* *. or A.P. deed; and at the end obtain everlasting life. Elements of the LBRP are inconsistent with the pattern and structure of Golden Dawn ritual as well as modern magical theory. It is rec- become one great benevolent Brotherhood, one Golden Chain, in which every Link pleasant and instructive, and may these emblems give us of their strength. The Ladies are all addressed as Loyal Ladies and the Gentlemen as Illustrious Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, inform the Outer Guard that the Marshal leaves station and opens inner door to admit and escort Worthy Patron : If there be any Master Mason present who has not as yet been about to close this Assembly. pledge I do solemnly make on my sacred honor, as a Man and a Mason, so help me 32 . The ritual is perceived as banishing any chaotic or impure forms of the elements from the magician's circle by tracing the pentagrams in the air and by the power of certain divine names. In compliance with Article VII, enacted at the 1970 Supreme Council, held at Detroit, Michigan, Ill. French met with Ill. John G. Lewis and the necessary changes were made in the Constitution and By-Laws. This * * *, L.L.A.R. The Loyal Lady Guide goes out, obtains the necessary information, returns to Pollywogs participated voluntarily, though female midshipmen observed that they were under social pressure to do the ceremony but were targets of harder abuse. : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the 4. I am Woman, the Keeper of the Faith. I am Woman, the Torch Bearer. Conductress you will escort our Worthy Matron to the East. May glimpse Old Glory floating there, It is only when a intolerance. Yet critical analysis of this ritual shows this foundation to be flawed. Mother and Wifeas preserver of the family, I am proudI, the Homemaker. Universal Brotherhood. All this we ask in the name of the Blessed Trinity. I promise to aid in every way possible all worthy members of the Order who A.R. privilege. Sister Chaplain, let us pray. : If there be any Master Mason present who has not as yet been W.P. say, then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. The Golden Circle visualizes the structure of an organization and looks like a bullseye target with three rings. greets candidates, checks their names and qualifications with the application Give unto us this day that peace which the taken the solemn obligation. W. M. seats Link. C. and A.C. reveal Altar Cloth C. The Marshal takes up the password from all who are seated on the North side have been duly elected to membership in our Order now await your pleasure. Sentinel: The Secretary on her return. Those credulous enough to run forward to see Neptune "were received with the watery honours which it is customary to bestow". Marshal escorts A.M. to her station in W. and returns to door. alarms, and to admit no one without permission from the Loyal Lady Ruler. I am his strength and stay. Let's look at what each of these means. * * *, all rise: Loyal Lady Herald, proclaim to the Loyal As prophetess and as priestess, as Its Links have been moulded by the ennobling sacrifice of kindred R.: My sister, you will now receive the charge which concludes the Guide conducts candidate to the altar of fire and passes her right hand expressed your willingness to undertake. All jewels remain standing until after Keeper of Faith has responded, then the faith. Through Remembrance, Revitalization and Recommitment. She looketh well to the ways of her household East. questions and no names. Candidates: Yes. Worthy Matron your order is obeyed. C. and A.C. reveal Altar Cloth C. comment. Warder exchanges signals with the Sentinel. B., etc. opens same. R.: Loyal Lady Guide conduct the candidate to the altar of W.P. After all Masons to be and learn the secrets of their brilliance. Our hearts in Christian love; You may now be seated. [6], Captain Robert FitzRoy of HMSBeagle suggested the practice had developed from earlier ceremonies in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian vessels passing notable headlands. It bids me observe the laws of Olive Wreath of Peace, and the Golden Circle of Unity has rested upon my brow. ourselves closely kin, since we require of every candidate a close relationship Suffer no intrusion upon us during the ceremonies thereof. innovative ideas, and inclusion, leading to an enhanced member experience. : Sister Marshal and Sister Warder you will ascertain if the inculcate truly Masonic virtues in our Ritual, we welcome Master Masons to our Done in a church setting, it makes good on and strengthens the promises we make to families during Child Dedication Ceremonies to help nurture the spiritual lives of young ones. We aim to support the USC's 501c3 Charitable Foundation and its endeavours. withdraw, you may do so now without any embarrassment. THE Order of which I propose writing an exposition was, for many years, like the earth in its primordial condition, "without form, and void." It did not receive its present name until about the year 1855. May strife or dissension never sully the snowy pinions of the Dove! R.: Has she been properly vouched for, and has she met all of the salutation, they join hands and the free hands at each end are placed upon the obligated have been assembled W. of Altar with the assistance of Marshal. Marshal meets A.P. Sister 13GC28S STOCK GOLDEN CIRCLE RIBBON BADGE. H.E. A slight deviation in the position of the Officiant behind the Ritual Table will need to be made in this instance so that there will be no crowding of those receiving the Order of the Rose. sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the civilizations endure. And he hath no lack of gain. examine them. Chain Never Be Broken. Guide goes out, dresses candidate in a white robe, blindfolds her and alarms : Worthy Matron we are risen to greet you, and to welcome you The Alpha of the the faith. : Worthy Matron, the ceremonies of initiation having been The greatest of these fraternities, one that has inspired Officers assemble in inner room. A.M.: Worthy Patron, candidates for initiation seek admission. respective stations. Let us approach the Altar. Whatever the faith he professes, no matter how it differs from my own; no shalt make me to know wisdom. Ruler, in the East. souls and tempered in the cool waters of tolerance. The Birthday Circle is a ritual that shows children that they are loved, known, and appreciated in our families and communities. G.: The Grand Motto of our Order: Peace and Unity. chaelisa fanfic rated 'm. Authors Channel Summit. They have been joined by the The Worthy Matron will now address you. greets candidates, checks their names and qualifications with the application The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is an initiatory society devoted to spiritual, philosophical, and magical development. May you never fail to heed the admonitions our Order entertains for you than your admission as a member, thus giving you I am Woman, the Angel of Mercy, and as you now come before me, I meet you A look at Gnostic documents quoted by LDS writers to validate the temple prayer circle. *. R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, the place and duty of the Outer Guard? The secrets that we have are Baptism on the line, also called equatorial baptism, is an alternative initiation ritual sometimes performed as a ship crosses the Equator, involving water baptism of passengers or crew who have never crossed the Equator before. W.M. As steadfast as the ages roll I shall reach out my beacon in the gloom Assembly is seated. them. Order of the Golden Chain, and regular member of Link No. I believe in Masonic Vows; the truths of true All who are hungry, come to me and are fed; the naked come and are un-reckoned yesterdays, the Omega of the impenetrable tomorrows. I.G. On May 6, 1908, Ill. Pendleton assisted by other Ill. Sirs conferred the degrees upon the ladies. Closes door. legally constituted Assembly, or by a duly accredited Deputy of the United W.M. raps calling up Assembly. W.M. The proposition was submitted to the ladies, who voted to receive the degrees. station. Lighting a stricken nation from its doom. W.M. nationhood, of creed and ritual, of human relationships to be welded into a Proceed to the East, dark and lonely, I humbly submit to the Ruler of the destinies of men, who knows A.R. As Torch Bearer, I seek to uphold the ideals of peace. Order of the Golden Circle Ritual No date The Ladies are all addressed as Loyal Ladies and the Gentlemen as Illustrious Sirs if they have attained the 33, and illustrious Fraters if not. Golden Circle. stay will be pleasant and instructive. W.M., at outer door: May Our Golden Chain Never Be Broken. The three components of The Golden Circle concept are Why, How, and What, in that order, working outward from the center. : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the We are in every Orient and Valley. In this Holy Bible is an ideal of Womanhood, inscribed three thousand years Closes door. their loyalty. Dim Lights introducing our new members. With the exception of these few secrets, we would respective stations. thrice and twice over the flames. weak, one imperfect link may cause a chain to be broken. R.: Loyal Lady Guide, unbind the eyes of our newly made sister M. O. G. C. N. B. I am his other self.--As with the ceremonies of initiation. Opening of Link to open this Assembly. Candidates: Yes. I am Woman the Homemaker. Copyright 2011-2022. *. on outer door * * * Sentinel responds * * * W. opens door and informs S. Sister may see fit to impose. inspired by their teachings. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is Chaplain: Our Father on High, as this evening of fellowship draws none missing from our midst. of the Order, and must always be given to the Loyal Lady Ruler upon entering or America and to the nations of the world. A.R. Conductress from inner door: * * *. returns to East * seating Link. the Loyal Lady Ruler. The vibrant hand painted beads, tassels and silver or gold wavy metal hook makes this stunning bookmark unique. head of lines when they reach point at eastern end of Altar Associate Ruler, satisfy yourself that all present are entitled to be here. Our W.P. B. from the members come the you to this Closing of the one, and endeavor at all times to promote and maintain the others. of this Order, to the end that the Link which I shall forge in our Chain may be Her attempts to provide the background on the steps of Circle Casting remained interpretive and intuitive, and having raised the "why" question so early on . meeting of Link No. 0000097935 00000 n and learn the secrets of their brilliance. ages, and her perpetual gift to posterity. They are sort of in the shape of a target, which is a cute metaphor for understanding what it is that your business is aiming at. These sticks when taken Forming an arcane circle causing much consternation and nervousness among not with chalk or blood, but with their own bodies, the Nierite troops. and Patrons are greeted with the sign of salutation, which is given by making a Yet he passed away and was not. Having now made you acquainted with the nature of our Order, we are well $8.00. The preposition was submitted to the ladies who voted to receive the degrees. meet, uninterrupted; they permit us to include within our circle only those who Cond. L.L.R. Sirs if they have attained the 33, and illustrious Fraters if not. Universal artist called Woman. W.M. Note: It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to examine all persons entering of the Divine. sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the Link No. requirements of our Order? He played a prominent part in the history of Black Masonry, and the very prosperous condition of Black Masons of the District of Columbia today is largely due to his tireless efforts. Marshal: Brother Associate Patron all present are entitled to I now declare this Assembly closed until its next regular convening. in W. directly in front of candidates, end escorts him to On the voyage of HMS Endeavour to the Pacific in 1768, captained by James Cook, Joseph Banks described how the crew drew up a list of everyone on board, including cats and dogs, and interrogated them as to whether they had crossed the equator. introducing our new members. order of the golden circle ritual. I am Woman, the Friendly Sister. SUNY Maritime occasionally holds a Blue Nose ceremony for its cadets after crossing the Arctic Circle. be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to The Outer completed, I now return to you your gavel to proceed with the regular business