WHAT WERE THE EFFECTS OF EUROPEAN PRESENCE IN GHANA? Banks were created to keep money and Africans really enjoyed this development because it solved a lot of problems with the trade by barter system. All these political systems were greatly different from each other even though the regions were not too far from themselves. As 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs) remain or nearly two million people the process of decolonization continues. Having secured some 70 percent of the assembly seats in general elections in 1954 and 1956, Nkrumah and the CPP government were able in 1957 to obtain the recognition of their country, renamed Ghana, as an independent self-governing member of the Commonwealth and a member of the United Nations. The British colonizers tried to control . There was resource diversion, most of the profits made on the agricultural and other trading done in Africa were all shifted to the taskmaster nation, to develop their nation but give a stipend to the nation they got the resources from. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. benefits of colonialism. #HappeningNow: Decolonization Committee (C-24) opens its 2022 session today, beginning its annual work in reviewing the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.Follow the meeting live @UNWebTV - https://t.co/7xzYFev0DY pic.twitter.com/Eo6O1zsXp4. Take for instance, the idea of separation of powers, which helps to avoid conflict between the arms of the government was learned from the colonial masters. The chiefs were used to do all the spade work on the ground for the colonial powers. Statistics on the education of Ghanaian children. It created the problem of disunity: Another negative effect of colonialism in Africa was the disunity which it brought. The question below is a past WAEC/WASSCE History question. These effects of European presence in Ghana were social, political, economic and linguistic, among many others. Introduction of money currency: Trade by Barter was the only way of transacting in Africa until the introduction of colonialism. While the colonizers did bring positive improvements and advancements, the inhabitants often lacked immunity to the pathogens the colonizers also brought from their home countries. It is also worth mentioning that many previously colonized nations experience economic issues due to their colonial past, such as debt and a lack of economic self-sufficiency. Colonialism also introduced the banking system to Africa. Tag: Social Effects Of Colonialism In Africa Positives & Negatives, How Colonialism Affected Africa Development And Economic. The psychological impacts of colonialism on colonized populations might include emotions of helplessness and anger. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. In many territories, colonizing powers created centralized governments where none existed before. The C-24 remains committed to the fulfilling its mandate, assured Mr. Rattray. Continue with Recommended Cookies. While writing on colonization in Africa, it is evident that in this period binderies were drawn and walls were built in the mind of Africans regarding many factors that come into play and what they know before and what they learned during this era. However, it is crucial to note that this protection often came at the price of the colonized countrys sovereignty, which was effectively controlled by the colonial power. Creation of a large political unit: Another positive effect of colonialism was the creation of large political unit. Contribution of Christian Missionaries in Ghana, 11 Causes of the Rise of Nationalism in Africa, Importance of the Odwira Festival in Ghana, The Complete List of Asante Kings Past to Present, Economic Activities of the Swahili 13th to 15 Centuries. senior high school government Suddenly, many ethnic groups that had never worked together were forced to do so. Colonizing nations could take significant resources and wealth from colonial lands, which aided their economies and accelerated industrialization. Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) find that dummy variables for colonial origin have a jointly insignificant effect on per capita income, while Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson and Yared (2007) One of the fundamental accusations of colonialism is that it entails exploiting the colonized nations natural resources and labor, with profits going to the colonizing power. Development of Infrastructure. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Colonialism facilitated the integration of colonized countries into the global economy, which brought economic benefits such as increased trade and investment. 2023, Bscholarly LLC. student life Destruction of indigenous culture due to certain Christian teachings against customs and traditions e.g. Was this information useful? However, through colonization, the mentioned country adopted the English language which played an essential role in enabling different tribes to speak and understand each other within a framework on one language (Filppula, Klemola and Sharma 2017). Also, through the learning of the foreign languages, African nations were able to participate and benefit from the international trade. Although fewer than half of the children in most colonies went to school, many of the leaders of national liberation movements who went on to lead post-colonial governments had been educated in colonial government and missionary schools. This was one of the causes of the Aba women riot of 1929. In this way many of his poems show this conflict between feeling 8. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. A man identified as Oumar, who was at risk of statelessness, holds his father's identity card from French colonial times. The colonizers took advantage of their lack of civilization, evident in the people's way of life, (Abilson, 2020). Just send us an email, give us a phone call or you can visit our professional and friendly UK team for an excellent level of service delivery. Information on the effects of colonization. As colonized nations struggle to transition to self-government, the end of colonialism may occasionally result in political instability. The dominating country in Ghana which would be the British, colonized in Ghana (the Gold Coast) and further connected. English comprehension Building of modern European style infrastructure in those regions which would have helped them out economically. Some even go as far as diverting some of the crafty men from this continent to their countries and are used as a slave without good pay. Leaders who failed to follow the rules of the colonial masters were deported and sometimes killed. better grades By the mid-18th century the coastal scene was dominated by the presence of about 40 forts controlled by Dutch, British, or Danish merchants. reliance on former colonial powers, the United States, and even the Soviet Union; and nurtured the pan-Africanist idea.2 Examining the development of Ghana's economic relations with China and Japan from the late 1950s through the mid-1960s provides a more nuanced picture of African leaders' strategies for modernization, development, and autonomy. Attempts to introduce similar elements of indirect rule in the Gold Coast served mainly to stimulate a nationalist opposition among the educated professional classes, especially in the growing towns, which aimed at converting the legislative council into a fully responsible parliament. You can recall that before colonialism, most African countries had an unwritten constitution and this posed a lot of problem. In July 1972 a retroactive Subversion Decree was enacted under which military courts were empowered to impose the death penalty for offenses such as subversive political activity, robbery, theft, and damaging public property, and, from 1973, for the spreading of rumours and profiteering. The colonial era affected the variety of Africa's historical development for it was quite the game changer since it put a halt to the continuous drain of scarce labor and paved the way for the expansion of land concentrated forms of agriculture, and engaging smallholders, estates, and communal farms. I recommend that you read this work carefully because alot will be said about colonial rule in general. Thus, the impact of European contact with Africa and Ghana in particular, have been both positive and negative. They were used in place of laboratory rats and rattled for practical purposes, some research that needed animal Africans were used and so many other inhuman acts were practiced during the colonization of Africa. Nevertheless, colonialism too impacted positively on the economies and social systems. From what we have discussed so far, it is apparent that colonialism also had positive effects in Africa. In 1956 the trust territory of British Togoland (see Togoland) chose by United Nations plebiscite to integrate with the Gold Coast. Development of political parties: Before the coming of colonialism the concept of political parties and election was abstract in Africa. After the demise of colonialism, this helped to build good relationship amongst African countries. After independence, they have served as the seat of government (Christiansburg Castle at Osu until recently), Prisons (Ussher fort) and Museum (Elmina Castle) 2. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers. In certain situations, colonization enhanced the indigenous populations living conditions by bringing new technology and improving infrastructure. Also in terms of the agricultural practices that Africa engaged in, they were forced to drop their own practices and their own food cultivation to the foods that were not in the continents earlier to the British nation foods and crops. independent learning if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cegastacademy_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',609,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cegastacademy_com-leader-2-0');SEE ASLO: Top 7 Reasons for the Colonization of Africa. On arrival, the colonial master merged all the political systems to enable faster development in the regions and to make governance easy for themselves. The first Europeans to come to Ghana were the Portuguese. As the colonizing state strove to impose its beliefs and ways of life on the conquered people, colonialism often repressed indigenous cultures and traditions. Before the coming of colonial masters to africa, most African countries had divided systems of government. Government & Politics Punishment in form of torture, banishment, sacrifices were taken away. BVC/BPTC writing service BVC/BPTC Opinion & Drafting writing, Bursary and Scholarships Application Help, English language which played an essential, equality in the treatment of all genders making African women, American Higher History Assignment Services, Select your academic level and the number of pages and pick a desired deadline. However, through the advent of Christianity such killings were stopped and these kids were now treated as a blessing to the society. Indirectly, it can be seen that colonialism actually caused the establishment of political parties in Africa. Today, Africans value and enjoy the benefits of the introduction of western education. Disintegration of local kingdoms due to political interference from foreign powers (Dutch, English, Danes etc). Thank you for supporting this project. effects of it and on the other hand he reaped the benefits of it. From that book, we could see how the colonial masters treated African culture as inferior and theirs as superior. It is a well-known fact that most African countries are colonized by the British government. For example, after Kwame Nkrumah attained his higher education at the University of Pennsylvania, he returned to Ghana and embarked on the mission of liberating his nation from the British Colonization. Frank Ogodo Ogbeche Notably, the education allowed the citizenry of African nations to acquire knowledge and skills which later enabled them to develop their countries. The cacao tree and its seedscocoa beanswere introduced in the 1870s. self help Therefore, the introduction of the language of the colonial masters assisted African nations to understand each other and taking advantage of the created unity in building their country. of culture in the sense that some babaric acts which were being Besides, through colonization, there was an improvement in the African infrastructures. Rise and growth of coastal towns: Small fishing and salt-producing villages like Axim, Dixcove, Secondi, Apam Otuam Winneba, Accra Prampram, Keta, Ada etc grew into busy market centres. They also enslaved most Africans and taking away from their families to work on their farms as laborers. In these circumstances the mutually suspicious European interests were reluctant to embark on new political responsibilities. Required fields are marked *. The effects of European presence in Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone and other parts of Africa were both positive and negative. Here are a few instances. 10. The presence of these permanent European bases on the coast had far-reaching consequences. Common central bank: Colonialism in Africa also introduced a common central bank in the French colony. and a negative effect because the African Traditional Religion was Literature We'll send you the first draft for approval by. Ways in which Colonization led to the Development of African Nations. 4. Some say that colonialism benefited colonized nations significantly through economic growth, increased infrastructure, and the introduction of modern health and education. More answers below Alek Mitev 2 y In general 5 benefits of colonialism are; Introduction of the modern justice system in regions where previously it was might makes right. So far so good, we have given you all you need to know about the impact of colonization in Africa both bad and good so let us hear from you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Railways, seaports, airports, road routes, hospitals, and many other things were raised for the use of white when but the end-user was to the benefit of Africans. This might benefit people who feel Western culture and values are better since they enable these ideals to spread to other regions. Others point to the adverse effects and injustices done to indigenous peoples and cultures, such as exploitation, indigenous cultural suppression, and human rights violations. Some of their view of growing crops were corrupt and some of their seed were carted away to their countries without paying anything in exchange of that. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. Some groups attempted to curry favor with the colonizers by converting to Christianity and renouncing their traditional beliefs. British missionaries were largely responsible for converting sections of the African population to Christianity. Before we write indecently or read about how the colonization begins, it is, of course, important to know the effects on the structure of Africa, what it meant Africa doing, what it took from Africa, and what it added to Africa as a continent, all of these will be looking into under a refined section. Postcolonialism, found in literature, film, etc., is a response Peachy Essay provides model essays for tutoring and learning purposes only. The terms are represented by the law of the US. DISCLOSURE. However, it is crucial to note that this integration often occurred at the price of indigenous peoples, who were exploited for their resources and labor. They claimed that through it African culture was adversely affected and it was depicted by massive exploitation of economic resources that were available in the African nations. There exist unrest and many tribal wars within many African countries before, but the approach the British government introduced helped reduce the rate at which war occurs and proffer peace to many of the issues. Some claim that colonialism inhibited economic development in colonized nations by focusing on resource extraction rather than long-term economic progress. famous poems Reduced Poverty Gap. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. In agriculture-based colonies, a plantation economy developed, such as the coffee plantations of India and modern-day Sri Lanka. During the colonial era, many European colonizers, such as Great Britain, took a paternalistic view of the native culture. The aspects of a country's society are effected by colonization. Slavery coupled with the colonial experience had a profound effect on Africa and still cause strife. faceless characters Leaders who failed to follow the rules of the colonial masters were deported and sometimes killed. WAEC In Southeast Asia, colonialism did have the positive effect of European investment and construction of canals and irrigation systems. Take for instance, the common legal system in Africa allows for easy and safer international transactions. the effects of British Colonialism on Ghana was and still is very numerous.There were positive effects like the introduction of the formal system of education which saw many shs being set. While they were in charge and at the helms of Africa affairs, some of the decision taken was not in favor of Africa, some of the decision is taken without the consent of Africa, some of the decision were not useful to the nation of Africa and some are malicious decision that is still affecting most Africa nation up to today. This was advantageous because it helped most African countries like Nigeria to grow faster. his attitude towards it because on the one hand he saw the negative Emergency and search-and-rescue teams have deployed to assess and prioritize urgent needs and to provide life-saving assistance following the devastating earthquake near the Trkiye-Syria border. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Ghana goods, the effects of British Colonialism on Ghana was and still is As a result, the British Colonial Office finally agreed to take over the British forts, and in 1850 it was able to buy out the Danes.