The early pictograph evolved into in the Middle Semitic script and became in the Late Semitic Script. DESCRIPTION. As it turns out, it is what it sounds like: Hei represents the expressions "Hey" or "Behold." The form of the letter has been compared to a person standing up with outstretched arms, as though trying to signal something very important. The head of a person, place, thing or time. KJV Translations: east, eastward, sunrising Strong's Hebrew #: h.4217, ( masc., / ez-rahh ) Translation: NATIVE Definition: Born and raised in the Land. Explore Our Shop ( common, / a.r.g ) Translation: BRAID (V) Definition: To twist, entwine or weave several pieces together in parallel to become one. KJV Translations: slander, talebearer, tales Strong's Hebrew #: h.7400, ( fem., ) Translation: MERCHANDISE KJV Translations: merchandise Strong's Hebrew #: h.4819, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as from the wind, ( common, ) Translation: WHISTLE (V) KJV Translations: hiss Strong's Hebrew #: h.8292, h.8319, ( fem., ) Translation: WHISTLING KJV Translations: hissing Strong's Hebrew #: h.8322, ( fem., ) Translation: FLUTE Definition: [To be verified] A musical instrument that whistles. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of an open mouth. KJV Translations: spit, spiting, spittle Strong's Hebrew #: h.7536, ( common, / y.r.q ) Translation: SPIT (V) KJV Translations: spit Strong's Hebrew #: h.3417, ( masc., / ye-req ) Translation: GREEN Definition: A color somewhat less yellow than that of fresh growing grass and of that part of the spectrum between blue and yellow. ( ) Definition: Anything that is high or lifted up. ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). KJV Translations: leper, leprous Strong's Hebrew #: h.6879, ( fem., ) Translation: INFECTION Definition: A contaminated substance, such as a disease, mold or mildew, on the skin, cloth or a building. ( ) Definition: The flowing of a liquid. ( ) Definition: A throwing of something high. A close companion. ( common, / r.n.n ) Translation: SHOUT.ALOUD (V) Definition: To cry out loudly in triumph or joy. KJV Translations: rule, dominion, take, prevail, reign, ruler Strong's Hebrew #: h.7287, ( common, / r.w.d ) Translation: ROAM (V) Definition: To wander around restlessly. As is usual in early alphabets, Early . This can be sea creatures (Gen 1:20) or land creatures (Gen 7:21) Relationship to Parent: Related through the idea of many small individual parts forming one large formation. Points and punctuation. KJV Translations: offering, oblation, sacrifice Strong's Hebrew #: h.7133, ( ) Definition: Spread out as a bed covering. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: oppress, break, bruise, crush, discourage, struggle Strong's Hebrew #: h.7465, h.7533, h.7567 Aramaic Spelling: , ( fem., ) Translation: VIOLENCE Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of chattering. KJV Translations: haughtily Strong's Hebrew #: h.7317, ( masc., ) Translation: HEIGHTS Definition: A place of considerable or great elevation. ( common, ) Translation: ENCOURAGE (V) KJV Translations: sure, proudly, overcome, strengthen Strong's Hebrew #: h.7292, ( masc., ) Translation: PROUD KJV Translations: proud Strong's Hebrew #: h.7295, ( masc., ) Translation: PROUD KJV Translations: strength Strong's Hebrew #: h.7296. KJV Translations: bottom Strong's Hebrew #: h.7507. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: born, country, land, homeborn, nation, bay Strong's Hebrew #: h.0249, ( ) Definition: To go about to and fro trading precious merchandises. ( masc., ) Translation: STRIVE KJV Translations: strive, contend Strong's Hebrew #: h.3401. KJV Translations: green, herb Strong's Hebrew #: h.3418, h.3419, ( masc., ) Translation: GREEN.PASTURE Definition: [To be verified] As filled with grasses. Relationship to Root: From the four sides of a square. Resh (also spelled reish) is the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 200 Sound: "R" Meaning: 1. First: First of all, firstly, origin, beginning, starting point: Increase: Creation is the goal of our inner Elohim, our inner Being, that divinity from whom we have our life. Points and punctuation. The Ancient picture for this letter is , the head of a man. KJV Translations: hail Strong's Hebrew #: h.1259, ( masc., / ba-rod ) Translation: SPOTTED Definition: An animal with white spots which appear as hailstones. ( common, / r.w.ah ) Translation: SHOUT (V) Definition: To shout an alarm of war or for great rejoicing. KJV Translations: watering Strong's Hebrew #: h.7377. In Hebrew the character Resh is used to represent the number 200. KJV Translations: rage, assemble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7283 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7284, ( fem., ) Translation: CROWD Definition: [To be verified] A loud tumultuous group. Nun (n): fish: potentiality, son of man symbol, capable of moving in man directions Samek (i): support/pillar: fortification, shelter, . Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of the palm representing a covering. 05: The mountains of Jerusalem 06: Psalm 122 - What He wants 07: Watermark of God in the Psalms of Ascent 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down 09: Psalm 124 - Kept by the LORD 10: More watermarks of God ( common, / r.w.r ) Translation: FLOW.OUT (V) KJV Translations: run Strong's Hebrew #: h.7325, ( masc., ) Translation: DROOL Definition: [To be verified] The thick drool of saliva or an egg white. Strong's Aramaic #: a.7412. ( common, / y.r.t ) Translation: HAND.OVER (V) KJV Translations: perverse, turn over Strong's Hebrew #: h.3399, ( masc., ) Translation: BRIGHT Definition: [To be verified] A metal that is scoured to make it shine. KJV Translations: possession, inheritance, heritage Strong's Hebrew #: h.4180, h.4181, ( fem., ) Translation: HERITAGE KJV Translations: possession, heritage, inheritance Strong's Hebrew #: h.3425, ( masc., / ti-rosh ) Translation: FRESH.WINE Definition: Newly pressed wine as a desired possession. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. KJV Translations: large, broad, proud, wide, liberty, breadth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7338, h.7342, ( fem., / re-hhov ) Translation: STREET Definition: A thoroughfare, especially in a city, town or village. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7577, ( ) Action: Grieve, Shout Abstract: Bad, ( common, / ra ) Translation: DYSFUNCTIONAL Definition: Impaired or abnormal action other than that for which a person or thing is intended. Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years by Raphael Patai RAPHAEL PATAI W WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS Detroit Copyright 1979 by Raphael Patai. ( ) Definition: The moon follows a prescribed path each night from horizon to horizon. ( common, / ts.r.ah ) Translation: INFECT (V) Definition: To taint or contaminate with something that affects quality, character, or condition unfavorably. Jehovah our Healer Rapha (raw-faw') ApR Rapha is often used as a compound name with 'Jehovah' ( hvhy seen here ). Ani lo mitgaresh (Ah-nee Low Meet-gah-resh): I'm not asking 39. 08: Psalm 123 - Look up, not down. The wood or tree or something made it. ( ) Definition: One shows a cursing by spitting. Solution of Ancient Cycles loe_siteadmin on Jun, 29, 2018 No Comments. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: neighbor, friend, another, fellow, companion, other, brother, husband, lover Strong's Hebrew #: h.7453, ( fem., ) Translation: FRIEND Definition: [To be verified] A female companion. Hei or Hey is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Also, meaning "to shoot" from the abundant arrows of the archer. 04: Psalm 121 - Who is He who helps? KJV Translations: shout, noise, alarm, cry, triumph, smart Strong's Hebrew #: h.7321, ( masc., / rey-a ) Translation: LOUD.NOISE Definition: A loud, confused, constant noise or sound KJV Translations: shout, noise, aloud Strong's Hebrew #: h.7452, ( fem., ) Translation: SHOUT Definition: A great shout of alarm of war or for rejoicing. KJV Translations: cry, singing, rejoice, joy, gladness, proclamation, shouting, sing, song, triumph Strong's Hebrew #: h.7440, ( masc., ) Translation: LYRE Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only], ( common, / q.r.n ) Translation: HAVE.HORNS (V) Definition: One of a pair of bony processes that arise from the head of many animals, sometimes used as a wind instrument. KJV Translations: pursue, persecute, follow, chase, persecutors, pursuer, flight Strong's Hebrew #: h.7291, ( masc., ) Translation: PURSUED KJV Translations: persecuted Strong's Hebrew #: h.4783, ( ) Definition: A trembling out of fear. ( common, / sh.r.ts ) Translation: SWARM (V) Definition: To move, as a large mass of creatures. KJV Translations: purple, scarlet Strong's Hebrew #: h.0710 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0711, ( masc., / ar-ga-man ) Translation: PURPLE Definition: A reddish-blue color used to dye yarn and used in weaving. Without any real understanding at all, there are 22 letters and 5 sofits. After 900 B.C. KJV Translations: aul Strong's Hebrew #: h.4836, ( ) Definition: Stones are fitted together to build a road. ( ) Object: Cedar, Cypress, Thin Definition: The bark of the cedar tree is pulled off in long thin strips which can be woven into a cords. KJV Translations: lying down, side, fourth, square Strong's Hebrew #: h.7252, h.7253, ( masc., / ri-va ) Translation: FOURTH.GENERATION Definition: A great-great grandchild, as a descendant of the fourth generation. ( common, / r.ah.h ) Translation: FEED (V) Definition: To give food to; to provide feed or pasture to the flock. ( taw) means mark, and its verb ( tawa ), scribble, limit, is probably derived from the noun. Passover symbols are often used to represent . KJV Translations: beryle Strong's Hebrew #: h.8658. ( common, / a.r.k ) Translation: PROLONG (V) Definition: To lengthen or delay. KJV Translations: gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.6192. ( masc., / te-raph ) Translation: FAMILY.IDOL Definition: A household idol of a god, possibly believed to have a healing power. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: QUIVER (V) Definition: [To be verified] To shake uncontrollably. KJV Translations: glede Strong's Hebrew #: h.7201, ( fem., / mar-ah ) Translation: REFLECTION Definition: The return of light or sound waves from a surface; production of an image as by a mirror. Text of Online Digest 90-2-20121219 Kabbalah KJV Translations: ambushment, wait, lurking Strong's Hebrew #: h.3993, ( fem., / a-ru-bah ) Translation: CHIMNEY Definition: A vertical structure in a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke. ( common, / r.k.k ) Translation: BE.SOFT (V) Definition: To be soft. Hebrew is an ancient language with many interesting features! KJV Translations: secret Strong's Aramaic #: a.7328, ( fem., ) Translation: CYPRESS Definition: [To be verified] A tree similar to a cedar. The Modern Hebrew name for this letter is shin, a Hebrew word meaning tooth. KJV Translations: out, empty, draw, arm, pour Strong's Hebrew #: h.7324, ( masc., ) Translation: SPIT Definition: [To be verified] As drawn out of the mouth. Edenics: razor KJV Translations: famish, lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7329, ( masc., ) Translation: LEAN KJV Translations: lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7330, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS KJV Translations: leanness Strong's Hebrew #: h.7334, ( masc., ) Translation: LEANNESS Definition: [To be verified] Something made thin. ( common, ) Translation: MOISTEN (V) Definition: [To be verified] To make wet by adding a liquid. Let's learn some of the secrets God has placed in the . From the tenderness of the loins. Also by extension any type of poison. The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet . KJV Translations: dominion, lord, rule Strong's Hebrew #: h.7300, ( masc., ) Translation: WANDERING KJV Translations: misery, cast out Strong's Hebrew #: h.4788. KJV Translations: bed, furrow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6170. Modern Hebrew is easier to write and came about during the Babylonian exile when Jews started to use the squared-off form of letters similar to those prevalent throughout the Babylonian empire. Evidence of design in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. ( ) Definition: The flowing of the insides. A person in authority or role of leader. KJV Translations: multiply, increase, much, more, long, store, exceedingly, abundance, grow, great Strong's Hebrew #: h.7235 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7236, ( masc., ) Translation: ENHANCE KJV Translations: increase, great Strong's Hebrew #: h.4766, ( masc., / ar-beh ) Translation: SWARMING.LOCUST Definition: A six legged insect having short antennae and commonly migrating in swarms that strip the vegetation from large areas. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of a door that allows entrance into the tent. Shin (Sin) The twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Previous Resh Next Tav Shin is the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Numerical value: 300 Sound: "SH" with a dot over the right side, and "S" with a dot over the left Meaning: 1. tooth 2. steadfast 3. change 4. return 5. year In this article: Story Design KJV Translations: cause, strife, controversy, contention Strong's Hebrew #: h.7379, ( fem., / me-ri-vah ) Translation: CONTENTION Definition: An act or instance of striving or struggling against great difficulty or opposition. ( common, ) Translation: WRAP (V) Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: wreath, wrap Strong's Hebrew #: h.8276, ( masc., / sa-rig ) Translation: TWIG Definition: A secondary shoot or stem arising from a main trunk or axis.. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: branch Strong's Hebrew #: h.8299, ( ) Definition: A hard breathing out of thirst, work or a desire. The word ( ta'awa) means boundary (that which is marked). A space in between. KJV Translations: dash, vex Strong's Hebrew #: h.7492, ( ) Definition: An unjustifiable killing or slaughter. KJV Translations: slayer, murderer, kill, murder, slain, manslayer, killing, death Strong's Hebrew #: h.7523, ( masc., ) Translation: WOUND Definition: [To be verified] A deadly wound. Void of contents or purpose. ( masc., ) Translation: THOUGHT Relationship to Root: A weaving of thoughts in the mind. KJV Translations: wine Strong's Hebrew #: h.8492, ( ) Action: Tremble, Attach, Bind Object: Harness, Chain, ( fem., ) Translation: TREMBLE KJV Translations: tremble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7578, ( ) Definition: The harnessing of rig for attaching horses to a wagon or chariot. ( common, / ) Translation: POSSESS (V) Definition: To come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion; o receive from an ancestor at his death; to take possession, either by seizing or through inheritance. KJV Translations: void, vain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7387, ( common, / r.q.m ) Translation: EMBROIDER (V) Definition: To decorate with ornamental and colorful needlework. this letter was used to represent sh consonant. ( ) Definition: The responsibility of the master is to strive for survival and protection of the house. ( ) Relationship to Parent: Related through the idea of many small individual parts forming one large formation. 2135 alef symbol 05D1 ` HEBREW LETTER BET 2136 bet symbol 05D2 a HEBREW LETTER GIMEL 2137 gimel symbol 05D3 b HEBREW LETTER DALET 2138 dalet symbol . Relationship to Parent: through the idea of pasture, ( masc., ) Translation: FLOURISHING Definition: A green plant bearing fruit. KJV Translations: pomegranate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7416, ( common, / r.m.m ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: exalt, lift, up Strong's Hebrew #: h.7426, h.7318, ( fem., ) Translation: LIFT KJV Translations: high Strong's Hebrew #: h.7319, ( fem., ) Translation: LIFTING KJV Translations: lifting Strong's Hebrew #: h.7427, ( masc., ) Translation: PALACE Definition: A large house. ( ) Definition: One weakened by illness or disease. Alternate Translations: be brought near (when written in the niphil [passive] form); bring near (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: offer, near, bring, nigh, come, approach, at hand, present Strong's Hebrew #: h.7126 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7127, ( masc., / qe-rev ) Translation: WAR Definition: [To be verified] From its closeness in the fight. ( ) Action: Crush, Run, Dry, Shatter, Murder, Fit, Swarm Object: Potsherd, Land, Course, Clay, Wound Abstract: Desire, Violence Definition: Broken pieces of pottery were commonly used as writing tablets as they were inexpensive and durable. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of wall that separates the inside from the outside. 5 of them have special end forms (e.g., Kaph); together with the final characters there are 27 signs, but still 22 letters. (see Exodus 18:25). However, in 14 places in the Tanakh there is a Resh with a Dagesh. Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( common, / r.b.ah ) Translation: BE.SQUARE (V) Definition: Any four sided object. Also, a kin, as a near relative. Therefore, "The house of Ra is set" is an equally valid secret message in the first word of the bible, if not superior. ( ) Action: Rule, Spread, Ambush, Encourage, Strive Object: Master, Square, Sheet Abstract: Increase, Abundance, Pride Definition: Each family has a master that rules all cases, trials, conflicts and contests. ( masc., / ra ) Translation: COMPANION Definition: One that accompanies another in the sense of a close companion or friend. Relationship to Parent: pieces, ( common, ) Translation: FIT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To fit together. The translators of the Septuagint knew of the pronunciation of the Resh with a Dagesh - the evidence is that they wrote the name Sarah with a double R. ( ) Definition: A bringing, giving or approaching of someone or something to be close, at hand or among. All rights are . Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of they eye. An oppression or struggle as crushing. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7572, ( masc., ) Translation: CHAIN Definition: [To be verified] For binding. Acting in vain; empty-handed. In it is the word for poor Rash, but when it is filled the power of the Aleph it becomes Rosh , head or first, expressing the Firstness, Oneness, and Eternity of the Creator, and the . The character. Edenics: direct; track - with the exchange of the t and d; truck - with the exchange of the t and d KJV Translations: way, toward, journey, manner Strong's Hebrew #: h.1870, ( masc., ) Translation: STEP Definition: The distance between the feet of a step. KJV Translations: love Strong's Hebrew #: h.7474, ( masc., / mir-eh ) Translation: FEEDING.PLACE Definition: A place of feeding or grazing. Combined these mean "man outside". The Pey and Resh indicate 'man open,' like wounded or sick. It is the symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: net Strong's Hebrew #: h.7568, ( masc., ) Translation: PERMISSION KJV Translations: grant Strong's Hebrew #: h.7558, ( masc., / tar-shish ) Translation: TOPAZ Definition: Possibly the Topaz, which may be yellow, gray, white, pink, green or blue in color. KJV Translations: fourth, foursquare Strong's Hebrew #: h.7243 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7244, ( ) Definition: The palate as a bed to lay down on to sleep or rest. KJV Translations: high place Strong's Hebrew #: h.7413, ( fem., ) Translation: HEIGHT KJV Translations: height Strong's Hebrew #: h.7419, ( fem., ) Translation: DECEITFUL Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: deceitful, deceit, slothful, false, guile, idle, slack Strong's Hebrew #: h.7423, ( fem., / mir-mah ) Translation: DECEIT Definition: The act or practice of not being honest.