips out while he ties up Rowena in another room. Impressed, Rowena provides Ada with the magic that she needs to kill the Akrida Queen and informs her that the queen will need an upcoming planetary alignment to open her portal. Vanishing in 1958, Henry was believed by his son to have run out on his family. Working with Dean, Belphegor successfully casts the spell and contains the ghosts. [24] Ed, Harry and the rest of the team also star in the Ghostfacers web series,[25] a spoof advertisement which is seen in "Hammer of the Gods". Furthermore, their Kaia is still alive, Dark Kaia having treated her wound and left her the tools to survive before leaving her homeworld. Late in season seven, the characters find a tablet containing the "Word of God" that reveals a Leviathan can be killed by using "a bone of a righteous mortal washed in the blood of the three fallen." When Mary calls for everyone to show any weapons they possess, Mick has nothing useful and admits to having never taken a life before. Gaines is "bibbed", a form of punishment where he was forced to eat himself alive in a bib under Richard Roman's orders, since his experiments attracted the attention of the media. The cult, led by Garth's mother-in-law, kidnaps Sam, Garth and Garth's wife Bess to murder Garth and Bess and frame the murders on Sam to spur the rest of the pack to join them. He is also known to have worked as a torturer in Hell. He acted as Henry Winchester, Sam and Dean's grandfather's mentor and designed most of the warding for the Men of Letters bunker. His body is later found by the Winchesters who identify Rowena through the spell, one that she herself had created centuries before. As Belphegor is working with the Winchesters to stop the ghosts and demons who have escaped from Hell, Arthur chooses not to go through with trying to kill Belphegor and assumes that she was wrong or simply lying. At Charlie's joking request, Castiel heals her carpal tunnel and even her bullet wound without being asked, having gotten his full power back. Walk On By Original by Dionne Warwick: Benny agrees, telling Dean he feels he no longer fits in on Earth. Their mentor Victor Rogers (portrayed by Adrian Hough) turns out to be working with the true culprit Seth (portrayed by Cole Vigue) and setting up fake targets for them to hunt. The eventual fate of Pestilence is unknown, but it can be assumed that he survived his defeat, albeit much weakened. Sam arrives at the hospital in time to save Dean from Corbin who has become intoxicated by his new power as a werewolf, forcing Sam to kill him. Kevin informs Sam that he does not blame him for his death, aware that it was really Gadreel and asks Sam and Dean to put aside their differences and start being brothers again before leaving. In "The Scar," Castiel tells Sam and the returned Dean that Nick took off claiming that he had personal matters to attend to and hasn't been returning Castiel's phone calls since. The Winchesters put a stop to this during the season finale, with Dean and Castiel killing Roman, which, as a side consequence, sends them to Purgatory. Kevin finds a spell on the Angel Tablet that will open a rift to the Winchesters' universe, but it requires the grace of an archangel so Michael drains some of Lucifer's. Yeah, it's 100% the place. Unnamed daughter Crowley's sadistic game of darts is interrupted by two demons with bad news about his mother. The pack leader agrees to work with Michael who enhances the werewolves using angel grace. Afterwards, Charlie, unable to return to Oz, decides to dedicate herself to finding a way to save Dean from the Mark of Cain and forgives his actions. Books for Adults. In season thirteen, Sam and Dean encounter Yokoth and Glythur in "The Thing" where they came from another reality. Lucifer and God reconcile and gather the witches, angels and demons to aid them in battling Amara since Raphael was dead, Gabriel was presumed dead, God couldn't bring them back in time, and Michael is insane. They were also used as plot devices, in the season nine episode "Thinman" Ed and Harry face a conflict similar to one Sam and Dean face, creating a parallel between the characters, at the end of that episode we see an end to the Ghostfacers after Ed invents the monster Thinman to keep Harry from leaving for a normal life. He is summoned by two witches, one of whom he kills himself, but Sam manages to exorcise him again with his powers. Werewolves are people who can change their appearance to gain claws, fangs, fur and superhuman abilities. Mick tells them that they can track Claire as he slipped a tracking device into her coat. Bobby pours some of Rufus' favorite drink Johnnie Walker Blue Label on the grave before taking a swig himself. In season 9's "Captives" and "Stairway to Heaven," the ghost of Prophet Kevin Tran and the Reaper Tessa reveal that the closing of Heaven has trapped all of the ghosts who since died in the Veil. The Devil's Gate and the Colt gun are linked togetherthe gun serves as the key to the gate, allowing it to be opened by inserting the Colt's muzzle into the key hole. Agent Adams is persistent, and Sheriff Mills tries to distract him, but Adams finds the spot where the okami was buried. Rufus died when Bobby, possessed by the Khan worm, stabbed him. A devastated Claire is comforted by Jody, the true ending to Patience's vision. When he prepared to shock Bobby, he tried to stall. Sam initially does until he receives Charlie's email and decides to continue. While Dorothy holds the brothers off, Charlie finds and kills the Witch by stabbing in the head with Oz's famous ruby slippers before the Witch can let her army in through a portal to Oz. Two years later in "Wayward Sisters", Donna is called in by Jody Mills to act as backup to help rescue the Winchesters from the alternate reality known as The Bad Place. He then takes their pictures for new IDs as Tom and John Smith and gives them a map of the towns their Leviathan doppelgngers have hit so far. They are greeted at the sandbox by Joshua, who is then killed by Dagon. The original: a bit boring, the cover: absolutely not. He then remarks that it is Arthur Ketch's purpose to clean up "loose ends". Then Dean flashed the Johnnie Walker Blue, and Rufus smiled and let him in. Upon waking up, Donna calls Dean and warns him of the threat Nick poses. As Doug has not yet fed, Dean uses Marlon's blood to cure him. Rufus lives about five miles that way with Aretha. Castiel apologizes to Lily and promises that if she finds she can't forgive him and wants to come after him for revenge again one day, he will be waiting for her. Belphegor kills Ardat and confirms that she was telling the truth, intending to use the crook to draw all of the demons and souls inside of himself to gain unlimited power. In the pilot episode, six months after Sam's birth in 1983, Mary was awakened by sounds of him crying in his crib. The Apocalypse World Castiel's version of Jimmy has a darker more scruffier appearance, coinciding with the alternate Castiel's evil nature. In "The Rupture," after Belphegor's betrayal means that all of the souls and demons won't be sealed in Hell, Rowena reveals that she knows of a spell that can draw the remaining souls and demons inside of her body and cast them into Hell. At least one of there was even capable of summoning ghosts and other undead, and said to be able to summon monsters. Along the way, Dean tells Arthur of his inability to save Charlie and Arthur admits his own regrets that he never even tried to save the lives of those he cares about. Demon mutations do not have to possess humans and can even materialize in the shape of a young girl to attract people nearby to kill them. Benny helps Dean find Castiel, warning him that traveling with an angel will get them killed, but Dean is insistent on all of them getting out. In response, Doctor Hess signals Arthur who shoots Mick in the back of the head at point-blank range with a silenced pistol, killing him. At the end of the episode, Sam summons her and demands she break her deal with Dean in exchange for her life. The seals Rufus Turner reports being broken are: ten species extinct in Key West, fishing crew of fifteen goes blind in Alaska, and a teacher in New York kills 66 students, all in one day. With Candy's help, Sam and Dean track down Linda who tearfully reunites with Kevin. Garth Fitzgerald IV, portrayed by DJ Qualls, is a hunter who generally works alone, although he has teamed up with the Winchester brothers on two occasions. In "Beyond the Mat," Simmons helps Lucifer coordinate his search for another Hand of God and enjoys Lucifer's tormenting of Crowley. In "Bad Day at Black Rock," Gordon is shown to be in prison, where he convinces a visiting fellow hunter to go after Sam Winchester, convinced that Sam was involved in the opening of the Devil's Trap regardless of Bobby's claims that Sam was actually trying to stop it. Mary's struggle leads her to isolate herself from her children while her desire to create a world free of monsters leads to Mary allying with the British Men of Letters, particularly their top assassin Arthur Ketch. According to Crowley, they will now be regular monsters, albeit ones that are much harder to kill. Ishim faced Lily alone and murdered May in front of her before leaving Lily alive. Following a theory in their father's journal, Dean kills the sire werewolf, Madison's neighbor Glen, in hopes of severing the bloodline to cure her. The operation is interrupted by the witch Rowena MacLeod who hits Raul with a spell that liquifies the demon. The Winchesters return to find Claire gone and Mick waking up. The Winchesters stop Mick Davies from killing a distraught Eileen and she chose to return to Ireland for a while, but not before leaving the Winchesters the Colt. In season 11, still in the process of creating her coven, Rowena is asked by the Winchesters about a way to enter Lucifer's Cage in Hell, so they may find a way to stop the Darkness; while it is successful, Lucifer uses the opening to escape from the Cage. However, use of the cure is rare as the requirements, specifically the need for the vampire not to have fed yet on even a single drop of blood, make it rare that a situation is encountered where using the cure is an option. Their former leader turns out to be the local sheriff Len Cuse (portrayed by Fred Ewanuick) who, after growing a conscience, left to try to protect people instead. A bastard offshoot exists as well, feeding on fear instead of desire and instead of putting people into states where they imagine their greatest desire, they are put into a nightmare where they experience their worst fear. Crowley manages to double-cross Abaddon and warn Dean of the trap, but he is unable to restrain her. Asmodeus contacts the Winchesters in this way for a few episodes to both keep them off of his trail and see if they have learned anything about Jack's location. Death is unable to kill Dean because of the Mark's power and explains that the Mark was created to lock away an evil primordial entity known as the Darkness after God and the Archangels defeated it in a terrible war and that transferring the Mark to someone else is necessary to keep the Darkness bound. Rowena recognizes the curse as one belonging to a family of druidic witches with whom she has a bad history and had believed she had wiped out. Duke tries to convince another wrestler to make a deal and join him, but the man refuses and Duke had Gunner murder him shortly before the Winchesters arrive. Cole is possessed by a Khan Worm, but Dean manages to save him by dehydrating the room and causing the monster to flee. Rufus cautions him about making that choice. It is revealed in the eleventh episode, "Adventures In Babysitting", that when he was 26, his wife and two children were killed. After Hayden awakens and attacks him, clawing open Mick's shoulder, Mick uses the silver nitrate injection to kill her. But if they were ever going to die, doing it together and while doing what they love best makes so much sense. Dean promises that when he inevitably returns, he will hunt them down and kill them for revenge. Samuel learns that Sam has regained his soul and has no memory of their time together. Luther refuses to help Asmodeus and exorcises the messenger instead. Cesar privately admits to Dean that if they don't get the Bisaan, Jesse is willing to wait another twenty-seven years for his chance. A year later in "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?" Becky Rosen "borrows" Chuck Shurley's phone, pretending to be him, and texts Sam & Dean saying he's in a life or death situation in "The Real Ghostbusters". Though the Shadow has located Chuck's book in the library, only Billie can read it. [9], The writers originally intended for demons to not rely on human hosts, but rather exist "halfway between spirits and corporeal creatures. While Kelly now believes the child to be good, Dagon believes that the child simply acted out of self-preservation. Luther VandrossRuben Studdard They were its beating heart. Revealing his true identity as God himself to Becky, Chuck causes her to vanish into thin air also with a snap of his fingers. Artist: VA Title Of Album: Sweet Soul Music: Scorching Classics From 1971 - 1975 Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Bear Family Productions Genre: Soul, R'n'B Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Total Time: 06:58:57 Total Size: 1,09 Gb. Despite the Winchesters and Castiel saving her, Claire makes it clear that she still doesn't trust them, and resists Castiel's efforts to help her. Jael finally forced Bucky to admit that it was in fact Bucky who killed Asa and not Jael. He also appears to be blind in one eye. However, Sam discovers that they are still vulnerable to decapitation which allows him and the other hunters to kill the four enhanced werewolves. Dipper is a minor demon portrayed by Shane Dean appearing in season 13 that is loyal to Asmodeus. Against Arthur's wishes, Dean sets out to rescue Charlie, the two men being forced to work together to survive. Creator Eric Kripke originally did not want angels to be featured in the series, believing God worked through hunters rather than angels. Donna later reappears in Plush, calling in the Winchesters after a man in a bunny mask murdered a local man and the mask won't come off. Shapeshifters are one of the most commonly appearing monsters in Supernatural. In season 2's "Heart," the Winchesters hunt a werewolf in San Francisco and discover that Sam's new love interest Madison (portrayed by Emmanuelle Vaugier) is a werewolf. In "Beat the Devil", Rowena attempts to open up a rift to Apocalypse World, but the spell fails because the archangel grace provided by Gabriel is insufficient. When the bone seemingly fails to work, Dick initially believes that he has won, only to find out that he himself has been tricked when Dean kills him with the real bone, sending him back to Purgatory. Both Sam and Dean acknowledge that neither Adam nor Castiel are likely alright and vow to get them back. The group determines that Wendy has been kidnapped by a serial abductor called the Butterfly and work together with FBI agent Terrance Clegg to try to solve the case. Nick has nightmares of his time under Lucifer's control and Sam and Mary Winchester have a hard time looking at him due to his long possession by Lucifer and thus his resemblance to him. After Kip's death, Sam proclaims to the other demons present that there will be no more Kings of Hell and anyone who wishes to try for the position will have to go through him. Amelia was married to a man named Don Richardson, who was thought to have been killed while serving in Afghanistan. When the clay tablet that contained the Word of God was stolen by the Winchesters. Killing Roman, the only Leviathan leader that there has ever been, severely weakens the Leviathans, as they are now directionless. Loki tells Dean later on that he sold Gabriel to Asmodeus because he blamed Gabriel for the death of his father Odin at Lucifer's hands. The finale, "Carry On," was for the Supernatural Family. Gabriel believes the gods betrayed him and sold him to Asmodeus to make a profit before Lucifer discovered he was still alive. In season three, Sam and Dean encounter Madge and Edward Carrigan (portrayed by Merrilyn Gann and Spencer Garrett) in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" where they are pagan gods of the winter solstice from an unspecified culture. In "Two Minutes to Midnight" Death's first corporeal appearance Death arrives in Chicago to precipitate a storm which would kill three million. She is the adoptive daughter of Jody Mills and the adoptive sister of Claire Novak. In The Executioner's Song, it is revealed that killing Abaddon's demons caused Cain to fall back under the influence of the Mark of Cain. Mary herself states that she was good at hunting before she gave the life up. Cutty captures the Winchesters and attempts to pit them against the massive vampire Maul, but they are rescued by Garth. In season 5's "Sympathy for the Devil," Nick, who has recently lost his wife Sarah and son Teddy in a brutal home invasion, is tormented by visions created by Lucifer regarding the loss of his family. Aretha Franklin, who passed away August 16, was the first female artist to receive UNCF's Award of Excellence, presented during the 2006 "An Evening of Stars." Franklin was honored for her work. Drexel reveals that a demon named Spevak created and installed the system and was then killed by Crowley to hide its secrets. Rufus calls Bobby for some help on a possible case; Bobby questions him if he was called out to Grand Rapids, Michigan to be his back up. Gwen tells Dean that she did not know that Samuel had betrayed them to Crowley. They become estranged after the incident. Two hundred years prior, Luther sold his soul to Barthamus in exchange for the demon saving his son from a terminal illness. As Jack prepares to go after Michael, Kevin reveals that he has been left behind as a trap to break Jack by showing him that he can't protect everyone. Though they appear human outwardly, in mirrors their true distorted appearance is visible. After bidding their goodbyes to the brothers, Charlie and Dorothy cross over to Oz, leaving Sam and Dean to speculate if and when they will come back. The Winchesters is currently airing on Tuesdays on The CW! While Charlie is successful, she finds out the truth about Dick Roman and the Leviathans from his files and later teams up with the Winchesters to erase the drive. So far, the only known demons of this type are Samhain, the Seven Deadly Sins, and Acheri, as well as the Croatoan Virus. Gordon Walker, portrayed by Sterling K. Brown, is a vampire hunter whose methods often put him at odds with the Winchester brothers. Bobby implies that Rufus is getting soft, but Rufus hangs up. Several months later, during "Hibbing 911", Donna goes to a sheriff's retreat in Hibbing, Minnesota, her hometown where she meets Sheriff Jody Mills. Victor Henriksen, played by Charles Malik Whitfield, was an FBI agent who pursued the Winchesters since the bank "robbery" in the season two episode "Nightshifter". June 29, 2022; medical bills on credit report hipaa violation letter; masajes con aceite de oliva para el cabello . Much to the demon's obvious annoyance, Rowena now holds receptions for newly condemned souls arriving in Hell and has forbidden further demon deals from being made, resolved that people will go to Hell only on their own merits. In season 11's "Don't You Forget About Me," Alex Jones is targeted for revenge by a man named Richard Beesome (portrayed by Ben Cotton) who she had lured to Celia's nest. Later, Sam, impersonating the doctor, tells Kelly to come back to the office. It is revealed that her parents had been involved in a car accident when driving over to pick Charlie up from a sleepover, resulting in her father dying and her mother rendered brain-dead. Billie continues this role until "Despair" when she is killed. Having been killed by Castiel in "First Blood", Billie is now the new Death with her own ring and scythe and a new perspective on life and death. I can't do this alone.Dean: Yes, you can.Sam: Well, I don't want to.Dean: Hey, I'm not leavin' you. Toni informs them of Mick Davies' murder and confirms that her organization is likely responsible for the death of American hunters. As an unintended consequence of using the bone, however, Dean and Castiel are pulled into Purgatory with him. Eventually Kevin realizes the truth as the demons are too polite and sends them into a trap. After being captured by Jody Mills, Mary's brainwashing is broken by Dean with the help of Lady Toni Bevell in time for Mary to kill Arthur Ketch and save Dean's life.