However, every year, the owner pays a property tax (school and municipal tax). Children:[1]. Pettaquamscutt Purchase in 1724 Those who purchased the Pettaquamscutt lands (later South Kingstown) from the Indian sachems, 1657 Original purchasers: John Porter Samuel Wilbore Thomas Mumford Samuel Wilson John Hull (Boston goldsmith and minter) Later purchasers: William Brenton Benedict Arnold Thomas Mumford was born about 1625. Find Sharon online as Providence's Knitting Examiner, blogging about knitting, recipes and the garden on Wordpress. BROWNINGVILLE is situated a short distance from Arcadia. in June, years ago, the people for miles around were accustomed to congregate here to account of his occupation as a physician he was unable to make pastoral visits among his "The following is a copy of the record of a church meeting, held in the early days present owner of the mill, purchased the property about the year 1872. some of the first settlers of the town, as were the Dawley's , the Arnolds and the Following the dedication an interesting revival of religion globe. Beriah Brown, the noted sheriff of colonial days, lived near the Ten Rod Road, not far His residence and the place where he died was located on a little round hill east 6 of a committee of North Kingstown to settle the affairs of the money in the Town Treasury, and same month, it was decided on the 5th of August, 1829, to withdraw the hand of There may be an influence regarding the rock as part of the "Pettaquamscutt purchase" and perpetuating the colonial perspectives of land acquisition (our community would say theft). town no license for the sale of intoxicating liquors has been granted for over fifty The area later was known sucessively Narraganset, Rochester, Kings Town and, finally,after 1722, South Kingstown. church voted to sever their connection with the Stonington Union Association and unite 1828, to call a council of neighboring churches to advise with the church respecting their On 27 May 1644 he was given an addition to his land. It was afterward owned by Jason P. Stone and Robert Hazard. The town officers for the year 1888 were: Town Council, Clarke S. Greene, John T. G. Sweet, George F. Barber, Stephen C. Dawley, On the top of We're a fellowship of men and women majorly from within and outside Rhode Island. present postmaster. On April 10th, 1870, Reverend G. R. Northup began his pastoral labors in the He had three was moved to its present location about 1864. after hearing the charges against Elder Palmer, made by these brethren, the church voted Rivers all over Rhode Island are given the original Indian names, such as the Annaquatucket and the Usquepaug. George Chappell supplied the desk for a number of years Greene, of Exeter Hollow and did an extensive business till 1887, covering a period of The old mill was destroyed by fire two years his first wife Elizabeth Elred, May 23rd, 1705; and for his second wife, Mary At that time there were six other Austins bearing the name of Jeremiah, Thomas Lawton owned and operated the cotton mill at Lawtonville for few years; he also Pettaquamscutt (R.I.) | Pettaquamscutt Purchase (R.I.) -- History. Early History of Narragansett. One of the first grist mills in this part of the town was built by John Chapman, who Daniel Sweet, together with C. C. Greene and Stephen H. Gardiner. held on the 3d of November withdrew from their pastor, and appointed Joseph Rogers and & Son. manufactured the same class of goods until about 1850. Article Source: in 1858. At the beginning of the English colonization, the town site was merely part of a . under the name of Greene Brothers, continued the business a few years. He Daniel Champlin, $45.00; 14, Arnold Ellis, $44.00; 15, Samuel Shearman, $42.50; 16, Thomas few years afterward, when Mr. T. A. Lawton purchased the property, built a new mill and Charles Andrew D. Shattock purchased the mill, but it was destroyed by fire about one year This book of maps and information on culture, history and science in the watershed, profiles an unusual and important resource with a rich history and a unique ecosystem. Lillibridge next bought it, and he sold it to the present owner, Mr. Amasa, Pratt, who They have a large membership, a See footnote.He was made a freeman in 1655. consisted of five sons and four daughters that lived to maturity: Benjamin, the eldest, Stephen Tillinghast was its first president; Elder Pardon Tillinghast was their wealth, owning much land and many slaves, whom he gave their freedom. 5, H. T. was born in Hancock, November 16th, 1777, and died in Moravia, N. Y., December sisters. The Native American's part in the settlement of Rhode Island is evident in the area around Slocumville called "Indian Corner", where it appears traces of the tribe still exist as evidenced by the giant carved totems standing outside a modern house. over for the education of the young, while the interest manifested by the people in the The inhabitants then numbered 2.581. John Mumford From John Tefft's 1674 will, we also learn that he owned a 20 acre homestead along the . You'll receive a confirmation email as soon as your order is ready to be picked up in-store. John Corey and others established the present system of On the rocky and elevated eminences is leased the property. Pettaquamscutt Rock Marker Inscription. There has been About the year store kept by E. P. Phillips. purposes than to the cultivation of grain. Following are the signatures given: Philip Jenkins, John Gardner, Joslin and Daniel Sweet were ordained to the office of deacons of the church. dilapidated the town condemned it, and it was torn down about 1872. His children were: Joseph, George, Samuel, Benjamin, Martha and John. thirty acres, which was purchased in 1873 of James Hendricks for the sum of $3,700. In 2015, the Society embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process, possible thanks to generous support from the Rhode Island Foundation, in order adapt the Society's strategies and practices to . these brethren.". the children of Joseph and Rebecca Potter, married Only one farm of this whole tract has This preceded the Atherton Trading Company. operated a saw mill and a shingle mill for many years, near Deep Pond. Eldredge in the year 1709. The Pettaquamscutt Purchase, named for the stream between Saunderstown and Hammond Hill in Kingstown, was made in 1657 for 16 by two land companies, one headed by John Hull, a Bostonian goldsmith. The town of Exeter forms one of the central towns in the continental section of the Father of Samuel Wilson Jr.; John Wilson; Mary Hannah; Sarah Potter; James Wilson and 1 other; and Jeremiah Wilson less. time, he continuing in this work until April 11th, 1878, when he was followed His opinions continued to cause him trouble, but he wrote religious works and became a prominent citizen. of the history of this church in Exeter." Samuel Gardner, Daniel Gill, Simon Smith, Thomas Place, Anna Aylesworth, Anna Harrington, The commission had met at the Bull house, which was later destroyed by fire and its inhabitants killed by the Indians, this being the initiating action of the Great Swamp fight with King Philip. At this time, the THE MANTON LIBRARY of Exeter was established some years ago. Members of our society came together to appreciate and celebrate the history and nature of our region. manufacturing carriages for the wholesale trade. baptized. with the Warren, on account of the greater convenience of attending. Based on this formula: For a purchase costing $1,000,000.00, the tax thus comes to $13,500; For a purchase costing $3,000,000, it comes to $43,500; Transfer tax is only payable once, at the time of acquisition. the first blow in the cutting. of the town on the Ten Rod road. small cotton mill, now owned by T. T. Hoxsie. The first town meeting held in Exeter was at the house of Stephen Austin, March 22d, His sons Albert and William, The Advents next purchase of a town farm for the care of the poor. about five hundred volumes, and a good Sunday school. Now the town spends annually $4,000 and FISHERVILLE --- Fisherville is situated a short distance from Hallville, and Elder Benedict Johnson began the next pastorate on October 14th, 1837, and 1, John Vaughn, $42.75; 2, Jonathan Congdon, $40.00; 3, William Greene, $40.00; 4, He died in 1754. Hall Their son Robert married Mary O'Dell, and their son Robert (2) had a son Benjamin Jamestown is still populated by many of Robinson's ancestors, making the Robinson name quite prevalent on Conanicut Island. mill was destroyed by fire, rebuilt, and again burned in 1872. Stephen. Publisher Also refers to a plan to drain Worden's Pond in South Kingston. He may have resided on one piece of land during all this time. The hill is covered with a thrifty growth of chestnut trees. Moses consequence of which he also left the church. 1704, m. George Babcock; Mary 1706/7, m. Stephen Tallman; Samuel 1715-1739 d.s.p.Jeremiah. An The cotton mill for the manufacture of yarns is owned by D. L. Aldrich. From land evidence records of adjoining neighbors, and from the Fones Record, we learn the location and extent of John Tefft's holdings. It was burned in 1873 and never rebuilt. The Hazards of Boston Neck, the Perrys of Kingstown, the Saunders for whom Saunderstown is named, and the Robinsons just south of Saunderstown are only a few of the recurring names seen over and over on road signs, historical plots, and their written recantations. when he moved to Wickford, and the office then passed into the hands of J. H. Edwards, and Voted and ordered that Benoni Hall, Town Clerk of Exeter, do not Find beef, chicken, pork and all organic and natural specialty meats at IGA online. 1721, John and Jeremiah b. Phillips acted as clerk until the June following). The Brown. Description of the Town.---Noted Places.---Queen's This council consisted of twenty 3 Articles, By The property then passed into the hands of George Rose and by him was sold to Elder Richard Sweet in 1737, but after his ordination began to advocate Calvinistic views, There is a division of the town into thirteen school districts. The Pettaquamscutt, or Narrow River, is the most valuable estuary of 250 wild areas in Rhode Island. After King Philip's War and the Pettaquamscutt Purchase, it became large plantations, sadly relying on slave labor. On the 7th of September, 1831, Russel Collections of the Rhode-Island Historical Society Vol. In what might have been lesser populated areas, full of steep grades and untamed landscapes, regional distinction was made with road names like "Gravelly Hill," "Sand Turn," and "Riverside". death of his wife and other legatees. and several branches. 28th of June following, aged sixty-four years. the Sweets on the south and extending from thence northward along the Queen's river to the church to that place. There is no store in the village. church. The first settlers established homes in that section where the land was either corner were once stone huts, probably the residence of some Indian chief. Andrew Lawton had a tannery north of Exeter Hill, which he operated for About the year 1835 Dutie J. they had a son Moses, who married for the surface, soil and geological features correspond with this section generally. Elder Palmer's pastorate of about Phillips, $43.00; 17, Benjamin Fowler, $50.00; 18, Clarke Sisson, $43.00; 19, Pardon They lived in what was "Willettstown" until so many Saunders were building boats, it eventually became known as Saunderstown. Elisha R. so much diversity of hill and dale in some sections that it may be in part considered from the church on March 4th, 1877, and on the 3rd of June, 1877, Reverend S. Jeremiah m. Mary. Thomas Reynolds for the manufacture of sheetings. His father was a currier He married (2) about 1678 Elizabeth Sweet, widow of John Sweet. This land, known as the Pettaquamscutt Purchase, was situated in the town of South Kingston and measured about twelve square miles. He learned his trade of Christopher C. After taking a single tablet, some of the active ingredient of Cialis remains in your body for more than 2 days. Ezekiel a farm on the Great Plain. was held in March of this same year to perfect an independent organization; its history membership, a new one was built in 1816. 1848, aged 38 years; Nicholas, died in Dundee, N. Y. aged 55 years; Minerva, died in W. Carpenter, who has been here for many years. From this Nathan B. His son, Edward Dutemple, succeeded and is now house anciently used as a tavern stand but later the town records were kept there and also On May 6th, 1882, Reverend J. H. Edwards was called to the pastorate. In 1872 the commissioners attempted to stock Deep of the road and just south of Gardner's Four Corners in Exeter. EXETER HOLLOW.--- This village is situated in the northeastern part of the town, in In 1674, Kings Towne was founded by the colonial government. He also and a nail factory and a trip hammer. (who died in 1825, about seventy years of age, At Exeter Hill, where Elder Wood now lives) The property is now owned by Charles H. Boss, his nephew. and from this Benjamin descended a Benjamin 1st and Benjamin 2d, from the last of whom During the full term of Nine Hundred and ninety nine years from July, 1766, Elder David Sprague, their former pastor, returned, and was cordially received Rock. Fort---Beach Pond---Town Organization---Town Officers---List of Town Clerks---Early Pettaquamscutt Historical Society (PHS) is a fellowship of people who originally came together to explore and appreciate the history of the Pettaquamscutt river and surrounding areas. No. In 1657 a tract of land was purchased, for sixteen pounds, or about $32.00 today, from the Chief Sachems of the Narragansetts by John Parker, Samuel Wilbore, Thomas Mumford, Samuel Wilson and John Hull Goldsmith. | South Kingstown (R.I.) -- History. what is known as Exeter Hill district. William Walker. Joseph Gardner, son of Sir Thomas Gardner, of Yorkshire, England, came over with the the The river is a tidal extension of the Mattatuxet river in Rhode Island, USA. became its pastor in 1831. Harrison G. O. Gardner, above-mentioned, and who furnished these notes of the Gardners, property, erected several tenements and did a thriving business. This historical marker was erected in 1958 by Town of South Kingston. are plain, neat wooden structures, and fitted up with modern improvements and of Isaac Reynolds, and has remained a resident of that village for almost fifty years. Bank---Lawtonville---Browningville---Millville---Boss Rake Factory---Yawgoo---The Town town farm and asylum of Exeter was the result in part of a gift of John Reynolds, formerly fire-place near the center of the house. | South Kingstown (R.I.) -- History. the watch care of the church, but the church not being agreed on this matter he left it, prior to that time belongs to North Kingstown. single; Vincent, born December 9th, 1764, married Mary Gardner, daughter of to Petersburg, N. Y. his covenant." [7] In September, 1775, the church voted to send passed into the hands of the Spragues. So well let's get on the river, because that would be a lot of fun to do, and it's such a beautiful place. Dinah, Thomas, Mary and Zebulon. Greene and Richardson leased the mill in About a quarter of a mile The bank at Pine Hill was chartered in 1833, and from that time until 1865 the town, Five white men from Newport, the original signers of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase, settled the region. Elder Solomon Sprague died February 26th, 1794, after an Their family Mr. S. S. Hoxsie purchased the machinery and leased the mill. The South County History Center was originally founded as the Pettaquamscutt Historical Society in 1958 by a group of local residents interested in history and historic preservation. church united with the Narragansett Association. It next passed into the Kingstown. In 1657, what is now the eastern end of Exeter was bought as part of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase from the Narragansetts. 16th, 1852. The old house is still in good condition, and is now occupied by a Beriah During his three years' stay at the church was blessed in the Hazard, a resident of Escoheag Hill, is still living at the advanced age of This council met May 17, 1828, with Elder Jonathan Wilson assembly in 1800, requiring the town to maintain at least three schools, probably had its The town council chosen at About the year 1861 the Messrs. Babcock, of Westerly, purchased the Samuel Casey and Benoni Hall. viz. The clerks of the church have been as follows, copied Wightman. The Society drew its name from the 1658 Pettaquamscutt Purchase, in which settlers purchased 49 square miles from the Narragansett Sachems. enter under the national banking system and closed its doors in 1865. Rivers all over Rhode Island are given the original Indian names, such as the Annaquatucket and the Usquepaug. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. The intelligence and culture of the citizens of this town at the present day He is represented as being a man of pure character, superior "After a church meeting especially Soon after Deacon Philip Jenkins felt that he was called to preach the gospel and take cavern, in which it is said Maquus, the squaw sachem, once resided, but the chamber is now twenty-one years of age. This article is copyrighted by Sharon Watterson. reporting a story that they deemed repugnant to the truth. Philip Jenkins to carry their withdrawal to him. the bank. The mill is still in operation today, and was owned in the previous century by Mrs. Rowland Robinson, whose family history follows. These quarrels occupied English courts for many years and revolved around the meaning of one name. Samuel Wilson evidently settled in Pettaquanscutt in 1659 or 1660, when his name disappears from Portsmouth records. Our butchers offer choices cuts. ministration of Elder E. R. Wood that society is a fast growing in strength and numbers. Many are still active in similar professions. Providence: Marshall, Brown and Company, 1835. p. 293/4Miller, Robert B., Lyon Memorial: New York Families (William Graham Printing Co., Detroit, Mich., 1907) Page 66. served for a time under the provost marshal in removing prisoners and citing men that had to Schuyler Fisher, who introduced new machinery for the manufacture of jeans and check congress. Willett, born February, 1774, died in Moravia, N. Y., in 1856; Elizabeth, born 1776, James Peckham, who manufactures woolen goods. Most records relate to Samuel and Hannah Sewall's donation of land for a school. Mr. Phillips had given up the hotel place is famous for the exciting scenes enacted here in bygone days. Samuel left no issue died 1690James d. Feb 1705/6 (his son Samuel did not survive him)Mary m. Robert Hannah, then George Webb in 1708. He was also town clerk thirty-nine years, and the proprietor of a hotel at one time. eldest son, administered upon the estate, deeding to George the land near Kinston and to contains a few fine houses, two factories, blacksmith and carriage shop, a fine grocery abilities, happy address and winning spirit, and had been a faithful minister for forty Daniel, her father, one of the first settlers of Hancock, was form by Samuel Wilbur, then by Francis Reynolds, then by Peter Reynolds, from whom it passed conversion of nearly fifty members. Deliver any Record books now in his possession, Till further Orders from this Town of hears; and the law-abiding spirit of its citizens is such that they have never had a He has been a member of the legislature a number of terms, and is a son of He was succeeded by the present pastor, Reverend J. Their children: Mary, Samuel b. decided that these grieved brethren had some cause of grief, and advised the church to reaching this place the soldiers found that the Indians had returned to their fortress, from the hill. BAPTIST CHURCH, LIBERTY ---This society obtained their character in 1856,and during changed to jeans, which he produced for many years, after which the mill stood idle for at this place. The . 20th, 1699. His sons were Nicholas, William G. Rose, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Edward P. Dutemple. the hill is a stone wall fortifying its approach. Clarke S. Greene, a public spirited man, and for a number of years state senator, lives Nicholas, the Cialis is a brand of tadalafil, one of the most popular medications to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).It was first approved in 2003. into the hands of the Gardners. families. Dutemple, 1860; Willet H. Arnold, August 31st, 1872. brethren to assist him in visiting his flock. the post office was kept at Fisherville by Silas Fisher and Samuel Barber. He married a daughter of Thomas Because the land was so vital to the sustenance of the early settlements, its fertile infamy was given a specific notation. naturally fortified. of pews around the walls of the house below, and the remainder of the house above and Pardon T. Joslyn has been a building. Enhance your purchase . Other names like "Tuckahoe," "Yawgoo," and "Tomahawk" appear there. the place since the factory was last burned. He was known as Nicholas of North Kingstown, and with William manufacture of warps to quite a large extent. sealer of weights and measures: Jonathan Lawton; sealer of leather: John Rathbun, Isaac where the soldiers on their celebrated march from RichardSmith's house toward the big In this rural The post office was formerly at Fisherville, and was first established about 1850. The Friends of Canonchet Farm, Narrow River Preservation Association, and the South County Museum, with generous support from Trio Restaurant, are sponsoring the winter speaker series On Pettaquamscutt: Presentations on the Environment and the History of the Narrow River Watershed.. Sunday, January 29, 2012 Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, South Kingstown in Washington County, Rhode Island , Photographed By Bill Coughlin, October 8, 2011, Pettaquamscutt Rock. Stephen B. Weeden is the present overseer of the poor. established the thriving business since carried on under the firm name of N. Dutemple He built on Tower Hill a large home, which stood until 1823, when it was taken down by descendants and replaced nearby with another house. Exeter, and that he defend the Keeping of Said Records at the Cost of the Town of He first manufactured flannels but subsequently Narragansett, and October 28th, 1708, he was appointed on a commission to agree with , At this round rock, noted Indian landmark, the original purchase of this land was made from Quassaquanch, Kachanaquant, and Quequaquenuet, chief Sachems of the Narragansetts, by Samuel Wilbor, John Hull, John Porter, Samuel Wilson, and Thomas Mumford, January 20, 1657-8. The will was admitted to probate in Providence Submitted On April 25, 2010. Patience, who married Josiah Arnold, a brother of Benedict, who lived about one mile people, and in October, 1772, the church appointed a number of faithful and gifted been residents of Exeter. years. married Clarke Sisson, of Exeter, whose grandchildren are now some of the substantial men He was born April 2d 1730, was converted in early life, and ordained in the church June Harris and this time forward to April 1882, the church was supplied by Reverend Justus Aldrich, state It contains a On August 31st, 1872, Willet H. Arnold was appointed clerk of the Principle Church in South Kingstown in 1750. . and his wife Ruth Johnson, who died November 19th, 1877, were laid beside him. Jeremiah Austin lived in King's Towne in 1722, when North and South Kingstown were set the same pastor. "40x32 feet to be located on Christopher Greene's land near Solomon Lawton's on the the dead. On May 21st, 1763, the records show a better scale of feeling in the church. John Tefft served as a witness to the second Pettaquamscutt Purchase of 1661, and possibly laid out his share soon after. The post office was established Located in the Old Washington County Jail, the PHS museum and archival collections document the domestic, social, business, and cultural life in the region of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase. succeeded in two years by Reynolds Kenyon, who began the manufacture of warps. He and five others, on 20 Jan. 1657, purchased from Indian sachems a large tract of land, extending for several miles along the western side of Narraganset Bay. Joseph E. Gardiner, the successor of Judge Lewis, is the In 1669 he was named Conservator of the Peace (similar to the present day sheriff) in Pettaquamscutt. LAWTONVILLE is situated on the Ten Rod Road west of Exeter Hill. conveniences. a cooper by trade. It changed hands a number of Samuel was granted a house lot in Portsmouth, R.I., in 1638. The corner takes its name from the battle once fought there between the Narragansett and the whites. Alonzo and Deborah, still living---Deborah in Moravia, Alonzo in Michigan. west by Connecticut, and on the south by the town of Hopkinton, Richmond and South Allen began manufacturing here in 1846. Founded in 1958, Pettaquamscutt Historical Society sees as its mission to encourage the study and appreciation of the history of the region of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase of 1658; to foster the acquisition and preservation of collections of historic interest and to encourage the preservation and marking of historic sites. Thomas Phillips was the first and only cashier. January 24th, 1860, and by its conditions the fund was to be used only in the the door was closed against them and all hope of success expired; from the above 110 Benevolent Street Providence, RI 02906 E-mail: - Telephone: 401-331-8575, This project was made possible in part by a grant from the. A wooden mill two and a half stories in disturbance, and in the autumn of 1750 he removed to Exeter and founded the Baptist Church to hog skin for the making of saddles. The wall runs east and west, and at the residence of Alexander Phenix, on of the earliest settlers, who died in 1697, leaving The General Assembly at Little Rest became an active and significant center in the fight for independence. 1838. Pettaquamscutt purchase. He was a physician as well as a preacher, and honored both professions; but on of land in Exeter containing about 1,000 acres, including the original lot No. The widow Phenix was a daughter of Samuel Indeed, the Narragansett Plantations, as the area was called, had more similarities to Virginia and South Carolina plantation owners than their neighbors in Massachusetts. Hallville about thirty years ago, and the business of manufacturing rakes was carried on THE BOSS RAKE FACTORY was established by Mr. Joshua Boss a few miles west of the meeting house, to hear from their pastor, Elder Sprague, the reasons for his long The area later was known sucessively Narraganset, Rochester, Kings Town and, finally,after 1722, South Kingstown. family are descendants of George Lawton of England. occupied the mill, and manufactured warps until his death. Sharon Watterson| Sixth year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second, King of Great Britain, of July following, at which time he was ordained as assistant pastor. print goods about seven years, when they were succeeded by Williams & Barber, who He has also been representative several terms from the town of The title of the periodical in which this resource is published. To better meet the needs of the community, we embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process. He built a large house near the Four Gardner, Isaac Tripp, George Sweet; overseer of the poor: John Potter; town auditors: destroyed by fire this same year and the privilege sold to the Exeter Bank. THE TOWN FARM AND ASYLUM consists of a tract of land comprising one hundred and Hendtick at this place in 1882. Because it had no bowsprit, it could load from all sides. THE OLD SIX PRINCIPLE BAPTIST CHURCH still has a few members, and they have had an Mr. Greene then Brothers. His The church had a meeting September 17th, 1757, at On a portion of this land a burying ground was set aside for the interment of The sides of this hill on the east, southeast and south are covered with a mass of feet wide. brethren who had stopped their travel on account of being grieved with Elder Palmer for palpable falsehood, for which cause we consider they have departed from the gospel order, Such laws created a society of wealth and distinction, unparalleled laws in the other colonies north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Herodias Gardiner c. 1623 - after 1674 born Herodias Long was the wife of three early settlers of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence There was in early times a Mr. Reynolds Barber, whose son, Ellery Barber, owned and Kingston was called "Little Rest" until 1826, probably because there were five taverns in close proximity to the King's County [after King George III] Court House. Where a will was made, preference was given to the eldest son, and estates left intestate went to eldest sons. Gardner, Ebenezer Slocum and Nathaniel Ennis, came to the Gardners by the right of John 1852, he left to the town certain bank shares that should revert to the town after the