is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you carefully run a finger over the area, you should be able to feel the shaft of their penis under the skin. Their paws and head are comically outsized in proportion to their body, and they already have a full coat of fur. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the water bottle at least once per week. Yes, guinea pigs sometimes eat their babies. An inexperienced sow might accidentally damage her young with her teeth whilst trying to clean them up after the birth. For instance, most rats eat their babies. ClickHEREfor a peek at my disclosure. To help you, weve written more about how to tame a guinea pig here. Once they are one to two finger-widths apart, it wont be long untilbirth.. If it does occur, the reasons will probably differ slightly from that of other species, and its important to understand these reasons in order to try to prevent it from happening: Most female guinea pigs will never eat their live young on purpose. New Plymouth Vet Group. Do guinea pigs miss their babies? Well, your guess is as good as mine guinea pigs sure miss their owners when theyre absent for so long. Piglet Okay, so it's not that clever. Whether you plan on rearing your own litter of baby Abysinnian guinea pigs, or youre making plans to buy a baby Peruvian guinea pig, its valuable to be able to recognise whether theyre growing and developing normally for the species, and their breed. Preview / Show more . How Few Is Too Few? In situations where one of your guinea pigs crosses the rainbow bridge leaving one behind, the guinea pig left behind might not be so receptive to a new cage mate. This can happen if the guinea pig is not being fed enough timothy hay, pellets, vitamin C supplements, etc. It is important to note that guinea pigs can get attached to their owners and may experience signs of separation anxiety when they are not around. Giving birth is very stressful for the guinea pig mother and the babies. Many others survive but have problems.Additionally, theres thousands (if not tens of thousands) of piggies without good homes now. Newborn guinea pigs weigh between 60g and 115g. Whining is typically a noise made by the more passive guinea pig to communicate to a guinea pig that is more pushy or dominant. To understand why a guinea pig mother killing and gobbling up her offspring is so rare and why its still a possibility (although it is a long shot), you need to know a little bit about the dynamics of. They use them to form social bonds and initiate mating, attract the attention of herd members over great distances, communicate sadness, and sound the alarm. When a guinea pig is malnourished, it means that the guinea pig is not getting enough of the vitamins and nutrients that its body needs. Can a Guinea Pig Baby Live Without the Mother? In fact, loneliness reduces the life expectancy of a guinea pig. This blog will give you some helpful tips on how to make this a wonderful experience. Thankfully, she had an uneventful pregnancy and birth and did not eat her babies. Allowing siblings to breed also poses a risk of dangerous congenital disorders to their offspring. Walter or Bob These guinea pigs sound like they should be wearing business suits on Wall Street. You have entered an incorrect email address! For instance, a guinea pig that was captured individually needs at least one other guinea pig as a cage mate. Guinea pigs are also notorious communicators, and they start vocalising from babyhood. Although pet guinea pigs eating their pups is a very rare incident, it does happen sometimes. I make sure to take good care of all the animals that come into my life. Other causes of hair loss due to underlying medical conditions such as ovarian cysts may occur as a result of hormonal distress. The above is important because it allows the mother to continue feeding and grooming her young. I'm here to help you smash the EASY button on pet parenting. Guinea pigs have a good sense of hearing, so they will potentially even be able to hear you coming from down the hall. Explain to them that they have not been replaced or that their babies have replaced your guinea pig. But most people think of it as being around four weeks old, when they reach sexual maturity. Yes, guinea pigs eat their babies albeit very rarely, mostly by accident. It is okay for you to handle the pups during the nursing period. While guinea pigs are usually docile, friendly and social creatures, adult males should not be around the babies under any circumstances. Bellinger, S. A. et al, An ecologically relevant guinea pig model of fetal behavior, Behavioral Brain Research, 2015. They might surprise you with how busy and outgoing they are too. When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? Dont separate them from their mother too soon. To avoid the risk of your guinea pig, eating her babies, take these safety steps. The sow needs this time to focus on nursing her living babies, and you need to create an environment that will allow her to do this. But if you have a tiny little guinea pig with a noteworthy squeak, this name is pretty darn adorable. Guinea pig babies are born looking like mini versions of their mama. After three weeks, baby guinea pigs can be separated from their mother and placed with other guinea pigs or their owner. Some have lengthy, silky hair, and others have brief, tough coats. At worst, it can cause her to reject them. Interact with baby guinea pigs early and as often as possible so that they become used to humans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best. If your guinea pig becomes acquainted with someone they don't trust, they may become quiet or hide when that person is nearby. Baby guinea pig care - The Guinea Pig Manual. 9. Thats what they do while also making your life a much brighter place. Its unwise to create more. Cage size Will the baby guinea pigs be able to escape? However, in captivity that shouldnt happen at all because responsible pet owners keep them separate from pregnant and lactating sows and their babies. Watch carefully for signs of stress or discomfort. However, we always recommend having more than one guinea pig because these small animals are social creatures and they need company. The extra calories should be provided until she stops nursing her newborn babies. A male guinea pig eats the babies only by a strange occurrence. They are cheerful and love to run around, squeak, eat, play, and poop. Keep an eye on their weight, and youll be able to observe them steadily gaining ounces until around their first birthday. We hope youve enjoyed this in depth article about cute baby guinea pigs!Guinea pig pups are quite unlike most other baby animals. (And Other Key Terms), How Often Should You Clean a Guinea Pigs Cage? Be prepared to assess them quickly, because they wont like to be held in that position for long! Guinea pig babies are called "pups" when they are born and are birthed into litters. Read Also: How Often to Clean Guinea Pig Cage., Guinea lynx :: Reproduction. We were stressed out during this time because we did not want to have another unexpected guinea pig pregnancy. Make sure to feed your guinea pig hay of high quality. Newborn guinea pigs weigh only 100 grams but they grow quickly. (Find Out Now), 10 Reliable Cage Liners for Guinea Pigs (What You Need to Know), Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate? The advantage of choosing the Midwest Habitat Plus is that it offers up to 8 square feet of space, its very affordable, and you can transfer your male guinea pig to a different section early. Guinea pigs don't wheek in the wild. Guinea Pig Lifespan How Long Do Guinea Pigs Live? When properly fed, you dont have to worry that she will eat her babies. Other genetic diseases include vaulting disease, stroke, and seizures. But do all animals miss their babies as much as we do? Mange worms (Trichocross cavia) are a common cause of hair loss, and other symptoms may include excessive scratching, abnormal aggression when being touched, and, in some cases, seizures. We placed an additional water bottle in the cage so that we could position it low enough for the babies to reach it. One under his chest and one under his bottom. But, give them time to bond with their mother so they can nurse. Sometimes, male Guinea pigs will eat pups if they were fathered by another cavy. New babies are born with teeth, claws, and fur. This process includes eating the placenta and, while she does this, there is a chance that she will mistake one of her babies for the placenta. Although guinea pigs need the presence of other guinea pigs, attention from human beings is also essential for their well-being. By the time theyre a month old, baby guinea pigs body shape rather resembles that of a syrian hamster. This usually happens when pups are stillborn, or born to ill to survive. Guinea pigs love to communicate. The answer to this question is not entirely clear. As a whole, guinea pigs do not eat their offspring, but it can happen. While carrying babies, the guinea pig mother needs extra energy. Well chart the milestones of their first days and weeks, and find out what to expect if you discover your female guinea pig is expecting. You can take some precautions to lower the risk of a guinea pig baby being eaten. You need to be able to provide your guinea pigs with regular ample attention all the time. At the end of the day we removed the fleece bedding, washed it and replaced it with a fresh fleece liner. Wheek: The shrill noise a guinea pig or other small rodent makes. Guinea pigs are less likely to eat their own young than other varieties of rodents because a baby guinea pig reaches maturity quickly. Yet, the mother guinea pig will take care of them during the first few weeks, so dont separate them from her. When your guinea pig is pregnant they need more food than usual, and its surprisingly easy to give them less than what they need. Merck Veterinary Manual. Housing your guinea pig is not particularly difficult, as there are a large variety of hutches and cages commercially available. Why Guinea Pigs Are Less Likely To Eat Their Babies? They reach their adult size very quickly. Just simply focusing on your guinea pigs and trying to chat with them every day can go a long way. This can lead to health problems. And baby guinea pigs are capable of joining in from a very young age. Guinea pigs can be aggressive towards each other if they are not adequately trained. Check out these most popular guinea pig products on the market: Last update on 2023-02-21 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Male baby guinea pigs have a donut-shaped genital opening in front of their anus. And the result is that guinea pig babies are born already more mature than many other species. Under certain circumstances, the sow may eat her offspring for various reasons. Its just as important that your baby guinea pig also spends most of their time with other guinea pigs. However, they will continue to feed on their mothers milk as well. Keep the male guinea pig separate from his female partner to keep her safe and reduce the stress. Lets explain why guinea pigs may eat their babies. View our privacy policy and our disclosure policy for more information. Your guinea pig can definitely use more interplay with the loss of its buddy. Once the pups arrive, monitor them closely to make sure nursing is established within 12 hours. If you have decided youre ready to take the plunge and welcome a new baby guinea pig into your life, take a look at our article Where To Buy Guinea Pigs to start your journey. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Guinea pigs are different from many other species; they are born with teeth and fur, and almost immediately they can see and walk around. Here is how to tell if your baby guinea pig is a boy or girl: RELATED: CLICK HERE for more information on how to determine the sex of a guinea pig. How To Stop Guinea Pigs Chewing On Cage Bars, Baby Chicken What To Expect From Egg To 8 Weeks Old, Effects of early environment on field CA2 pyramidal neurons in the guinea-pig, Cardiovascular and renal disease in the adolescent guinea pig after chronic placental insufficiency, The effect of maternal undernutrition on the growth and development of the guinea pig placenta, Chronic maternal feed restriction impairs growth but increases adiposity of the fetal guinea pig, Guineapig Vocalizations: Their Structure, Causation and Function, Attachment and Separation Distress in the Infant Guinea Pig, An ecologically relevant guinea pig model of fetal behavior, Auditory spatial responses of young guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during and after ear blocking, The Effects of Diet on Anatomy, Physiology and Health in the Guinea Pig, Guinea Pig and Chinchilla Care and Husbandry. Aggression between two newly introduced guinea pigs is very common and If your guinea pig is finding it hard to deal with the change of a new cage mate, try engaging him in more interaction with you than ever before. If one or two guinea pig pups suddenly vanish from their cage, it doesnt necessarily mean theyve been eaten, especially if its been more than twenty four hours. The first twenty four hours are when the babies are at greatest risk for being eaten, so remain close during this period. of 2-4. How Can I Prevent Guinea Pigs From Eating Their Babies? When your guinea pig is pregnant her Vitamin C requirements double to around 20mg per day. CLICK HERE to check the price. Many living creatures eat other members of their species when necessary for survival. When a guinea pig mom is caring for her babies, she teaches them the necessary skills they need to survive in the world. Just like with taming older guinea pigs be patient and consistent. RELATED: CLICK HERE for 99 cute guinea pig names to help you choose. Guinea pigs are social animals who rely on their families for support. Place one hand under their tummy and one behind their bottom, and hold the little guy close to you. Give the orphaned puppy the same amount of water and evaporated guinea pig milk. However, this would put a huge amount of strain on her body and her mental stamina. At those moments, the guinea pig mother can be very protective and you can be mistaken for a potential predator. However, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their young at all because guinea pigs are herbivores. Whereas there are over 13 Guinea Pig breeds, English, Abyssinian, and Peruvian Guinea Pigs are the most well-liked. This can hurt their health and well-being. As herbivores, they dont eat meat at all. If your guinea pig is hanging out near you while . Here are some of our top baby guinea pig name lists to help you feel inspired! On average, baby guinea pigs come in litters of 2-4, and weigh 70-115g. If you are just considering the idea of owning guinea pigs, ensure that you already have the capacity to take care of them and also provide them with quality interplay. Unlike many other animals in the animal kingdom, guinea pigs are not self-sufficient. Try brushing your pets coats regularly as this can create soothing and pleasant connecting experiences. We will help you to raise your baby guinea pigs to become healthy, happy pets. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE Any guinea pig lover would approve. Theyre filled with Vitamin C and other essential nutrients that guinea pigs need. Individual size is generally linked to litter size, so the more siblings there are in a litter, the smaller they are each likely to be. Do guinea pigs get attached to their babies? The Best Pet Health & Care Advice from Real Vets | PetMD. We placed an additional water bottle in the cage so that it was low enough for the babies to reach it. If a stillborn is not removed from the cage promptly, it might be eaten fairly quickly by the mother. Watch this video to learn more about guinea pig. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. (n.d.). Weaning age depends on several factors including the pups weight, the mothers milk supply, and the number of siblings. During pregnancy your sow will need lots of energy and vitamin C, so make sure her hay doesnt run out, and offer a larger helping of fresh fruit and veg every day. It can therefore be tempting to pick up and cuddle the little babies right away! She checked each one of them and licked them clean immediately following their birth. The bond between a mother and her baby is crucial for the babys development. If one or two guinea pig pups seem to suddenly vanish from their cage, it doesnt necessarily mean theyve been eaten. It is important to consider the space between the bars of your guinea pig cage. Although they spring out with open eyes and fully furred, piggie pups are still small and fragile at first. Your pregnant and lactating guinea pigs should have access to alfalfa hay in the last weeks of their pregnancy. Do guinea pigs remember their parents? Yes, guinea pigs do eat their babies. They will understand. Yet, sometimes, guinea pigs can eat their babies. And of course, when you run a finger over the area, you wont feel a penis! Provide Your Sow with a Stress-Free Environment, Remain Vigilant During the First Twenty Four Hours, Keep The Babies With Their Mom As Much As Possible, Can You Put A Baby Guinea Pig With An Older One? Keep your little friend calm. Any sudden movement or noise can scare them. Many people believe that guinea pigs get attached to their owners and that they miss their parents when they are separated. Guinea pigs make eleven different call types. Some times, she shows me her displeasure if I have been away overnight and my neighbors fed her. During our research we learned that there are two possible reasons why: Malnourished - not getting enough to eat of the right kinds of food Back to back pregnancies - due to nutrient deficiencies This was one question that had me really worried. Its natural for you and me to humanize the behavior of animals. Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig. An average sized pup measures around 3 to 5 inches at birth, and very cylindrical roughly the size of a tangerine in fact! (And yes, its one of the more gruesome animal interactions in the wild.). Most guinea pigs cages are designed for adult guinea pigs with a one inch space between the bars. Talk to him with a soft voice and pet his head. (Fun Facts). You can do a few things to help your guinea pig cope when youre not around. Approach them face-on, so they can see you coming. If the litter is too large, the mama . If you are considering getting a guinea pig, ensure you can provide them with the social interaction they need. Guinea pig pregnancies are dangerous and the mortality rate is high both among guinea pig mothers and babies. From there you can jump straight to the answers you need, or join us for a complete overview of baby guinea pig development, week by week. Its important to know what signs to look out for so you can keep your piggies happy and healthy. (Find Out Now)Continue. In almost all species, males are inherently territorial. This can be very misleading especially when it comes to motherhood as many animals eat their offspring in certain circumstances. Some of the cutest animals kill and devour their offspring. Berryman, J. C., Guineapig Vocalizations: Their Structure, Causation and Function, Ethology, 1976. (Such as blood and remaining body parts). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . This is pretty rare. (2010, July 22). However, taking some precautions can bring you peace of mind that your sow wont need to eat her babies. A healthy pup will resist and move away from the mother, alerting her of her mistake. Other factors that make eating (or killing) the pups less likely include: piggies are natural herbivores and they have good maternal instincts (for rodents, anyway). Female cavies are called sows and males are called boars. (What You Need To Know), Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines? Of course, every guinea pig is different, and some individual animals may indeed experience some sadness or loneliness after being separated from their babies if you are concerned that your guinea pig may miss its young, it. Where can I find baby guinea pigs for sale? The mother may eat her babies if one or more of her litter dies, or she is under a lot of stress. Once the mother gives birth to her babies to the nest, she won't be paying much heed to the nest anymore. Guinea pigs can jump over obstacles but these, When they recognize they are in danger, guinea pigs stand in one place for a long time then suddenly run very fast with a darting movement. They're all grown now, but they keep me busy! Wanna Give Your Piggies the 5 STAR Treatment? The surprising truth is that it happens more often than youd think. The gestation period is about 59 to 72 days or about two months. (Find Out Now)Continue, Choosing the right materials to use a as a cage liner for your guinea pigs cage can seem daunting especially when youre a new pet parent. Other guinea pig owners would like to breed their piggies. Once the baby guinea pigs turn 3 to 4 weeks, separate them from their mother, especially male guinea pigs. What Should I Do if My Guinea Pig Eats (Or Kills) Her Babies? Sometimes adults will do this with each other too. Will the baby guinea pigs be able to escape the enclosure? Briscoe, T.A., et al, Cardiovascular and renal disease in the adolescent guinea pig after chronic placental insufficiency, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from and other affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Bear in mind this doesnt necessarily mean she is dangerously thin. Once labor is established, all the pups usually arrive within half an hour. They have learned quite a few life skills from their mother and are ready to go to their new homes. Soak guinea pig pellets in water from the first day of life. If a typical guinea pig male suspects that the babies are not his own (whether or not this is the case in reality), he may kill and eat them. Dont be surprised if your pup lets out a little chirp as a means of asking for food! Rather, they belong to a rodent species called cavies. What about baby guinea pigs for adoption? Just like big farmyard pigs! Getting guinea pigs used to handling from an early age is an important part of rearing confident, relaxed pets. If that happens in captivity, thats extremely rare. Prepare to separate the male and female baby guinea pigs by at least three weeks of age. After giving birth, the mother guinea pig is likely to eat the placenta but can end up eating her babies by mistake. This is because, in the wild, guinea pigs are usually found in herds, so you should try to create that level of interaction for your domesticated guinea pigs. But whether youre raising a litter from birth or buying an older baby guinea pig for sale, getting prepared in advance is the best way to make sure you provide them with the best start in life. How do you tell if a baby guinea pig is a boy or girl? Guinea pigs can eat their babies if they lack nutrition. Do Chickens Get Lonely? How many babies do guinea pigs have in their first litter? This is a question that has long been debated when it comes to guinea pigs. This is why you should do everything in your power to make your female piggy feel at ease. If this happens, pop them back in with her, and visit again later. All of the babies are usually born within 30 minutes once labor begins. (And How? Some say that they do not form the same type of attachment as other animals, while others believe that they do experience a certain level of sadness after their young have been weaned. Most species clean their offspring with their tongue and so do your little friends. Some guinea pigs are more likely to nuzzle or groom people or other guinea pigs. Theres a few traits unique to piggies that probably explain why they usually dont feel the need to eat their babies. Do not disturb your guinea pigs when they are sleeping or nursing. If the mother is experiencing starvation , she may eat her offspring as an ultimate last resort. Equally, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their babies because they dont eat meat. So your guinea pig is pregnant. The all natural Piggies Choice Hay Racks are available finally! This is just enough space to allow the guinea pigs to escape. If separated from their parents, they may become anxious and depressed. He may also help to nurse the babies. Use the tips in this post to understand why piggies eat their babies and to prevent it from happening. However, both males and females can mature and be fertile even earlier. Although, some green beans and always bring us back together. On average, baby guinea pigs come in litters of 2-4, and weigh 70-115g. If she is pregnant, her chances of suffering from some illness will also increase, which will tempt her to eat a lot. I didnt know how we would handle it if Theo rejected her babies or even worse ate her young! On the other hand, if it turns out that they don't form any attachment to their young, then we can . Make sure she always has enough food. The best thing you can do is provide adequate and proper nutrition to the new guinea pig mother. This is especially true if pet parents have not given their pregnant sow enough food. Once they die, she might eat them. When baby guinea pigs grow up the males are called boars and the females are called sows. So as long as the enclosure is secure and the bars are tight, you should be fine. She is then back to cuddles and snuggles. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Start offering them shredded lettuce from the day their born. Guinea pig pregnancy seems short to us, but in fact it lasts a remarkably long time for their size. Just keep your little friend with other females only. Now, if you have a dog or even a cat, you are sure it misses you when you have to go to work but do guinea pigs miss their owners? Newborn guinea pigs can open their eyes after they are born. They will begin to wriggle and move about as soon as theyve been licked clean by their mom. Their tiny mouths already manage to contain 20 teeth, which grow continuously. Wed love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below! This article has been extensively revised for 2019. That way she doesnt have to deal with the stress of more pregnancies. An indoor cage size of 18" x 24" (45 x 60 cm) should comfortably accommodate a guinea pig. Having your guinea pig give birth to a litter should be an exciting time. (n.d.). Here are some things we had to think about when we found out our guinea pig was pregnant: We adhered to the following recommended feeding guidelines for pregnant guinea pigs: RELATED: CLICK HERE to read about our unexpected guinea pig pregnancy and how to tell if your guinea pig is pregnant.