I have no idea if you need just one or both.In this case, it depends on the software on your machine. There are many common functions and operations in applications that are used so often it doesnt make sense for programmers to hand-code them every time. That means that, for example, if a developer used Visual C++ 2005(or Visual Studio 2005) to create a program youre installing, you can expect to see the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable installed on your system along with the program. can you people send me the email to me all about microsoft visual c++. Only if you install a software package that needs it. The answer to this question is similar to the question I received about If you change your mind later and want to reinstall 2022, start the Visual Studio Installer again, choose the Available tab, choose the edition of Visual Studio . While it might seem like multiple Visual C++ Redistributables add up to a lot of space, in practice, they dont at least not in comparison to other things on your machine. Of course, if you dont want to delete any data or uninstall programs, you can try extending the full drive to fix the low space issue. TYSM! If those steps fail to resolve the problem, you can try uninstalling and then reinstalling the version in question. In the Programs and Features window, scroll down the list of installed programs to the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, and then right-click it and select Uninstall. lol ) and of course you came back and complained. When I deleted the 2005 redistributable everything was OK, but when I got rid of the 2008 one I started to get much more spam in my emails. While scrolling through the list of programs I came across a plethora of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributions ranging from the year 2005 all the way to 2015-2019. To be fair, I do hear from many readers who dont have the money, even for what some would consider an inexpensive hard disk upgrade. 3. Moreover, sometimes you may get a pop-up message saying that the Visual C++ Redistributable is being installed when you run a program. Thanks for the article Leo. I want comments to be valuable for everyone, including those who come later and take the time to read. Its really more about Windows software and how Windows software is architected. After a while, if this doesnt break anything, then rename the folder back and uninstall the software normally. Are VPNs Safe for Online Banking? Since the MSVC package is required by many applications and games that are developed using the Microsoft Visual Studio runtime library. Im using Windows 10, which comes with the2012 and 2013 VisualC++ Redistributables. Make sure you are only agreeing to install the software you want to install.https://askleo.com/how-do-i-remove-pups-foistware-drive-bys-toolbars-and-other-annoying-things-i-never-wanted/. Before I did it, it asked me if I wanted to save a list of installed programs ad I said yes. One of the programs listed was MS Visual C++2005 x64 redistributable. t's Click on Yes or Uninstall in the pop-up confirmation window and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation. Now that I read your forum, Im glad that I left the rest. This is the first time I have managed to find a description of the purpose, usefulness (or not) and the whys and wherefores of Microsoft Visual C++, etc., in plain and comprehensible language that anyone over the age of six could understand. can i uninstall all visual c++ 2005 2013 redistributable x64 to x86? With over 30 years of computing experience, Dennis' areas of expertise are a The maintenance time needed to keep it running efficiently has grown out of hand. If you change your mind later and want to reinstall 2022, start the Visual Studio Installer again, choose the Available tab, choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to install, and then select Install. Here's What to Do, Scammed by PC / Web Network Experts? Use below method, the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable can be uninstalled now. I bought a Dell laptop with Win 7 x64 Premium 2 years ago, and I did a free upgrade to Win 10 before the cutoff, so now I have Win 10 Premium x64. If you just want to free up disk space, we dont recommend you uninstall the package. Some of the pre-installed software probably needs them. It is not relevant for humans to know how something will look like once in RAM, but humans go through the directory structure and it is a mess. In the installer, look for the edition of Visual Studio that you installed. They are run-time libraries, each made to work with a different version of C++. what will be effect on my dell laptop windows 7? Ariel was born in Pennsylvania and lives with her husband and a lovely dog. For me it said that it cannot find the program. Also, you can send us an email to[emailprotected]if you have any difficulties in using MiniTool Partition Wizard. Its also possible that youll see what look like multiple versions of the same redistributable installed, or at least multiple versions from the same year. If so, check out our YouTube channel from our sister site Online Tech Tips. I deleted that visualc++ and had to reinstall windows xp cuz it totally wrecked my pc. So if youre not a software developer and you dont run or plan to run applications developed with Visual C++, you dont need them. Naturally reality is much more complicated than that, but this is the net result. It can install them, delete them, re-install them and manage Apps as well. They go back to 2005 and there are different versions for 32 and 64-bit computers. After that, you would have to go onto Google.com (or similar) and search for a program that has similar features as the one that you just uninstalled and hope that it does not also use Visual C++ Redistributable package, Thank you, Leo. Doyou need them all? We have seen some advice floating around the internet suggesting that you can remove older versions of redistributables, leaving just the most recent from each major release (noted by year) in place. - Explained, How to Prevent Ransomware in 2018 - 10 Steps, How to Fix: Computer / Network Infected with Ransomware (10 Steps), How to Fix: Your Computer is Infected, Call This Number (Scam), Scammed by Informatico Experts? I invest my time in ways that I believe will best serve my readers. Thanks. What is the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable? I was uninstalling a few programs and noticed that I have like 13 or so versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. It caused some programs would no longer run. All comments containing links and certain keywords will be moderated before publication. If Leo tells you No its probably not a good idea to delete that software and you dont but your computer still f$cks up youll come back to complain. Rather than requiring every program needing this function to write it from scratch, the standard library includes such a function, ready to go. The reason why many users raise these questions is they find that there is low hard drive space on their laptops. I just restore to that image. This has been going on for YEARS and I am at the end of a very tight rope. Ill describe what the Visual C++ redistributables are all about, and why the safest thing to do is nothing. Select the drive or unallocated space that you want to take free space from, and then drag the slider bar to occupy the free space or input the specific volume. Explained: If I Reset Windows 10 will it Remove Malware? Im an old man without much tech savey but I understood what you were saying .I found a bunch of these things in my programes list and was shocked . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Its useless. These applications will then reinstall their required libraries. The cost of failure would be high, and the benefit very low. ?thank you for your time and all of your useful knowledge!! Today, they could create something new, with clarity and an intuitional logic to it. He has two decades of experience as a freelance computer technician and more than a decade as a technologies researcher and instructor. Can I remove any of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages, or do I TLDR: they're small and possibly necessary depending on which programs you need. Copyright MiniTool Software Limited, All Rights Reserved. In my experience, they wont give you back nearly as much disk space as you expect, and theyre not impacting system performance if theyre not being used. Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of tech tips from trusted tech experts. Like, are there any programs that are dependent upon it? This will leave your machine with only the redistributables you need, installed by the applications you use. Does anyone know the programs I can delete to maximize space and eliminate sharing my laptop with any other devices. Visual C++ is Microsofts implementation of that programming language. Can Power Companies Remotely Adjust Your Smart Thermostat? This COMPLETELY screwed my computer up to the point that I was forced to do a complete re-install of Win 10. I have no idea if you need them. If you experience a catastrophic error and can't repair or uninstall Visual Studio, you can run the InstallCleanup.exe tool to remove installation files and product information for all installed instances of Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019, or Visual Studio 2022. That means multiple applications make use of the same installation of standard libraries. Step 3. One day when looking through your installed applications, you notice that this program is installed many times. The framework is there to help programmers integrate their programs seamlessly into Windows - so I don't see how having multiple C++ redistributable packages is a "Microsoft issue". I totally understand why we landed where we did on these things. Then install just my must have apps (things like Steam, VLC, GoG Galaxy and all the other game launchers/stores, latest GPU driver at time etc). The MSVC package offers developers a single application in which they can edit, test, and debug their codes. Find the Visual Studio Installer on your computer. Theres no automated way to determine what C++ library dependencies exist on your computer. That post says to move the Windows Kits folder to another drive and then with administrator privilges use the following:. When programs are updated or uninstalled, they typically do not uninstall the redistributables, and there's no easy way to know which ones your machine requires. Explained: Difference Between VPN Server and VPN (Service), Forgot Password? Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. My question is whether or not I need it now. Also save any .Net (Dot-Net) installers. Software is distributed as either a lightweight online installer or as a redistributable. And, IMO, Microsoft will never dump Windows and start over. Thank you, I dont recommend driver boosting type programs at all: https://askleo.com/how_and_when_should_i_update_drivers/. hi I have more than one of the same Visual C++ Redistributable programs on my computer the only differences that I can see are the last 11numbers. ok I will dig further and get back to you. 1: Older versions of Windows list them in the Add/Remove programs section of Control Panel. As for a Chromebook, many people are concerned about the amount of data Google stores on their users. Redistributables also offer a single installation on a users computer that multiple programs can use at the same time. My position is no. Typically, this means that the developer has chosen to have the latest package downloaded from Microsoft at installation time. I am glad I looked up what this software is because I was tempted to delete them. I am very comfortable operating computers. If you pay close attention, youll notice that the different C++ redistributable installations dont have exactly the same name. What Is a PEM File and How Do You Use It? 2] Uninstall using Program and Features. When programs are updated or uninstalled, they typically do not uninstall the redistributables, and theres no easy way to know which ones your machine requires. Visual C++ redistributables are software packages provided by Microsoft that other programs can use. With a similar result leaves us uninformed.A previous computer kept getting Visual C installs along with other unrequested auto updates until my hard drive was maxed and the commercial repair shop said the only solution was replace the compute.Once this one is finished I by a Chrome Book. Those programs either install the redistributables they need, or ask you to do so. As opposed to crap that MS places on my machine simply because I MIGHT have need of it someday in the future?I can live with that. He's also written hundreds of white papers, articles, user manuals, and courseware over the years. You should note that what you have installed are multiple versions of the "C++ Runtime Redistributable". For instance, you may see multiple Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable. Huge. Why hasnt someone written an app that tells us explicitly which redistributables are needed for which apps? can a virus ad like unibluespeedupmy compmputer be let in by any of these so called helpful new programs from any so called software providers.if so where is their security,it is impossible to get rid of these immbedded speedup so.licitation programs. In the Windows Start menu, you can search for "installer". A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation. Software libraries are essentially a collection of pre-made programming code that a software developer can call up in their own code to do specific jobs. Thats because Microsoft Visual Studio is itself being updated over time. Additionally, my login display has message that it wants me to install the latest update of windows when I dont want to get involved with updates as my computer runs fine, I dont need their automatic updates. Much like the .NET Framework, you can end up with more than one version on yourmachine. If you save that program along with your backups, you can run it on your newly refreshed system of install them on a different computer. I am from New Zealand and on a benefit, what Americans call welfare. So take a deep breath, close that list of apps and forget theyre there. Getting Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes on Windows 10? You should never have to uninstall a previous version. As stated in the article: I would not. When you remove components designed to be shared, theres always a risk of breaking something. ( Say 2oo8, 2o1o, 2o15 ). Whichever route you take, make sure you back up your computer first! Ask - Maybe AI could really help by determining those parts of programs or files which are needed, dump the rest, store this separate from the Program Files and this way we keep Windows clean.Today, my directory structure read horrible and looks like a major mess. Having now a Win 10 box operating system in on SSD and data on standard platter type. Some examples: if you had 3 or 4 packages on your system, it might take up 100 megabytes (if that); on a 300GB system, that accounts for 0.03% of space. On the other hand, if you have five programs all using the same Visual C++ Redistributable, there need be only one copy installed. You can also find the Visual Studio Installer in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe. What a mess it is, and how sad that this seems intended. John.