This Author is so uninformed its astonishing! Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Nayarit state. If you use common sense and take reasonable safety precautions, you should have no hesitancy in visiting Mexico because Mexico is safe. You now said you cant trust the American press. World. We hesitated until they got the handcuffs out. In fact, over 30 million people visited Cancun in 2022 - and the vast majority of them come and go completely unscathed. Dont cancel! So come on down and enjoy! Cancun Mexico Travel, Tours, Tips, and Ideas,,, The Best Beaches in Cabo: Best Beaches for swimming and snorkeling, Things To Do In Cabo San Lucas for Couples |Best Adventures in Los Cabos, How to find the Best Boutique Hotels in Los Cabos, Hotel Review: Villa del Palmar Loreto, Mexico (LTO), Hotel Review: Villa del Palmar Loreto, Mexico (LTO) | Passrider, Is Cabo Safe For American Tourists? Tijuana's metro area population increased by 20.22% in 2021 to 2,181,000 people. *. The troops they sent here are useless; they just drive around here looking ready for war in Afghanistan. The majority of visitors to Mexico City DO NOT experience any crime because the highly populated touristy areas are heavily guarded by local police to ensure those areas remain safe. No. And Orlando. Many friends and neighbors go to Manzanillo regularly for fun, dining, shopping and other stuff like excellent dental work at a fraction of the cost that one pays at home in Canada. And Indianapolis. We will book a resort all inclusive, We have plan to got to beach, chichun itza ,xcaret and There is one road in Cancun where we can go. Fortunately for the rest of us, they wont travel beyond the trailer park. Mexico vs. Costa Rica For Your Next Vacation. Mexico is considered a safe country to visit but there are numerous dangerous areas and regions that tourists should avoid traveling to. I would not put my life in danger and travel to a country where I could be killed. The few crimes that happens to tourists are most of the time related not to organized crime, but to petty criminals. I have traveled all over Mexico with friends, family, and solo. With all of that being said 35 million tourists visit Mexico each year myself included. Does Mexico have a bad reputation? I recommend staying in Cancun or Cozumel since you are older. Where should the border be placed actually? When was the last time your wife or a woman you know was raped. Stay away form that shit hole. You must work for the Trump administration if you believe Mexico is dangerous. Travel advisories are in place for a reason and even they are not as strong as they should be. In fact the police chief in Cancun area was recently beheaded by one cartel for taking sides with another. I plan to book all excursions through resort. When deciding whether or not to visit Mexico as a tourist its important to consider safety. Bajabound is one of them. I am not familiar with Grand Moon Palace. are you riding around in not so nice neighborhoods in the states? Coastal destinations, like Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Riviera Nayarit, Cancun, and the . My kids are normal in the sense they sometimes wander a few yards away from us. Its about safety. We leave for Mexico in 2 weeks, and with the latest on Venezula, should we cancel? U.S. government employees may not drive from the U.S.-Mexico border to or from the interior parts of Mexico, except daytime travel within Baja California and between Nogales and Hermosillo on Mexican Federal Highway 15D, and between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey on Highway 85D. Avoid back roads and nighttime driving and hire taxis and driving services through the hotel where youre staying. The city Council and Mayor will not address this issue of grassroots corruption. Be cautious if you are driving alone at night- while Tulum is extremely safe there has been the occasional robbery. Im so glad I found is it safe to travel to Mexico. Perhaps you have been a bit thin skinned on the topic. Finally they let me out. In fact, there are multiple reasons why visiting Mexico should be on your bucket list. We want to know your option on this hotel and security measures all around . I am traveling to RIU Palace Peninsula all-inclusive in September 2019. 4) What are road conditions like in Baja, Mexico? Ive been living here in the U.S. for almost 2 years now after I was extorted at my former business. Take a Border Patrol agent to lunch sometime. Although Cancun is far from what I'd consider a completely safe city, it's far from overly dangerous. After spending more than six months in Central America, driving through eight countries ( Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama ), I can say, generally speaking, it's all relatively safe and sane. I know what it feels to feel the point of a gun on your head. We will be a group of at least 5 adults and can drive during the day instead of at night. I would like to publicly challenge this author to any debate in regard to the dangers of mexico and how insane it is to travel there. The federal highway between Cancun and Tulum is very safe. Mexico is a dangerous country mainly because of the corrupted government. DO NOT VISIT ENSENADA in 2022, Crime is out of control. For my money there is much nicer safer places to go. We had no problems. It also warns people to exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.. you sound as if you have been watching too Fox News and the shit hole country theme. Covid cases in Baja Mexico are surprisingly low. You should stick to writing about stuff you actually know about. Leave a copy of your passport and itinerary with someone at home. Whether it is the cab or bus driver giving you incorrect change, A cab cartel that fixes prices so high that a 10 minute cab ride is $40 to $70US, as they try to block Uber, overpriced food that is sold as high quality but what you get is inferior (advertised USDA Prime steak but get a tough dry low quality cut of meat most likely from a backyard butcher) and before you ask why are you eating steak in Mexico the answer is because all of the tourist destinations only have Italian, American, and Japanese restaurants or horrible fancy Mexican restaurants- you have to take the risk and go into town for authentic mexican to eat the authentic mystery meat tacos which are usually inferior to Mexican in Los Angeles because of the inferior ingredients. So if you're a U.S. citizen with a driving license, you're allowed to drive in Mexico with your driver's license. I know the terror it feels to know someone tried to kidnap your nephews. I only go into this with such gusto due to the fact that I have not experienced the media overly covering the travel advisories or creating excessive drama around the danger. I have traveled all over Mexico and I nothing has happened to me. But beyond that it is very safe. Solo travel in Mexico can make one feel very vulnerable at times - though that goes for many places too. IS THIS SAFE? I would dare you to hitchhike across Mexico to prove your point, but you would be dead. Taylor Meyer. amzn_assoc_linkid = "063fc92648a6a3d0276fa9ca7a87e20c"; Killings are daily by local Meth users, which is widely distributed to people in Baja. I agree with you and I didnt say Mexico was not safe in fact just the opposite. So many Americans regularly travel to Tijuana. Many drive through Tijuana and drive south down the peninsula. Do you recommend staying in a larger city like Cancun or Cozumel or is Tulum ok? [], [] I acknowledged in my earlier article Is Mexico safe the nations beneath have the identical Cancun journey advisory and most of the people dont [], [] is a beachfront resort located in Puerto Morelos, a popular tourist destination in Mexicos Mayan Riviera. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico and Rome has the same level 2 warning that Mexico has but Rome doesnt have the same stigma associated with crime. I would like to do a couple of excursions as well which would take us off the resort but traveling with the resort tour guides. My family just booked a cruise for late April that stops in the Yuccatan and Cozumel. Its really necessary for you article to say that Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti and other countries where the majority of the population are black and brown people ? I also want to do an excursion to Isla Mujeres. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; For the most part, bus travel is the best way to get around in Mexico, but if you are anything like me I prefer to be on my own time and not have to wait on other people. It really is just like going anywhere in the US. Stop looking at life through a racial lens. Trump also espouses that you cant trust the American press. Were going to look at those reasons as well as some of the things that you should do before you go so you can stay safe while still having fun! 4,800 pesos and jail until we saw a judge or we could pay them 3,000 pesos right there to take care of it. #DOBetter. Tourist areas such as Cancun are perfectly safe. if your family loves seafood you can have lobster prepared every way imaginable! amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Why bring up black and brown? They do not like Americans and we are the great melting pot, so no color, just being American is enough. But here in Los Angeles its the areas that are predominantly Mexican that are the dangerous areas. Most of the violence, however, is drug related. If you stay out of bad areas and dont go looking for trouble you wont find any. Just like there are parts of the US that you might avoid driving in at night when you're alone, there are places in Mexico that you will want to avoid driving at night when you're alone. We will agree to disagree on traveling to Mexico. A safety expert who has coached countless drivers and worked with numerous fleet managers discusses the importance of cultivating a passion for safe driving. Traveling anywhere requires a little bit of safety precaution. And before you say that Im a narco. is all about. Now I see all this debate about Cancun and its a little scary. I used to live in California in San Diego.I have lived in the Guadalajara metropolitan area specifically in Zapopan for more than a decade now and let me tell you something: all this garbage of Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta being supposedly level three traveling warning or wherever stupid United States based ridiculous rating is just pure baloney any large city in the USA is way more dangerous than the Guadalajara Metropolitan area especially Zapopan where I live. Though there is a ton of things in this Latin American country that make it rewarding. Lets discuss Is it safe to travel to Mexico right now! exactly! Read the entire Travel Advisory. I have traveled all over Mexico and I have never felt unsafe. Ixtapa is a place surrounded by a mountain range that descends to the sea and frames this wonderful town. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Any tips anything else that would be helpful ? This would be our first trip to Mexico. It is not safe, dont go if you dont need to. I receive emails daily from readers who watch too much of the US media. Permits are NOT needed in the Baja Peninsula. Yep, lost me in that 1st paragraph. Am I saying a trip to Mexico is going to mean certain doom for you? you lost all credibility as well for not doing your research and listening to one side. My husband and I plan to travel next month we would like to see the ruins in Tulum. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Be on the lookout for them. Ready to plan your trip, grab myFREE Vacation Plannerto help you plan your trip in the time it takes to watch your favorite TV show! [], [] I stated in my previous article Is Mexico safe the countries below have the same Cancun travel advisory and most people dont think twice [], [] sure you take extra precautions while traveling to certain parts of Mexico because pickpockets and petty crime are at an all-time high in certain [], [] I suggest staying in places that are filled with foot traffic both day and night with both locals and tourists, youll feel and be much safer. I went many years ago and drove to Chichen Itcha, Tulum and Xcaret. The strategy you Should NOT use to Deal with Corrupt Mexican Police. The collective IQ of which is reported to be quite low, uneducated and generally very unhappy. Do you have anything to add for cruise ship safety or safety at these ports? Mexico is NOT safe For Mexicans. Level 4: The six states with the do not travel advisory, because of kidnappings and other crimes, are the northern border state of Tamaulipas, the central state of Zacatecas, and the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacn, and Guerrero. I have actually taken the drive myself and I had a car service to pick me up from the airport and it was about $22/person. yes, but so does Memphis and it doesnt stop me from going home and it shouldnt stop you from traveling solo to Mexico. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Firstly, driving through Mexico is quite safe, for the most part. We dont need your disgusting stupid opinion on whether or not it is safe or not safe here when you are the ones responsible for making it them safe regarding drug trafficking and you are the ones who stole more than half of our territory to place an illegal border and then you call us Invaders? Drug violence remains a serious problem in the country, and it's best to stay up to date on local news. Im about 4 chapters away from finishing J.E. The writer is pushing racism. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; You are absolutely correct and those who state that Mexico is safe are in denial! Crime levels on intercity buses are high, especially after dark. I will be traveling to Acapulco in July with my husband and four kids ages 12,10,3,2. Do NOT drink and drive. Its ok for black men to be treated this way in the states yet you get up and go to work everyday and dont think twice about it but when you are on the other end of the mistreatment you take issue with it. Mexico is safe to visit so long as you stay out of trouble, take precautions, dont buy drugs, and ladies do not allow men to buy you a cocktail and I dont care how cute he is. Remember the old saying you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar? Rome was a nightmare for me and it has the same level 2 warning as Mexico but you dont see the media reporting how dangerous Rome or other countries that has the same level 2 warning. I love Mexico, the people, the culture and the food! Like all Americans, I am a little hesitant. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; If you know you are going to Mexico or any country for that matter you need to have your documents in order. This infuriated taxi drivers, who face higher costs because they are considered public transportation. My brother was murdered there 11/9/18. The U.S. Department of State updated the Travel Advisory for Mexico on July 12, 2021. You might need to look through a different lens writer and honestly consider that race may be irrelevant with this??? My daughter (20) and 8 of her sorority sisters are going on a cruise in March and the two stops are Cozumel and Puerta Costa Maya. The current U.S. political climate toward Mexico has caused both warranted and unwarranted safety and security concerns from U.S. tourists after the dismantling of the National Mexican tourism board in May 2019. Unfortunately, passengers have been caught in the middle. Click on the link to get a quote. Is Mexico safe is the million-dollar question every traveler is thinking about while planning their vacation to Mexico. : One of the most popular methods to extort money and protect cartel turf is through carjacks or roadblock ambushes. my first question is are you staying at an all-inclusive resort? Any advice other than dont do illegal things which are we dont want plan on? They made 1 arrest yet 3 people murdered Taylor in Playa Del Carmen. I was worried and I feel better about making plans to attend a concert there in Oct at the Foro Sol. In that situation there isnt much you can do because the excursion is set up by a third party. Have you allowed the Mexico travel warning to affect your travel decisions and are you still wondering is Mexico safe for American tourists this fall? What an idiotic comment, Trump has never said those words or even implied then. I feel somewhat better about their safety after reading your article. Had to give them all the cashll in my pocket and truck in order not to be taken to jail. I am not a paid promoter of the Mexican Tourism board and they actually are not even aware of my article. Any advice would be helpful. I wonder if you are just as passionate about the killing of unarmed black men in the states? We have been travelling to Mexico for 12 years now and we love it so much we invested and spend our winters here! The whole time they didnt give me the emergency number for my embassy and they let me call the embassy at 5pm when it was closed. Thats one place we have not considered and Ive already begun my research. I just returned from Mexico again this past sunday and I didnt stay on a resort. Part of the problem is the enormous market for illegal drugs here in the States. Mexico is an easily accessible vacation destination for me therefore I dont mind jumping on a flight from Nashville but I also understand why tourists are asking is Mexico safe. You will also be told what you did wrong. Thanks so much for the comment, Im traveling next month and Im worried and have high anxiety because of my two kids. The people of Mexico are friendly and if you treat others with respect it will go a long way toward your having a pleasant and safe time. While Oaxaca might have a bit of a negative reputation in some quarters, it's unfairly gained in my humble opinion. The State Department cant issue a Travel Warning, because it is not a foreign country. Screw you million times screw you infinity dont come here if youre going to criticize us, stay away!!! Watch your child carefully when at the beach inCancun. There is no doubt that there has been horrible violence in Mexico due to drug wars between warring factions but that violence has, for the most part, been in isolated areas. Otherwise youll lose readers like me. I checked with another travel blogger and she stated she just left this area and didnt have any issues. I also took my medication with me and not one person suggested it was something illegal or even looked my way. Its important to check Mexico travel warnings before planning your next vacation to Mexico to make sure you really understand is it safe to travel to Mexico? If youre worried about visiting a specific location, it pays to research that area before you book your travel. However, several times you reference that the press have exaggerated the danger of travel in Mexico. I leave it to you to continue to give great facts and tips on danger and safety, as it is greatly needed and well received by those seeking the information. You enjoy the culture but dont want to experience the culture and food first hand. You may get pickpocketed if you look like an overweight poorly dressed american with a fanny pack. Did you know that, according to the FBI, an estimated 15,241 persons were murdered in the U.S. in 2009 111 U.S. citizens were killed in Mexico last year, and almost all of them were involved in illicit drug trafficking, gun-running, or smuggling people across the border to/from the U.S? I dont care if I am in Texas or the Amalfi Coast I try to make sure I am very aware of my surroundings. Also, have copies of your prescription and keep the original label on the bottle. In 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court ruled that Uber is not a public transportation company, so it doesnt have to comply with the same regulations as taxi drivers. Remember, these warnings go into effect because of a spike in criminal activity but these warnings are not for the entire country. I have been to Mexico twice,once to Puerto Vallarta and to Cancun,but me and my friend are headed to Playa Del Carmen in September-no major worries? as I stated Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, and other countries have the same level warning which just means be safe. Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . In all I was in jail for 9 hours, they wanted to keep me overnight but I was very scared being a young female traveler. Statistics show the truth, migration shows the truth. I am so sorry for your loss and I know how that feels because I lost my brother 5 years ago next week. No matter where you go in Mexico, follow the common-sense rules that are listed above like drinking only in moderation, getting a cab instead of wandering around after dark, and leaving your expensive watches and rings at home. Thanks for the info. The US government is saying Dont go at all?? you have a fan of Mexico here and I just returned from a solo trip to Mexico and enjoyed every minute. And how do you secure them in your motel room? Travelers should also follow general safety measures (listed below) on a daily basis while visiting Mexico. I was told that the original bottle is sufficient with clear labeling. They feel like once we transfer to hotel we should stay at resort. Saying it is safe is hogwash. My friend wasnt wearing a mask so they demanded a fine from both of us. But Mexico is at least as remarkable and there is a clear difference in how each of these storied destinations is portrayed in contemporary news. Meanwhile, nearly 1,000 U.S. citizens died in Puerto Rico, but did anybody raise a red flag about that? You never answer your, I assume, rhetorical question. All my family and friends warn against it. as I stated in the article I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did in Mexico. amzn_assoc_linkid = "1922b091cefd993aea3cde9d64fef6a5"; Mexican law states that you have to hire a customs agent (agente aduanal) to facilitate importing a car to Mexico permanently. Mexico is not safe, sure maybe a small percentage run in to issues but do you want that small percentage to be your family killed? I am going back in April myself. Latin countries are corrupt from the top down that is the main problem, cops are on the take everywhere their morale is LOW ! It's a nice way to get to see the surrounding area. I didnt want them to know I was alone. Personally if Im gonna be slaughtered, Id be pissed no matter what color someone happened to be, maybe you are different. We are thinking about flying into Leon and driving to San Miguel. Do you know who else had 111 murders in one year? Happy to have you and please feel free to reach out and follow me on facebook and instagram. Can I take my car to Mexico permanently? There are driving restrictions in Mexico City. Acapulco is the most famous Destination of Mexico with International level, thanks to the natural beauty environment, golden sand, tropical weather, warm sea water and its people. Motor insurance is an essential part of owning a car, as it offers protection against . When it comes to International Driver's License, Mexico is not that strict as long as your license is in Spanish or English. And how do you secure them in your motel room? The travel advisories has zero to do with skin color. So hurry, come and visit us soon. We have many working in city offices and as contractors for the road department. Meanwhile, us happy, abundant, lovin-life, readers will enjoy our southern neighbor and all its colorful radiant culture, cuisine, delicious views and history. I may have to cancel this part of my trip. the American man on a group trip in PDC who was robbed and murdered last year was falsely reported by the Mexican press to be a drug addict having public sex with a transsexual, all lies to make tourist think well that would never happen to me it can definitely happen to you, and the chances are going up every day. Driving at night is not recommended in Mexico. Mexico is safe and I am sure you eat a Mexican restaurant every Friday and drink margaritas every Tuesday. Mexico has the same travel warning as Europe and many other countries but they dont have the stigma that Mexico has. Not needing a T.I.P. The latest Mexico travel warning was put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, but the restrictions on non-essential travel apply only to crossings by foot or car at the land border, meaning that travelers can still jet off on vacation by plane.