Thank you, you have always been there for me in thick & thin throughout my life, please help me and especially my husband at our greatest need. Amen. So, please help me, Father, and separate me from those who wont cut. Every negative patterns of diabetes, high blood pressure, and all kinds of diseases, I overcome you by the blood of Jesus Christ. I am forever grateful for all my blessings. You know what is in my heart, you know what I want, but, if that is not your will, then please, put me on the right path, Prayer For Protection Through the Precious Blood of Jesus. Amen. Medical tests are a frequent subject of prayer on church prayer chains. You are the source of my provision and protection. 30 Prayer Points For Good Medical Test Result 1. There is nothing that the glorious God cannot accomplish. So if you . In the above Scripture, God assures us that when we go through the fire, He will be with us and when we pass through the waters, He will be with us. And now, Father, let your hand of love and protection be upon me as I take this CAT scan. Please pray that my COVID test results be negative tomorrow. You are using an out of date browser. You created me with such love and care. Father God, I firmly believe that statement. So please, God, let me know when you can. There is no disease that You cannot heal. Amen. Dear Lord, And may this fear that is coming upon me be displaced by a firm faith in Your love and Your Word. Pope Francis Prayer for End of Rosary Prayer 1 O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. Been having some problems with my health in recent years.doctors been having a. Prayer for Correct Treatment Heavenly Father, I pray that this series of testing that has been done will bring a definitive diagnosis. I receive divine peace and joy in my health, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Let the biopsy come back as negative and NO breast cancer. I pray that the results are benign and I pray for strength as I await the test results. Please, grant me a favor and cause me to pass the screening. I believe in miracles and the power of healing. If it turns out I have cancer I have no idea how I will tell my beautiful husband, two sons, and my mother. I can handle anything. All 3 of my kids have tested negative after 9 days of having covid. Lord I thank you for your strength, your love and your peace, all glory belongs to you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 3. Theres a reason God is called The Great Physician. You should follow advice on how to avoid catching and spreading the virus. I thank you for the great physical and medical results after these tests. Thank you Lord. I want the doctor to give me a decent report of regularity and excellent health. Amen. I know my body is not my own; it belongs to you. Let us not let worries, stress, anxieties, fears overcome us. I just went through all the testing for cancer I have. We all have covid shots and i have a booster too. PLEASE FATHERHEAL ME NOW AND FIX MY VOICE,I HAVE FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS,TEST NEGATIVE FROM COVID,BUT IF THERE IS ANY CORONA VIRUS IN ME DESTROY IT AND KEEP COVID AWAY FROM ME ALL THE TIME.PLEASE ALSO HEAL MY DAUGHTER FULLY AND ASAP FROM COVID AND VASKA TOO.PROTECT FROM COVID MY EX AND THE CATS Prayers for me (lanita) tested positive for Covid on Friday pray I get better and get a negative result soon on medication for now. I know God take charge and prayer is the best thing i can do.. Prayer written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach. Eighteen false-negative antigen test results were obtained, including 10 (58.8%) of 17 real-time RT-PCR-positive tests from asymptomatic participants, and eight (20.0%) of 40 from symptomatic participants. Dear Lord, St Jude and all the Angels and Saints, We pray that our mothers biopsy is negative and that through the help of her doctors and the healing power of heaven, that she will overcome her illness and be cancer free. Prayer for Normal Blood Test God of Grace and Mercy, You heal all diseases. For tips on how to find someone to pray for you, you can get ideas in our article How to ask for and receive confidential prayer. Prayers for negative test results. Every morning I conclude my morning prayers with a very short personal prayer that I want to Please comfort them as well and give them the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are always there for us. So, let every work of darkness in my body be destroyed. Guard me with Your divinity, so that . My prayer to You, O Lord, is for a time of favor. And I will live daily in honor of your mercy and grace in Jesus Christs name. Biopsy. I am terrified as we await the results. Lord, this disease has threatened to take my life, but I pray that You will repel it and cause it to retreat from my life. Thank you, god, that you are with me in my joy, and in my . So, I bless you for your love and affection toward me. You walk with me through the fire. Father God, I know you are the greatest healer and miracle worker. Through this medical test result, I receive a mind blowing testimony, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 12. That sounded scary. I have faith in you for positive cancer test results. We thank you for all the blessings you have already given our family. There are a wide range of different diagnoses and each comes with its own support systems, including online communities. Now I have to wait to have them authorized by my insurance company and who knows how long that will take? I pray that you take away my anxiety and worry. When I'm hopeless, fill me up with hope. Prayer Request. Required fields are marked *By posting your comment, you agree to the submission agreement. They suspect lymphoma, but please Lord restore his health and let him be free of anything life threatening. Days after, she lost her sense of smell. Amen. And if not today or tomorrow, maybe next week or next month? Prayers For Negative Test Results February 17, 2023 Post a Comment Prayers For Negative Test Results. Please remind me that you are with me. Infiltrate my mind, my body and my soul. Therefore I declare that by His stripes, my family is healed . Prayer for negative result of my mammogram and ultrasound test on feb 14 2022 in jesus name Amen Brother James Beloved of All Feb 11, 2022 #2 Praying with and for you in Jesus. Im still waiting for biopsy but i did take comfort in prayer. I humbly pray and ask for forgiveness. God help me and bless me to walk in the truth, faith, hope, and love of Your Word and presence in my life. I pray that my biopsy results are negative and I pray that I do not have cancer. Jeff and I both knew that with Gods help, we would have handled whatever his test results had shown. Faithful Father and caring friend, you are such a good God. I pray to you the Lord, Father. oklahoma public land deer hunting Accept X Pray for me (Angela) for a healthy mammogram and ultrasound today in Jesus Name. Thank you for hearing the cry of my heart and favoring me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I will be able to love my my family more each day and Im here on this Earth I pray that it is your will that I will be with my family for many years to come love and cherish each and every day with them. And I ask you this in the name of Jesus, your Son, amen. These we ask through the intercession of Mother of Perpetual Help, Holy Spirit, all the angels and Saints Amen. With You nothing is impossible. I decree that all in creation including the medical personnel who will conduct the test, shall work in my favor this day, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 22. This person is looking to improve chances at survival by avoiding the inevitable chemo treatments that come with cancer. 28. I pray the biopsy results are negative for Cancer. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! A single, negative antigen test result does not rule out infection. chase overdraft fee policy 24 hours; christingle orange cloves; northeast tennessee regional fire training academy; is srco3 soluble in water; basic science topics for nursery 2; bellflower property management; gifts from the holy land bethlehem; We immediately said a prayer of gratitude for good results. Stay close to me and comfort me and remind me You are with me, no matter what the circumstances. Hire Services of Test Takers Online; Hire Someone to do Class Course of University; Now anticipation of the results began. Dear God the Father, Lord Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Jude. Living in absolute terror. Our problem seems to be in believing that you condescend to hear and help us. prayer for negative test results. Her favorite things are reading, riding bikes with Jeff, and spending time on the beach at their little place in Galveston. Your email address will not be published. In every circumstance, your beauty outweighs the sadness and hopelessness that the rest of the world passionately laments. "Protectress of the Roman people", you know our needs, I am asking for prayers for good health and negative COVID-19 test results. To heal him mentally, physically and emotionally. Please continue to bless her and our family like. I trust You. Heavenly Father,I pray that Im completely cancer free. Im grateful that I can breathe a little better. Amen. Amen. Thank you for this and all the blessing that we receive. God watch over me and keep me calm during the procedure and for the next week waiting for results. at this moment , for a biopsy of a brain tumor.We have a large prayer community, but we need more ! I believe that You can heal any disease and that there is nothing that You cannot do. Thank you for giving me the strength to get through this difficult time. Its this waiting, Lord, thats about to do me in. Jeff is a business professor at Lamar University in Beaumont, and they have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. God of grace and mercy, you heal all diseases. All angels and saints in heaven pls cover him the Mantle of loving power of Healing. Its just one of those things that happen sometimes, right? Ask God to help them understand the test results and all that they mean. Prayer for Ann. The hope that we have is that we have an amazing father that will be with us through all circumstances.. I will test again Pray that I will test negative for covid on the covid pcr test I had to take and only healthy results Amen. Flipboard. In Jesus mighty name, Amen ! Hope it helps someone. Father, I have prayed for a child, and you have blessed me with the fruit of the womb. I ask for your continued prayers for those who have died from this virus and for those who remain . 3. You can do amazing things in my life starting at this moment, and I thank You for every thought of love You have toward me and the future You are bringing about even now. God bless me with and cause me to always think, act, and react with a God solution-focused heart, mind, attitude, and spirit. I reject every conspiracy of darkness to cause me to shed bitter tears concerning my health, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 9. When are we going to lift our voice to God? I could never have imagined facing something like this on my own and I'm afraid. Please let Nazarios biopsies results return negative for any threat against his health. Please pray for my daughter Kaya, her boyfriend Ash and my grandchildren. - Luke 4:40-41. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. I decree that this test result Im expecting shall bring tears of joy down my cheeks, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 11. Prayer for positive test results. You created me with such love and care. I ask that you give me the strength to deal with whatever news awaits me. I have you to thank for my health, strength, and vitality. Great and mighty God, please grant me good chest x-ray results. Prayer for School Administrators for Encouragement and Blessing, Military Basic Training Prayer Boot Camp Prayer . And once I have the tests, I pray the time I have to wait for the results is short. Help me to see You for who You are. Heal her, let the biopsy result be negative please O Lord God, St Jude, Padre Pio.. We trust in Your Miraculous healing power. Amen. Thank You Jesus. The peace of the Lord shall dominate my spirit, soul and my body to the glory of Jesus Christ, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Lois M. Collins, staff writer. Copyright 2023 | Powered by Prayer. On the contrary, I want this tremendous anticipation to crown with fantastic news. I am going to the doctors for a urine test and am worried about what the doctors may find. Some of the common diagnoses include lupus, MS, Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and ovarian cancer to name a few. I am so scared right now! Hoping and praying in january i celebrate my birt. Lord, Jesus Christ, by the prayer of the Archangel Raphael, grant us the grace to avoid all sin and to persevere in every good work until we reach our heavenly destination, You Who lives and reigns world without end. Fill their hearts with the same joy that u have filled in me if not so I pray for their speedy recovery..Bless them abundantly and let their prayers not go in vain.. Thankyou Father, Jesus, Mama Mary Holy Spirit and all the angels and saints.. Saint Jude I pray to you and our blessed saviour that my daughters biopsy will be negative and she will have no cancer. I pray that you would bless me with good health; motivate me to take all the necessary steps to care for my body. Please give me peace and courage as I wait. Prayer is something that lots of people are familiar with, at least on a superficial level. To best detect infection, a negative antigen test should be repeated at least 48 hours apart (known as serial testing). It is prone to fail and malfunction in a million different ways that could impact, or even threaten, my life. We can speak; sickness leave in Jesus! Mostly I just want this to be nothing. Please let her not have cancer. When people who disagreed with Dr. Larry Dossey's theories on medicine offered to pray for him, he was touched. In Jesus name, Amen. So that I may come to know You better, love You more, and make You known. I have prayed in Jesus' name that God will hear and grant your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Start Now. And it is in the powerful name of Christ I pray. I know God is with us, but I cant help feeling anxious. So right now, I pray that the results of this medical test would come back favorably. If all of us that were tested come back negative, I will be released from home isolation Tuesday. But surround them with your comfort, and help them to know that you are in control of it all. Please watch over my hubby as he has a prostate biopsy. Thank You Jesus! Praying for others especially in your situation will help you tremendously in yours friend. God let Your Word dwell within me richly. I love my family and cannot bear the thought of leaving them behind. Do you doubt this? Michael Bassey Johnson thinks so. Pet an MRI an Cat scan mammogram. Please keep me focused on You and Your goodness and mercy. In Your abundance of love, dear Father, may this medical issue be resolved. Prayers for the Lord to hold her hand while she is undergoing the procedure on June 16 and bring her peace and comfort in Jesus name. Dear God, Father God, you alone are able to fix all that is wrong in my body. I pray for them to be healthy and whole, just as you made them in your image. When I'm depressed, remind me of one thing to be thankful, even joyful, about. I decided to consult the Internet with my symptoms. Years of sports and walking across concrete floors at the family hardware store had done a number on Jeffs spine. When are we going to lift our voice to God? I just need to know what it is Im facing. Home; Do My Examination. Negative prayer. Whatever else I do, I must pray.. God. You tell us not to worry. 26. Thank You Lord Jesus! Guide and watch over my family and friends. You will refuse to surrender me to the evil plans of the adversary. And I also pray that my physicians will be able to devise a treatment plan that will effectively take care of the problem. Please pray for Natasha that breast biopsy is negative. I have faith in my doctors and you, and I know that with your divine mercy and compassion, everything will be alright, and my reports will be good.-. 27. Now, I will visit the hospital for an ultrasound to confirm my suspicions and perfect my excitement. Am going for a breat biopsy on Wednesday morning. God of my salvation, thank you for your healing embrace. You will deliver me from this time of trouble. Bless me to prosper, walk in excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace, knowledge, wisdom, and love of Christ Jesus. [Fill in the blank] is what Satan tells me I deserve because of my own actions. My tests came back abnormal so I need o have a biopsy today. In Jesus name. Amen. I know all this is possible because of you . Help me sleep. Father, please let the ultrasound results be joyous and wonderful. Help is all replace fear with faith. I am sick with worry. I trust in Your compassionate care for me. I pray to you and The Lord and ask for assistance. Take away all sick cells from her body and cast out all that should not be part of her. Please help him to keep his faith strong and not let this news shake him or make him doubt you. Pat Butler Dyson was born in Duluth, MN, but at the tender age of 6 weeks, she moved to Texas and has never left. O God, our Father, You are all that man's soul, mind and spirit could possibly desire. Lord, the doctor called and said, You need to have tests. Those may be the scariest words in the English language. Dear lord bless me and keep me safe from cancer! I have faith in you and your divine power to bring me good news. Prayer for negative result of my mammogram and ultrasound test on feb 14 2022 in jesus name Amen. In Jesus NameAmen, I am praying for the mass removed from my 26 year old daughter s uterus to be just s nodule not a sarcoma!! She is a wonderful mother and grandmother. I am going through a difficult time in my life and am afraid of what is happening to me. prayers for negative result, prayer for negative circumstancesApostle Selman 2023Apostle Joshua Selman prayer #selman #apostlejoshuaselmannimmak #joshuaselma. Lord, I place my faith in You. Whether you're waiting for test results, waiting for a diagnosis, or or just unsure of what's ahead in your journey, I hope these truths and promises are an encouragement to your heart and a shield to protect your mind from worry. Prayer For Negative Biopsy Results My tests came back abnormal so I need o have a biopsy today. Secondary outcomes were any major event and mortality. Please God watch over the doctor and let her get everything she needs. "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. Be with me, Lord, during this hard time of waiting. I made a hundred deals with God, so now I have to keep them. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. chspe test requirements; amerijet grenada schedule; universal planning application fremont; how far is biloxi, mississippi from me; Have any questions? Lord, please fix anything wrong and make my body well. Amen. The creator of this prayer has had . SHARE Negative prayer. Your power and grace are on me by my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. A prayer for negative test result typically follows a diagnosis. I want the doctor to say, Good news!. God help me, show me how, and bless me to have an ever-growing closer, stronger, more intimate relationship with You. Create your website today. Prayer for negative test results by Monique () Lord may you have my daughter my grandson and son-in-law all in good health after exposed to a nurse that they were around who had TB they get tested tomorrow and 26 babies were exposed to this nurse that had TB and 58 parents I pray that all come out negative and that every baby is well-kept and . Thank you, Father, for the stripes of Jesus by which I am set free from illness and weakness. Strength to withstand the works of the devil, as he tries to seep into my mind. Please deliver her from this pain. Please pray that her biopsy comes back negative. Jeff, we want you to get a CT scan. Negative Prayer by Negative Prayer, releases 10 March 2023 1. By visiting our site, you agree to our privacy policy regarding cookies, tracking statistics, etc. PLease dear God, Padre Pio and Saint Jude.let my daughters test today be negative.Ibeg of you do not let it be cancer.U will gorever ber greatful. I know that though Your devine grace, all is possible. 2. Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us. he thinks its not serious, could be an amalgam tatoo which is when dentist burns the skin doing metal fillings , caps . Amen. prayer for negative test resultsmasa year of service PB Nitom Blog . During that time, I alternated between being panicky and being sure nothing was really wrong. Please, let everything about my body be according to your promises. You even raise the dead, and theres absolutely nothing you cant do. Instead: Positive: The lab found whatever your doctor was testing for. I thank you Father for protecting him from disease and anxiety. I am currently 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant. 24. I am feeling very anxious and scared right now. Father I thank you for your mercy and your grace upon my life and my family, be thou magnified, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Let it come back as benign, Lord, but even if it doesnt, You are still sovereign over this situation. I pray for a negative result for cancer. Lord, I believe you are sovereign over my health. I pray for your miraculous blessings and I pray for strength to help me get through the stress of waiting for the results . May You be magnified in my life. But one step at a time, I am putting my trust in you. 16. Thank you in Jesus name. PRAYER: God our Father, You are God who loves me. I know it's good because You are good. He has the victory and in that victory, I have hope. Dear Father, you are so loving and kind. Help me to come to You at the . Ther lord god i pray for my sister that ger biopsy result was negative touch her body which and comport her lord st jude please help praying all is fine in jesus nsme amen.. Lord I pray,I am waiting on Biopsy results for Endometrial Cancer. final four 2022 euroleague tickets. For Immediate Release: March 23, 2020. . She and her husband Jeff have been married for 37 years. Lord you are the one who specializes in turning bad reports to good reports, I ask that whatsoever illness that is hiding in my body, and that Im about to receive test result on, turn it around in my favor Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 6. Dear God, as I wait for my biopsy results, I must confess that I am nervous. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus' suffering, and persevered in your faith. COVID-19 Test Results are Negative for Bishop of Richmond. I appreciate my family and i evaluated myself like never before, while making myself a nervous wreck. Amen. God the Father of Heaven,Have mercy on us. Allow me to feel. I decree that this test result Im expecting shall not be another introduction of negativities in my life , in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 13. God, I have experienced great loss, and it's hard to imagine ever feeling joy or peace again. Rather may we strengthen our faith more in You because we truly believe that You will never let something bad happen to our family, especially my mother. I decree that henceforth, my food shall bring me sound health and sound mind, my food shall be medicines to my health and not poison, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 21. JavaScript is disabled. Was one of the worse days of my life before finally seeing the oral surgeon, I hope of course it was a wasted procedure and that the spot is nothing but dead , metal scarred skin. Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, I ask that the biopsy of my upper lip and cheek come back showing NO CANCER.