Dodgy not quite right Also most of the information is wrong. Bloody tyres rooted etc. Crocodile Dundee had a gonk. Hard yakka is Aussie slang for hard work. Oooo rooooo = good bye. Not sure what is a bobby, as we call a barbecue a barbie. Iffy: anything that is a bit iffy is risky, questionable Drier than a dingos donga, I think is more A dead dingos donga. Im drier than or Im as dry as. Some of these phrases are still part of the vernacular. 92 Stubby Holder Used so your hands dont get cold when holding your beer! For example, when being prompted by your fellow shearers to get up for work, one might say fair go, Ive got half a mongrel here. Stuffed= pregnant My friends love to meet up between classes and share the goss.. In some American, urban, subcultures you may hear: Good crack similar to Scots Irish and English just a bit more childish. Another one is port meaning suitcase or school bag used in QLD and northern NSW shortened from the French word portmanteau which also the word porter comes from. Cheers, Bruce. Just a note on a couple: Gnarly = really awsome or something you really like But Julia Robinson from the Australian National Dictionary Centre says these Australian currency words are now dated. If youre sunbathing in Australia you should be calling it sunbaking istead! Fair crack of the whip. Fair Crack of the whip That is where the name came from lol where else would that name come from? Having a go can also mean being insulting, as in Are you having a go at me?, to pick on someone or to take a turn at something. Slang words "encapsulate a moment in time because slang by nature is transient", according to word nerd David Astle. If something is dinkum in Australia that means its true or genuine. The bush can mean the outback / country in the right context. Ask your oldies if you can come to the milk bar with me after school.. Gday mate, I was wondering if you have any units available?. If youre waiting for news from home while in Australia, youll be eager to see the postie, or mailman. Students will write a letter to a friend using Australian slang about what they did over a two week vacation in Australia. Bonza/=Really good, even brilliant. shaggin wagon, big car with lay down back seat or bed in back! The name became a generalization for any such device. Go on, give horse riding a burl, you may like it!. the British used this as well. The most important slang to know when visiting Australia, gday means hello and can be used anytime! The bloody mongrel bit me!, You might refer to a person as a mongrel, but the meaning depends on the context. According to an upcoming Australian documentary entitled Do It Ourselves Culture, the word doof was first said back in 1993 by a furious German lady by the name of Helga as a means of describing the music of local Sydney dance act, Non Bossy Posse, who were performing at 600 King St, Newtown. Fair Dinkum = Honesty!, Really? Many Australians single out a famous TV commercial done by Paul Hogan in the 1980s as part of a campaign to get American tourists to visit as the moment Americanisms began to get the better of the. And only something Ive heard in Australia. Jatz Crackers testicles (as made famous by Steve Folley commentating on the diving at the Atlanta Olympics) If youre struggling changing over from miles to kilometers, take the challenge a step further and use the Australian term for a kilometer. True blue, fair dinkum, ridgy-didge; the Australian vocabulary is chockas with random terms and phrases that essentially mean very little. Her boy cousins out in the bush called her a sooky = soft, timid. Gander Having a Squizz. : I don't agree. DAKS is a holder of 3 Royal Warrants; representing a long standing relationship with the Royal Family and the outstanding quality of its products. Flat out like a lizard drinking He caught me waggin school at the milk bar.. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we The word bogan is a typically Aussie slang word as well. Every Sunday he sits on his front porch and drinks with the flies.. What charter boat? Its used in oz, so that makes it straylin. DadnDave/=Shave. Turps = Alcohol Make sure you visit the Outback while youre in Australia.. The moulded type are usually factory produced and more uniform in size and shape. Find yourself hungry in Australia? Voc aparecem entender tanto aproximadamente , como voc escreveu Im 70. These are far more common: Shell be right, Shes sweet, Sweet mate . I eat brekkie every morning before sunup.. Ive lived in FNQ for 30+ years around some dinky die blokes, and came to know being rooted as being very tired; as well as have a root as having sex. Larrikin is Irish. mate you need to fix this, The last sentence of the article mentions mate: Ive met heaps of overseas visitors over the past 12 years as a Park Ranger and not one of them has ever heard the term D & M as in a deep and meaningful conversation or serious conversation at a social gathering They all think its a great term Their other favourites are dag and galah. Monash Carpark Monash Freeway (Especially during peak hour) Hey just a couple more to add to your list you have some rippers on there Word Document File. And the more time I spent with all my mates, the more I found myself speaking and thinking both Irish & Australian. your a mug, not the brightest spark. Required fields are marked *. 80+ Awesome Australian Slang Words To Know G'day mate, ya ready for some Aussie slang words and phrases? Kip and ky bed and food Well, bog in, she said, setting down the massive cheese board in front of her sister.. I just call it a boat. Last week on Facey I saw an article stating that the UFO crash was real.. I always assumed its because a penis in a tight environment looks like the shape of a small trapped bird! Mainly used as a lighthearted way to say yeah, right. Dunny budgie blowflies. Personal Computer (early 80s) 2. Hoon. Tinnies are cans of beer in Australia. Usually fairly cheap. Shutterstock The evocative interjection Strewth, for instance, is a remnant of an early modern fashion that fell out of use in England. or if you dont agree and want to be slightly sarcastic you say yeh nah in a low tone or if you agree you can say nah yeh lol, all a bit out dated i reckon , need to upgrade to this century man. Australian Slang Letter Lesson Plan:This is a simple and easy to use lesson plan that my students love. I was doing a little googling on this particular topic and came across a website, called the Australian slang dictionary. To make a quid is to earn a living in Australian slang. Lets stay in tonight and veg out in front of the TV.. ya mad bastard, performs unbelievable tasks wearing thongs, drinkin piss, sayin shell be right ,kenoath, short for F*%king oath (exaggeration) catch the game last night kenoath i did Nina. mad as a snake Aussies did so with language, some of it invented, but much of it borrowed from other English-speaking countries. Leper in a sleeping bag chiko roll To go bushwalking is to go hiking. South Africans would understand a lot of these, our own slang / colloquialisms are similar. Jolly Hoppers/=Coppers (pronounced Jolly Oppas). mr-sir When I looked into the story about the UFO crash I realized it was all a porky pie.. Why are you having a go at me all I did was blow up a mailbox Dink the Victorian term for giving someone a lift on their bike as in Ill give you a dink. Always thought a goon was another word for flagon (large bottle of wine). So if your car broke down, you could technically say, The cars carked it. However it sounds a little funny, so wed refer to a component of the car, like, The engines carked it. Although I guess you could say, Did you hear about how The Large Hadron Collider completely carked it? but that still sounds a little off. As well as carked it. 80s Slang Terms Words. To rock up somewhere is to arrive somewhere in Australia. Context of going to the gym: Hey mate, are you going for a flog? Dead horse, tomato sauce.. dog n bone, blower, on the phone.. Wanka what a wanka meaning idiot This word was first used in the late 1960s. Im a Yank who lived in UK a bit. Although Australia is an English speaking country, arriving into the country with little knowledge of the most popular Aussie slang words may just get you into a few awkward situations. Stories traded over a Furphy water tank and if it sounds outrageous or exaggerated, came to be known as a furphy. Dandy Suburb of Dandenong Despite the risk of being called a dobber, he dobbed the spy in for sharing Australian secrets to foreign powers.. Have a guess as to what Hooks refers to! When people want to know whats going on, or theyre requesting the goss (gossip), they ask what the John Dory is. ! Or You playin wit(h) me? Chaddy Chadstone Shopping Centre If an Australian asks if youve seen his thongs, hes talking about flip-flops, not underwear! You can even just say youre having a captain if you feel the need to be extra brief! Flat White Coffee with milk, but no froth (Not sure if slang but certainly seems to be an Aussie invention!) If an Australian is stocked then theyre extremely pleased about something. Yeah nah , i don`t think i`d wana root for a whole team , sounds slutty, Maybe come to Vic if you have never herd someone say there rooted its a very common term for tired and unless your going fishin everyone calls a beer a tinny you silly Muppets, Youve got kangaroos loose in the top paddock mate. this is not music When in a place where language differs from your own, I find its very useful to know how to understand & interpret non verbal communication, its a world-wide, international language : Safe travels. Rack off = Go away Barrack, root for your team a little obscure but certainly usable and used. True blue genuinely Australian Hallelujah! Already knew most of these but you could me with a few, What about the word Chockers full up or the road is completely filled with cars, chuck a blocky- similiar to a U-ie except wider going round a block, also used when searching for a house or place, Are you all actually Australian Some of these are old & were used as i was growin up every area is different durry use to be used in the 70s now its more ciggy. Havent heard anyone use rooted as tired before. to us shrimp are really small prawns or that you are very short. Down the gurgler = down the plug hole / lost A fairground staple, this delicacy is known outside of Australia as cotton candy. The English phrase for this would be busy as a bee. When you need a break from hard yakka in Australia you might go for a smokoa smoke or coffee break. It provides a unique, up-to-date vocabulary that people can use to talk about phenomena in their daily lives in ways dictionary English doesn't allow. Now out of the Military and 60-yrs young, I still speak Aussie than anything. Context of someone being a wanker or up themselves: Fuck me, that James guy is a flog When we met he was wearing this gorgeous pair of orange flared daks and a lace blouse.. Mags = alloy wheels Im totally stuffed mate. NSW) footy = NRL (league). Marchys = march flies Dardy: good thing After the spy left Australia, his apartment was fossicked by the police.. Have a gander take the piss is quite common in the UK so not really Aussie lingo.